Deceased/Not Found UK - Leah Louise Ware (still missing) and Alexandra Morgan, May/Nov 2021 *Guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Bradley Nicholson to give evidence​

Bradley Nicholson is the next witness. He was a machine driver at the Obsidian groundsworks company.
Having started work at a site in Brighton, Mr Nicholson and Mr Brown were relocated to a site in Sevenoaks on November 2, 2021. Mr Nicholson gave a witness statement to police on November 29 2021.


Skip on site​

Mr Nicholson has been asked by Mr Atkinson KC about a skip which was on site. When asked if he and Mr Brown had any need for the skip, he said: "No, we didn't generate any metal waste."
Mr Nicholson tells the jury that Mr Brown intended to ask the owner of the site whether he could put something from home in the skip as it was going to be collected soon.


November 24 2021​

On this date, there was a phone call from Mr Nicholson’s phone to the phone of Alan Downs. “He asked me to use my phone," Mr Nicholson said. "I was a bit curious as to why he didn't have his own but I didn’t question it.”
Mr Brown asked to contact Mr Winchester using the phone, but Mr Nicholson didn't have his number. This meant they called their boss Alan Downs, who was on site with Mr Winchester.
Mr Nicholson said:
He asked if he could trust me and I said ‘with what.’ He asked me again if he could trust me. I said ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about or what you want.’
He walked off to the Obsidian work van and came back with a key a few moments later.
Mr Nicholson confirms it was a rounded key which looked like a Mini key.
He asked me to give the key to Richard. I said 'I’m not getting involved in your s***.'
Mr Nicholson confirms they put the key in a crisp packet which they then put in the digger. When asked what Mr Brown was like on that day, Mr Nicholson said: "Far more forward than he was in the time since I had met him. Not so placid."

Mr Nicholson confirms that on the following day (November 25 2021) Mr Brown did not show up for work. He later heard that he had been arrested.


Break for lunch​

There will now be an hour's break in court for lunch.

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Proceedings resume​

Mark Brown has returned to court. He has removed his suit jacket and is now wearing a dark waistcoat.
The judge and jury have also returned. Proceedings will now get underway again following an hour's lunch break.


Kristina Lee to give evidence​

Kristina Lee, a forensic archaeologist and anthropologist, is the first witness called to the stand in the afternoon session. She specialises in the recovery of human remains in atypical circumstances.
Ms Lee spent around four weeks investigating the Sevenoaks site where Mr Brown had been working at the time of his arrest.


Investigation at Sevenoaks site​

Ms Lee confirms that the investigations were initially focused on the barn that the defendant had been working on but following the discovery of human remains, the search was widened to cover a greater area of the building site.
Investigations were carried out in the skip and the land surrounding the skip where some of the oil drum’s contents had fallen following its removal by Kent Police. “There was quite a large sieving investigation,” she said.
Ms Lee tells the jury that she was the one responsible for saying whether remains were human or non-human before other samples were sent off for further review. “There were no animal bones recovered from the oil drum,” she said.
Regarding the remains found inside the barrel, Ms Lee said: “Everything was human.”


'Burnt bones and teeth' found​

The focus now switches to the barrel where human remains were found. Police had removed the barrel from the skip.
On December 1 2021, a colleague of Ms Lee saw "burnt bones and teeth" surrounding the skip. It had fallen from the barrel when this was removed from the skip.
“Everything was removed from the skip down to its metal base and sides,” Ms Lee said. Regarding the ash that was found in the skip but was no longer inside the barrel, she added: “It was very similar in its makeup and also it contained human remains.”
Seven bone fragments from the skull were recovered in the remains, Ms Lee positively identified these as human. Teeth remains were also found.
Ms Lee has stated that the bones were too badly burned for any DNA to be extracted.


Jewellery found in skip​

Ms Lee has said that pieces of jewellery were also discovered in the skip, and these were subjected to heat exposure. A chain, piercing stud, buckle, buttons and rivets from clothing were all found.
The jury is shown images of bone fragments discovered in the barrel and skip.


Kristina Lee leaves witness stand​

Giving her final piece of evidence before leaving the witness stand, Ms Lee said: “All of the human remains found in the ash in the skip had originated from within that barrel."
When asked whether she believes this is how Alexandra Morgan's body was burned, Ms Lee said: “Yes, so the findings at the scene suggest that was the method of burning Miss Morgan’s body.”
Kristina Lee has now left the witness stand and has finished giving evidence.

