UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #3

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I can't help the strong feeling I have that we can actually see the 'altercation' on the last CCTV when Corrie passes Celebrity Nails doorway, where a man is standing. I see Corrie shoot a glance in his direction and wonder if he is saying something, he does not look happy. And another glance over his shoulder at the same spot. IMOO the cctv of that area should be scoured for whoever frequencies that spot. (We are all creatures of habit) on a regular basis. Short dark haired man. He was there, he knows but has not come forward.
I thought he was looking that way too.

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I keep trying to type this but the webpage keeps having issues (or my iPad does). Lots of this already covered but.....


I had a friend who died on a night out. He hadn't had much to drink and was trying to get back to the village where he was meeting his fiancée- for last orders. He was seen off out of the pub in the fit by his mates (who know he wasn't intoxicated) and caught a taxi. He was next seen wandering along the road bleeding from the head and was helped by people in a takeaway (in the village where the pub was) who called an ambulance. His fiancée was still waiting in the pub just down the road. It turned out he had disagreed with the taxi driver about the price he was trying to charge him for the fare. He was either pushed, fell or a. It of both from the taxi. He had massive head injuries and life support was turned off the next day. The taxi driver didn't come forward or report it. He was only found after police looked at vehicle valet companies and found the driver had taken his in the next day to be cleaned. Obviously trying to hide some evidence. He went to caught and got went to jail

Anyway. That's my take on the possible taxi/car ride theory.

Mobile phone ping.
Looking at Midsummers map overlay it looks like the phone service after the last known signal is a dead spot. From the map I cannot see where it next comes into range, however I think that should be an area of interest too.

Since we don't know how much battery life he had (an hour on the phone to his brother would run it down a bit and he was on his phone again in the pub) it either went flat, was turned off or destroyed after that last ping, it it doesn't mean the trail ends there (obviously).

Now, the speed it was travelling at, could that also be about the same speed someone might cycle at if drunk? Could it be he was heading off on a borrowed bike? Drink makes you do silly things and if he is already annoyed with his mates he mig take this option??

Bin Area
Looking at the other map Midsummer did with the times on it showing Corrine ending up in the bin area also shows a big car park near it. Could it be that Corrine was trying to get to that car park? It looks like there are a couple of alleys/snickets from that street through to that large car park and maybe that might be where his mates are parked - or were? Does he know the area or takes a wrong turn to the bins or do the bins lead through to that car park.

Someone else commented about the other bins and I agree - I am sure though they have been checked if they have been emptied in between the night and the search.

The Teenagers
3 teens - 2 boys and one girl. The girl with a good description of - the boys more vague. Could it be that there are 2 teens, plus Corrie who would also look like a teen from the photos he looks very young. Perhaps one of them actually was Corrine. Where were they going. Have they been found - I felt like on the Facebook page someone said they were the girl and had come forward or was that one of the people from the earlier CCTV?
Definitely a good idea going around the schools. Plus kids go to a lot of places where they might see something odd.

His mates

If he was that drunk why did one of them not make sure he was getting a cab back safely. Why let him just leave/be ejected from the club and not check up on him. Did any of them ring or text him? Maybe one did and he was trying to get a lift back later on??

I would be pretty peeved to have been left behind. Then thrown out of a club. Boozed up and not thinking straight. Then walking around town with no one to give him a lift home and limited money to get back. Depressed??? Maybe the disturbing thing that is on the doorway CCTV is Corrine crying?

Sorry for the long post but I have been reading and thinking for days and just wanted to put my thoughts down for comment/feedback.

I do also think that whoever is involved will be a friend of the Corrine page and member /guest on here. So I also hope that some IT forensics are possible.

From a couple of strange comments I am wondering if there is more than one person involved and one of them has let something slip (from comments on Facebook). Skylar Neeses killers in the USA couldn't keep it quiet and the first to blab got the best deal!
I keep trying to type this but the webpage keeps having issues (or my iPad does). Lots of this already covered but.....


