Deceased/Not Found UK - Leah Louise Ware (still missing) and Alexandra Morgan, May/Nov 2021 *Guilty*

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A man accused of murdering two women showed interest in extreme sexual activity, the prosecution in his court case has claimed.


Duncan Atkinson KC told the jury at Hove Crown Court that Brown’s activity online showed he was in contact with several sex workers and had searched for extreme sexual content, including “girlfriend forced to share, girlfriend forced and reluctant”.

Brown, of Squirrel Close, St Leonards, met both Alexandra and Leah through an adult website, where the pair advertised their services as sex workers. He met Leah in March 2018, entered into a long-term relationship and she moved in with him in a converted shipping container at Little Bridge Farm near Hastings.

She was last seen alive in May 2021 after telling friends Brown had locked her inside the shipping container and had been tightly controlling her life.
Around the time of her disappearance, Brown was searching for violent p.o.r.n.o.g.r.a.p.h.y online, Mr Atkinson said.

He said: “Leah Ware told her friend that Brown had asked her to pose for photographs in the boot of a vehicle. “She also described further photographs in which Brown held her down and had oral sex with her mouth.

“Ware also told her friend a gag was used. Another friend was told by Ware that Brown wanted to take photos of her tied up and gagged.

“It is a story of an increasingly controlling relationship in which Leah was, and was expected to be, subservient, in which there were arguments and the use of restraints on Leah both physically and through the locking of doors.”


[copy and paste link to view. Won't highlight because mentions p.o.r.n in title :rolleyes:]
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Week 2


Proceedings to begin shortly​

Today's proceedings are due to get under way shortly.
Mark Brown is in court wearing a pair of grey suit trousers, a white shirt, dark tie and dark waistcoat.


Morning begins with more timeline evidence​

This morning's session in court is beginning with Sussex Police intelligence analyst, Anna Wiliamson, returning to give more evidence.
She is in court in relation to a timeline of evidence about the case. Prosecutor Ben Lloyd is questioning this morning.


Leah Ware's phone last used for outgoing contact on May 7​

Ms Williamson talks the court through Leah Ware's phone records. She says that Leah's phone was last used to make an outgoing contact at 8.55am on May 7, 2021.
From this time, her phone continued to be connected to the cell site at Little Bridge Farm in Rock Lane, Hastings at times on May 7. The phone was still on and connected to a phone mast but was not being used.
Cell site information also shows Mark Brown's phone connecting to the cell site at Little Bridge Farm.
From 7.30pm to 9.30pm on May 7, the court hears that there is a time of a little under two hours where there is no activity at all from Leah Ware's phone.


Brown seen driving to and from farm on May 7 and 8​

Number plate recognition picked up Mark Brown's vehicle leaving Little Bridge Farm on May 7, more than 4 hours after arriving. At 8.30am on May 8, he headed back towards the farm.
The defendant received at call at 8.35am, ending at 8.49am using cell masts that serve Little Bridge Farm, the jury is told.
At 2.38pm on May 8, Leah's phone connects to a cell mast for the very last time - Ms Williamson tells the court that this was a detach record, meaning that it was a record of the phone telling the network that it was switching off.


Next witness is one of Leah's friends​

The court is now hearing evidence from Tara Casey, who is one of Leah Ware's friends.
She says that she met Leah around four or five years ago and the pair got on with each other "straight away". Tara was with a man called Bradley, Leah would visit them.
Tara says of Leah:
She was brilliant, bubbly, outgoing, outspoken, she was everything anyone would want in a character, a personality.
Tara confirms that Leah had mental health issues and used drugs. Tara also says that Mark Brown would send money to the witness via PayPal - she would then take the money out and give it to Leah.
The witness says that Leah told her that Brown was "her sugardaddy".


Leah 'kidnapped' by an ex-boyfriend​

Tara tells the court of an allegation that Leah was "kidnapped" by her boyfriend at the time "for a long weekend". The man's name is given as 'Jack'.
She says: "He kidnapped her for a long weekend, which the police are aware of. I believe she was homeless that point, she didn’t have any fixed abode."
Leah also shared a flat with this boyfriend but Tara says "they were asked to leave after it got argumentative".


