GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #10

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I echo the comments of Tortoise, TheRisenBishop and others. We are euphoric at this long-awaited guilty verdict, that delivers justice at last for Helen, Boris, their family and everyone who loved them. But inevitably we experience a feeling of anti-climax, as the awful truth hits us again that they are gone, never to return.

I recognise as many have said, that there are no winners and that many people's lives have been blighted by IS. But today I will focus my sympathies and prayers on Helen's family and friends. When she met IS, a poison entered her life that would spell her destruction. For me, he and everything that surrounded him and their entirely false life in Royston, represents the wrong turning that spelled her doom.

Her own family are uncontaminated in this respect. As is Highgate, the place she was happiest for many years with her beloved husband JS. I think in due course it would be wonderful if some kind of memorial was placed in Highgate for Helen and Boris, that is surely the place where their spirits will return. I imagine them together in Waterlow Park where I often walked with Dolly-Dog, the wind in their hair and a spring in their step. I lived in Highgate for twenty years and I still visit often. I will always hold a good thought for Helen and Boris when I go there, as I do for a dear friend who also lived in Highgate and who by coincidence also died in April of last year, far too young leaving behind many broken hearts.

And so the next step comes tomorrow, when Judge Bright spells out the wickedness of this man, the cold, premeditated nature of the murder and all the aggravating features that will surely spell a very long prison sentence.

Then Ian Stewart will be sent down, to disappear from public view forever and be forgotten like the insignificant waste of oxygen he is.

Meanwhile Helen and Boris, those beautiful trusting souls who gave so much to this world, will be forever remembered with love and affection and carried safe in the hearts of those who loved them.
It takes quite something to sit there so relaxed throughout being grilled on why your partner has turned up dead in the cesspit of your home. No response to 'did anyone else force you to carry out the murder?' I see.

So the only question he responds to is 'You would have benefited from her death', to which he scoffs and looks at him like he's grown a second head.

Interesting he doesn't ridicule the fact that they're suggesting he killed her, or that he went to Broadstairs with her phone...

The absolute crux of why he killed her is the only one he responds to, because he wants to avert suspicion away. They're too close for comfort on that one for him. How sad to be so inept at life and meaningful, true relationships.
I think we were very recently wondering if IS had his beady eyes on Helen's Highgate house ie. wealth before they met - also how he rushed to her home for their first meeting unannounced, and how he knew where she actually lived. It's not really important in the great scheme of things but these words are from the Daily Mail report about his conviction:

'We were talking about where we lived, we sent photos of our houses. She attached a photo of one of the houses and said tomorrow night she would be on her own.

'On that photo she had an address. I saw this as a subtle invite, I drove up unannounced to her house and text her to say I was here.
I hope he gets those 30 years he felt were promised to him

In fact, I hope he gets longer than that, but don't think he will.....still, 30 should be more than enough to make him realise that his life on the outside is over

Yes, Helen is keeping her promise from beyond the grave - 30 years indeed.
I echo the comments of Tortoise, TheRisenBishop and others. We are euphoric at this long-awaited guilty verdict, that delivers justice at last for Helen, Boris, their family and everyone who loved them. But inevitably we experience a feeling of anti-climax, as the awful truth hits us again that they are gone, never to return.

I recognise as many have said, that there are no winners and that many people's lives have been blighted by IS. But today I will focus my sympathies and prayers on Helen's family and friends. When she met IS, a poison entered her life that would spell her destruction. For me, he and everything that surrounded him and their entirely false life in Royston, represents the wrong turning that spelled her doom.

Her own family are uncontaminated in this respect. As is Highgate, the place she was happiest for many years with her beloved husband JS. I think in due course it would be wonderful if some kind of memorial was placed in Highgate for Helen and Boris, that is surely the place where their spirits will return. I imagine them together in Waterlow Park where I often walked with Dolly-Dog, the wind in their hair and a spring in their step. I lived in Highgate for twenty years and I still visit often. I will always hold a good thought for Helen and Boris when I go there, as I do for a dear friend who also lived in Highgate and who by coincidence also died in April of last year, far too young leaving behind many broken hearts.

And so the next step comes tomorrow, when Judge Bright spells out the wickedness of this man, the cold, premeditated nature of the murder and all the aggravating features that will surely spell a very long prison sentence.

Then Ian Stewart will be sent down, to disappear from public view forever and be forgotten like the insignificant waste of oxygen he is.

Meanwhile Helen and Boris, those beautiful trusting souls who gave so much to this world, will be forever remembered with love and affection and carried safe in the hearts of those who loved them.

Spoken with eloquence DD. :goodpost:
Interesting wording here when Nick & Joe were brought to court.

[FONT=&amp]He added: “Well Nick is Nick, nothing like the Joe I described and Nick is nothing like the image I described.”

[FONT=&amp]When comparing the real Nick &B Joe to the Nick & Joe in his story, rather than refer to the made up Nick & Joe as "The kidnapper Joe" or the " The kidnapper Nick" or "the men who took Helen" or referring to them in any way as if they were real living people who actually existed , he refers to them as

[FONT=&amp]"the Joe I described"[/FONT][FONT=&amp] and "[/FONT][FONT=&amp]the image I described"
That's all they ever were... a description. A figment of his magination.[/FONT]
]I think we were very recently wondering if IS had his beady eyes on Helen's Highgate house ie. wealth before they met [/B]- also how he rushed to her home for their first meeting unannounced, and how he knew where she actually lived. It's not really important in the great scheme of things but these words are from the Daily Mail report about his conviction:

'We were talking about where we lived, we sent photos of our houses. She attached a photo of one of the houses and said tomorrow night she would be on her own.

