GUILTY UK - Katie Kenyon, 33, may have left w/man in car, Burnley, 22 Apr 2022 *ARREST*

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I'm very pleased he's finally pleaded guilty.

What on earth was he suing her for? Does anyone know? Clearly it was psychological and financial abuse.
From what I could gather money he gave her for a therapist/counselling and/or some sort of mental health treatment? I'm guessing they were then on and off and he decided to use it to twist the knife.

It was difficult to understand from the reporting.

He sounds a truly horrible human being. To dig the grave the day before? What was the end game? Is he really that thick?

Lets hope he gets the maximum sentence possible and never sees the light of day. An absolute monster to put the family through what he has. And a coward for the same reason. He came to his senses because someone told him to and deserves nothing more than the highest punishment. Poor Katie never stood a chance.
RIP poor Katie . I can’t believe that this evil man thought he would get away with this , with such a web of lies . Also imo I think he maybe was worried about what further evidence would come to trial (all previous evidence against him was damning for sure ) so he thought if he pleaded guilty he would have less of a sentence . Even tho I’m sure he knew his cards were dealt . What a mind he must’ve had to even think he’d get away with this .The jury will of made their minds up from day one, harrowing for them also im sure .
Came on to catch up with today's reporting, wondered why there was only 2 pages!

Absolutely damning evidence in the last 3 days, I'm glad he has done the right thing and spared the family the rest of the trial.

Look forward to his hefty sentence tomorrow!
Lets hope he gets the maximum sentence possible and never sees the light of day. An absolute monster to put the family through what he has. And a coward for the same reason. He came to his senses because someone told him to and deserves nothing more than the highest punishment. Poor Katie never stood a chance.
I just became aware of this case. It will take days before the little hairs on the back of my neck return to their normal position. What a horrifying case. This man is a monster and I hope he never again walks the streets as a free man. MOO

Good morning​

Hello and good morning.
LancsLive will be back at Preston Crown Court today (November 17) as Andrew Burfield is brought back to face justice. On Wednesday, he finally admitted to murdering his ex-partner, and mum-of-two, Katie Kenyon.
We will bring you updates here as proceedings get under way from around 10am.

Court not sitting until 10.30am.

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Burfield arrives in court​

Andrew Burfield has arrived in court and been identified. The public gallery is packed with Katie's family and friends.
Burfield, 51, will be sentenced for one count of murder.
His previous convictions include a 12 month prison sentence for doing acts intending to pervert the course of justice. He now faces a mandatory life sentence. The judge will set a minimum term he must serve.


25 years minimum expectation​

David Mclaughlin KC says the starting point is 25 years on the basis Burfield took an axe to the scene to use as a weapon. The judge will need to consider whether there was planning or premeditation, whether Katie suffered and whether the body was concealed. It will also need to consider concealment of other evidence, such as the burning of Katie's phone, hiding her flip flops in the bin and constructing a narrative about where Katie was.


Katie Kenyon's sister addresses the court​

Katie's sister, Sarah Kenyon Holden, will now read a victim personal statement to the court. She provides the statement on behalf of the family following the murder of her beautiful sister Katie.
Sarah tells the court:

The 22nd April 2022 is a day none of us will forget, when Katie was stolen from us. We knew immediately something wasn't right. Katie would never have left her children like that. We sensed Burfield was behind it.
We went through a full week of torture. Who could she be with, was she alive? We lived in hope she would be found alive and she was safe as a coping mechanism but with each police visit we knew deep down it would not be a good outcome. We knew Burfield was not good for her.
We were out of our minds with worry. The children did not know what was going on and were asking questions we did not know the answers to.
I will never forget the day DCI Davies came to the house and told us he believed katie was dead. At that stage the police did now know where Katie was. We could not face telling the children and DCI Davies had to to that for us.
We had to visit the forest where Katie was found. It was awful going up there knowing it was Katie's final journey, wondering what she was thinking. Being there and seeing the area was totally heartbreaking. We were totally numb. We saw Katie at the mortuary. Her face was bruised but she still looked so beautiul . She was behind glass. I wanted to hold her and say goodbye. Burfield took that from us.

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Family put through 'unbearable' pain by coming to trial​

Katie's sister, Sarah, continues:
We have not been able to know what happened to Katie till now because we have had to be witnesses in the trial. The frustration from this has been unbearable. No-one should have to go through it. We knew we needed to be strong as a family to get justice for Katie. I can't believe we have been put through the process of a trial. It is nothing like you can ever imagine. It was far worse.
While we were trying to grieve the loss of Katie we had to give statements to the police and help with the investigation. To hear the guilty plea was a relief but we aslo feel our voices have not been heard. We wanted to stand up and speak for Katie. We do not believe he pleaded guilty for Katie, only himself.


