GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #8

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The defendant wiped his eyes as he listened to a recording of himself being interviewed by detectives, following his arrest in April.

As he was asked about the note millionaire children's author, Mrs Bailey allegedly left before her disappearance, Stewart was heard telling officers: "The note was handwriting, it wasn't typed. I thought it was Helen's.

"And she signed the note, no one else would have signed it like that. LB is a nickname I had for Helen, my nickname is BB. It's going back to when we first met. She was little bean and I was big bean."

The fiance of children's author Helen Bailey "grinned" at police officers as they attempted to question him about her sudden disappearance, a court has heard.

Ian Stewart, 56, of Royston, Hertfordshire, is accused of drugging and killing the Electra Brown writer in a financially motivated plot last year.

Sgt Nicole Goodyear told the court Mr Stewart followed police "everywhere" during a search on 15 April.

She said: "He was very interested in what we were doing, he wanted to know what we were doing and why."

Mr Stewart also denies preventing a lawful burial, fraud and three counts of perverting the course of justice.

The trial continues.


UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016
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Do you think we will have a verdict by the end of the week?
Quote Originally Posted by hunkerdown View Post
Not sure there will be quite the same enthusiasm for a fat Bee Gee...

Nail on the head! That pic of him and Helen has been eating away at me for ages, thinking who he reminds me of? It was a fat BeeGee! Inspired! that case it has to be IS "Jive Talkin" or the one the Barry duetted with Babara Streisand - Guilty!
Did she mean to say putting one hand through her hair - because if she had Boris on a lead, she cant have hands through her hair ....

Brilliant Alyce! I also thought - that needs editing from a writer's POV (doesn't work).
michelle230 said:
Thank you to the person who posted on here about Jennie Grey appealing - sorry can`t remember who it was!

I think that was me, thanks for those links, reading them now.
The more credible of all the witnesses this morning, if you had to choose one, would be Marco whose anniversary was on that day - surely you couldn't get that special day mixed up! But if he claimed to have seen her between 9 30 - 10 approx. That's when Helen supposedly was online, and that would mean it was IS on her computer and not her!
Lol...Tragedy more like!

I know but I thought that one might strike the wrong tone, but for the hell of it here's

of course it's a total insult to the Bee gees. They had another track called "He's a Liar" which has Maurice being chased by cop cars sirens blaring, but it's neither kitsch nor catchy
The more credible of all the witnesses this morning, if you had to choose one, would be Marco whose anniversary was on that day - surely you couldn't get that special day mixed up! But if he claimed to have seen her between 9 30 - 10 approx. That's when Helen supposedly was online, and that would mean it was IS on her computer and not her!

There was a half hour lull in web activity, iirc, so it still fits with her taking Boris for a quick walk.
There was a half hour lull in web activity, iirc, so it still fits with her taking Boris for a quick walk.

'Stuart Trimmer suggests that when Mr Humphrey-Lahti saw Helen Bailey, this appeared to fit the gap in her internet activity between 9.28am and 10.06am. Mr Humphrey-Lahti agreed.'
Would IS have known from his defence team that those two women were going to turn up and say they saw Helen and Boris on the 11th?

It's just, if he knew they were then why was he so adamant that Helen didn't take Boris for a walk that day? If I accept those women are right and he's lying then that means the timeframe is wrong for her murder and if I think the women are both mistaken then that means he wasn't lying. And, if he knew that these women were going to testify to seeing Helen out walking Boris then why would he say she definitely wasn't ergo making out that people speaking in his defence are lying (or mistaken). It's not making any sense to me :doh:
They didn't say that the defence case had concluded, did they? (as far as we know). So there may be more witnesses. I would expect them to keep their "best" witness for last.

On the face of it Mrs J was quite a strong witness given her absolute certainty, but her evidence doesn't acquit IS even if the jury were to accept her sighting. So I wonder what else they might come up with.

Then we've got closing arguments which will occupy a day, and the judge's summing up.
Would IS have known from his defence team that those two women were going to turn up and say they saw Helen and Boris on the 11th?

It's just, if he knew they were then why was he so adamant that Helen didn't take Boris for a walk that day? If I accept those women are right and he's lying then that means the timeframe is wrong for her murder and if I think the women are both mistaken then that means he wasn't lying. And, if he knew that these women were going to testify to seeing Helen out walking Boris then why would he say she definitely wasn't ergo making out that people speaking in his defence are lying (or mistaken). It's not making any sense to me :doh:

Yes he would have known. Their appearance was based off witness statements they made to the police before HB and B were found IIRC. I don't remember the dates but I don't think any were later than end of May.

I have no idea why he would want to contradict the evidence of his own witnesses. It would be interesting to know if his counsel knew he was going to do that or not.
They didn't say that the defence case had concluded, did they? (as far as we know). So there may be more witnesses. I would expect them to keep their "best" witness for last.

On the face of it Mrs J was quite a strong witness given her absolute certainty, but her evidence doesn't acquit IS even if the jury were to accept her sighting. So I wonder what else they might come up with.

Then we've got closing arguments which will occupy a day, and the judge's summing up.

The last report from today said the last witnesses were being called tomorrow I think.
As far as I understand the jury will go out on Monday.
Monday is my birthday [emoji15] The best gift would be justice for Helen and Boris. In Helen's own words:


Oh what a tangled web we weave
Many sociopaths would have moved in on Helen for her money without feeling an atom of real affection for her. They would have married her pretending to love her and either stayed married, or divorced her, for the lifestyle trade up. Some may even have fantasised about killing her to take charge of her loot and assets. But I hope I'm right in saying there are very few IS's around who would actually carry out the murder. As shocking as that is, I am equally shocked that he thought he would get away with it. He never expected to get the early morning knock on the door, the handcuffs clamped on his wrists, or that he'd be taken into police custody. That he was so confident of escaping justice baffles me as much as any of it, but I guess it's part and parcel of his sickness.

On a separate note, I bear IS' sons no ill will whatsoever, they are victims of their father's crime too. But I feel it would be quite wrong on principle if they were to benefit financially from Helen's murder. I imagine they will inherit from their father and grandparents in due course and in my view that is their rightful inheritance. I hope (and expect) Helen's will to revert to the form it took before she got entangled with IS, so that her brother and stepchildren (plus any charities she favoured), will benefit.
MissTwiddle, I think there is one version of his story which has Helen last seen by IS ambling off down the lane with Boris in tow. Perhaps that was just for the benefit of the psychiatric nurse though, I can't quite recall.
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