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Jury shown pictures of jewellery​

The jury has been shown pictures of the jewellery. Mr Atkinson KC on behalf of the prosecution says the rings and jewellery discovered in the skip match those worn by Alexandra Morgan on November 14.
This is confirmed by CCTV images from a Shell petrol station, while other pictures showing Alexandra wearing jewellery also confirms this.


Anna Williamson to give evidence​

Anna Williamson, a police analyst, has returned to the witness stand to continue going through the timeline of events.


Mr Brown's search history​

Towards the end of May 2021, Mr Brown made searches using terms such as "reluctant" and "mother, father, daughter". On June 1 2021, Mr Brown made a search using the term "brutal ********".
Another search was made in June using the term "first time ****" and "gang ****."
Ms Williamson continues to go through Mr Brown’s search history, phone activity and bank transactions through June and July of 2021. During this period, Mr Brown continues to make withdrawals from the account of Leah Ware.
On August 1 2021 he downloaded Tinder, and made a search for 'no strings dating' on August 3 2021.

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Detectives found rings and a tongue stud in a makeshift brazier used to burn a sex worker allegedly murdered, a court has heard.

Part time builder and security guard Mark Brown denies murdering two sex workers but has admitted being present when Alex Morgan died and disposing of her body by setting her corpse alight.

Crime scene investigators who examined the site at Sevenoaks where Brown worked found three rings, a chain, a piercing stud and a buckle, buttons and rivets from clothing, a jury were told. All showed signs of significant exposure to heat.


Duncan Atkinson KC told the court: 'The rings matched rings Alex Morgan had on her fingers. A stud recovered from the skip matched a facial stud on Alex Morgan. Another piercing stud matched a tongue stud Alex Morgan was in the habit of wearing.'



Proceedings to get under way shortly​

Good afternoon. As mentioned earlier, the trial did not sit this morning, with court instead beginning at 2pm.
We should be under way shortly.


Trial has now begun again​

Mark Brown arrives in court wearing a white shirt, a dark tie and waistcoat and light blue jeans. His hair is slicked back and he sits with his arms crossed.
The judge and jury are also in position and court is back under way for the shortened day of evidence today.


Lewes prison boss to give evidence​

The first witness this afternoon is Stacey Roberts, who is head of security at HMP Lewes, a category B prison in the county.
She is giving evidence about a conversation she allegedly had with Mark Brown in November or December 2021. Ben Lloyd is speaking on behalf of the prosecution today.
Brown arrived at HMP Lewes on November 30 last year when he was remanded in custody after being accused of the murder of Alex Morgan. The court hears that, because of his potential category A status, the defendant had to stay in the care and separation wing.
The jury hears that Brown was very tearful and told Ms Roberts that he was very deprived. She tells the court that Brown, now 41, admitted to feeling very overwhelmed with his situation.
Ms Roberts was asked to give a letter to Brown from Sussex Police during his time in prison. She says that she read the letter out to him and made notes on the letter.


Brown sent a letter by police about missing Leah Ware​

In a letter dated November 30, 2021, a Sussex Police officer wrote to Mark Brown about Leah Ware, who was missing at the time.
The letter began: "I'm trying to locate Leah Ware who has been reported to Sussex Police as a missing person."
The letter mentions that her last known address was Little Bridge Farm and police were contacting Mark Brown in case he knew about her whereabouts or who could be contacted to reach out to her.
Annotations were made on the letter by Ms Roberts - Ms Roberts tells the court that these are things that Mark Brown said to her as she read the letter to him.
These annotations alluded to Brown saying he'd been in a relationship with Leah, it had "semi" ended, they had stayed friends but her [Leah] mental health had deteriorated.
Other annotations made by Ms Roberts included: "She went to get psychiatric help but didn't really help she didn’t go back to appointments."
And: "Traveller - took you four months to find her before, you won't find her if she doesn't want to be found."
Plus: "Physically saw her 3 to 4 months ago, left pills out which she has collected, since car incident when found passed out in Ore she has stayed away."
Other annotations were left too, including about Brown being "happy" to talk to police about it but wanted a brief first.
Brown also said that Leah hadn't stayed with him "since last year" and again reiterated about Leah having mental health issues.
Ms Roberts was with Brown for around 20 minutes or so.
Ian Henderson KC, for the defence, then asks the witness questions. He asks the prison security boss if there may have been parts she missed when making notes on the letter.
She replies: "There may well have been but I’ve written, well summarised, as much as I can from his conversation."

