GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #6

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Cross-examination continues - prosecution continues to quiz Stewart about the sleeping drugs

Trimmer: “You were prescribed zopiclone, why?”

Stewart: “Because I wasn’t sleeping well.”

Trimmer: “You had had zopiclone before?

Stewart: “I said I had a sleeping drug before.”

Trimmer: “If I have your evidence correct, you went back home with your zopiclone and Helen got to hear about it.”

Stewart: “Yes, I showed it to her”.

Trimmer: “She went to her computer and googled it?”

Stewart: “Yes, she showed me from her iPad websites to say you shouldn’t take zopiclone with your health condition.”

Trimmer: “Do you remember which site this was?”

Stewart: “No.”

Trimmer: “We should expect to find that search on Helen’s iPad?”

Stewart: “Yes”.

Trimmer: “Until this point the prosecution have not heard that zopiclone was taken from you and Helen researched it?

Stewart: “Yes”.
Thanks, Squamous, I've read through this quickly (hideous details, hard reading) but he did get a whole life tariff, didn't he? This and other crimes carefully planned and disgusting details being part of the reason? Judge discounted guilty plea as at all mitigating in that case.

I think the key detail was that Georgia was 17 so it could class as the murder of a child. He also had a very similar previous botched attack on a girl, and other "models" lined up for the following evenings if he hadn't been 'successful' first time. Yes, he got a whole life which was upheld at appeal. The details are absolutely awful, he was/is a seriously disturbed young man.
Welcome to the Forum! Please don't be afraid. His goose is well and truly cooked. Unless the jury has a gaggle of sociopaths lurking in their midst who might find it a jolly wheeze to let him off (Birds of feather and all that...) He won't taste freedom again.

He's entitled to spout any old defense he wants but his is bordering on contempt of court! Putting victims, professionals and the judicial system through this farce is contemptible in itself. His sentence will reflect this of that I have no doubt. Especially if pure greed is taken as his primary motive. Courts don't like that one bit.

And Boris. Boris will do for him

Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 3m3 minutes ago

Trimmer: 'so we should expect to find a search for zopiclone on Helen's iPad?' Stewart: 'No. She regularly cleared her search history'
And Boris. Boris will do for him

He will indeed. I can see some ( many even ) prisoners not being too bothered that IS murdered his fiancee ...but when it comes to Boris, different matter altogether.
Haha, you never know, the honorable judge might dislike dogs as much as I do! He might even knock time off. Now if he'd murdered little tiddles... ;)

No he's quite fond of dogs - the way he talked about the police dog that the handler wanted to bring into court
Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 2m2 minutes ago

Trimmer asks Stewart when he last cooked Helen's breakfast. Says before operation. Trimmer: 'how about April 11th?' Stewart: 'No.'

Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 8s9 seconds ago

Trimmer reads out transcript of police interview in which Stewart says he cooked Helen scrambled eggs for breakfast on Apr 11

oh dear
Haha, you never know, the honorable judge might dislike dogs as much as I do! He might even knock time off. Now if he'd murdered little tiddles... ;)

And I thought you were a nice man ...

I think we've already had a hint that the judge is sympathetic towards dogs, but I was also thinking of the many dog loving convicts he will shortly enjoy as neighbours ;)
Is it me or has Trimmer changed his style to open questions rather than closed ones,( so now IS is not getting away with Yes & no answers. )
Stewart is quizzed about whether he made Helen Bailey breakfast on the alleged date of her murder

Trimmer: “You made her breakfast, scrambled egg, on April 11?

Stewart: “No, no doubt about that at all.”

Stewart is now being asked about his second police interview, on May 4, 2016. In the interview, Stewart said he couldn’t think of a trigger why Helen had walked out the door and not come back.

Trimmer: “You don’t suggest in your interview to police that you stopped cooking Helen breakfast?”

Stewart: “No. I stopped doing a lot of things after the operation.”

Trimmer: “You didn’t cook her breakfast once after your operation?”

Stewart: “Not that I can remember no.”

Trimmer: “You told the officer you woke up in the morning on the Monday (April 11) and just got up and had breakfast together, scrambled eggs. You said Helen always has scrambled eggs. Why are you so keen now to insist you didn’t cook her breakfast after the operation?”

Stewart: “It’s the truth. Those interviews were very confusing and hard.”

Trimmer: “But now you say with positive clarity you did not cook her breakfast on April 11?”

Stewart: “My mind started to clear.”

Trimmer: “When?”

Stewart: “I don’t know.”
Kate Bradbrook ‏@katebradbrook 3m3 minutes ago

#helenbailey IS questioned about police statement where he says he cooked HB breakfast on 11/4. Now claims he didn't "It was confusing time
I think you may have misunderstood. I was hinting that he may have killed more than once.

So sorry Cherwell! I didn't read it properly and read 'single murderer' instead of 'single murder'.

I'm in a state of delirium today.
No he's quite fond of dogs - the way he talked about the police dog that the handler wanted to bring into court

Well!, seems the Cosmic karma planets are aligning perfectly against Mr Stewart. Wondering how many pooch lovers are sat on that jury? It's not looking good at all from his perspective. Except it will be because he's completely bat *advertiser censored* deluded!!!!
I think the key detail was that Georgia was 17 so it could class as the murder of a child. He also had a very similar previous botched attack on a girl, and other "models" lined up for the following evenings if he hadn't been 'successful' first time. Yes, he got a whole life which was upheld at appeal. The details are absolutely awful, he was/is a seriously disturbed young man.

I think he may well have murdered his first wife although (due to cremation - unless there are organs still available from the post mortem) it would be difficult to prove. If given a 20 year sentence he could murder again but with 30 years facing him he probably will die in prison. His method for murder seems not to involve physical violence, so if he were to ever be freed he could well go on to poison some other poor unsuspecting lovely old lady.
Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 2m2 minutes ago

Trimmer asks Stewart when he last cooked Helen's breakfast. Says before operation. Trimmer: 'how about April 11th?' Stewart: 'No.'

Chloe Keedy ‏@ChloeKeedyITV 8s9 seconds ago

Trimmer reads out transcript of police interview in which Stewart says he cooked Helen scrambled eggs for breakfast on Apr 11

oh dear

He's dug himself a pit deeper than a cesspool and even fuller of excrement.
pmsl at this part

Stewart: “My mind started to clear.”
Trimmer: “When?”
Stewart: “I don’t know.
Stewart said Helen took the sleeping tablets from him but he didn't ask doctor for a replacement

Trimmer: “You went to the doctor and Helen has taken these tablets off you, you’re still not sleeping. Did you go to your doctors and ask for something else?”

Stewart: “No there was lots going on. I slept a bit better.”

Trimmer: “She didn’t take those tablets off you, you kept them and you used them.”

Stewart: “No”

Trimmer: “Unless she took them from you there isn’t any other method of getting that zopiclone in her system is there?”

Stewart: “No. She took them herself.”

Trimmer: “Helen taking the pills herself is crucial to your defence?”

Stewart: “I didn’t regard it as crucial, that’s just what happened.”
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