Leah was 'tied up' and 'gagged' by Brown, friend claims​

Tara Casey tells the jury about an alleged incident that involved Leah Ware being "tied up" by Brown.
She claims that pictures were supposed to be taken of Leah in the back of one of Mark Brown's cars in order to blackmail a business partner.
Tara says that Leah was "dressed provocatively" and "tied up" and that in return, she would get £3,000.
The witness says that the pictures were taken but Brown did not think they were good enough, so he asked if more could be taken and he would give her a bit more money.
Tara recalls Leah describing the incident:
There were more props this time. She mentioned being tied up and a gag was put in her mouth. She said it wasn’t a ball, it was a tube that went down her throat. She was left with it on, in the boot of the car while Lady ran round crying for her to get up. He did what he wanted to her while she was tied up.
The witness continues, alleging that Brown left Leah for a period of time while she was still tied up, but then came back "untied her, gave her a kiss and went". Leah is said to have been "distraught" after the incident.
Tara Casey tells the jury that she last saw Leah in 2021, maybe in May or April of that year.


Tara would meet Leah to take drugs​

Tara says Leah enjoyed smoking crack, sniffing cocaine and smoking cannabis. She confirms this when questioned by Brown's barrister, Ian Henderson KC.
When asked if Brown didn’t like Leah going to Tara’s as he knew they would take drugs together, Tara replies: "He didn’t like Leah going anywhere but yes I was aware of that."


'Leah this man is going to kill you, I hate watching it'​

Tara tells the court that her and Leah had an argument and Tara told her: "Leah, this man is going to kill you, I hate watching it."
She then says in court: "She’s a big woman and I left her to live her life."
After Leah went missing following the gagging incident, Tara says she went to her solicitor and said: "My friend has disappeared. I can't get hold of her."
When Leah returned after a period of time, Tara claims that Leah told her she had been sectioned.
Tara Casey has now been released as a witness.


Court has stopped for lunch​

Court stopped a short while ago for a lunch break. Witnesses will continue after the break.


Proceedings are now back under way​

Following a slightly longer lunch, proceedings are now back under way at Hove Crown Court.
The first witness after lunch is Yogi Sharp, who is a farrier. He has had dealings with Mark Brown and the horse, Bertie, that lived with Leah Ware at Little Bridge Farm.
He says he went to the farm five or six times:
I kind of questioned the facilities for keeping a horse. There was plenty of grass area but no room for stabling or anything like that. I assumed it was living outside 24/7 as there was nowhere else for it to be kept.


Leah 'discouraged from leaving the farm'​

Mr Sharp says that, after some wet weather, the horse got some abscesses and so Yogi again asked for some indoor facilities to be made available for the horse.
When asked why Brown made appointments for the horse, Mr Sharp says: "I was told Leah had some mental health issues and it may make her unreliable in keeping appointments."
He is also asked if he speaks to the owners while working on their horses, to which Mr Sharp replies: "You become a bit of an agony aunt."
He continues:
Initially, I couldn't tell you in which order things came about, she said she lived on the farm in the portable home and that she was essentially Mr Brown’s mistress and he had a family elsewhere.

I know that he worked in some kind of haulage and she would sometimes go with him, but most of the time she was at the farm, but from what she told me, she was discouraged from leaving the farm.

From what I could tell she would ask him and he would bring it to the farm if she needed things.
He adds about Leah:
She expressed some hope that he would leave his family and be with her but she thought this was very unlikely to happen.

She made it quite clear that he was intimidating and quite controlling, she didn’t really have a say in much. She was essentially scared of him, whether this was physical or not I wouldn’t be able to say.

I made some attempts to say this was not the best way to live.
Mr Henderson KC questions Mr Sharp on the witnesses describing Leah as a "druggy type". Mr Sharp responds: "Her words were slurred and she wasn't completely comprehensive in her language."


Sharp 'never' saw controlling behaviour from Brown towards Leah Ware​

When asked by Mark Brown's barrister, Mr Henderson KC, Sharp confirms that he "never" saw controlling behaviour from Brown towards Leah Ware.
He's also asked if he was given any indication of what had caused Leah's speech slurring. Mr Sharp says: "No, just what I had been told. I was told she was on a lot of medication and it might affect her speech."
Mr Sharp has now finished giving evidence.

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Next witness - Jack Tyler​

The next witness to give evidence is Jack Tyler.
When questioned by Mr Atkinson KC, he tells the court that he started selling drugs to Leah Ware in 2020 or 2021.
He says: "I’ve been selling drugs for a little while, I couldn’t tell you when I started selling them to her."
On selling drugs to Leah, Mr Tyler says: "She short changed me a tenner. I just told her she was cheeky."