I had a friend who died on a night out. He hadn't had much to drink and was trying to get back to the village where he was meeting his fiancée- for last orders. He was seen off out of the pub in the fit by his mates (who know he wasn't intoxicated) and caught a taxi. He was next seen wandering along the road bleeding from the head and was helped by people in a takeaway (in the village where the pub was) who called an ambulance. His fiancée was still waiting in the pub just down the road. It turned out he had disagreed with the taxi driver about the price he was trying to charge him for the fare. He was either pushed, fell or a. It of both from the taxi. He had massive head injuries and life support was turned off the next day. The taxi driver didn't come forward or report it. He was only found after police looked at vehicle valet companies and found the driver had taken his in the next day to be cleaned. Obviously trying to hide some evidence. He went to caught and got went to jail

Anyway. That's my take on the possible taxi/car ride theory.

Mobile phone ping.
Looking at Midsummers map overlay it looks like the phone service after the last known signal is a dead spot. From the map I cannot see where it next comes into range, however I think that should be an area of interest too.

Since we don't know how much battery life he had (an hour on the phone to his brother would run it down a bit and he was on his phone again in the pub) it either went flat, was turned off or destroyed after that last ping, it it doesn't mean the trail ends there (obviously).

Now, the speed it was travelling at, could that also be about the same speed someone might cycle at if drunk? Could it be he was heading off on a borrowed bike? Drink makes you do silly things and if he is already annoyed with his mates he mig take this option??

Bin Area
Looking at the other map Midsummer did with the times on it showing Corrine ending up in the bin area also shows a big car park near it. Could it be that Corrine was trying to get to that car park? It looks like there are a couple of alleys/snickets from that street through to that large car park and maybe that might be where his mates are parked - or were? Does he know the area or takes a wrong turn to the bins or do the bins lead through to that car park.

Someone else commented about the other bins and I agree - I am sure though they have been checked if they have been emptied in between the night and the search.

The Teenagers
3 teens - 2 boys and one girl. The girl with a good description of - the boys more vague. Could it be that there are 2 teens, plus Corrie who would also look like a teen from the photos he looks very young. Perhaps one of them actually was Corrine. Where were they going. Have they been found - I felt like on the Facebook page someone said they were the girl and had come forward or was that one of the people from the earlier CCTV?
Definitely a good idea going around the schools. Plus kids go to a lot of places where they might see something odd.

His mates

If he was that drunk why did one of them not make sure he was getting a cab back safely. Why let him just leave/be ejected from the club and not check up on him. Did any of them ring or text him? Maybe one did and he was trying to get a lift back later on??

I would be pretty peeved to have been left behind. Then thrown out of a club. Boozed up and not thinking straight. Then walking around town with no one to give him a lift home and limited money to get back. Depressed??? Maybe the disturbing thing that is on the doorway CCTV is Corrine crying?

Sorry for the long post but I have been reading and thinking for days and just wanted to put my thoughts down for comment/feedback.

I do also think that whoever is involved will be a friend of the Corrine page and member /guest on here. So I also hope that some IT forensics are possible.

From a couple of strange comments I am wondering if there is more than one person involved and one of them has let something slip (from comments on Facebook). Skylar Neeses killers in the USA couldn't keep it quiet and the first to blab got the best deal!

Gosh, no need to apologise for long post....your theories have merit and are well thought out :goodpost:

Sometimes it takes very little to fatally injure someone....just one hit can do it as I said the other day. Whilst we might think after such action the attacker would do a's also possible that person and a mate, with a car right there, might take body to another location to hide or eliminate all poss forensics. Another time someone can be in a horrendous car wreck and come out with injuries that are treatable and they come through it ok. Life deals many cards and nothing can be assumed as written until the facts are there to prove it.

