GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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.... on the reporting

At least IS did not have his own PR agency like Knox or Pistorius spooning out the defence case direct to the media!
I was only thinking about it from the point of view of not having the verdict yet, and their big scoop expenditure being wasted if there was no conviction.

They wouldn't pay out in advance. Trust me!
I too must admit CPS charles is rather lovely :blushing:

Loved the bit when he was asked whether IS would ever be considered safe back into the community and he answered " Never"

Louise x
It's not an active case in terms of sub judice rules until an arrest is made (or an arrest warrant issued). There's no legal reason for them not to talk about it. Plenty of personal reasons of course.

Maybe Mark Williams Thomas will do a "documentary" about it :D
.... on the reporting

At least IS did not have his own PR agency like Knox or Pistorius spooning out the defence case direct to the media!

Cos he's a tightwad through and through :D
Re Os visit to the passport office. I thought he was going to get his visa.

From memory, Australian visas are usually issued fairly close to the date of travel ( unless things have changed over time ) so it would make sense for him not collecting his until about a week or so before travel.
Also, the visa is for a short length of time ( a few months, again if memory serves me ) so if a person goes for say a month but then decides to stay on longer, then it's more sensible to get the visa as close as poss to travel date, in order to have the longest length of time left on it.

It didn't mention visas just mentioned passport office. You can apply for the visa online with a one working day turnaround. Presumably you'd tell them the day you wanted it to start?
I was only thinking about it from the point of view of not having the verdict yet, and their big scoop expenditure being wasted if there was no conviction.

I think journalists were pretty confident of a conviction in this case don't you? Interesting to hear other people's views of last night's C5 doco. I was impressed they got the actor Kevin Whately to do the voice over (he doesn't come cheap) but disappointed they booked Laura Richards as an 'expert' contributor. She has been widely discredited and for my money brings only cliches to the table with little real insight.

For me the 'sharp intake of breath' moments were when we heard IS say on arrest: "Is that why the garage doors are open?" (almost a clear admission of guilt) and when it was stated IS witnessed Helen's will in 2012 and saw with his own greedy eyes how wealthy she was. Hindsight again but dear God, she had only met him the year before in 2011 and was an open book, she obviously trusted him totally and never had a moment's suspicion he may have been a gold digger. Did none of her friends or family warn her of this possibility?

They say there are stages with grieving - I know I didn't know Helen personally but I do care a great deal - and I think the anger stage is suddenly hitting me hard!
Re the documentary, I think for avid followers of the case like us, it didn't offer much new but for most viewers it would have been a pretty good summary of the case.
Maybe Mark Williams Thomas will do a "documentary" about it :D

Oh dear God spare us - another TV 'expert' with an ego bigger than God. I thought this guy did some good TV work on the Savile case but could not believe my eyes when I switched on the TV and saw him being an apologist for Oscar Pistorious. Absolutely shameful!
Morning team Helen and Boris......shame the boys didn't offer a bit more....or...are they still in shock?

Did you all notice how IS flicked his cone head hair up when arrested in the stairway.......we need a gif of

I noticed how, when he was told he was being arrested for the murder of Helen, he stepped back.
Williams Thomas is really only a presenter IMO. He can claim to be an investigative journalist as much as he likes.

On Savile, he only did " good work" because the BBC dropped the hot potato and the journalists that had investigated it passed on all their heavy lifting to a different channel and he got to front it.
I was just looking at this line in Helen's will

"I am expecting to marry IAN STEWART (Ian). My marriage to him does not revoke this will. This will is effective even if I die before marrying Ian."

Does anyone agree with me that this does not sound like something Helen would have written? She was so smart with words. Why would Helen think that dying would make her will ineffective?

I am wondering if he drafted it with her, and she never noticed the futility of that line? It's not something a solicitor would suggest I'm sure.

It certainly seemed to be dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's didn't it.
I noticed how, when he was told he was being arrested for the murder of Helen, he stepped back.

I am fascinated by how we all read things differently - do you interpret that as genuine surprise Duchy?

IS , soon to appear in prison's Xmas panto .
Williams Thomas is really only a presenter IMO. He can claim to be an investigative journalist as much as he likes.

On Savile, he only did " good work" because the BBC dropped the hot potato and the journalists that had investigated it passed on all their heavy lifting to a different channel and he got to front it.

I'm coming out in a rash at the mere thought of him.
I love your avatar. Remembering good and positive things about Helen and Boris is lovely.

Now IS is slung away out of sight for the rest of his life he should be entirely forgotten and peoples happy memories of Helen can come to the fore. I would hate for her legacy to be defined by her bad luck in meeting IS and her murder at his hands. She had a wonderful successful life before she met him, I intend to focus on that from now on!
Now I'm curious. What do they say then, we'll pay you if we get to use this / if it's a guilty verdict?

Exactly that.

There may have been a small up front retainer but it wouldn't be very much.
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