Jack and Leah had sex in May 2021​

Jack Tyler tells the jury that he and Leah had sex in her car in May 2021. There were various calls and texts between the two. At the time, Jack was living in a caravan with two cousins at Coghurst Holiday Park near Hastings.
Leah drove to the holiday park on May 5, 2021 to buy drugs.
Mr Tyler tells the court: "I was wanted by police at that time."
Then he says that he and Leah had "sex in her car" when she was at Coghurst.
When asked if that was part of the transaction for the drugs, he says: "No, that was just something that happened."
He says that the pair later went to a farm "opposite Bartlett's scrapyard".
Mr Tyler tells the court that it was very dark at the time, he wondered what they were doing at the site. He says Leah told him she lived there and needed to get her bank card. They then went to a Texaco petrol station on Melvern Way to buy cigarettes.
He adds: "She said she lived in a container in the barn, a shipping container. I just thought it was weird. She said she had nowhere to go."
Mr Tyler says that, after that night, he doesn't remember seeing Leah again.

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There was further testimony from Jack Tyler on Tuesday according to this press report, not that it appears to have covered much more ground than was already reported on Monday:

Drug dealer denies killing missing mum when questioned in murder trial

Most of the local crime beat reporters rushed to an active murder scene in Shoreham on Monday lunchtime and no one seems to have come back yet (not sinister, I'm sure).

Good morning​

Good morning and welcome back to our live updates of the Mark Brown murder trial. Our reporter, Tom, is back at Hove Crown Court today (October 26) to provide updates.
The prosecution case is continuing and witnesses will continue to be called.


Proceedings will be under way shortly​

Proceedings will be under way for the day shortly. Mark Brown has arrived in court wearing a white shirt, grey suit trousers, a dark waistcoat and a dark tie.


First witness - Tamsin Gregory​

This morning's session has now begun, with the first witness being Tamsin Gregory, who is appearing via video link. She met Leah Ware in around 2017 when both were staying at a refuge in Bexhill.
Prosecutor Duncan Atkinson KC is questioning. Ms Gregory confirms that Leah had bipolar disorder and suffered from depression.
Ms Gregory says that both she and Leah enjoyed crack cocaine. The witness also says that Leah had a difficult relationship with a man called ‘Jack’ leading to her living in the Bexhill refuge.
She also says Leah moved out of the refuge to go to a house share in Hastings - the pair remained friends after Leah moved.
Ms Gregory adds that when Leah moved out, she was still with the man called Jack. They are said to have been in a relationship and living in a flat in Hastings.
The witness says:
I was under the impression that someone else was paying for it
Mr Atkinson KC asks Ms Gregory is Leah told her anything about the person who paid for the flat, to which she answers:
She used to call the guy the millionaire.
Ms Gregory continues to say that after the flat, Leah "moved to some farm place" and adds "she told me it was a caravan she was staying in".
The witness adds that she was told the farm belonged to Leah's new partner:

She told me he was a married man. She said that she wanted him to leave his wife, and she knew he wasn’t going to.


Ms Gregory 'had concerns' about Leah's new partner​

Ms Gregory tells the court that she "had concerns" about Leah's new partner. She says: "I had my concerns, she told me a few things, but she didn’t seem happy at all."
She describes the “controlling behaviour” of Leah’s new partner and how she would be forced to “check in” with him.
Ms Gregory says Leah wanted to get her children back but her new partner would make her feel worthless and not deserving of having them back.

She adds:

She told me he needed her to be tied up and gagged for photographs at one point - she had to look like a hostage victim. She rang me up and said the photographs were gone, she was really worried.
The witness is asked why Leah had stayed at the farm: "It was the animals, she wouldn't leave the animals, she wouldn’t leave."


Pair took crack cocaine every time they met​

Ian Henderson KC, for the defence, is now asking questions in cross-examination. He asks Ms Gregory if she knew Leah to take heroin. She responds: "She occasionally did it but she didn’t have a habit."
She also confirms that herself and Leah took crack cocaine every time they met. At one point, Ms Gregory says she was clean from drugs and Leah kept her distance as she "didn’t want to be responsible for giving me a habit again".
Regarding Leah's new partner and whether the witness knew much about him, she answers: "No, I never even knew his name."
She adds that her and Leah's contact became less frequent when Leah moved to the Little Bridge Farm site.
Mr Henderson KC asks Ms Gregory about the pictures that Leah is said to have had taken of her whilst tied up. The witness says that Leah called her worried on one occasion after the pictures apparently got lost.
She is asked if she ever asked Leah about it again - Ms Gregory replies: "No, I had a lot going on."
Mr Henderson KC then asks about Leah’s animals and why she didn’t leave the farm. Ms Gregory says she would never have been able to convince her to leave the animals.
The witness is also asked how many times, from mid 2019 to present day, she has seen Leah. Ms Gregory says it was four or five times in person, but they would stay in touch every couple of months via messaging.
Tamsin Gregory is then released as a witness.

