GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #10

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I see another Tara retweet in the making ;) :laughing:
Not prudent to your point, lovely Dolly, but...

In 2003, Mr Evans was said to have indecently assaulted two men in their 20s when he approached them in public places while drunk and put his hand down their trousers.
The jury heard in his defence that these were examples of "drunken over-familiarity" and Mr Evans had no recollection of either event.

The less said about him, the better in my opinion.

Indeed! I am always doubtful of protestations of innocence in such cases, I just mentioned it as an example of someone who claimed they were owed compensation after a Not Guilty verdict.
Indeed! I am always doubtful of protestations of innocence in such cases, I just mentioned it as an example of someone who claimed they were owed compensation after a Not Guilty verdict.

Yes, sorry - I wasn't meaning to take away from your very valid point. It was just that my ire for seeing his name spilled over. Especially since his most recent Trump-related remarks.

Oops, sorry... now I'm going into politics. I'll leave the wasp nest alone now, I promise!! :winkaway:
Just popping in, still no news...
The description I dislike (on Helen's behalf, I feel) is 'Royston author'. I know all local papers claim famous people as their own on the slenderest of pretexts and she was of course living there, but I bet she didn't see herself as a 'Royston author'.

If anyone wants to fill in some time, or has a general interest in spotting / studying liars, there are some videos here of Amanda Hayes' murder trial testimony.

I've only watched the first two (where she is giving evidence - haven't watched her under cross yet) and found it really interesting to notice when she switches to speaking about past events in the present tense.

I might move on to Grant Hayes (her husband's) trial afterwards.
My colleagues think I'm bonkers today. I have every news alert app going beeping away on my phone And I keep singing that Bananarama song with guilty in the lyrics.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
Just popping in, still no news...
The description I dislike (on Helen's behalf, I feel) is 'Royston author'. I know all local papers claim famous people as their own on the slenderest of pretexts and she was of course living there, but I bet she didn't see herself as a 'Royston author'.

Definitely 'Beautiful Highgate Village author' :snooty:
LOL I'm Twitter watching too. Is Tara the best to watch or #helenbailey?

I watch both ......there is also

helen bailey trial

and for some reason, Mike Cartwright tweeted under #bailey
Yes, sorry - I wasn't meaning to take away from your very valid point. It was just that my ire for seeing his name spilled over. Especially since his most recent Trump-related remarks.

Oops, sorry... now I'm going into politics. I'll leave the wasp nest alone now, I promise!! :winkaway:

Ha! Ha! LozDa dropped the Trump bomb, love it!

The Munchhausens discussion earlier was interesting. I have never been convinced by suggestions IS has some kind of mental illness that explains Helen's drugging. To my mind his 'condition' whatever name it has, is entirely conscious, ruthless and self serving. This view was confirmed to me when he took the stand. The only aspect of his conduct that surprised me, was that at no point was this cunning individual able to fake any affection for Helen. This was the crunch point where his psychopathy let him down.

The more I think about it, the more I believe IS not only didn't love or like Helen, he actively hated her, as evidenced by the contempt with which he treated her body.

Most psychopaths (and there are a lot of them around), would have married Helen for her money and either tolerated her company in a loveless marriage, or divorced her for a fast buck. Many people (mostly women - your mention of Trump seems fitting here), pay a high price for marrying a millionaire and are willing to endure it for the material rewards and lifestyle. Not Ian Stewart. He wasn't willing to tolerate Helen's company a moment longer than he had to. He wasn't going to play the role of loving husband, escort Helen to public functions, sit down to home cooked meals with her, walk the dog, go on holidays to Majorca together etc etc. He killed her before he even had to put a ring on her finger.

There's a sequence I can't get out of my mind. I have a vision of Helen and IS retiring to bed on the evening of Sunday 10th April, her last night on this earth. They snuggled down together under the green duvet, Boris snoozing in his basket nearby. She gives IS a kiss and says "Night love". Roll forward 24 hours and IS is lying in that same bed, alone, and we all know where Helen and Boris lie.

There is no mental illness here, only ruthless, cold blooded evil and he needs to be behind bars for the rest of his life.
So yesterday we had people tweeting that the Jury had gone out ( hours after they did )

now we have people tweeting Jury still out - yes we know that !
My colleagues think I'm bonkers today. I have every news alert app going beeping away on my phone And I keep singing that Bananarama song with guilty in the lyrics.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk

I had to check out the video, Love in the first degree, they are dancing in a prison cell
Snipped from CPs post re Munchausen's

Signs and symptoms of Munchausen's syndrome may include pretending to be ill or self-harming to aggravate or induce illness.

Wasn't there a part in IS evidence were he said he had thought about self harming to see if that would help him to deal with his worries ?
There's a sequence I can't get out of my mind. I have a vision of Helen and IS retiring to bed on the evening of Sunday 10th April, her last night on this earth. They snuggled down together under the green duvet, Boris snoozing in his basket nearby. She gives IS a kiss and says "Night love". Roll forward 24 hours and IS is lying in that same bed, alone, and we all know where Helen and Boris lie.

Yup,lying in his bed alone, his belly full of the chinese takeaway that he ate while Helen' s body lay in a cess pitt nearby.
Wonder what they are discussing......or reading.?
I want to know WHY he did it. He already had money. He shows no remorse. No signs of being upset she is dead. Dumped her and Boris in a cesspit. I think he hated her.
Well, I've tried to put it off but I need to go out to a work related event. The place it's being held in has no mobile signal :panic:
I'll be back here as soon as possible, hopefully before 2pm,to catch up!
I have a hair appointment at 14.30. Come on jurors.
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