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Proceedings resume​

Mark Brown has returned to court. He has removed his suit jacket and is now wearing a dark waistcoat.
The judge and jury have also returned. Proceedings will now get underway again following an hour's lunch break.


Kristina Lee to give evidence​

Kristina Lee, a forensic archaeologist and anthropologist, is the first witness called to the stand in the afternoon session. She specialises in the recovery of human remains in atypical circumstances.
Ms Lee spent around four weeks investigating the Sevenoaks site where Mr Brown had been working at the time of his arrest.


Investigation at Sevenoaks site​

Ms Lee confirms that the investigations were initially focused on the barn that the defendant had been working on but following the discovery of human remains, the search was widened to cover a greater area of the building site.
Investigations were carried out in the skip and the land surrounding the skip where some of the oil drum’s contents had fallen following its removal by Kent Police. “There was quite a large sieving investigation,” she said.
Ms Lee tells the jury that she was the one responsible for saying whether remains were human or non-human before other samples were sent off for further review. “There were no animal bones recovered from the oil drum,” she said.
Regarding the remains found inside the barrel, Ms Lee said: “Everything was human.”


'Burnt bones and teeth' found​

The focus now switches to the barrel where human remains were found. Police had removed the barrel from the skip.
On December 1 2021, a colleague of Ms Lee saw "burnt bones and teeth" surrounding the skip. It had fallen from the barrel when this was removed from the skip.
“Everything was removed from the skip down to its metal base and sides,” Ms Lee said. Regarding the ash that was found in the skip but was no longer inside the barrel, she added: “It was very similar in its makeup and also it contained human remains.”
Seven bone fragments from the skull were recovered in the remains, Ms Lee positively identified these as human. Teeth remains were also found.
Ms Lee has stated that the bones were too badly burned for any DNA to be extracted.


Jewellery found in skip​

Ms Lee has said that pieces of jewellery were also discovered in the skip, and these were subjected to heat exposure. A chain, piercing stud, buckle, buttons and rivets from clothing were all found.
The jury is shown images of bone fragments discovered in the barrel and skip.


Kristina Lee leaves witness stand​

Giving her final piece of evidence before leaving the witness stand, Ms Lee said: “All of the human remains found in the ash in the skip had originated from within that barrel."
When asked whether she believes this is how Alexandra Morgan's body was burned, Ms Lee said: “Yes, so the findings at the scene suggest that was the method of burning Miss Morgan’s body.”
Kristina Lee has now left the witness stand and has finished giving evidence.

Some of this is just horrific to read. what the poor women must have gone through.

Will this be crucial evidence? Playing the mental health card. Taken from above:

Brown sent a letter by police about missing Leah Ware​

In a letter dated November 30, 2021, a Sussex Police officer wrote to Mark Brown about Leah Ware, who was missing at the time.
The letter began: "I'm trying to locate Leah Ware who has been reported to Sussex Police as a missing person."
The letter mentions that her last known address was Little Bridge Farm and police were contacting Mark Brown in case he knew about her whereabouts or who could be contacted to reach out to her.
Annotations were made on the letter by Ms Roberts - Ms Roberts tells the court that these are things that Mark Brown said to her as she read the letter to him.
These annotations alluded to Brown saying he'd been in a relationship with Leah, it had "semi" ended, they had stayed friends but her [Leah] mental health had deteriorated.
Other annotations made by Ms Roberts included: "She went to get psychiatric help but didn't really help she didn’t go back to appointments."
And: "Traveller - took you four months to find her before, you won't find her if she doesn't want to be found."
Plus: "Physically saw her 3 to 4 months ago, left pills out which she has collected, since car incident when found passed out in Ore she has stayed away."
Other annotations were left too, including about Brown being "happy" to talk to police about it but wanted a brief first.
Brown also said that Leah hadn't stayed with him "since last year" and again reiterated about Leah having mental health issues.
Ms Roberts was with Brown for around 20 minutes or so.
Ian Henderson KC, for the defence, then asks the witness questions. He asks the prison security boss if there may have been parts she missed when making notes on the letter.
She replies: "There may well have been but I’ve written, well summarised, as much as I can from his conversation."
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Brown withdrawing money from Leah's account in August 2021​