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I’m not sure I understand the mechanics of this kind of court case; why are there some days where there is literally zero reporting? Is there a technical reason?

Only live reports are from Sussex Live. Alex Boyd was doing last week, then we had nothing Friday. Now today Thomas Fox has taken over, with Alex Boyd. Really depends I suppose on staff availability and resources and other news events from the county to cover.
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Mark Brown's sister is now giving evidence​

Next to be called as a witness is Mark Brown's elder sister, Cheryl.
When asked by Mr Atkinson KC if her recent relationship with Brown was a close, she replies: "Not particularly."
She says that their dad died at the end of 2017 and their mum died in March 2018.
Ms Brown tells the court that the inheritance money from their parents was split equally, but she gave her share to Mark so that she wouldn't "waste it". To access it, she'd message Brown and ask for some.
Cheryl continues to say that Brown was in a relationship with a woman called Lisa, they had been together for the last 14 or 15 years.
When asked who she understands Leah Ware to be, Cheryl replies "Mark's girlfriend".


Sister now looking through a timeline of events​

Mr Atkinson KC is asking Cheryl Brown to take a look at a timeline of events from May 11, 2020. This includes Brown's message to Cheryl asking her to "again" redirect post to her house, saying he will send the money.
Cheryl is also asked to look at June 2019, when Brown asks her to have his post redirected from a flat to Cheryl's flat. Cheryl also says that post addressed to Leah Ware would also be sent to her flat.
She says:
I would put it on the stairs and Mark would come and pick it up every couple of months.
Cheryl says she met Leah once, "outside my house when they dropped off Lady [the dog]".
On May 7, 2021, Cheryl messaged Brown saying "card is here". She tells the jury that she "believes" it was a bank card, adding: "I think it would have been for Leah."


Brown told his sister he had a dog that needed rehoming​

Cheryl says that, in the first half of 2021, she had been in the market to get a dog as a pet.
She says that on May 8, 2021, Brown sent a message to his sister saying "dog".
It's said by Cheryl that they then had a phone call, during which Brown said he had a dog that needed rehoming. He said it was a mastiff that belonged to a friend of his who worked away - the dog was called Duke.
On May 9, 2021, just after 9.30am, Brown phones Cheryl and then later drops off Duke the dog to his sister. Cheryl has since changed the dog's name to Bruno.


Cheryl saw Facebook post about missing Leah​

Cheryl says that she became aware of a Facebook post towards the end of 2021 - it was asking for information on Leah Ware.
The picture included Leah alongside numerous animals. Cheryl confirms that in the photo there was a dog that looked like Lady and one that looked like her dog Bruno (formerly Duke).


Brown's sister released as witness​

Following questioning, Cheryl Brown has now been released as a witness.

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Next witness - Elizabeth Howard, school friend of Brown​

Elizabeth Howard is now giving evidence. She went to school with Mark Brown in Rye, they did science together. She says "he would bunk off quite a lot".
And adds: "Mark was very singular, a private person and kept very much to himself. He was often seen on his own." They travelled to and from school together on the bus.


Elizabeth hadn't seen Brown since they were 18​

The court is told that on June 2, 2021, at 7.40pm, Brown sent Elizabeth Howard a message on Facebook messenger and the two began talking. The message mentioned a "12-yearly check-in" and Brown hoping Elizabeth and her kids are well.
The pair would have last met when Elizabeth was 18, the court hears, but this message was sent when she was 39. She replies on June 3, 2021, the conversation leads to Brown giving Elizabeth his number.
Jurors hear that the pair begin texting, with Brown sending various images to Elizabeth including of his horse, his pond and his workshop.


Court has now stopped for lunch​

Proceedings have stopped for lunch. The trial will get back under way at 2.05pm with Elizabeth Howard continuing her evidence.

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Trial is under way again​

Mark Brown has returned to court, as has the jury and the judge, and we are back under way in Hove.
Elizabeth Howard is continuing to give evidence. She says she had a 25 minute phone call with Brown after getting back in touch.
She says: "We hadn’t spoken for many years so it was very much ‘hi, how are you,’ so I gave him an overview of the last 12 years."
There was no reference to Leah in the conversation - Ms Howard says that it came across that Brown "was separated".


