GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #2

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Old and Re-Tired Websleuth
Oct 28, 2009
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[FONT=&amp]The defendant wiped his eyes as he listened to a recording of himself being interviewed by detectives, following his arrest in April.

[FONT=&amp]As he was asked about the note millionaire children's author, Mrs Bailey allegedly left before her disappearance, Stewart was heard telling officers: "The note was handwriting, it wasn't typed. I thought it was Helen's.

[FONT=&amp]"And she signed the note, no one else would have signed it like that. LB is a nickname I had for Helen, my nickname is BB. It's going back to when we first met. She was little bean and I was big bean."


The fiance of children's author Helen Bailey "grinned" at police officers as they attempted to question him about her sudden disappearance, a court has heard.

Ian Stewart, 56, of Royston, Hertfordshire, is accused of drugging and killing the Electra Brown writer in a financially motivated plot last year.

Sgt Nicole Goodyear told the court Mr Stewart followed police "everywhere" during a search on 15 April.

She said: "He was very interested in what we were doing, he wanted to know what we were doing and why."

Mr Stewart also denies preventing a lawful burial, fraud and three counts of perverting the course of justice.

The trial continues.


UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016

Please continue discussing here.


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I hadn't listened to the second part of the phone call until you posted this Legally Bland - but I felt it to be the most discriminatory part of his conversation with his Emergency Call .. because his breathing (exasperation of any delay when he was only paying lip service to the phone call - or his disingenuous conversation with a person who trusted him- or his MG) was so notable .. and his detachment - his lack of passion - his honest deep concern and adoration for Helen is absent from this phone call. I think the Police would analyse this and find him suspect at this point.
And IF Helen DID say she never wanted to drive again - BatFace - it would also go along with 'gas lighting' where she was more contained within the home, and removed from socialising with friends.
Do we know what time IS (aka big bean) rang the doctors to rearrange his appointment?

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Do we know what time IS (aka big bean) rang the doctors to rearrange his appointment?

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The surgery nurse who gave evidence said she saw the appointment being changed on her screen at 11.33am.
Do we know who is scheduled to appear in court next week? Helen's mother, I think. Anyone else?
I have brought this post over because I felt it needed some clarification.

Originally Posted by Bethan
I'm behind on my reading, however I must just pick up on this point.

It is virtually impossible to die from an overdose of zopiclone alone.

This is why zopiclone is one of the very few sleeping pills which can be prescribed in UK now.

I know this for a fact.
I am medically qualified &
have researched this carefully in the past for a 'real life' case.

Searching the literature I found just ONE death which COULD have been attributable to an overdose of zopiclone & this was in a frail elderly lady who had pre-existing breathing problems.

There is however a significantly increased risk of RTA's in zopiclone users.

Reference [12] Barbone F, McMahon AD, Davey PG, et al. (October 1998). "Association of road-traffic accidents with benzodiazepine use". Lancet. 352 (9137): 1331–1336. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(98)04087-2. PMID 9802269.

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I have brought this post over because I felt it needed some clarification.
I note your Reference is associated with a Road Traffic Accident.
A few minutes searching brought many references to overdose deaths by Zopiclone. These are just two. Pub Med has plenty of information on the drug.


Zopiclone is sometimes used as a method of suicide.[SUP][72][/SUP] It has a similar fatality index to that of benzodiazepine drugs, apart from temazepam, which is particularly toxic in overdose.[SUP][73][74][75][/SUP] Deaths have occurred from zopiclone overdose, alone or in combination with other drugs.[SUP][76][77][78][/SUP]Overdose of zopiclone may present with excessive sedation and depressed respiratory function that may progress to coma and possibly death.[SUP][79][/SUP]Zopiclone combined with alcohol, opiates, or other central nervous system depressants may be even more likely to lead to fatal overdoses. Zopiclone overdosage can be treated with the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist flumazenil, which displaces zopiclone from its binding site on the benzodiazepine receptor, thereby rapidly reversing its effects.[SUP][80][81][/SUP] Serious effects on the heart may also occur from a zopiclone overdose[SUP][82][83][/SUP] when combined with piperazine.[SUP][84][/SUP]
Death certificates show the number of zopiclone-related deaths is on the rise.[SUP][85][/SUP] When taken alone, it usually is not fatal, but when mixed with alcohol or other drugs such as opioids, or in patients with respiratory, or hepatic disorders, the risk of a serious and fatal overdose increases.[SUP][86][87]

“Post-mortem concentrations of drugs determined in femoral blood in single-drug fatalities compared with multi-drug poisoning deaths”
Jones AW[SUP]1[/SUP], Holmgren A[SUP]2[/SUP], Ahlner J[SUP]3[/SUP].
“In single-drug fatalities ethanol (1585), morphine (114), citalopram (28), propoxyphene (51), flunitrazepam (70), propiomazine (46), tramadol (20) and zopiclone (15) were most prevalent.”

I think it very unlikely Helen died from an overdose but I do think it could well be that she had a glass of wine with her lunch which could have made her very tired and weak, thus enabling IS to suffocate her without a struggle.
I hadn't listened to the second part of the phone call until you posted this Legally Bland - but I felt it to be the most discriminatory part of his conversation with his Emergency Call .. because his breathing (exasperation of any delay when he was only paying lip service to the phone call - or his disingenuous conversation with a person who trusted him- or his MG) was so notable .. and his detachment - his lack of passion - his honest deep concern and adoration for Helen is absent from this phone call. I think the Police would analyse this and find him suspect at this point.

I have just listened to it, part 2. Grief, it's like he's reporting a late delivery of a newspaper - the lack of worry comes across very well.
JSs daughter

And I think there is a second recorded police interview of 2 hours to go through.

