GUILTY UK - Georgia Williams, 17, Shropshire, 26 May 2013

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What an absolute monster - her poor parents having to hear all the evidence.

Whole of Life is totally appropriate .

RIP Georgia
Oh just great. So he had several practice run-ups to this, and nothing was done. No jail fact, was he even prosecuted in court for the women he hurt/held in his home? I would love to see what was made of the previous complaints against him. Can you imagine the position of those poor girls?...'Well, this pizza guy asked if I would come to his house and be pictured being strangled....'

Until he gained his confidence to see it through and poor Georgia drew the shortest straw.

He would never have made it as a serial killer, thank heavens. He left a completely clear trail of what he was working up to. Shame no professionals spotted the flags that were clearly there, in my opinion.
That article states he had a 'morbid fasination since 2008 and 'tried to strangle one young woman'.

So what exactly happened to him over that attempted strangulation? Even if it happened in 2008 and he was tried straight away, for him to be free in 2013 means any prison sentence was not a long one.

Myself, I think he was allowed to walk away from it and served no jail time at all.
Zwiebel, I read in one article that he was given a * final warning* ( whatever that means ) re the poor girl who he tried to strangle.

It is so so sad that his previous attempts seem not to have been widely known about, he was not on any kind of register as a known offender and clearly his friends did not know what he got up to.

As Wolf Dreamer says, part of Georgia'a legacy will be that she saved the lives of other young women, but how extremely sad that she paid this terrible price.

I don't often feel such anger or contempt towards anyone but I do seriously hope he has a difficult life from here on in.
Wow the sentencing remarks certainly make for telling reading. If it wasnt Georgia it most definitely would have been soneone else.

One thing I dont get though is -without being overly graphic - how he managed to get her to lose that way. Theres a very big difference between a harmless photoshoot and the photographer asking you to pose as if youre being hanged. Surely alarm bells would have gone off!

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Wow the sentencing remarks certainly make for telling reading. If it wasnt Georgia it most definitely would have been soneone else.

One thing I dont get though is -without being overly graphic - how he managed to get her to lose that way. Theres a very big difference between a harmless photoshoot and the photographer asking you to pose as if youre being hanged. Surely alarm bells would have gone off!

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I have been wondering that too.

I know it was reported that he told her he wanted to take the photo with her standing on a box, which he would then photoshop out of the picture.... but the fact she also allowed him to handcuff her and put a noose round her neck, after putting on the very sexual clothing and shoes he'd provided for the shoot, is staggering.

She must have trusted him an awful lot, not to even consider that what he was doing was very creepy. The report stated that up to the very last minute the photos show her looking relaxed and not alarmed, so I guess she did.

I just hope it was quick, that she didn't have any fear up to that point, and she didn't suffer much, if that's possible. If ever a whole life tariff was deserved, this is such a case. Poor Georgia.
I just hope it was quick, that she didn't have any fear up to that point, and she didn't suffer much, if that's possible. If ever a whole life tariff was deserved, this is such a case. Poor Georgia.

Here here!

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I have been wondering that too.

I know it was reported that he told her he wanted to take the photo with her standing on a box, which he would then photoshop out of the picture.... but the fact she also allowed him to handcuff her and put a noose round her neck, after putting on the very sexual clothing and shoes he'd provided for the shoot, is staggering.

She must have trusted him an awful lot, not to even consider that what he was doing was very creepy. The report stated that up to the very last minute the photos show her looking relaxed and not alarmed, so I guess she did.

I think it's terrifying. The fact that he could hide his excitement and apprehension of finally acting out his fantasy. The fact that he knew she would soon be dead and would do all these vile things to her. How could he possibly have hidden that whilst being friendly enough to keep her feeling happy in his company? I guess he learned from the woman he locked in his home previously.
Georgia knew this guy, she knew what he was like normally, how could she not pick it up that he had all this in store? How could she dress up, let him place her in this position where he had complete control and not feel his pent up frustration or lust for her life? I can't look at her without feeling so terrible for her. She just had no clue, he must have been so good at hiding his thoughts from people. It makes it even more horifying and incomprehensible.

I hope in some way her family has some form of comfort in the fact that he didn't do the awful things he did to her while she was still alive. I feel so sickened I can't imagine life for them now.

Sorry for my long and unhelpful post. Some cases on here just get to me and upset me so much, this is one of them. :(

an update of sorts
The MAPPA discretionary serious case review has been released:

What stands out to me is that the first instinct of police and other agencies, when responding to his first serious unprovoked attack on another girl, was to medicalise him, and treat it almost as something that had happened to him due to forces beyond his control and that could be modified by external intervention, rather than as a serious and disturbing crime he'd chosen to commit. This in the absence of any evidence that he was suffering from any serious mental disorder that would explain what he had done. One shouldn't underestimate simple laziness, but I can't help but think that the fact that he's white and from a middle class background played a role (see also the discourse around various spree killers from similar backgrounds, in the US).
The MAPPA discretionary serious case review has been released:

What stands out to me is that the first instinct of police and other agencies, when responding to his first serious unprovoked attack on another girl, was to medicalise him, and treat it almost as something that had happened to him due to forces beyond his control and that could be modified by external intervention, rather than as a serious and disturbing crime he'd chosen to commit. This in the absence of any evidence that he was suffering from any serious mental disorder that would explain what he had done. One shouldn't underestimate simple laziness, but I can't help but think that the fact that he's white and from a middle class background played a role (see also the discourse around various spree killers from similar backgrounds, in the US).
Pfftt depression my a s s! As you say professionals were quick to "diagnose and medically treat" his condition rather than look into the reasons for his offending.

More concern seemed to be shown towards his safety than that if his victims and potential victims

I am astounded that medical professionals took at face value his claims of ceasing the *advertiser censored* and his feelings of shame...

So many things wrong with all of this

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And the same reaction when he stalked and tried to drive into the woman in 2011.
Well this is one is very close to home, my daughter went to college with Georgia, her parents and I have good mutual friends and my daughter has also had the misfortune of having been in the company (in a pub/live music venue) of Reynolds. It wasn't much of secret to that circle that he was 'not right' though of course not even in your worst nightmares could you imaging just how wrong he would be. :(
Well this is one is very close to home, my daughter went to college with Georgia, her parents and I have good mutual friends and my daughter has also had the misfortune of having been in the company (in a pub/live music venue) of Reynolds. It wasn't much of secret to that circle that he was 'not right' though of course not even in your worst nightmares could you imaging just how wrong he would be. :(
Mrazda you must be local to me as Georgias case is close to home for me too with my sister knowing both Georgia, previous victim and Reynolds..

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Small world eh Sar2them ... if there were ANY slivers of mercy it was that she was found quickly, the guilty plea and the sentence. My daughter knew his sister too ... I can't begin to put myself in his families shoes either. How're these monsters created!?

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