There isn't progress forward in this mystery....nothing new, nothing telling. Some say people don't just disappear and whilst taken literally that is true...many, many (many) people have done just that....vanished without a trace.
IMG_1839.jpgJust wanted to show the bin area....& bicycles as mentioned in my post above regarding phone travel speed
And another question. Do we know what time his friends all got back to their barracks ? Were they all back (& signed in, if that she what happens) by the time Corrie goes missing?
And another question. Do we know what time his friends all got back to their barracks ? Were they all back (& signed in, if that she what happens) by the time Corrie goes missing?

It may have changed but I doubt it and I don't want to say too much but you only ever had to sign guests in or out, If you lived on camp you didn't have to go to the guard room. The main gate CCTV would be the only way they could tell who came back when.
So no update "before Saturday" then? I wonder what is going on behind the scenes, I would have thought they would have used the Remembrance day stuff to highlight his disappearance but it has gone almost silent.
What do we know about the flats above the bin area? Other than uncle Tony's description of them. Going on the assumption something happened at the bin area you could assume the residents in the flats may have heard something or been involved themselves. I'd be interested to know how much they have been questioned, and whether search dogs went anywhere near the flats themselves.

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New family update here:

[12/11] Update:

It seems as though it's gone quiet - the opposite is true. The amount of activity happening in the background is increasing, a number of things we can only reference, other things that we can't talk about.

The MIT (Major Investigation Team) have called in new, specialist teams from other forces and external agencies to assist with some specific technical and search activities. This delivers an important increase in both capacity and capability.

From the outset we have always stated there are only 3 possibilities of what could have happened to Corrie from where he was last seen on camera going into the 'horseshoe' bin area behind the shops at the top of Short Brackland street:

1. He is still in the 'Horseshoe' area or one of the buildings backing onto it.
2. He left on foot
3. He left in a vehicle

The priority should therefore have been to try and eliminate these possibilities one by one, in order to direct the focus of the investigation further away from the site where he was last seen, if appropriate.

- The Investigation Team quickly ruled out option 1, following forensic searches that were conducted in and around the bin area (including the fire exits, commercial and residential properties, bins, drains, roofs, etc.).
- Analysis of the cctv evidence allows us to also discount Option 2, for the time window being reviewed. Corrie did not leave on foot.
- Analysis into option 3 continues. This includes further, technical analysis of the bin lorry's movements using experts from SCIT analysing Tachograph data for example, and technical analysis of the possibility of a phone moving with it.

As additional information is gathered and an increasing intelligence picture is developed, the following actions are being undertaken now:

- Specialist search resources/assets, under the direction of PolSA (SO20) will conduct searches in targeted areas, some of which have been previously searched, others which have not. You may see some of this activity within BSE in the next few days.
- CCTV analysis is being extended across a wider physical and temporal range, using enhanced capabilities with the support of other agencies.
- Technical interrogation of cellular activity is being progressed, as much as is possible within the constraints of the RIPA act (2000) and DPA.

Wide Area Searches (Public):

- Search activity continues outside of BSE, with SULSAR, the Police and RAF expert search resources. There is a complex planning process which determines what areas are searched by what resources & assets, to target prioritised search perimeters and zones within them. A huge area has already been covered.
- Specific areas have been identified where a 'wide area search' may be the best option. This will involve inviting public volunteers to work under the direction of a Search Leader. We are planning for this eventuality now. We will post an event on the FB Group shortly, asking for volunteers. Please consider the purpose of this search and the terrain involved - therefore we will have to impose certain conditions on suitability to be involved, as well as indemnity/liability agreements.

Door Knock/Leaflets:

- A door knock has just been carried out by the Investigation Team in targeted areas in the vicinity of where Corrie was last seen. If you were not in and received a leaflet through the door. Please do complete it and return it using the pre-paid envelope. If you think you have any information of note, from the specific questions asked, please do call the investigation team number straight away.

