GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #8

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It's really hard to find a motive, it's not as if you accidentally strangle someone.

There was no forced entry so it's not as if he was lying in wait. Did she see him doing something he shouldn't?

What like performing a sexual act on someone ??
Perhaps his evil fantasies overwhelmed him and when presented with the opportunity he took it. Murder can be that simple.

What overwhelms me with sadness is a talented young lady lost her life for nothing.
Her family and loved ones have been given life sentences of grieving and everyone on the planet is powerless to change it.

My gut instinct is telling me there might be more twists in the tail of this crime.

Of course they still have to charge someone with the murder of Joanna Yeates.
It's really hard to find a motive, it's not as if you accidentally strangle someone. There was no forced entry so it's not as if he was lying in wait. Did she see him doing something he shouldn't? in the garden maybe? Did he he then just walk in through her then unlocked door and decide to silence her?
It's a very odd case.

The only possible thing I can think of right now is, he made a clumsy pass, and Joanna strongly rebuked him, he was afraid she would tell his GF and he would lose everything he had obviously worked hard at building up, she stormed off and it happened from there :waitasec:

He moved to England after finishing his PhD in 2008 and, according to his webpage, initially struggled with life in a new country.

But he said he had overcome these difficulties by a love of sailing, bowling and drinking. He also said he was very grateful his American girlfriend Miss Morson had come into his life.

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dont know why, just not feeling its him.
Re : the missing pizza theory.

My opinion is that JY was killed in her flat hence nothing else missing like door keys, boots etc. No way was she killed elsewhere and the perp goes back to plant the stuff - that's stuff of movies. Even if she popped next door in stocking feet then surely she'd take her door keys.

So what happened to the pizza?

Did the cold blooded killer take it for a snack? Unlikely, again stuff of movies.

But the killer did remove it for one of two reasons:

a) Perp arrives at JY's and gets invited in as he's known to JY. Something happens. In the fracas that ensued in the flat, the pizza, which may have been opened ready to go in the oven, got squashed and smeared onto the perp's clothes. Hence, perp gets rid of pizza so no forensic link to food found on his gear at a later date.

b) Perp meets JY on her way from bargain booze. JY Knows perp and invites perp back to hers for a drink - "not eaten yet, don't worry I'll get you a pizza from Tesco" (we know from text to MW that JY is up for some company and this would explain why it take 11 mins to go the 100 yards from bargain booze to the Tesco Express, why she didn't buy pizza at Waitrose and why she may have been smiling as she entered Tesco).
They go back to the flat, something happens and JY is dead. Perp panics, what links him to the crime scene .... the pizza that was bought for him. The perp symbolizes that by removing that, he's removing himself.

Unfortunately, the perp never factors in cctv and receipts!
Tanja is currently out of the country, believed to be on a trip to Chile. Last night her parents confirmed her relationship with the “lovely Vincent”.

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A few snippets from Praxis's Mirror link:

“At least the police have something now. It shows the investigation is still going strong, but to be honest I never thought it wasn’t. These things take time. We have to sit tight” [Jo pal Emma Brooks said].

Another of Jo’s neighbours, Peter Stanley, 56, added: “If police have arrested the right person it will be a great relief.”

Tanja [Morson], who recently took up rowing, is a fitness fanatic, just like Jo, who was found dead on Christmas Day in a quiet snow-covered lane three miles from her Bristol home.

Last night, it emerged three partial DNA profiles were found on [Joanna's] jeans, stomach and breasts.
Tanja is currently out of the country, believed to be on a trip to Chile. Last night her parents confirmed her relationship with the “lovely Vincent”.

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These reporters really do make my blood boil....

Their dad Michael said: “I haven’t the foggiest idea why he was there. Emily is away in Chile at the moment.

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Thought I read that they had previously worked together and therefore she did know him so he may have invited her round on that friday hence all her outdoor wear still being in her own flat. She may have taken pizza with her. He then possibly made advances towards her and all went horribly wrong from there. Jmo

Something that I find strange (perhaps for want of facts) is this idea that you try it on with somebody, they say 'no', and then you kill them.
I mean, does this ever really happen?
Sure, it's bandied about in this forum every 14 posts, but in real life?
Could somebody provide me three instances of cases where the following conditions hold:
a) guy and girl are kind of friends/acquaintances.
b) guy makes a move on girl and is rebuffed.
c) guy therefore kills girl
d) there's no sexual assault.
I may be completely wrong. And maybe there will be proper sleuths who can put me right. But I'm just thinking that if things worked so straightforwardly (and, yes, I know it's often like this in films) there would be at least 20,000 murders in Britain every Friday night.
Meanwhile, from Daily Star:

POLICE were last night quizzing a 32-year-old old man on suspicion of the murder of Joanna Yeates.

And officers searched the flat of Dutch architect Dr Vincent Tabak, who friends call The Pink Panther.
He was affectionately known as Pink Panther because his website played the theme tune to the famous movie series starring Peter Sellers as bungling Inspector Clouseau.

Last night his friends described him as “an ordinary man” known as a “very smart hard-working lover of life”.
The academic boasts a string of degrees including a PhD in workspace design that allows him to use the title Doctor. He speaks Dutch, English and German and has a top job with a firm of engineering consultants.

And he has a stunning blonde girlfriend who looks just like tragic Jo.

more at link above
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It's really hard to find a motive, it's not as if you accidentally strangle someone. There was no forced entry so it's not as if he was lying in wait. Did she see him doing something he shouldn't? in the garden maybe? Did he he then just walk in through her then unlocked door and decide to silence her?
It's a very odd case.

I can see why LE thought that the motive was probably sexual ( suspect's in the right age group at least ). But, LE did say there was no sexual assault. An interesting question is why not ? What happened ? Did Jo fight right away, or maybe name call him ? Or was it some other factor that prevented a sexual assault happening ? Loads of questions, few answers.And some of them will never be answered,IMO...
So confusing these newspapers. In other news it is said that the occupant of 37 Aberdeen Road is in Chile. Unless they are there together.
Agree, I thought I read the girlfriend Tanja was helping police with enquiries .... but from Chile? Doubt it
Hi, i just joined here today, been following this case on a certain other forum but the squabbling made me look here i am!:newbie:

I'm a newbie too. We are probably in self imposed exile from the very same place.
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