GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #10

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But, in truth the BIB on Milly's post confused me too. It made me feel that possibly, only possibly I should say, Milly has some doubts about whether it's guilty beyond reasonable doubt. She may think there are some important gaps/unanswered questions.

Milly is one of the very few people who from the beginning seemed to think the Joe/Nick story was plausible.
With respect, I sincerely hope that there is no one like her on the jury. :shakehead:
Milly is one of the very few people who from the beginning seemed to think the Joe/Nick story was plausible.
With respect, I sincerely hope that there is no one like her on the jury. :shakehead:

Anyone ony needs to look back to the beginning of his tale when he said he and Helen had the inspection hatch open and Nick and Joe appeared, because they must have broken the gate.

I mean come on. I do hope it was just a lack of reporting that means we didn't get to hear Trimmer's response to that little gem. I'd have had a lot of fun with that if I was a prosecutor.
Night night - stay safe in trust of justice.
Thinking of Helen and Boris tonight. She told us ' it shall all work out in the end' - and let us hang on to the Jury wisdom that he shall serve a sentence from stealing those words for Helen's hopes within her relationship and future with him - and it shall work in justice that the world knows he murdered her - and that 'it SHALL work out in the end'.
There is much we haven't seen 'sitting at home' especially the body language which must be most revealing. Helen's cremation/burial may be found on the 'Find a Grave' site. Sorry I can't link as I'm a technical dunce. It's not so far from the home she loved in Highgate. I can't think of that without tears. Another coincidence besides losing husbands is that Helen went to the same Poly as me. I hope her royalties continue to grow over the years. That must gall IS.

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Dearest Helen,
You don't know me or many of us who love you, talk of you, embrace and admire you.
I just wanted to say, thank you for all you gave - all you were able and willing to give forever.
You are much loved within this WS thread, and away beyond. You enriched lives with your gentle kindness and fury against injustice.
Your life has been stolen. We know from your writing that life was stolen in the Bahamas when John S walked into the rip tide. We know you felt life was stolen in grief and aloneness, and trying to deal with wheelie bins and legal stuff relating to the Sinfield business.
It is a terrible tragedy/irony that whilst you were regaining your life, and your were doing SO well, in crept a manipulator of your heart and your body. Answered all the help you needed - far more powerful than the therapists.
Helen, we don't find him appealing, or interesting. Something, must have made some magic for you - you who are always discerning. Was it just some strong arms around you, fixing the sewage problems at Highgate, and your excess charges on fuel bills? Was it that he mirrored your needs, cleverly? Did you ever, darling, have a moment when you said I do not like you or trust you? But took blame for this?
I remember reading that you were very gentle with your beloved JS - and you allowed him his nature .. no arguments, just finding a way through your wonderful marriage. And I wonder if this allowed you to overlook your Grey haired widower in you trying to be more flexible with him (after writing about been cross with John S)
My darling Helen - we are a all so enraged by the deception of this man who took your life. We are enraged and heartbroken with you for Boris.
Nothing can bring you back little angel and Boris - but down on this earth, we shall always fight for you, love you and thank you for all you have given.
Thank you Joely!!!

you have put into words what we feel into out hearts! And thank you! Having been tasked to look for Helen AND Boris with my search dog back in April 2016, i have never forgotten about them, hearing the awful news in July and where they were found sent me in an outraged angry ARRGGHHHH state of mind? Since then I have been waiting for the trial in January? Then we are to be convinced about the tale of Nick and Jo? No way Jose! He had 6 months to concoct that story! If that story was to be believable he could have come clean once Helen and Boris were found in that cess pit in July, as she was dead:-( the threat was therefore non valid. Plus who would kill someone who you think owe you money? Once they are dead they are of no use? The disposal of the body is so abhorrant. Cmon jury use your common sense! Please please?
i did not know Helen but she shines through all the testimonials as the most witty sharp kind minded soul, in fact she could have well be my best friend!
thank you my new found WS fellow friends? You have all shown a remarkable respect and love towards Helen and Boris and even if I have been lurking in the background I have taken great solace that I found so many kind souls who are also caring a great deal for Helen and Boris and also her family as well as IS two sons, what a turmoil for them all? Still hoping for a guilty verdict, nighty night to you all;-)
What a day! Dolly-Dog and I passed out on the sofa after dinner, a combination of trial stress and (alas), old age!