Information Already Supplied:

- A number of you have contacted us to tell us you contacted the Incident room number or 101 previously with information, but were never contacted back. We have spoken with the team about this and have provided examples. In most cases they were able to refer to the contact. It is an area being reviewed. We are preparing and will pass to the team a single list of all such notices we have received. Please do NOT contact us to tell us you contacted US previously... We have all of the messages we have ever been sent! (Just trying to avoid a tidal wave of messages!!).
- If you were IN a vehicle between 2300 - 0800hrs on the night of Friday 23rd Sep, into Sat 24th Sep, in the immediate area where Corrie was last seen, or at the Tesco or Barton Mills roundabouts - Please contact the Incident room number immediately.


- We continue to try and maintain as much media presence as possible. Apparently something was going on in America this week, which reduced our coverage? We will continue to target National and regional TV, radio and press (Nicola was on Suffolk Radio again this morning).
- What you've all done in regarded to maintaining a presence has been awesome! The letters to MP's, contacting the media and Companies, hash-tagging sites and live streams etc. just incredible. An MP standing up in the House of Commons to talk about Corrie - at a time when Parliament and the Nation are most reminded of their obligation to the Armed Forces Covenant was good to see.
- We would really appreciate anything you can do to maintain this constant presence and pressure.
- Facebook - site clarification. This page 'Find Corrie' is the main group page, the one the family runs and supports. There is another 'page' which we have been using to test whether to change from a Group to a Page (haven't decided yet!) - please don't bother to join the other one, we're only putting test posts on there.

Fundraising / Donations:

- Many people have kindly offered to start 'just giving' type funds to raise money to help the family with the cost of living away from home for so long. We have declined all such offers and instead asked anyone who can afford to, to make a donation to SULSAR instead. If you see ANY site attempting to collect money in Corrie's or the family's name other than SULSAR, it is bogus. Please do not donate any money to it and immediately report it to us and the site operating it
- As time passes it may become increasingly challenging to manage the cost of maintaining a presence in BSE for Nicola, Makeyan & Darroch. If that becomes the case, I would open such a fund request, to support them only (not myself) - It would be controlled and audited by an independently appointed accountant (I would pay their costs). Let's hope that does not become necessary though.

Thank You(s):

- The list of people to thank gets longer every day... Literally - 60,536+
- To everyone who has written someone a letter, sent out an email, submitted a post or replied with a comment, hash tagged, tweeted, handed out leaflets, printed posters, said hello, kept an eye out, just thought about Corrie; thank you. Humbly and sincerely, thank you from Nicola, Darroch, Makeyan and the whole family.
- SUSLAR. An amazing group of people. Volunteers! The amount of time this small group of people have given up from being with their own families and friends to look for someone they don't even know with such dedication and perseverance; from our family to you and yours - we truly appreciate your incredible altruism. Thank you.
To everyone on the page, if you have the means, please do consider making a donation, however small to SULSAR. We can assure you it will be gratefully received and faithfully applied.
- Cheryl and her team at The Bull Inn. For such generosity and compassion. For sharing your home...and so much more.
- Jo Leach. For hacking out instead of getting hacked off!
- Jake Game. Founder of the group; responsible for bringing together a community on-line and in person. A young man who has rightly been nominated for an award to recognise his contribution to his community and our family. We hope he receives the public recognition he deserves, but also know that it was not his motivation. We all wish him well for Tuesday night with his nomination for 'Young Person of the Year' in Bury St Edmunds.

It has been 49 days since Corrie vanished. It is entirely out of character.

There is no evidence of any preparation to disappear and no known issue or event that would suddenly cause him to want to flee.

We are told he is not in the area he was last seen, based on forensic searches.

Tests have physically proved that a person cannot leave that area on foot without being seen on CCTV. He is not seen leaving the area on any of the CCTV footage.

The search continues. #findcorrie
Lots of good points in Goldilox's post which I'm quoting at the bottom. I am sorry about your friend :-(

I think in general where a legit taxi is involved that the driver would either shove the passenger out of the car onto the side of a quiet road or they sometimes drive them either close to or right up to the doors of A&E and do a drop and run. That's just a generality though, and if we don't have Corrie we can't rule anything out.

