GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Nothing new this morning, really, although the name of the person to whom the victim sent her last text (Matthew Wood) has been revealed.

The only named suspect is still the landlord, Christopher Jefferies.

It looks like the police haven't a clue, but perhaps they do and aren't telling.

Because they're enjoying and want to prolong their licence to take DNA (both human and feline).
Because they're enjoying and want to prolong their licence to take DNA (both human and feline).

They're deciding whether Bernard would be amenable to swabbing his own gums, or if they'll have to find several burly officers to hold him while it gets done.

Also, they may also be taking meetings to decide whether to reorganize the investigative staff. I have a feeling things aren't going well.
20 odd years ago a friend of mine pulled into my parents drive in a car while my parents were away and fractured our next door neighbours 'posh' brick drive pillar and twisted it round. Knowing all hell would break loose if it were spotted I managed, on adrenalin to lift it back in place. The next day I asked my mates down the road to help me straighten it more but it was impossible to move. Adrenalin is a powerful tool.

Going back to the Debbie post on Facebook, I think, forgetting the embellishments, it is a very credible scenario.
gay pick up area.....
we have some near us...always men waiting....
do local people know the area as such....

If its a gay pick up area, then there would be other cars, not just one.

This is not a cruising area.

I have done a check.

The white van man was probably looking for hardcore to nick from the Quarry for a rear extension. LEft hand drive probably means he's a Eastern European builder. He left the scnene early because he was either trying to steal hardcore, or was dumping rubbish illegally IMO
If its a gay pick up area, then there would be other cars, not just one.

This is not a cruising area.

I have done a check.

The white van man was probably looking for hardcore to nick from the Quarry for a rear extension. LEft hand drive probably means he's a Eastern European builder. He left the scnene early because he was either trying to steal hardcore, or was dumping rubbish illegally IMO

IMO white van man was taking a mobile call and pulled over. If you read and look at the drawing that was given he had his arm to his head...just a call he took I think anyway.
I also think her parents were aware after looking around that she had been abducted was because she was untidy and her coat, keys and boots were neatly staged. Having been put back into place by somebody who did what they THOUGHT she would do. IMO somebody needed to show she had been home, the pizza couldn't be put back because it had been eaten and the box couldn't be put there as it would show up on stomach contents as not been eaten by Jo.
Of course, (WHM - wooly hat man) he could have been looking for a body dumping place for someone.

Some picked up close to one of his building sites..... which he was paid to get rid of......

congecture of course
I know Professor Wilson has ruled out a pair of killers. HE must know something we don't.

I personally think it is still most likely. 'Debbie' on Facebook has told a chilling story which is in-line with what we know. The Police would have been likely to withhold information about the ring, a far more valuable trophy than a sock...

There are lots of phychotic and murderous people in the UK who are on medication and who fail to obtain their medication occasionally.
Please forgive this analogy (I will remove if this really offends anyone)....

imagine what it's like lifting a fresh turkey...... and then imagine what it's like lifting a frozen one, if Joanna had been outside for several days during that time in those conditions, her body would have been frozen solid, it would have been virtually impossible to get a hold/grip on her..... just cannot imagine how that would be done?
In a tarpaulin....carried by two people..IF she was moved whilst frozen.
It's not just 'Eastern Europeans' who drive on the other side.

I don't know if you're a Brit or not. But we have a large contingency of European labour. They're rarely French, Spanish or German, but almost always Eastern European - Polish Etc.

Not likely to be anyone whi is not from continental Europe such as the US for example!
I don't know if you're a Brit or not. But we have a large contingency of European labour. They're rarely French, Spanish or German, but almost always Eastern European - Polish Etc.

Not likely to be anyone whi is not from continental Europe such as the US for example!