We haven't heard from the cleaner yet, and we might hear from the neighbour who told police about the place to hide a body and the man who sold the house to them, examination of Helen's laptop, mobile phone analysis, perhaps an undercover officer sent to spy on big bean in Palma..I'm sure there's more I haven't thought of.
[FONT=&quot]The Ashwell surgery also has a branch in Bassingbourn, where the wound dressings took place, the court was told.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“At 11.33am my log showed this appointment being revised. In the reason field, as my own typed entry, it was ‘rebooked from this AM due to car trouble’.


“The last time I saw Helen, for definite now, was when she asked me to change my doctor’s appointment if possible to the afternoon.

Someone mentioned in the last thread that panadol was found in her body during the post mortem. So IS lied about her taking pills. Also if it was panadiene then the codiene could have caused the overdose, assuming that the codiene is unstable and broke down before the post mortem (don't know if that is possible). And if the panadiene was in capsule form then could he not hide the zopiclone (ground up) in a capsule? Although you would soon recognise that every time you took panadol you fell asleep! All this of course is just wild speculation.
Thanks for posting phone call link, I hadn't heard part 2. There's two incriminating points for me in it..... When asked if there were any psychological problems he brought up something from 10 years ago. He said he doesn't know any details but was then very definite in saying therefore she did have problems. I don't know many people who would make that leap about their partner without a MASSIVE caveat that there had been no evidence whilst he'd known her.

Second point was that he asked what when he would hear next from them and said twice because he needed to know what to tell her brother and friends. You wouldn't add that as part of the sentence of you were worried about your partner.

He doesn't sound remotely worried or caring about her. Also weirdly emphatic statement about no-one being able to abuse Helen.
Can anyone make out what he says at 5.25ish during the second recording when hes asked what sort of build she is.

He replies slim. Then says something else. But can't make it out what it is - "thats easy" maybe?

He laughs and the operator kind of laughs along with him to get on to the next question.
Yes, I think he says that's easy
I have brought this post over because I felt it needed some clarification.

Originally Posted by Bethan
I'm behind on my reading, however I must just pick up on this point.

It is virtually impossible to die from an overdose of zopiclone alone.

This is why zopiclone is one of the very few sleeping pills which can be prescribed in UK now.

I know this for a fact.
I am medically qualified &
have researched this carefully in the past for a 'real life' case.

Searching the literature I found just ONE death which COULD have been attributable to an overdose of zopiclone & this was in a frail elderly lady who had pre-existing breathing problems.

There is however a significantly increased risk of RTA's in zopiclone users.

Reference [12] Barbone F, McMahon AD, Davey PG, et al. (October 1998). "Association of road-traffic accidents with benzodiazepine use". Lancet. 352 (9137): 1331–1336. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(98)04087-2. PMID 9802269.

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I have brought this post over because I felt it needed some clarification.
I note your Reference is associated with a Road Traffic Accident.
A few minutes searching brought many references to overdose deaths by Zopiclone. These are just two. Pub Med has plenty of information on the drug.


Zopiclone is sometimes used as a method of suicide.[SUP][72][/SUP] It has a similar fatality index to that of benzodiazepine drugs, apart from temazepam, which is particularly toxic in overdose.[SUP][73][74][75][/SUP] Deaths have occurred from zopiclone overdose, alone or in combination with other drugs.[SUP][76][77][78][/SUP]Overdose of zopiclone may present with excessive sedation and depressed respiratory function that may progress to coma and possibly death.[SUP][79][/SUP]Zopiclone combined with alcohol, opiates, or other central nervous system depressants may be even more likely to lead to fatal overdoses. Zopiclone overdosage can be treated with the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist flumazenil, which displaces zopiclone from its binding site on the benzodiazepine receptor, thereby rapidly reversing its effects.[SUP][80][81][/SUP] Serious effects on the heart may also occur from a zopiclone overdose[SUP][82][83][/SUP] when combined with piperazine.[SUP][84][/SUP]
Death certificates show the number of zopiclone-related deaths is on the rise.[SUP][85][/SUP] When taken alone, it usually is not fatal, but when mixed with alcohol or other drugs such as opioids, or in patients with respiratory, or hepatic disorders, the risk of a serious and fatal overdose increases.[SUP][86][87]

“Post-mortem concentrations of drugs determined in femoral blood in single-drug fatalities compared with multi-drug poisoning deaths”
Jones AW[SUP]1[/SUP], Holmgren A[SUP]2[/SUP], Ahlner J[SUP]3[/SUP].
“In single-drug fatalities ethanol (1585), morphine (114), citalopram (28), propoxyphene (51), flunitrazepam (70), propiomazine (46), tramadol (20) and zopiclone (15) were most prevalent.”

I think it very unlikely Helen died from an overdose but I do think it could well be that she had a glass of wine with her lunch which could have made her very tired and weak, thus enabling IS to suffocate her without a struggle.

Hello Interested Bystander,

Yes, you are correct, the combination of zopiclone with alcohol ( &/or other drugs ) is potentially MUCH more serious. The effects of both the zopiclone and alcohol would be potentiated and could cause a deep sleep & difficulty waking.

In my initial post, the point I was making was the risk of a fatal overdose with zopiclone ALONE is very very low.

It is common however that in deliberate overdose, it is taken in combination with other drugs and alcohol.

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And I think there is a second recorded police interview of 2 hours to go through.

We haven't heard from the cleaner yet, and we might hear from the neighbour who told police about the place to hide a body and the man who sold the house to them, examination of Helen's laptop, mobile phone analysis, perhaps an undercover officer sent to spy on big bean in Palma..I'm sure there's more I haven't thought of.
Plus they'll have to introduce financial evidence at some point.
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