GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #1

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What happened to Helen's note?

The court is still hearing tapes of Stewart’s police interview.

“I changed my doctor’s appointment to 3pm. You can check if you want. I do know the solicitors was last [on the day].

“When I came back from the solicitors I remember thinking Helen went dog walking with her neighbour, with one of the neighbours.

“I think I took all the stuff to the dump the next day, because when I came back I thought ‘Oh Helen’s back, because the gates are open and the gardener’s here.”

Stewart is asked what happened to the note that Helen allegedly left before her disappearance.

“I thought I must have put the note in with the boxes and other bits and pieces. I couldn’t think where else it could’ve gone.”

my comments -
My mistake, gardener was there on the Tuesday
the gardener was there in the afternoon ? so IS had to deal with the body disposal asap that morning

As I understand it, the boxes and other bits and pieces had already been loaded into ISs car by Helen.
Why would he therefore take a note, which he had just found that afternoon ( at 5.15 pm ) and go back out to the car and put it into the box for the dump ?
And, didnt he go to the dump before he came back home at 5.15pm - so before he found the note - or is that why he is saying he cant remember which day he went to the dump ? unfortunately for him, the cctv can remember
What happened to Helen's note?

The court is still hearing tapes of Stewart’s police interview.

“I changed my doctor’s appointment to 3pm. You can check if you want. I do know the solicitors was last [on the day].

“When I came back from the solicitors I remember thinking Helen went dog walking with her neighbour, with one of the neighbours.

“I think I took all the stuff to the dump the next day, because when I came back I thought ‘Oh Helen’s back, because the gates are open and the gardener’s here.”

Stewart is asked what happened to the note that Helen allegedly left before her disappearance.

“I thought I must have put the note in with the boxes and other bits and pieces. I couldn’t think where else it could’ve gone.”

Knickers in a twist moment for him. He took Helen's note to the dump with the boxes before he'd even found the note at 5pm. Then he has to say he probably did the trip to the dump on Tuesday because he remembers the gardener being there when he returned.
Is Helen a private person?'

“That evening, I did go watch my son play bowls. I remember coming back and we had a Chinese between us.”

When asked if Helen is a private person, he says: “If something goes wrong she’s private.”

When asked by police about his clothing on the day of Helen’s alleged disappearance, he said: “I don’t remember what I was wearing. No idea. If you’d asked me nearer the time….”
Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 4m4 minutes ago

#helenbailey Ian Stewart weeps in dock as police interview played to jury. He's explaining to police nicknames he & Helen use

Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 3m3 minutes ago

#helenbailey During Ian Stewart police interview he explains he called Helen "LB" or "Little Bean" he was "BB" or "Big Bean
The Chinese restaurant

On Monday the court heard how Stewart went to watch his son play bowls on the day of Helen Bailey’s disappearance.

They then went to a Chinese restaurant in Royston, believed to be the Lotus House.

my edit - the evidence from Jamie, last week, said IS picked up a takeaway from here and Jamie met IS back at the house.
Not sure why the discussions re: how often a cesspit needs to be emptied and whether or not IS knew about the tank. We know he did know about the tank. What are the chances he knew about the underground one that was "perfect to put a body in" but didn't know about the one the police found by simply walking up to it.......?

Of course he knew. Whether or not it had been emptied in the past is irrelevant IMO.

He was lying about it because they were getting warm. He was simply denying all knowledge of the system so he could deny all knowledge of how she got there. This is a man seeing his fantastic plan all gradually crash down.

I bet he couldn't believe his luck after the first search with the dog, where he was getting ever so hot and bothered, didn't locate Helen.

Thankfully, his luck ran out.

I was just reacting to the fact that he said it had never been emptied.

I would have expected such a system to need to be emptied from time to time if it was the primary system.

As i mentioned we built a biological 3 chamber system in the countryside which is never emptied (at least so far)

But it relies on using nature to break everything down and has a final pond with special plants.

It's all gravity driven.

Apologies if the subject has moved on, I'm still catching up.

I do recall at the time this cess pit (under the garage) being referred to as the 'overflow' tank. I have no knowledge of them, but assumed this just took any overflow seepage?
Ian Stewart 'was frustrated with Helen'

“I remember being frustrated with Helen that she had gone off. I do remember that.

“On the way back from bowls I picked a Chinese up, thinking Helen could have some if she was here [home], as well.

“It was getting quite late, I did hope Helen would be back. Helen knew I was going to go there, we discussed it.

“I don’t remember how I paid for the Chinese takeaway.

“I do remember going round the house looking for Helen. I went to bed, thinking Helen hadn’t come back.