As for the car ride to Barton Mills/Mildenhall area. The police have said something like "at car speed during the time of 4am to 4.30am" It's been pointed out that it wouldn't take 30 minutes to drive the straight through route between Bury and BSE, and I think this is one of those times where you have to figure out what is meant by something that doesn't quite make sense. IMHO it means "at car speed" and it took place roughly between those two points in time, but didn't necessarily take encompass the entirety of that time frame.

I don't know but I think people riding bikes while drunk usually go at little more than walking pace? But an accident with a drunken cyclist and a car or lorry could end up with the cyclist being thrown quite a way from the road. Thing is for me with that scenario is that you'd not just have Corrie hidden in bushes but also the bike, and the driver of a hit-and-run would likely just drive on leaving everything in situ. So I kind of rule out the bike thing because you've then got double the volume of things to find, Corrie plus a bicycle, and if he was on the bike when an accident happened, then there should be damage to the bike that searchers would notice and expand a search radius from the bike until they find the body that was on the bike.

The police did say, I believe, that the three teens had been traced, so I think it was three teenagers and not two teens+Corrie. Even if Corrie had got hold of a hoodie from somewhere his white jeans should still stand out on CCTV.

The family have gone to lengths to rule out any idea of suicidal thoughts. They've told us that Corrie was planning to have brother Darroch down for a visit to BSE either one or two weekends after what turned out to be the weekend Corrie disappeared. Corrie had also booked a plane back to Scotland for Halloween. He had a puppy he adored and took responsibility for. He loved his job in the RAF. These are all good things..having something positive to look forward to a week or two down the road, a month or two down the road, being able to have a relaxed conversation with the USAF guy in the pizza parlour, these are all signs that can be taken as negative for suicide that night.

But, I suppose alcohol can affect the brain's thinking patterns, and people have pointed out things that happened that night that might leave any person feeling depressed or point to signs of depression. I can only say that the phone call with Corrie's brother that night, the texts he sent, and the conversation with the USAF guy would have been gone over in minute detail by the behavioural specialists that are working with the police to look for hidden signs of depression that a regular person might miss.

However, the family are the ones screaming loudly that it can't have been suicide. From what I recall, the police haven't mentioned the possibility. This could all be consistent with a family that doesn't realise how much pain their loved one was in and go into denial mode, or that he really wasn't showing any signs of suicidal thinking.

I do remember reading that not only were Corrie's quarters searched but also his friends' rooms. I don't find it all that hard to believe that Corrie might have headed down with the guys in the first car going to BSE that night, then remembered to go back and put out water for the puppy, and as he was heading back to his room the guys in the first car think he'll get a lift in the second car, but they come down a different staircase and take off without realising Corrie wasn't in the first car after all.

Corrie spends an hour or so on the phone with his brother. His brother might be having girlfriend troubles and needed a chat, could be a catch up chat prior to Darroch's visit, we have no way of knowing, but I still believe the police will have gone into the intimate details of that conversation. Then Corrie joins his mates in the pubs/club and continues drinking. Well it's a Friday night in the pubs/clubs, so that's normal behaviour. People drinking tend to get noisy as the night goes on, confidence can come across as belligerence. Corrie's asked to leave/thrown out. We've known girls get thrown out of clubs and their mates don't/can't go after them. Corrie's a grown adult who knows how to get home, a "one man army" who can take care of himself. The guys might have even thought Corrie left of his own accord to go for food if it wasn't a full-on ejection scene? And Corrie did go for food, which I think probably points away from suicidal thoughts, and he was happy and friendly with the USAF guy, chatting, pinching a slice of his pizza. I don't see anything wrong with eating his food in the doorway before worrying about getting home.

How was Corrie missed for a whole weekend after the night out? I guess guys waking up with a hangover, one of them maybe stayed out that night at a girl's place, then they're all coming and going, and just like the mix-up over the cars, they don't even notice and just think they're coming in as Corrie's just gone out and vice versa. I believe the original plan for that night was for Corrie to go out with a married couple he's friends with...maybe his mates thought he'd met up with them after the night out and stayed at their place for the weekend? It *could* be a perfectly innocent explanation behind Corrie not being reported missing until the Monday. I presume the police have asked everyone at base where they were and quietly tried to correlate and corroborate stories.