I just want to thank everyone for their good energy, it's needed more than ever this week as we pray for that Guilty verdict. And today's Pet Parade provided welcome light relief as we waited: Batface's Pickle, Lozda's Django, Teddy, Nanci and Disco, Neteditor's fabulous cats, Alyce's feline baby, Florrie's tortoise Rocky, Lovinnen's Laya, Really's diabetic pooch, Pinklilies' gorgeous Pug, Hunkerdown's furry trio, Scandinavian Girl's Freddie and Romanian rescue dog Puiata, Badhorsie's kitties (one of them 20 - WOW!), Jenspired's gerbil Scramble and last but not least Icemaiden's hilarious dentured dog (bound to have left someone out, sorry!). Your photos brought the fun and smiles that only a pet can bring. These precious souls reminded us of how special Helen and Boris' bond was. I'm sure Helen would have approved and appreciated it!

Wherever she and Boris are now I know in my heart they are together, safe and surrounded by love. I am equally certain the dark destiny that awaits their killer IS, is the polar opposite.

Joely - such beautiful words, you brought tears to my eyes. And Zab, what a privilege to have you here with us, as one of the wonderful people who searched for Helen and Boris with hope in your heart. Thanks for being part of this very special group of people who have joined together in solidarity for Helen and Boris.

Thanks too to TheRisenBishop for your calming words of wisdom at this stressful stage in proceedings.

Where Ian Stewart is concerned, justice WILL be done - in this world, and the next. Hold tight my friends! X
Anyone ony needs to look back to the beginning of his tale when he said he and Helen had the inspection hatch open and Nick and Joe appeared, because they must have broken the gate.

I mean come on. I do hope it was just a lack of reporting that means we didn't get to hear Trimmer's response to that little gem. I'd have had a lot of fun with that if I was a prosecutor.

If I was a juror and wished to give any credence to the existence of Nick and Joe then the following has to be believed.

That Nick and Joe turned up at the exact moment that the cess pit cover was being opened. I would suggest that IS realised that opening a cess pit is not normally a frequent occurrence and tried to reduce the remoteness of this coincidence by suggesting that because of Helen’s ‘concern’ they checked the cess pit ‘regularly’

That Nick and Joe exhibited the strangest behaviour by travelling to Royston with Helen and Boris in their car plus an odd assortment of extras; pet toy, dustbin bag and pillow slip with the sole intention of putting all in the garage cess pit.

That despite the possibility of police surveillance or being spotted by neighbours they access the property presumably through the gate they had previously and conveniently broken.

That such was their desire to reach the cess pit they took a risk and ignored the possibility of any surveillance or alarm systems that any sensible homeowner would have activated or installed especially if we are to believe they had visited before.

That they somehow opened the garage door unless of course we assume the absent owner had conveniently left it open for them to perform their dastardly deed

On that last point it is my belief that IS in making the strange and unrelated comment about the ‘garage door being open’ when arrested and later explained as concern over break in was to start laying the scenario in the mind of the police for intrusion into the garage by other persons (later to be named as Nick and Joe) as he knew full well what was in the cess pit and it was time to start shifting the blame.
Really liked seeing the pictures of all your different pets :)
Agonising waiting for the verdict to come through... But so glad all of you are here to go through this with.
I think at one point SRF suggested the dog toy, bin bags and pillowcase had nothing to do with the murder, as if a cesspit is a handy place for storing such items.
If I was a juror and wished to give any credence to the existence of Nick and Joe then the following has to be believed.

That Nick and Joe turned up at the exact moment that the cess pit cover was being opened. I would suggest that IS realised that opening a cess pit is not normally a frequent occurrence and tried to reduce the remoteness of this coincidence by suggesting that because of Helen’s ‘concern’ they checked the cess pit ‘regularly’

That Nick and Joe exhibited the strangest behaviour by travelling to Royston with Helen and Boris in their car plus an odd assortment of extras; pet toy, dustbin bag and pillow slip with the sole intention of putting all in the garage cess pit.

That despite the possibility of police surveillance or being spotted by neighbours they access the property presumably through the gate they had previously and conveniently broken.

That such was their desire to reach the cess pit they took a risk and ignored the possibility of any surveillance or alarm systems that any sensible homeowner would have activated or installed especially if we are to believe they had visited before.

