Found Deceased UK - Joy Morgan, 20, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, 26 Dec 2018 *arrest*

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I just looked at what I think is the church Facebook. I was surprised there was nothing on it about Joy. It could be they have been told to keep quiet, but most churches I know would have been holding prayer vigils by now. This one looks as if they are not mainstream Pentecostal - uniforms and the pictures do not seem to have women leaders in them. It may, as I say, be intentional that they are not public about someone who has attended being missing but I just keep thinking how other similar churches might react. The ones I have been to would have been highly proactive and had their intercessors shouting the rooftops off. Of course, a murder suspect in the congregation is not a great advert for church. I want to know more of their doctrine. There are churches and there are cults that are like churches that can have such a hold people need to hide when they leave or feel the need to as there is such pressure to get them back. I am NOT saying this church is a cult, just that I want to know more to know it is not. I find the silence strange and of course, may be very mistaken.

I looked a bit deeper and it seems to be a kind of Black Zionist church or the like. Lots of Jewish references and use of Jewish Holy days and I think, festivals. Again, it may just be a first impression, but I get the feeling it is highly traditional in outlook. I would really like to talk to someone who has been involved and left as then it might give a picture.

I am just wondering though. Whatever anyone thinks of their beliefs, they usually have very tight networks. It is kind of a best case scenario that Joy has run from a cult. I am not saying this is a cult but it is not your run of the mill Black Ethnic Minority Church/
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I wonder if she asked the church for help in hiding for whatever reason. That would explain why they are not joining in looking for her.
I don't want to think what else it could be.
I wonder if she asked the church for help in hiding for whatever reason. That would explain why they are not joining in looking for her.
I don't want to think what else it could be.

The more I research it the more I think this is Black Hebrew Church where they think they are the true Israelites. I wonder what kind of church, if any, Joy's parents attend? This is NOT a mainstream church. I was trying to be diplomatic in my post above. There are two theories we could have here. One is the church is hiding Joy. The other is Joy has left the church and is hiding from it. Neither may be right, but either could be possible if the church is a controlling one. ("To leave us puts you in danger of hellfire, because you left the truth that is us," or "We will hide you so they do not come and get you because we are the truth." If there was outside pressure from worried people of normal Christian belief or none, then either of these two scenarios could be possible. It could be why the church itself is of interest. However, I could be barking up the wrong tree, As I said before, this would be better than most other scenarios. You would, however, hide even if you had nothing at all to expose. Control and pressure from the church itself would be enough to make you hide. Whatever Joy's parents believe, they must be worried sick, so I do not want to go there on whether Joy is also hiding from family, but pressure if your family belongs to an organisation that thinks it wrong to leave them can be intense. Please God let it just be Joy went somewhere to get some peace and space.
Thanks, I read the date wrong for when she was reported missing so thought it was three weeks after teaching not two.

It would still be interesting to know whether she had exams or coursework due and whether she did them.

It's at best very very sad that none of her family, friends, church (or housemates if she had them) hadn't noticed that she hadn't made contact in over a month.

In a church Joy described as "like a family," this does not make sense. There is a lot of contact. Most churches have Watsapp, follow up, "ring the people who are not here today and check they are OK" exhortations and active members are usually part of some team or other and interacts with that. A church is unlikely not to have tried to have any contact for a month. It feels "off" to me. However, it is clear on 27th November Joy was planning on being around because she was asking about course assignments...Now my mind is running away. It has been known for the perpetrator of harm to use social media or text or watsapp to make it look as if a person was not missing. As it was Christmas it would make sense housemates and college mates might just assume Joy was with family. Family might assume Joy is with church. I do not buy church friends not worrying their friend was missing. That part makes no sense to me at all.
Did Joy house share with uni students or did she commute from an address further afield ?
Did Joy house share with uni students or did she commute from an address further afield ?
Haven't seen anything regarding house mates - I just assumed she lived alone as the reason she was reported missing was the letting agency contacted Mum when rent wasn't paid
IMO ; This is just so strange , all over the holidays and start back at uni not one ‘uni friend’ we know of tried to meet up with her and got concerned. Her mum says she tried phoning but we haven’t heard she went to visit Joys house when no phone contact , no texts we know of wishing happy new year that went without a reply to raise alarm bells, no uni friends all worried when she didn’t attend after holidays . It’s like her only ‘circle of friends’ is the church. If I hadn’t heard from a 20 year old I’d be reporting her missing way before this , to me it appears Joy lived a very different life to how I’d imagine most at her age live.
Another thing regarding circle of friends , IMO it’s strange she can afford to rent on her own with just a student loan as there’s been no mention of part time job plus also that you’d want to live on your own at 20 and not join in the ‘uni living together’ vibe , she’s in year 3 at uni so you’d think there would be friendships formed enough to want to keep in touch
IMO ; This is just so strange , all over the holidays and start back at uni not one ‘uni friend’ we know of tried to meet up with her and got concerned. Her mum says she tried phoning but we haven’t heard she went to visit Joys house when no phone contact , no texts we know of wishing happy new year that went without a reply to raise alarm bells, no uni friends all worried when she didn’t attend after holidays . It’s like her only ‘circle of friends’ is the church. If I hadn’t heard from a 20 year old I’d be reporting her missing way before this , to me it appears Joy lived a very different life to how I’d imagine most at her age live.

My exact thoughts too Ched - that said I am now thinking she kept herself to herself at Uni - it would appear her course didn't start back until much later in Jan so that may be reason for no alarm bells there.
Can't get my head around the lack of contact with her Mum and the rest of her family again only thing I can think of is they were verging on being estranged.

Therefore her main source of contact was her church family therefore it beggars belief why they didn't raise the alarm.

I am totally vexed at this case.
I think something huge is about to be uncovered
@Ched ... yes renting ... I did wonder how she afforded this on her own
Do we know her address ? Can we make a map of uni , home , and church ? How far is she travelling all the time ?
I will delete if not allowed- just watched live on SM with a family member saying they have had the news Joy will not be coming back

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