I keep trying to type this but the webpage keeps having issues (or my iPad does). Lots of this already covered but.....


I had a friend who died on a night out. He hadn't had much to drink and was trying to get back to the village where he was meeting his fiancée- for last orders. He was seen off out of the pub in the fit by his mates (who know he wasn't intoxicated) and caught a taxi. He was next seen wandering along the road bleeding from the head and was helped by people in a takeaway (in the village where the pub was) who called an ambulance. His fiancée was still waiting in the pub just down the road. It turned out he had disagreed with the taxi driver about the price he was trying to charge him for the fare. He was either pushed, fell or a. It of both from the taxi. He had massive head injuries and life support was turned off the next day. The taxi driver didn't come forward or report it. He was only found after police looked at vehicle valet companies and found the driver had taken his in the next day to be cleaned. Obviously trying to hide some evidence. He went to caught and got went to jail

Anyway. That's my take on the possible taxi/car ride theory.

Mobile phone ping.
Looking at Midsummers map overlay it looks like the phone service after the last known signal is a dead spot. From the map I cannot see where it next comes into range, however I think that should be an area of interest too.

Since we don't know how much battery life he had (an hour on the phone to his brother would run it down a bit and he was on his phone again in the pub) it either went flat, was turned off or destroyed after that last ping, it it doesn't mean the trail ends there (obviously).

Now, the speed it was travelling at, could that also be about the same speed someone might cycle at if drunk? Could it be he was heading off on a borrowed bike? Drink makes you do silly things and if he is already annoyed with his mates he mig take this option??

Bin Area
Looking at the other map Midsummer did with the times on it showing Corrine ending up in the bin area also shows a big car park near it. Could it be that Corrine was trying to get to that car park? It looks like there are a couple of alleys/snickets from that street through to that large car park and maybe that might be where his mates are parked - or were? Does he know the area or takes a wrong turn to the bins or do the bins lead through to that car park.

Someone else commented about the other bins and I agree - I am sure though they have been checked if they have been emptied in between the night and the search.

The Teenagers
3 teens - 2 boys and one girl. The girl with a good description of - the boys more vague. Could it be that there are 2 teens, plus Corrie who would also look like a teen from the photos he looks very young. Perhaps one of them actually was Corrine. Where were they going. Have they been found - I felt like on the Facebook page someone said they were the girl and had come forward or was that one of the people from the earlier CCTV?
Definitely a good idea going around the schools. Plus kids go to a lot of places where they might see something odd.

His mates

If he was that drunk why did one of them not make sure he was getting a cab back safely. Why let him just leave/be ejected from the club and not check up on him. Did any of them ring or text him? Maybe one did and he was trying to get a lift back later on??

I would be pretty peeved to have been left behind. Then thrown out of a club. Boozed up and not thinking straight. Then walking around town with no one to give him a lift home and limited money to get back. Depressed??? Maybe the disturbing thing that is on the doorway CCTV is Corrine crying?

Sorry for the long post but I have been reading and thinking for days and just wanted to put my thoughts down for comment/feedback.

I do also think that whoever is involved will be a friend of the Corrine page and member /guest on here. So I also hope that some IT forensics are possible.

From a couple of strange comments I am wondering if there is more than one person involved and one of them has let something slip (from comments on Facebook). Skylar Neeses killers in the USA couldn't keep it quiet and the first to blab got the best deal!
The priority should therefore have been to try and eliminate these possibilities one by one, in order to direct the focus of the investigation further away from the site where he was last seen, if appropriate.
- The Investigation Team quickly ruled out option 1, following forensic searches that were conducted in and around the bin area (including the fire exits, commercial and residential properties, bins, drains, roofs, etc.).
- Analysis of the cctv evidence allows us to also discount Option 2, for the time window being reviewed. Corrie did not leave on foot.
- Analysis into option 3 continues. This includes further, technical analysis of the bin lorry's movements using experts from SCIT analysing Tachograph data for example, and technical analysis of the possibility of a phone moving with it.

