GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #11

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off top of my head

11. He was no longer vulnerable and had quite a healthy life in front of him. (Pinto evidence)
12. The historical zopliclone prescriptions. 2005 & 2010. 2010's poss prompting him to get a re-issue in 2016.(7.5mg x 28each time)
13. days after killing HB he appears to make his first visit to the FB Diane Lem FB page, leaving his kiss, but not in preceding 6 years. Why?

there'll be more.

Question: is it worth setting up a thread for Diane, or should we wait for more information regarding the investigation...?
JB has been very kind to them and they have been sitting with him every day they have attended court.

JB seems such a kind classy man. He's been so dignified in such heartbreaking circumstances.

I would like to use this picture for my profile pic on here to remember Helen and Boris. If anyone objects please pm me and I wont.
Question: is it worth setting up a thread for Diane, or should we wait for more information regarding the investigation...?

I think we have to wait until they announce an actual investigation, IDK how others feel though. I totally get what you're saying though LozDa.
A team of 27 now on the case - sounds like they are taking it seriously.
Did anyone see the Janet street porter thing?

Not the best choice of words... I think it's really hard for anyone to see what on earth she could have seen in this man no matter how nice he was to her.

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“She was so smart in some ways and so dumb in others - not dumb, that’s a rather cruel thing to say - but naive."

IMHO this was a collective state of naivity & lack of worldliness. As if HB was only a bunch of grief & emotions and not a businesswoman with significant financial assets. Her being a millionaire made her a target, but did anyone really warn her? If someone did, I must have missed it. All we heard is how HB wanted to protect IS in case she died before they were married, but did anyone consider protecting her? The bereavement counsellor made it all about love, even if the relationship was far to soon to be healthy. Whatever happened to the old feminist adagium that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle? Why would the first man to come around be Mr Absolutely Right? How unlikely is that? Statistically?

I have no idea who Janet Street Porter is, but let me advise her: You were not harsh enough. Yes she was naive. She had all the money in the world to call a plumber when she needed one. Or one of her many friends could have called that plumber for her. Even from a different continent.
If lessons are to be learned here, one major lesson should be about how IS managed to wiggle his way into HB's life. One cannot blame this solely on the internet.
The statement from Jamie and Oliver refers to the investigation into their mother's death, surely?

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I would like to use this picture for my profile pic on here to remember Helen and Boris. If anyone objects please pm me and I wont.

I choose not to see avatars as I find them distracting, so I wouldn't see it.
But I will say that if I did, it would sadden me every time I saw it.

Each to his own, but I couldn't be buying items with dachshunds on, it chokes me up whenever I am reminded of little Boris and his fate and I just couldn't bear such permanent reminders.
The statement from Jamie and Oliver refers to the investigation into their mother's death, surely?

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yes maybe that is it? It's nothing to do with Diane but even if it's in ref to Helen it makes no sense.

"We understand a significant investigation has been carried out since Helen went missing," the sons said in a short statement.
"Understandably this is an extremely difficult time for us and we have no further comment to make other than for the media to respect our privacy."
What words could they use though . . .? Any comment from them would be inadequate/inappropriate . . . they are in a dreadful nightmare of a situation really . . .
“She was so smart in some ways and so dumb in others - not dumb, that’s a rather cruel thing to say - but naive."

IMHO this was a collective state of naivity & lack of worldliness. As if HB was only a bunch of grief & emotions and not a businesswoman with significant financial assets. Her being a millionaire made her a target, but did anyone really warn her? If someone did, I must have missed it. All we heard is how HB wanted to protect IS in case she died before they were married, but did anyone consider protecting her? The bereavement counsellor made it all about love, even if the relationship was far to soon to be healthy. Whatever happened to the old feminist adagium that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle? Why would the first man to come around be Mr Absolutely Right? How unlikely is that? Statistically?

I have no idea who Janet Street Porter is, but let me advise her: You were not harsh enough. Yes she was naive. She had all the money in the world to call a plumber when she needed one. Or one of her many friends could have called that plumber for her. Even from a different continent.
If lessons are to be learned here, one major lesson should be about how IS managed to wiggle his way into HB's life. One cannot blame this solely on the internet.

It's rather harsh to condemn someone for looking for the good things in others. You can't spend your life expecting everyone you meet to be a potential psychopath. IS must have been extremely adept at fabricating a convincing amiable personality while being so cold on the inside. It wasn't just Helen who was taken in by him, probably JSP would have been too if she'd had him on Loose Women to interview prior to these events.
What words could they use though . . .? Any comment from them would be inadequate/inappropriate . . . they are in a dreadful nightmare of a situation really . . .