Katie's mum made to be a 'mother to two grieving teenagers' as Katie's kids mourn their mother​

Sarah says:
Every Christmas, birthday and holiday will be scarred by Katie's absence. She did not choose this, she was not unwell and this was not an accident. She was robbed of her life. Not only has BUrfield taken Katie from us, he has taken our lives too. Her children have lost their mum in the most horrific way. She was mum, dad and best friend all in one. Katie was a fantastic mum. Our mum Dawn has had to become a mother to two grieving teenagers but to do this while grieving the loss of your daughter is so difficult.
If Katie had died in natural circumstances would be bad enough. Katie told us she wanted to stop Burfield from being able to do to other women what he did to her. This cost her her life.


'Katie was beautiful and silly'​

Sarah says:
Katie was beautiful and silly. The kids called her 'Aunty Crazy'. She made some stupid decisions but she had a beautiful soul. She loved the outdoors and she loved people. We will miss her and never forget her loss.
Sarah is now returning to the public gallery to a round of applause from those who loved Katie.
Tim Storrie KC, defending, acknowledges the magnitude of what Burfield did to Katie. To no extent does he avoid responsibility for what he did. The family have been brought into the public gaze in the worst possible circumstances. That he understands, Mr Storrie KC says.


'Complicated psychological decision' behind Burfield's original not guilty plea​

Tim Storrie KC, defending, says Katie's car was left behind Burfield's house. The fact Burfield and Katie were known together meant the investigation would always have led the police to Burfield's door.
In reality, he says, there was probably a more complicated psychological decision that led Burfield to run a trial. In the end he had one gift left, to put an end to the case. To some degree some people would be relieved of the prospect of giving evidence to the court, the defence says.
Burfield knows and is reconciled to the fact that the evidence will allow the court to draw firm conclusions about the reasons he involved himself in this offence, the defence says. He does not argue against it.


'Nothing Burfield says will be welcome by the community around him'​

Nothing Burfield says will be welcome by the community around him, the defence tells the court. They add there is no way he can speak without trespassing on the grief of Katie's family and there is nothigng he can say which will not cause the family to smart and recoil.
Burfield recognises and understands the conclusions the court will draw. He is as a consequence, fatherless, childless and utterly friendless. He has achieved for himself isolation for his entire life and no-one will remember him with love, the court hears. He can only say he was utterly inadequate at every stage of the relationship between himself and Katie.


'Your murder of Katie was as cruel as it was savage'​

Mr Justice Goose will now pass sentence.
He says:

You pleaded guilty to the murder of Katie Kenyon, a 33 year old single mother of two young children, 14 and 12. On 22 April you caried out a planned and savage attack striking at least 12 heavy blows with an axe.
In your relationship you were manipulative and conytrolling while she was vulnerable. She looked to you for love and support, In return you planned and carrid out her murder. This was not heat of the moment. It involved planning, lies, the destruction of evidence and an implausible defence.
Your murder of Katie was as cruel as it was savage. The calmness you displayed before, during and after prove your dangerousness. The messages suggested you loved her but at the same time you manipulated her. You created a debt and used it to scare her while pretending to help her. You advised her to seek help for anxiety.
You said on April 22 you would take her to teh therapy unit for the start of a new life. You planned to kill her that day. You planned this as early as April 4 when you wrote notes on your phone to her childen. You encouraged her to look forwad to her new start and she believed you. You drove to Gisburn Forest with a spade, turning off your phone to avoid detection, and dug a very precise and tidy grave.
The following day you drove to the forest with Katie, taking an axe as well as a spade. You parked in a layby carrying a cool box pretending it was refreshment. There you killed her. It was a ferocious and cruel attack. You calmly placed her in the grave taking great care to hide it with soil and branches.


'You sent Katie's children the most cruel text messages after killing her'​

Addressing Burfield, Mr Justice Goose continues:
After the murder you returned to your home and carried out your planned defence. You pretended Katie had gone away.
You sent messages to her children, most cruel. You cleaned the axe though not sufficieltly and disposed of her flip flops in a bin belonging to a member of the public.
You lied to the police but later admitted the killing stating it was an accident. There was a considerable degree of planning, severe injures, concealment of the body, hiding of evidence, cruel messages sent to Katie's children and the confidence she had in you which you manipulated to carry out her murder.
I am unable to be sure what your motive was. I am sure you wanted to kill Katie, so much so you planned every last detail.

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Snipped from Millys link - post 415

Burfield knows and is reconciled to the fact that the evidence will allow the court to draw firm conclusions about the reasons he involved himself in this offence, the defence says. He does not argue against it.

I know barristers have to do the best for their client but this wording is just awful - makes him sound like he got a speeding ticket

Burfield 'a highly dangerous man'​

Mr Justice Goose continues to address Burfield:
You are a highly dangerous man and this is a very serious case of murder. The court has heard from Katie's sister n behalf of the family. The profound loss you have caused them all will never be erased.
Your mitigation is very limited. After all your efforts to avoid detection and your lying in interviews, finally you took the police to the place you had buried her.
You have previous convictions for Perverting the Course of Justice in 2001 but they do not materially affect your sentence.


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