“I remember being cross with myself for texting Helen, because she’d asked to be left alone. I didn’t get much sleep that night [due to my operation].”

my comment - so IS is thinking that Helen can share the Chinese takeaway with himself and Jamie, and he goes round the house looking for her when he comes back with the food
according to Jamie's evidence, Helen was not mentioned at all between IS and Jamie either at bowls or when they were back at the house.
What was Helen wearing when you saw her last?'

“The last time I saw Helen, for definite now, was when she asked me to change my doctor’s appointment if possible to the afternoon.

“I don’t remember what [room of the house] we were in, that’s the honest answer.”

Stewart said he couldn’t remember what Helen was wearing on the day of her disappearance.

my comment - why does it always sound dodgy when people say that's the honest answer
Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 4m4 minutes ago

#helenbailey Ian Stewart weeps in dock as police interview played to jury. He's explaining to police nicknames he & Helen use

Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 3m3 minutes ago

#helenbailey During Ian Stewart police interview he explains he called Helen "LB" or "Little Bean" he was "BB" or "Big Bean

You can bet he is weeping, it's all gone to pot and he knows it. Shame he didn't think about that beforehand.

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Defendant in tears as he discusses Helen's nickname

“The note [Helen left] was handwriting, it wasn’t typed. I thought it was Helen’s. And she signed the note, no one else would have signed it like that.

“LB is a nickname I had for Helen, my nickname is BB. It’s going back to when we first met. She was little bean and I was big bean.”

Stewart can be seen visibly emotional in the dock as the video of his interview is played to jurors. He can be seen wiping his eyes and looking tearful.
'honest answer' to which room he last saw her, i was also just about to post that on here. As opposed to your other answers?.....
A cesspit functions differently if it is connected to a sewerage system. Quoting from some earlier posts of mine:

The problem might be with the slope of the property. If the house was built around 1900 with a septic tank or well, then all drains would flow in the direction of the well in the back of the garden. This puts the house on the highest point so to speak, at least for the drains.
So if a modern sewage system is built from the main road in front of the house, you have a problem, because all your pipes are going the other way, and water does not flow uphill by itself. Plus you have to connect the system from the lowest point and that would be the garage. According to the info, the garage has a guestroom with facilities.

If a cesspit or cesspool has an outlet or overflow that is located lower than the inlet, the system may function for ages without anyone ever having to clean it. Also, this would give the impression that the overflow IS the actual septic tank, as the Police thought when they first searched the premises for Helen.

Interesting stuff!

So maybe this was not the main system but only serviced the garage guestroom.

So not in heavy use.
Yep, down steps and through two fence gates to that side door....
However, there does not appear to be any direct line of sight with that route, whereas with the driveway route ( which is more or less discounted now I think, as would have meant exiting from the front door of the house ) there is line of sight from the neighbours upper windows.

I agree, it would be the most discreet route, masked by high fencing and not overlooked. Hardly an "obstacle course" as open gates present no barrier, and the downward steps wouldn't be as difficult as if he had to carry something up.

my comment - why does it always sound dodgy when people say that's the honest answer

Exactly what I was thinking! When people add an unnecessary "honestly" or "to be honest", that's always a red flag for me.
Three kisses in text from fiancé

“I don’t remember any of those drives [on the day Helen allegedly disappeared] and that worries me.

“I haven’t suffered with memory loss before. I’m taking a lot of medication at the moment.

“My main GP is in Bassingbourn. Stewart is asked about the text he sent Helen.

“When I sent her a text that night [April 11] it was a ‘I’m still here’ kind of thing, I wanted to reassure her.

“At 10.10pm, I sent her a text with ‘*advertiser censored*’ like three kisses.”

my comment - that is interesting re his GP being in Bassingbourn. That leads me to believe that IS had not changed surgery from when he lived in Bassingbourn ( up until 2013 ). So surely the surgery would have had his medical records with the info re the previous prescriptions for zopiclone in 2005 and 2010
Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 3m3 minutes ago

#helenbailey Ian Stewart police interview: defendant says he sent Helen text reading "*advertiser censored*" on night she went missing
Now claiming some memory loss on the day Helen disappeared. I can quite see him claiming memory loss if found guilty. "It must have been me but I don't remember doing it".

He wouldn't be the first to do so.

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my comment - why does it always sound dodgy when people say that's the honest answer


Because it's superfluous. All of what he's saying should be the honest answer. If he's stating that one particular part is honest, it's a subconscious uttering that what he's said so far is bull and he's trying to convince of his earnestness in case it's starting to sound suspicious that he can't remember stuff.

He's textbook.
Hunger calls in Stewart's interview

“Are we done then? Because it’s getting late and I’m hungry”

Stewart asks police half way through the two hour interview.

“Helen could be gone from 8am in the morning until 10pm at night, but I’d know where she was. She hasn’t gone missing before.”
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