GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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I've said this way earlier in the threads, but it still bothers me. It's the thing that always rattled my cage from the very beginning; this bit of his released appeal to Helen when she was missing:

"I hope you hear this message and listen carefully"

Listen carefully? I've never, ever understood it in any natural sense of her being missing and it was the first time I was absolutely sure he had something to do with it.

Why would you ever say that to someone who is missing? Of course they would be listening carefully. It's so redundant, but also so aggressive.

Eurgh, every time I read it on an article, it grinds my gears.

Good catch!

As I have mentioned before, Murderer as amateur script writer is a particular fascination of mine.

These perps always make the mistake of included large amounts of exposition in their work - probably because they get their ideas off television

Quality script writing tries to keep exposition down though you sometimes need a bit to help the plot along or remind the viewers what is happening.

But of course real life does not include exposition, foreshadowing or other cinematic techniques!
It didn't mention visas just mentioned passport office. You can apply for the visa online with a one working day turnaround. Presumably you'd tell them the day you wanted it to start?

Ah ha. Then it was passport. So does sound a last minute plan.
was just looking at the BBC update

very sad to remember that she really was going to use OLLI as her blog phrase

In the weeks before her death, Ms Bailey and Stewart - who had experience as a web designer - were working on a new blog site called "And Beyond: One Life Live It".
Under the headings Fashion, Dogs, Flowers, Food and Life, test posts still appear, with one reading: "This is just a test post to see how things work on this blog that my super duper man has organised for me."
He should have used the name syko instead of sykic
It's worth re-upping this:

In a note issued following the news of Ms Bailey's apparent disappearance, Stewart said:

"Helen wherever you might be I hope you hear this message and listen carefully. We miss you and Boris so much. We are shattered in so many ways.

"You bring so much to so many people in ways you don't even realise.

"Whatever has happened, wherever you are I will come and get you and Boris and give you whatever you need."

Wow - such conviction in the narrative!

Interesting he doesn't ask Helen to get in touch, or the person who has her to release her.

No self blame, no guilt, no confusion - none of the things you'd expect in a real narrative.
I am fascinated by how we all read things differently - do you interpret that as genuine surprise Duchy?

IS , soon to appear in prison's Xmas panto .

Don't tell me - it's 'Jack and the Beanstalk' this year? :happydance:
I think journalists were pretty confident of a conviction in this case don't you? Interesting to hear other people's views of last night's C5 doco. I was impressed they got the actor Kevin Whately to do the voice over (he doesn't come cheap) but disappointed they booked Laura Richards as an 'expert' contributor. She has been widely discredited and for my money brings only cliches to the table with little real insight.

For me the 'sharp intake of breath' moments were when we heard IS say on arrest: "Is that why the garage doors are open?" (almost a clear admission of guilt) and when it was stated IS witnessed Helen's will in 2012 and saw with his own greedy eyes how wealthy she was. Hindsight again but dear God, she had only met him the year before in 2011 and was an open book, she obviously trusted him totally and never had a moment's suspicion he may have been a gold digger. Did none of her friends or family warn her of this possibility?

They say there are stages with grieving - I know I didn't know Helen personally but I do care a great deal - and I think the anger stage is suddenly hitting me hard!

BIB this interests me.

I have witnessed quite a few Wills in my time ( don't ask ) and with one exception, I have never read the Will, only witnessed the signature of the testator - which is all that is required of a witness.

I wonder did Helen ask IS to read through before signing - or did he helpfully offer to do a check through for her ?
Exactly that.

There may have been a small up front retainer but it wouldn't be very much.

NoW were ruthless - a big cash offer up front that was unlikely to be bettered by anyone else plus a pledge to better any subsequent offers. If they wanted a story they didn't mess about.
Ah ha. Then it was passport. So does sound a last minute plan.

Another possibility is that his passport was near its expiry date. Is that feasible at his age? I'm not sure how things work with children's passports.
BIB this interests me.

I have witnessed quite a few Wills in my time ( don't ask ) and with one exception, I have never read the Will, only witnessed the signature of the testator - which is all that is required of a witness.

I wonder did Helen ask IS to read through before signing - or did he helpfully offer to do a check through for her ?

It wouldn't really have mattered at that stage (2012). He would have known he wasn't in it because he had only just asked her to marry him and it would have been too premature, even for him, to think she had included him in her will.
It wouldn't really have mattered at that stage (2012). He would have known he wasn't in it because he had only just asked her to marry him and it would have been too premature, even for him, to think she had included him in her will.

Beneficiaries can't be witnesses, anyway.
Does anyone have a transcript of IS's police interview filmed at home?

The one well before his arrest...

Would love to have a decent look at the text of that!
He should have used the name syko instead of sykic

IDK Tortoise, considering his ability to inveigle and dupe i reckon he was pretty successful on the Emotional Intell Quotients and telling people what they wanted to hear.

Before I head off though
Was wondering if any of the widows we have on this thread found him on other widow groups under a different name.
Am only aware of WAY, MW and that FB group as his "hunting ground". Am saying it for what it is now - in his perception.

