GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #6

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The Solicitors evidence has always irritated me. Either we didnt hear all of it ( very likely ) or they dont seem to keep very accurate records. The ( former ) receptionist/secretary didnt seem to have very good recall of when IS was there.
It would be very useful to know who made that call.

Probably Nick, Chaz, Dave or Jose called whilst doing a cunning impression of Helen. Couldn't have been IS oh no, he was exhausted and having another lie down.
Feeling shell shocked and numb after enduring a murderer's endless stream of lies, I took the evening off WS and sipped wine, cuddled my dog and yes, shed a tear for Helen and Boris.

When I returned to the forum tonight, it was such a comfort to read so many warm thoughts about Helen, that big- hearted, elegant and eloquent lady who unwittingly walked into a serpent's den with her little dog, never to return.

I can't add much to all the wonderful, authentic tributes I've read here tonight but I'd like to say this: Human beings spend their lives looking for their happy ending, and that's how Helen met her tragic fate. As we observe the trial in anticipation of justice being served, we are reminded over and over that for Helen and Boris, there will be no happy ending, and that is truly heartbreaking. For myself and I know for many of us, Helen is a friend I hadn't met yet, and now sadly never will.

Helen's future sparkled with promise. She offered that wonderful future to IS, and he stole it from her. But he can never steal her style, her wit, her intellect, her empathy, her joie de vivre, her humour, her generosity, and all the special things she was, to all the people who loved and admired her. Helen will live on in the memories, hearts and minds of so many people, many of whom will never meet her. He could not even steal her love for Boris, for their love also endures.

Thanks Cottonweaver for the Smiths' song, I'm a similar age to Helen and it was one of my favourites as a teenager. 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' are such fitting words for Helen and Boris. Their energy and beauty will endure, long after their insignificant killer has turned to insignificant dust.

God bless Helen and Boris and everyone who shares here. X

PAGE15 - NOT apropos IS but a wonder line from Helen.'I' m sure that `i'm not alone in surfing the internet for something i shouldn't, only to stumble across something I wish I hadn't.'

This is another topic in Helen's book - but isn't it clarity of her wisdom. How could this psychopathic murderer delude her in all her wisdom. I can answer that -vileness knows when we are at out weakest node .. it is like a devil where it comes in at the time and we believe this sharp horned ugly face belongs to our warped view of an angel. This may seem mad but I share the experience... IS is not ever forgivable. I wonder, at the moment, how Rev (John Bailey's partner) can ever give 'forgiveness' to him in the name of Helen. Although, I already see he and John are RICH in grace.
How I envy you your weather. We've had the hottest summer I've ever known in Oz. It started on Boxing Day and is still going strong. I couldn't tell you how many days we've had over 40C. Tomorrow 41 and the next day 44. It will probably be our hottest summer on record. If we're lucky we'll have a couple of cloudy days and if we're really lucky we'll get a day of good rain. I hate the heat.

Enjoy your walk with your little doggie. :)

Same here, JJ, 37C (98F) at 4:00pm. Far too hot for my little doggie to have her walk. Instead, she'll take a dip in her wading pool! If only I could fit in too!
I don't recall the forensics saying this? The dogs alerted to cadaver on trousers in the main bedroom, the kitchen bench and a bucket of cleaning materials, so a deceased person.

I wonder why Nick & Joe left a pair of trousers contaminated with cadaver in IS's bedroom

A body need only come into contact with something for a few minutes before a well-trained cadaver dog can pick up the scent.

Obviously we can only speculate but this is my best guess. When he picked Helen up, her body would have come in contact with his trousers. It may simply be the case that he returned to the bedroom and changed into more suitable ones for his afternoon appointments with his doctor and Helen’s solicitor.

I also believe her body came in contact with his shirt when he picked her up. I think the reason a number of witnesses were asked what he was wearing that day was to try and establish whether he changed shirts at any time during the day as a blue shirt was mentioned several times. Jamie testified that IS had been to a waste disposal site on the afternoon of April 11.

What I’m curious about at the moment is what the bucket of cleaning materials was used for. If Boris was strangled with one of the black plastic bags, he may have urinated at the moment of death. I know this can happen because one of my little dogs had been ill and was on my lap when she suddenly died and did exactly this. Perhaps Boris was on the floor when this happened, hence the need for the bucket and cleaning materials. One of the cleaning products from the bucket may have been placed on the kitchen bench before being returned to the bucket.
I'm not sure if anyone picked up on these points. IS blamed the cleaning lady for breaking the ear on the hare. I feel he made that up and the hare got broken when he was attacking Helen.

Also IS said in court that he kept taking breaks on the way to Broadstairs, this may have been when he was dumping the coat wellies and lead. He must have thought his phone pings would be brought up.

As someone posted a Smiths song I'd like to draw attention to the Morrissey song Speedway. Check out the lyrics. It is clearly about IS remaining true to Joe and Nick!

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I suspect he thought that decomposition would be rapid, and all traces would be removed for him after a little while :rolleyes:

The bodies would decompose, however the bones may stay there as evidenced by a body found in a septic tank in Queensland, Australia which had been there for at least 10 years.
Same here, JJ, 37C (98F) at 4:00pm. Far too hot for my little doggie to have her walk. Instead, she'll take a dip in her wading pool! If only I could fit in too!