That they somehow opened the garage door unless of course we assume the absent owner had conveniently left it open for them to perform their dastardly deed

On that last point it is my belief that IS in making the strange and unrelated comment about the ‘garage door being open’ when arrested and later explained as concern over break in was to start laying the scenario in the mind of the police for intrusion into the garage by other persons (later to be named as Nick and Joe) as he knew full well what was in the cess pit and it was time to start shifting the blame.

All the BIBs
I don't think even Don Mack /Lemon Mousse on the Pistorius case would have given his tall tale the run-down.

On the UL, that's also crossed my mind before, anything's possible with this character. ( previously posted the question of why he would say to the cop, quite early on, about possible motives for her kidnap. I assumed it was a plan he had initially toyed with and discarded before choosing the "gone away for some space" as more plausible. )

I think most of us would agree that his plan was long in the making and went through many modifications before he finally settled on the final details just before court.
From many months of :juggling: ( hence the joke about flow charts) to :bricks: around noon today?
If I was a juror and wished to give any credence to the existence of Nick and Joe then the following has to be believed.

That Nick and Joe turned up at the exact moment that the cess pit cover was being opened. I would suggest that IS realised that opening a cess pit is not normally a frequent occurrence and tried to reduce the remoteness of this coincidence by suggesting that because of Helen’s ‘concern’ they checked the cess pit ‘regularly’

That Nick and Joe exhibited the strangest behaviour by travelling to Royston with Helen and Boris in their car plus an odd assortment of extras; pet toy, dustbin bag and pillow slip with the sole intention of putting all in the garage cess pit.

That despite the possibility of police surveillance or being spotted by neighbours they access the property presumably through the gate they had previously and conveniently broken.

That such was their desire to reach the cess pit they took a risk and ignored the possibility of any surveillance or alarm systems that any sensible homeowner would have activated or installed especially if we are to believe they had visited before.

That they somehow opened the garage door unless of course we assume the absent owner had conveniently left it open for them to perform their dastardly deed

On that last point it is my belief that IS in making the strange and unrelated comment about the ‘garage door being open’ when arrested and later explained as concern over break in was to start laying the scenario in the mind of the police for intrusion into the garage by other persons (later to be named as Nick and Joe) as he knew full well what was in the cess pit and it was time to start shifting the blame.

Let's not forget that Joe had also read Helens book..... [emoji849]

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If the gate was broken, is it still broken? And if not, who was it fixed by and when?
Also - good morning! Today's the day.

Morning all. Fingers crossed for a big bad GUILTY result soon [emoji1303][emoji16]

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Morning all,

I hope it won't be too long a wait today!

Wow with zopiclone use starting in January2016, possibly before, that's actually perfect timing for PIP/DLA reassessment to have been a trigger. Even if he wasn't one of the first to get a letter in October 2015 ,telling them they would be re-assessed, he may well have known it was coming and that it was likely his income would go down.

Yes it could have been another trigger, was implying that- but together we've identified bigger ones - the flat sale and reasons for it, the hard-to-get-out-of wedding & it's costs, avoiding a second wife's mysterious demise, the will, the POA and anticipated law changes, the "cancer scare" cover of fragility etc.

I just came across that DLA- PIP timescale when looking for info on sickness insurance & the slowish lead up to an Mg diagnosis in the mid 90s.

Anyway, Helen, being who she was, would probably have said - don't even go through that humiliating reassessment - we/you have enough £ , no need to even claim your Disability top-up but it's very possible this was playing on his mind .
( From all we have heard re. his reactions to authority figures who weren't playing to his tune, I can imagine that the idea of having to be tested by some "jumped-up" assessor was rankling him. )

( we don't have as fact that he had any DLA at all but it fits the total per month once the insurance income is subtracted)
Morning from rainy Cheshire. Rain from the sky and a little from my eyes reading some of the recent posts (Joely). Welcome to long time lurker LordLister - lovely post.

I seem to have missed some info about Helen's funeral - what happened?

Hoping there's not too much of a wait today for the verdict, I kept waking up in the night worrying he'd get away with it or do a runner (bean) :/

Oh what a tangled web we weave
Morning fellow sleuths! Today's the day- Justice for Helen!

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I think at one point SRF suggested the dog toy, bin bags and pillowcase had nothing to do with the murder, as if a cesspit is a handy place for storing such items.

Pity he wasn’t asked that due to the fact he had stated that he was unable to lift the lid was it a combined effort in disposing of these items.
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