WhatsApp messages between Brown and Ms Howard​

At the end of 2021, Ms Howard voluntarily handed over her phone where the Whatsapp messages between the pair were downloaded - there were 700 pages of messages between the two of them.
They had lengthy chats from the beginning of June, described as "constant back and forth all day".
In one text from Brown to Ms Howard, he said: "I lost a very special lady because of what her ex did to her, i tried have saved her but I couldn't."
Ms Howard asked if the woman had "taken her own life", to which the defendant replied: "Yeah sadly she did, kept her alive for 3 years but he did a real number on her, brain damage from the beatings."
Brown later bought Ms Howard a costume for a Marvel character as this is what she had liked during her school years.
He also bought her a dream diary - Ms Howard says: "I had a lot of nightmares that I told Mark about and he very kindly bought me a diary."


'She has peace now'​

Brown mentioned over message that he and his partner lost a child after 7 months of pregnancy - he said this "broke" them.
He then sent a pic of Leah Ware to Ms Howard, who replied: "She's stunning."
Brown said back: "She was, she will always live on in my heart, she has peace now."
Ms Howard met with Brown on June 11, 2021 as he was giving her a smart TV.


Brown mentions doing 'monstrous things'​

Texts are now being read out in court from Brown to Ms Howard and vice versa. In one text, Mark Brown mentions doing "monstrious things".
He then adds:
Things I’ve done weigh heavily on my heart, in my head and soul, a psychopath with a conscious - it's a joke really. You do deserve better than me you are amazing I would never want to break that bond I have with you.
Another text also references Brown "disposing" of things. Ms Howard tells the court she has "no idea" what Brown meant by this.
In texts to Ms Howard on June 16, 2021, Brown expressed his love for Leah, saying she is the one who taught him unconditional love.

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'I'm still free so I reckon I've got them beat so far'​

In one text exchange, Ms Howard texts Brown to say she would have done forensic science at university.
Brown is said to have replied: "I so get that but from the other side, the getting away with it part, lol."
And then adds: "I'm still free so I reckon I've got them beat so far."


Brown starts referring to someone called Alex​

The court is still being taken through text messages between Elizabeth Howard and Mark Brown. In texts, Brown begins referring to someone called Alex who he says attempted to make a pass at him.
In court, Ms Howard says: "He [Mark Brown] said Alex was his friend's daughter and that’s all I knew at that point."
She adds that Brown told her that Alex was "like a daughter to him" and that she "had mental health issues".
On June 28, 2021, Brown texted a picture of Alex to Ms Howard and said: "That’s my friend Alex, I didn't do anything and I could have."


July 10, 2021 - Ms Howard visits Little Bridge Farm​

The jury hears that Ms Howard and her two children visited Brown at Little Bridge Farm on July 10, 2021.
She says the pair spoke about the relationship she had recently come out of: "He [Brown] said he would sort him out if I needed him to, he was really disgusted by the way my ex-husband had treated me, he was genuinely upset."
Ms Howard saw the horse at the farm and they spoke about Leah, the court hears.
When asked what Brown said about Leah, Ms Howard says:
How much he loved her. I could tell she was the love of his life the way he spoke about her and he was crushed that she was no longer in the world, he told me she had taken her own life and I could tell he was genuinely very sad about that. The way he spoke about her, the things he did for her , he definitely loved her very much.
When asked by Mr Atkinson KC which tense the defendant used to speak about Leah, Ms Howard says: "The past tense".


Contact between the pair lessened​

The court hears that contact between Ms Howard and Brown "decreased quite suddenly" in the middle of July 2021. From early August, the contact between the pair became much more sporadic.
There were no messages from the beginning of October to the end of November.

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Abridged round-up from Tuesday when no live court reporting.

Convicted drug dealer Jack Tyler denied killing missing Sussex mum Leah Ware, a court has heard. Tyler denied being involved in the death when he was questioned in court on Tuesday (October 25) at Hove Crown Court.

Tyler sold crack cocaine and heroin to Ms Ware and also considered her to be a friend. Mr Tyler saw Leah for the last time on May 6 2021, one day before the prosecution argues she was killed.

Ian Henderson KC, for the defence, asked whether he had also seen Leah in the early hours of May 7, the day she was alleged to have been killed. Mr Tyler said he was drunk at the time and could not remember. Prosecution solicitor Duncan Atkinson KC in cross-examination said it was “being implied” Mr Tyler may have something to do with Leah's death.

In response, Mr Tyler said: “I didn’t have a falling out with Leah. I didn’t take Leah away somewhere in her car. I didn’t hurt her, I didn’t have an argument with her, and I didn’t kill her.”

The trial continues.

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Court is taking a short break​

There is a short break in court.


Proceedings have now finished for the day​

That short break in fact marked the end of evidence for today, with court finishing proceedings. The trial will resume tomorrow morning.
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'I only go for drop dead girls with mental health issues, who have at least two kids, and like cars, music and Marvel.'


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