Shocking isn't it. It's just on 6:30pm and it's 39C. Even the toothpaste feels warm! Downstairs is excellent, but upstairs it's 32C and I can't get it any lower. All the upstairs furniture is hot to the touch. I sat my little doggie in the laundry tub and she just loved it. Maybe I should sit in the bath for a while. :)

I'm in the lower Blue Mountains. What area are you in?

I'm not sure if anyone picked up on these points. IS blamed the cleaning lady for breaking the ear on the hare. I feel he made that up and the hare got broken when he was attacking Helen.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk

Dr Carey, the forensic pathologist said "There was no evidence of any disease or injury".
The more I hear from IS, the less I believe he would be capable of impersonating Helen over mail in any convincing way for a nanosecond.

I totally agree. His grammar alone would instantly give him away. Helen was discussing wedding plans with her good friend Tracey Stratton. I can't imagine him having a conversation using two word sentences.
The bodies would decompose, however the bones may stay there as evidenced by a body found in a septic tank in Queensland, Australia which had been there for at least 10 years.

Actually it was more than 30 years, he disappeared in 1986 - although it was a disused tank. Not much was left of him, some bones, fragments of clothes and a shoe.

However Daniel Morcombe's body was found after 7 years in that swamp - again a few bones and a shoe. I believe it's teeth that are the last to degrad and it could take up to 10-20 years. IS would have had to guard that septic tank for a long time!
The bodies would decompose, however the bones may stay there as evidenced by a body found in a septic tank in Queensland, Australia which had been there for at least 10 years.

As grim as it is I have said the same in previous threads here JJ. We both probably have septics, know the tank trucks and the diameter of the tube etc ( I am trying to be vague and not get graphic) and we know that his disposal was not the perfect way to dispose every trace of evidence, by any means. He would have known this too.

There are lots of scenarios and solutions which he probably ran through as options to avert the inevitable longer-term discovery BUT I still believe he planned to live in HLodge until he died
- as far as he was concerned it was HIS home alone and anyone else is "collateral damage".( It doesn't matter what befalls others after his death.)

The flagrant disregard for others is a classic trait of perpetrators like him and we've seen this displayed throughout all his actions & testimony this week.
( Any regard for the feelings of others mentioned in his statements, eg. his sons, his parents, was purely lip service AND it's also what he says to himself to justify his own actions throughout. It's a kind of displacement. )
I think Dr Carey was right when he said she would have been sedated hence being easy to suffocate. My Big Bean had a go at getting me in a headlock and although I'm sure he could have overpowered me I also could have put up a blinking good fight which would have left marks on both of us. Helen was feisty and, as IS said himself to the police "would come back at you very strongly".

If Nick got IS round his neck he must be hugely tall. One thing we did realise from our experiment was that you do need a height differential. I know we all know this story is bollocks but Nick would have to be enormous to attack such a big heavy man in that way.

Next week I am going to be wearing stripes all week for Helen. She spoke in her writing of "Team HB" who helped her get over her husband's death. I think she's got a much bigger Team HB now, including us here, fighting to remember the real Helen who can't be stolen by the actions of this man.
I think he blamed it on Windows 10 doing its own quirky stuff Moll.

Thanks, Tortoise...I am probably displaying my own ignorance, but it was just before the bit I've re-quoted that he blamed Windows, then Trimmer asked him about the events log in this bit and apparently elicited the response that he didn't understand operating systems at that level.

I guess the Sky comment is based on his earlier responses.

Why am I even bothering, though? What Trimmer is doing is highlighting the stew of lies cooked up by IS to suit the moment and then repudiated for a new and even more bizarre lot of lies, and also his awful lack of emotional reaction to Helen's fate.
And Squamous, the whole defining characteristic about poisoners, apparently, is that they are cowards and non-confrontational. That's why they choose that MO. He definitely didn't want a fight, so no obvious injuries to either of them.

yes I was thinking of IS's comments wtte - "you couldn't abuse Helen, she would come back at you strongly". Also recall JBailey's ref to his sister's strength despite her fragility.

( It also why I don't believe she was called over and then pushed into the open pit, as was mooted on here a couple of days ago. He doesn't want a fight/struggle of any type. And even the NickJoe fable describes his own physical cowardice. )
The supposedly cooler Southern Highlands, JJ!

Dr Carey, the forensic pathologist said "There was no evidence of any disease or injury".
Yes but that doesn't prove nothing got knocked over or broken when he was suffocating her.

I think the broken hare and his phone pings on the way to Broadstairs may have been mentioned in the book of evidence and that is why IS mentioned them.

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I totally agree. His grammar alone would instantly give him away. Helen was discussing wedding plans with her good friend Tracey Stratton. I can't imagine him having a conversation using two word sentences.

Indeed-unless constantly misquoted, the "Me and Helen..." "Her and her friend..." type phrases from a man with his pretensions add to the insult.
The quote Helen chose for the start of her last published book: "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back" :tears:
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