Yes, I should imagine there are many conflicting emotions. They perhaps wouldn't want to mention Helen as they probably feel terribly guilty about their father's involvement. They might have felt it would be out of place to have made mention of her and her character and instead left that up to John.

I don't know. I'm struggling with their statement also, but for the time being, I feel like John Bailey has been such a class act throughout that I want to trust his judgement and his relationship with J&O. I think statements would have been discussed and agreed outside of just the two of them, so I think there's a reason it's so succinct. Enough that they're not saying nothing, but also not really saying anything at the same time. It seems deliberate to me and not because they're trying to be disrespectful, but almost because they're trying to be respectful in their silence and leave Helen's side of the family to talk about her.

Maybe? ;)

ETA: I really keep going back and forth on this. I mean, they're young, but they're adults. They could have at least extended their sympathies to Helen's family.


Why do things not go the way I want them to? SO ANNOYING. Ha!
I said before that maybe Diane didn't have epilepsy. Not all seizures are epileptic. She may have had
eclampsia when pregnant or she may simply have had non-epileptic seizures.
The statement from Jamie and Oliver refers to the investigation into their mother's death, surely?

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Yes, I think you must be right, as that report is about how 'The family of the late wife of the man who murdered children's author Helen Bailey have welcomed police plans to re-examine her death.'

Although the statement is ambiguous out of context, if read after the preceding bit about the family's reaction it is clear the investigation they mean is the one into their mother's death. It doesn't surprise me they were terse on that subject. I know they haven't said anything about Helen, but as SiSi says, this would be difficult for them. Maybe later.

ETA Sorry about the font change that has afflicted me after I lifted that bit of text!
What words could they use though . . .? Any comment from them would be inadequate/inappropriate . . . they are in a dreadful nightmare of a situation really . . .

If that's all they can come up with, it would have been better to say nothing. It's just a long-winded way of saying "Leave us alone".
"Thanks to hair samples, police were able to prove Stewart drugged Helen, 51, before he murdered her and disposed of the body in a cesspit.

However, Diane was cremated,* meaning detectives are relying on *postmortem tests from 2010.

Detective Chief Inspector Jerome Kent and his team of 27 are currently studying toxicology, cell and tissue tests from Diane’s postmortem examination.

They are also looking at statements, speaking with friends and family and checking what medication would have been in the house at the time."

I wonder whose idea cremation has been?

It doesn't appeal to everyone to do but with a bit of luck, someone may have saved a lock of Dianes hair to put in a locket maybe.
Thank you for all the updates today, he's the gift that keeps on giving isn't he!

I'm so very pleased that he got his 30 years plus some, I like to think of those extra 4 as being the years he stole from Boris. xx

I'm flabbergasted that he didn't attend court today for the sentencing, i'm not surprised because his behaviour is that of a like a petulant child but I am annoyed that the 'system' allowed this to be possible. He should have been made to face that judge today.

I can't get the image of Helen's father screaming out of my head, the pain that *there are no words strong enough* has caused is so heartbreaking.

As many others have said and I concur, I will never forget Helen, I will never get over what he's done and whilst it's almost over for me and I can return to my life I feel I will always have a thought in my mind for those that cannot.
"Thanks to hair samples, police were able to prove Stewart drugged Helen, 51, before he murdered her and disposed of the body in a cesspit.

However, Diane was cremated,* meaning detectives are relying on *postmortem tests from 2010.

Detective Chief Inspector Jerome Kent and his team of 27 are currently studying toxicology, cell and tissue tests from Diane’s postmortem examination.

They are also looking at statements, speaking with friends and family and checking what medication would have been in the house at the time."

I wonder whose idea cremation has been?

BIB Three-quarters of people in the UK are cremated these days so on its own that isn't very telling...although of course if everyone else on her side wanted a burial (were they Catholics?) and IS insisted on a cremation, it would be.
BIB Three-quarters of people in the UK are cremated these days so on its own that isn't very telling...although of course if everyone else on her side wanted a burial (were they Catholics?) and IS insisted on a cremation, it would be.

Edited - have checked he said they had "a nice traditional wedding"
BIB Three-quarters of people in the UK are cremated these days so on its own that isn't very telling...although of course if everyone else on her side wanted a burial (were they Catholics?) and IS insisted on a cremation, it would be.

Even most Catholics opt for cremation these days- it's become quite acceptable, as there are no longer doctrinal reasons against it.

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