Are there any other UK ones?

Unrelated but on the MWidows group.
catfishing stories in the Guardian again today too.
NoW were ruthless - a big cash offer up front that was unlikely to be bettered by anyone else plus a pledge to better any subsequent offers. If they wanted a story they didn't mess about.

Ah good point re the NotW they did operate ruthlessly. As an agency we did quite often do the middleman stuff, and sometimes the auctions (!) Usually it was on a promise of useability with very little upfront.
Jan Moir in the Daily Mail:

Helen Bailey had everything to live for, but she died a terrible death: drugged by sleeping tablets slipped into her scrambled eggs, then crammed into an underground sewage tank, her adored pet dog thrown in beside her.
And what had she done to deserve this ghastly fate? Nothing, of course. Nothing except to dare to believe in love.


Online dating and friendship sites are perfectly safe, marvellous inventions and an antidote to the loneliness of the age. Until they are not. And then they become the stuff of nightmares.

The lessons we learn from these wretched cases is that the search for love can make fools of us all, so let’s be careful out there.

Women need to be smarter about romance, to protect themselves and their savings from men who prey on their generosity. And to listen to those inner voices of doubt, even when they are saying something we don’t want to hear.


Hear hear! Though I would like to add: This should not depend on the woman alone. Friends, take care of your friends. Keep an eye on those who are grieving too, and make that two eyes.
Wasn't anyone worried about the drastic life choices HB made after JS died? Were they only viewing the developments through the rosy coloured lenses of Loooove?
It sometimes worries me - no, it often worries me- that a lot of modern "virtues" and memes leave people, and even more vulnerable people, to their own devices: She reinvented her life. She left this episode behind her. She moved on. When in fact she left her circle of friends, the home where she was safe, the city that she loved and moved to a spot that was isolated in so many ways with a man that was unknown to most.

Because love. I would like to hear from one friend, or family member admitting that they were not only a bit surprised but truly worried when HB became involved with IS.
Don't tell me - it's 'Jack and the Beanstalk' this year? :happydance:

LOL I've used the term Widow(er) Cranky on here before.
The body cam footage is testament to how he makes a good effort on the Nudge, Nudge and the "he's behind you " front . "the garage... the garage"

before i saw the actual tape, I took his "Your joking" and 7am shock reactions etc from Cambs News reports, simply at face-value.
Hello jenspired
Your typo has provoked my pedantic nature to observe that the word dachshund is German for badger-hound - dachs = badger + hund = dog.
Sorry, I can't help it!

Thanks Moll - I love etymology and now I will always remember how to type it correctly :)
Jan Moir in the Daily Mail:

Helen Bailey had everything to live for, but she died a terrible death: drugged by sleeping tablets slipped into her scrambled eggs, then crammed into an underground sewage tank, her adored pet dog thrown in beside her.
And what had she done to deserve this ghastly fate? Nothing, of course. Nothing except to dare to believe in love.


Online dating and friendship sites are perfectly safe, marvellous inventions and an antidote to the loneliness of the age. Until they are not. And then they become the stuff of nightmares.

The lessons we learn from these wretched cases is that the search for love can make fools of us all, so let’s be careful out there.

Women need to be smarter about romance, to protect themselves and their savings from men who prey on their generosity. And to listen to those inner voices of doubt, even when they are saying something we don’t want to hear.


Hear hear! Though I would like to add: This should not depend on the woman alone. Friends, take care of your friends. Keep an eye on those who are grieving too, and make that two eyes.
Wasn't anyone worried about the drastic life choices HB made after JS died? Were they only viewing the developments through the rosy coloured lenses of Loooove?
It sometimes worries me - no, it often worries me- that a lot of modern "virtues" and memes leave people, and even more vulnerable people, to their own devices: She reinvented her life. She left this episode behind her. She moved on. When in fact she left her circle of friends, the home where she was safe, the city that she loved and moved to a spot that was isolated in so many ways with a man that was unknown to most.

Because love. I would like to hear from one friend, or family member admitting that they were not only a bit surprised but truly worried when HB became involved with IS.

Amazing how the internet is always to blame

As if men weren't killing and abusing their domestic partners before its invention

Moir is looking from the victims point of view, and of course Helen was simply unlucky

But if you look at IS he was a danger to women in general and maybe was already a killer.

I find keeping safe to be a myth propagated by the likes of the Daily Mail, when the real issue is that men keep killing/abusing women and kids.

We can't keep women safe while people like IS are out there.
Good catch!

As I have mentioned before, Murderer as amateur script writer is a particular fascination of mine.

These perps always make the mistake of included large amounts of exposition in their work - probably because they get their ideas off television

Quality script writing tries to keep exposition down though you sometimes need a bit to help the plot along or remind the viewers what is happening.

But of course real life does not include exposition, foreshadowing or other cinematic techniques!

"Listen very carefully" is more like something a kidnapper would say, or in the case of jonbenet, write.
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