'On that photo she had an address. I saw this as a subtle invite, I drove up unannounced to her house and text her to say I was here.

Actually, we were asserting this from the very beginning following his arrest.
Tortoise told me about the widows forum and him leaving after befriending Helen and then making some spurious reason for reconnecting with her. I recognized the signs of predatory behavior and this was flagged up then. We've always maintained that he planned this from the outset.
Also the "OH! Hello" when he comes down the stairs like he's surprised it's police and he hasn't just been told by Jamie that the police are there to see him.


YES!! I'm SO glad justice has been served. I'm SO glad the death of Diane is being looked into.

After this feeling has worn, I will take a moment for Helen and Boris later. I am mixed between euphoria and devastation.

BIB sums it up perfectly. Just got back to my desk and shed more tears. Elated at the verdict but feel hollow and empty at the way their lives were cruelly stolen and that things will never be the same for Helen's/Diane's family and friends :beagle:
I haven't been able to find the words yet and still don't think I can. Others have already said everything I feel, especially DollyD, so eloquent as always.

I'm going to clean house, have a long shower, and process all my feelings of sadness and elation. Thank you to everyone for being with me on this journey. I know we all feel this deeply.
Torty will back me up on this, but that interview before his arrest is absolute textbook lying in terms of body language and semantics.

Head touching, no eye recall of actual memories, hand twitching, no animation, hoping his words disappear, slumped in the chair, monotone recitation of script, etc. etc. etc.

No wonder the police suspected him. For someone who has got away with what he's got away with for so long, he's a terrible, terrible liar.
Comments from a family member of IS's deceased wife

One family member, who requested anonymity, said: "We were told at the time it was an unexplained death and it has worried me, it has been on my mind that it was unexplained."

“He [Stewart] was the only one there when she died… I know her brother and sister have been very concerned. Her mother has been very concerned too, it has been awful for her.”

I haven't ever experienced such revulsion and loathing when looking at a photograph as I do now.
I haven't ever experienced such revulsion and loathing when looking at a photograph as I do know.

I nearly threw up in my bin at work. He must have used a love potion or something to snaffle the beautiful (in face and soul) Helen
Clarity on the duvet at the skip:

It's not the boxes that the duvet is in. Here are the screenshots for the duvet. It's only a couple of frames long before the boxes, as presumably there wasn't much movement setting off the cameras here.



Then the boxes come after:


Apologies for the image sizes, but I've left them large for zooming purposes.
I echo the comments of Tortoise, TheRisenBishop and others. We are euphoric at this long-awaited guilty verdict, that delivers justice at last for Helen, Boris, their family and everyone who loved them. But inevitably we experience a feeling of anti-climax, as the awful truth hits us again that they are gone, never to return.

I recognise as many have said, that there are no winners and that many people's lives have been blighted by IS. But today I will focus my sympathies and prayers on Helen's family and friends. When she met IS, a poison entered her life that would spell her destruction. For me, he and everything that surrounded him and their entirely false life in Royston, represents the wrong turning that spelled her doom.

Her own family are uncontaminated in this respect. As is Highgate, the place she was happiest for many years with her beloved husband JS. I think in due course it would be wonderful if some kind of memorial was placed in Highgate for Helen and Boris, that is surely the place where their spirits will return. I imagine them together in Waterlow Park where I often walked with Dolly-Dog, the wind in their hair and a spring in their step. I lived in Highgate for twenty years and I still visit often. I will always hold a good thought for Helen and Boris when I go there, as I do for a dear friend who also lived in Highgate and who by coincidence also died in April of last year, far too young leaving behind many broken hearts.

And so the next step comes tomorrow, when Judge Bright spells out the wickedness of this man, the cold, premeditated nature of the murder and all the aggravating features that will surely spell a very long prison sentence.

Then Ian Stewart will be sent down, to disappear from public view forever and be forgotten like the insignificant waste of oxygen he is.

Meanwhile Helen and Boris, those beautiful trusting souls who gave so much to this world, will be forever remembered with love and affection and carried safe in the hearts of those who loved them.

Beautiful words Dolly! Thank you. xx
What a huge relief (and sad anticlimax). You've all said what I would want to say, and better - thank you, everybody.
With customary poor timing I eventually went out at 12, deciding that a swim at our local pool would help, and the verdict would be delivered in the early afternoon. When I got back at ten to two there was a 'Hooray!' message from my sister (anxiously checking between patients in the GP surgery where she works) and so many pages added to this thread that I've only just got through.
How could we ever have feared anyone on the jury would not see through all these lies...
The Cambridge News page keeps sticking. A lot of people are trying to take it all in now.

Stone Bay, Broadstairs , Kent.

Where Helen had asked for her ashes to be deposited.

I don't have much more to say at the moment. Just sad.
As per October 2016 on the other board - "what a waste."

Going to catch up with the rest of the news reports.
How could he walk through that door every day?


I've been watching all the videos again just to pick out things. But I have to stop now and I'll be back later. That simple picture has crushed me.
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