If it has been tested and proved within the time window (23:00-08:00? 03:25-08:00?) that nobody could leave the bin area on foot without being seen on CCTV it stands to reason that would also apply to a vehicle too, right? The wording seems to imply that isn't the case though... If a vehicle can come up Short Brackland and leave without being seen on CCTV then a person on foot could too? Again I ask how long the last CCTV remained looking where Corrie went to the bins and if it turned Away, how long for?

Option 3 only makes mention of the bin lorry. What happened to the private CCTV and car(s) in the area? Still no update on the Silver car outside Hughes.

Also interesting they are looking even deeper into the bin lorry. I thought they had completely eliminated this outside possibly the phone?
If it has been tested and proved within the time window (23:00-08:00? 03:25-08:00?) that nobody could leave the bin area on foot without being seen on CCTV it stands to reason that would also apply to a vehicle too, right? The wording seems to imply that isn't the case though... If a vehicle can come up Short Brackland and leave without being seen on CCTV then a person on foot could too? Again I ask how long the last CCTV remained looking where Corrie went to the bins and if it turned Away, how long for?

Option 3 only makes mention of the bin lorry. What happened to the private CCTV and car(s) in the area? Still no update on the Silver car outside Hughes.

Also interesting they are looking even deeper into the bin lorry. I thought they had completely eliminated this outside possibly the phone?

With regards to the unanswered points about private CCTV, cars etc., it might be worth drawing attention to this bit from the beginning of the update:

"... a number of things we can only reference, other things that we can't talk about"
If it has been tested and proved within the time window (23:00-08:00? 03:25-08:00?) that nobody could leave the bin area on foot without being seen on CCTV it stands to reason that would also apply to a vehicle too, right? The wording seems to imply that isn't the case though... If a vehicle can come up Short Brackland and leave without being seen on CCTV then a person on foot could too?

RSBM. Thanks for this. I thought it was an odd thing to say and find it rather confusing. You're right, if a vehicle can be unseen, surely a person could too. Unless someone has a theory on this?

edited - oops my first ever broken quote. will report my post - sorry admins !
I'm glad someone else has mentioned the possibility that Corrie was crying. This popped into my head last night after following everything that has been posted so far. I'm also sure that a family member described the footage as 'distressing' and a crying Corrie fits that really well. It would also explain why several people approached him while he was in the doorway. Would many people on a night out approach, or even notice, a man asleep in a doorway? I'm really not sure they would. But if he was crying, it makes total sense that people would approach to check he was ok. It also fits very well with what we know of the rest of the evening, such as the missed lift and long phone call to his brother.
Sky news are giving Corrie's disappearance a mention...wonder if any further developments?
Please let us know here if there is anything on there of interest.

I so hope that "behind the scenes" stuff will be good leads and discover something (preferably Corrie) really soon.

Sky news are giving Corrie's disappearance a mention...wonder if any further developments?
Oddly, nothing other than a picture and a brief mention at the start of the 6 pm news. The mention was just that there are no further sightings to the CCTV.
Just tried to copy a reply from Nicola, but post was then rapidly deleted. She referred to yesterday being a particularly bad day, before apologising to someone for not approvingly their post. I think the thorough update today and resurgence of media all of a sudden (even though much is a token mention) in the last 24 hours, I think they know what has happened, or have a very strong idea and are just looking for that final piece.
Having just rewatched footage 1 cctv - making links now, where links possibly don't exist - but three people (possibly teenagers) were being sought- just noticed the three people blurred out in cctv- the three walk away, but just before it cuts- they start walking towards him again. I know it was said the three teenagers were seen later, but nobody has said they weren't seen before either.
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