Yes: I meant the person could have been from anywhere on the Continent. I live in Britain, in a town where there is a university. Like there is in Bristol. There is a big number of European students - from all over Europe. Yes, there are a lot of Polish people working here, many of them students, but they are not the only ones. There are a lot of other European people here, too.
** The body not being found earlier if dumped Friday night. **

We've nothing to tell us that it wasn't in a sack or blanket, which could explain why it wouldn't be spotted earlier.
And anyway, I think it was dumped the other side of the wall. Sources have said so many different things about where the body was (one side of the wall, the other, not by a while but by a wire fence), but [and I haven't followed it lately] I think it was the other side.
We have been given so very little information by the police that I'm minded to give up on this whole thing for the moment. We still haven't been told what day they believe JY died; nothing about whether she had eaten pizza; etc, etc.
If she had been sexually assaulted [and I don't have a view either way] then it wouldn't surprise me if the police have lied about it. They have been dishonest already, in my view.
I know that the police aren't obliged to satisfy our curiosity or our hopes to work out possibilities ourselves but it makes this armchair sleuthing well nigh impossible. I really don't think we [well, certainly not I] make any real progress. Sure, homework can be done on a few things but without more facts that they're withholding, I can't see it.
I don't even know if GR was at work that day, nor whether JY was, where in Bristol GR lived in Bristol before Clifton, anything about PS's work history, all sorts of very basic things like these.
About The Sun, though. The newspaper very rarely actually presents facts that are untrue. Misleading, heavily slanted etc, yes of course. But [and I used to work for them and some similar papers, as well as broadsheets] their factual accuracy tends to be good. I'll actually trust them over the police in this case.
Either way though, there's so little to go on at the moment.
Sadly, I can't see that changing.
Yes, the police have lots of information they're not letting on. But I no longer have any confidence that they'll solve it. The lead detective has clearly been way out of his depth, and every development over the past week that we've seen from the police has just smacked of utter desperateness.
I think if Eddie & Keela were instrumental in helping this case, it would be kept very quiet........ we wouldn't want to cause any embaressment to a certain couple in Rothley now would we?? :floorlaugh:

who cares!!! cadaver dogs are cadaver dogs, they don't differentiate between the poor, the middle class, the rich or anyone supported by BIG PR and LAWYERS, tough isn't it! that they scent CADAVER, moving on though

In a tarpaulin....carried by two people..IF she was moved whilst frozen.

This is the sort of bag that could be used for landscaping supplies..... and building supplies come to that.

I also think her parents were aware after looking around that she had been abducted was because she was untidy and her coat, keys and boots were neatly staged. Having been put back into place by somebody who did what they THOUGHT she would do. IMO somebody needed to show she had been home, the pizza couldn't be put back because it had been eaten and the box couldn't be put there as it would show up on stomach contents as not been eaten by Jo.
I agree that G/R looks good for this....but, nagging in my brain, is why didn't he take her bag, boots, coat and dump them all AWAY from his home? and why, if this was perpetrated by a stranger, would they bother moving her at all?
and why, if this was perpetrated by a stranger, would they bother moving her at all?

That's why I'd be willing to bet it wasn't a stranger, mikeymot. Plus no sign of forced entry.
I also think that because the time frame in which she died (which they haven't disclosed, but it's usually stretched over a couple of hours), they don't want to eliminate certain people. This is all in line with keeping an open mind, which is sensible.
I agree that G/R looks good for this....but, nagging in my brain, is why didn't he take her bag, boots, coat and dump them all AWAY from his home? and why, if this was perpetrated by a stranger, would they bother moving her at all?

maybe he couldn't face re-dressing her? as for the bag, perhaps he didn't want her to be id'd until he reported her missing on Sunday...... give himself time to get his story straight in his mind over the weekend and any staging back at the flat on Sunday after his return....

all supposition on my part of course
I agree that G/R looks good for this....but, nagging in my brain, is why didn't he take her bag, boots, coat and dump them all AWAY from his home? and why, if this was perpetrated by a stranger, would they bother moving her at all?

It wasn't GR
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