GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #5

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mother daughter sister wife friend paralegal
Oct 28, 2009
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The defendant wiped his eyes as he listened to a recording of himself being interviewed by detectives, following his arrest in April.

As he was asked about the note millionaire children's author, Mrs Bailey allegedly left before her disappearance, Stewart was heard telling officers: "The note was handwriting, it wasn't typed. I thought it was Helen's.

"And she signed the note, no one else would have signed it like that. LB is a nickname I had for Helen, my nickname is BB. It's going back to when we first met. She was little bean and I was big bean."

The fiance of children's author Helen Bailey "grinned" at police officers as they attempted to question him about her sudden disappearance, a court has heard.

Ian Stewart, 56, of Royston, Hertfordshire, is accused of drugging and killing the Electra Brown writer in a financially motivated plot last year.

Sgt Nicole Goodyear told the court Mr Stewart followed police "everywhere" during a search on 15 April.

She said: "He was very interested in what we were doing, he wanted to know what we were doing and why."

Mr Stewart also denies preventing a lawful burial, fraud and three counts of perverting the course of justice.

The trial continues.


UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016
Thread #2

Thread #3
Thread #4

Please continue discussing here.
Stewart was unable to return to work after severe attack

Stewart also said effectively he only has one vocal chord as a result of complications with his operations. “I’ve been in intensive care five or six times. Generally, I was down there because they’re so concerned. “I went back to work and we went on holiday. I had a severe attack and ended up in intensive care in France. “I was flown back to Addenbrooke’s and was in intensive care there for a while. “Following my discharge from there I never went back to work again on advice from the doctors. “It’s not known what brings my Myasthenia gravis on.”

I'm playing catch up and rapidly losing the will to live reading this drivel! Send me some of your Whoopee Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzonk pills Dolly - NOW!
This is their proof that it wasn't Helen who amended the standing order, it was on IS' laptop.

I don't know how Tara missed this vital piece of evidence in her reporting yesterday.


This goes to motive. We know she was dead by this time via her phone inactivity
Maybe but I'd have freaked out if all we'd done was exchange pics of our houses and mentioned in passing that I'd be staying in and then next thing I knew he was at the door. I think she'd written herself that she wasn't expecting him and was in pyjamas with no make up on when he turned up.

She sent a pic of her house, with the address on and told him she was going to be alone the next night. Straight after they'd been having flirty chit chat. I think she hoped he'd turn up as she'd already fallen for him, online. She wouldn't have let him stay the night if she weren't happy about it. I think she probably wrote a lot of things a little differently to how they happened, to add humour to her blogs.

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I've laughed so hard today, it's definitely the pleasant, "charming" IS we're seeing at moment. Man alive, what a dullard. He's so fascinated with himself. I totally agree that "I never stopped loving her" is creepy. It's like half a sentence which could well end in "even after I killed her".

Also, I assumed the "misunderstanding" meeting was of a morning when Helen was just having a lazy one, not actually at night!!! What a nutjob!

I wish Boris had gone for his knackers. Sure he would have done if he'd had a crystal ball.

I wonder what will follow tomorrow in the exciting tale of The Life and Times of Ian Stewart.
Reading through his testimony reminds me of this 2 Ronnies Sketch

I love it. Tx :laughing:

needs sending to Mr Trimmer pros. QC.

Have you seen the list of big fish fraud cases he has prosecuted? I'll paste the link on the new thread.
Marking my spot here so I can find the thread on my phone. Off to do some housework now after listening to this afternoon's sobfest of drivel
Just looking through PG as I thought there was something written by Helen about that * first date * when she dropped IS off at the station.... am thinking that what he said today, about being fine with this, were words she used at the time, but I cant find it
And while going through PG I read this section, again.

I remember moaning to JS that all I ever wanted after the emotional chaos of my youth was a ‘normal’ little life without any major dramas. He said that I would be bored to tears. At the time I felt that he didn’t really understand me.

I was wrong. He was right.

I’d like to add another piece of advice to that list of tips to give a woman about to be married. Do feel free to add your own to the comments box. This is mine:

It is important to find a man who never bores you to tears.

I was loved and I was never bored.

How lucky am I?
Ah ha, I thought I was right.
He said he got married 1985 - it was actually 1986

Here's another little post of his from PG

October 3, 2011

Thank you for sharing, well written as always.

My life with Diane wasn’t perfect but that would be impossible over 30 years (25th Anniversay this month). It was bloody good though. One weekend she left and spent it with her parents they didn’t know anything was wrong. She came back Sunday night. Next morning we both thought that perhaps we should split more often.

The things that are missed the most are the Littlest Things

This Blog not only helps you, those that reply regularly but also the many silent readers I know you must have.


Planet Grief
October 4, 2011

Thanks Ian. Thirty years. Wow.
squamous said:
I've laughed so hard today, it's definitely the pleasant, "charming" IS we're seeing at moment. Man alive, what a dullard. He's so fascinated with himself. I totally agree that "I never stopped loving her" is creepy. It's like half a sentence which could well end in "even after I killed her".

I too thought it was an unfinished sentence but in my head it was "I never stopped loving her money."

I am so looking forward to cross examination. I really want them to nail his...erm...Niagras to the ceiling.

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True - I'm like Miss Marple in a push up bra, Lol! No surprises from old Cyclops then, though I feel it may be significant that he received a £7,000 compenation pay out as a young man for walking into a leisure centre door (a sizeable sum back then). His first, delicious taste of money for nothing?

I do not stand in judgement on Helen for being so daft as to invite a strange man into her home who she had never met before and who, more to the point had never been invited. I have done similar ill-advised things in my time and am thankfully still here to tell the tale. But I think it was a red flag that he would do that - and had she not been fundamentally wrong footed by her recent bereavement she may not have responded the same way.

I am certainly not judging helen on how they first met in person. She'd fallen for him, been talking to him for months, she will have already felt she knew him and trusted him already no doubt. I was merely saying I could see it panning out that way.

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Seriously, such a self centred boring tw@. If (not a chance in hell) he gets off, he should shack up with my aunt... a life long doler but still, rather perfect pair!!!
I am so looking forward to cross examination. I really want them to nail his...erm...Niagras to the ceiling.

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have a look at Trimmer QC's old cases

seems to specialise in fraud and murder/familial killing.
HIGH PROFILE SERIOUS FRAUD section has lots of big money scams, boiler room frauds.
You really need an eye for detail for those kinds of cases, which we know IS hasn't got.

Tomorrow will be fascinating as it's obvious that this slug-toad Stewart loves to talk about himself and blather on. Makes him easy pickings for someone of Trimmer's calibre.
I've laughed so hard today, it's definitely the pleasant, "charming" IS we're seeing at moment. Man alive, what a dullard. He's so fascinated with himself. I totally agree that "I never stopped loving her" is creepy. It's like half a sentence which could well end in "even after I killed her".

Also, I assumed the "misunderstanding" meeting was of a morning when Helen was just having a lazy one, not actually at night!!! What a nutjob!

I wish Boris had gone for his knackers. Sure he would have done if he'd had a crystal ball.

I wonder what will follow tomorrow in the exciting tale of The Life and Times of Ian Stewart.

ROFL here! Good ole Boris, bless him! x
Just looking through PG as I thought there was something written by Helen about that * first date * when she dropped IS off at the station.... am thinking that what he said today, about being fine with this, were words she used at the time, but I cant find it

It's an entry called "Warning, Self Pity Ahead". It's somewhat more dramatic than IS tells it.
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