The court is now hearing from Andrew Tateson of Kent Police, who was part of the team on the Alexandra Morgan investigation.
The court hears that Brown withdrew money from Leah Ware's bank account during August 2021 and in September 2021.
On September 11 2021, Brown made searches for terms such as "kidnapped" and "raped", the jury hears. He also searched on September 12 for terms including “knocked out” and “shared wife”.
Brown was also collecting Leah Ware's prescription during this time.


Note left in Alex Morgan's son's rollerblade box​

The Kent Police officer is continuing to give evidence - the jury is looking at pictures of the rollerblade box found in the bedroom of one of Alex Morgan's son.
A note was left in there, partially wrapped around some bank notes. A phone was also found in the box.


WhatsApp messages from Brown to Ms Morgan​

On October 23, 2021, Brown messages Alex Morgan at 8.19am.
He says:
Good morning sweetheart how are you and your little man, hope you’re feeling better. A job has come up that I could use you on. I wont say much but it's risk free and worth a lot of money.
He adds that the job would be worth more than £100,000 and would involve Ms Morgan spending several nights at a Brighton hotel and going out from time to time to go shopping.
Alex Morgan texts back: "Yeah, I'll come and help you out babe." They then talk about meeting up to discuss the details further.


Alex Morgan's internet searches​

The police officer confirms that Kent Police was able to recover things saved to the cloud of Alex Morgan's Google account using the phone found in the rollerblade box.
Various internet searches included: "How much can you earn running a sunbed shop UK"; "How much tax would I pay on 100k"; and "How much cash you deposit UK 2021"


Proceedings have now ended for the day​

Mr Tateson has taken the jurors through a selection of CCTV images in relation to the case. This is the last piece of evidence for today, with court now rising for the day.

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Trial has started for the afternoon​

Following a later start time today of 2pm, court is now underway for day 12 of the trial. Mark Brown is in court wearing a white shirt, a dark tie and waistcoat, and light blue jeans. His hair is slicked back and he is cleanly shaven.
Ben Lloyd is asking questions on behalf of the prosecution as Duncan Atkinson KC is not here.


Police officer continuing evidence​

We are starting off where we left off yesterday afternoon, with Kent Police officer Andrew Tateson giving evidence.
The jury is being shown CCTV footage of Mark Brown collecting a prescription on November 1, 2021. The footage shows Brown collecting the prescription of Leah Ware from a Sainsbury’s supermarket.


Alex Morgan told family she was 'heading to York for a spa trip'​

Mr Tateson confirms that Alex Morgan told family she was heading to York for a spa trip on November 14 and would be returning on the Wednesday, November 17. She told her family this on November 13, 2021.
The court hears that, just after midnight on November 14, Alex Morgan made internet searches for “can android phone running without sim card be tracked” and “can a phone be tracked without a sim card”.
When asked, Mr Tateson confirms the handwriting in the note that Alex Morgan left at her home for her sons has been examined and is likely to be hers. On the back of the note she left, it said: "Save this money for you [then her son's name]."
A furrther search on the morning of November 14 on her phone consisted of "how to track a lost cell phone when it’s turned off”


CCTV footage of last time Alex Morgan is seen alive​

The jury has been shown CCTV footage showing Alex Morgan filling her car with fuel and walking into the shop of the Shell petrol station in Cranbrook before returning to her vehicle. This is at 7.29am on November 14.
Mr Tateson confirms that the footage of her at the petrol station is the last time that she herself was seen alive. Her car is later seen again in CCTV footage from the scrapyard opposite Little Bridge Farm.
A statement given by an employee of the petrol station is read out. The witness says Ms Morgan spoke to another customer in the station and said she was going up to Yorkshire.
The statement adds: “I noticed she had done her hair and makeup and was more dressed up than usual.”


Alex Morgan follows Mark Brown's Jaguar car to Little Bridge Farm​

The jury is now being shown CCTV footage of Alex Morgan’s Mini following the defendants gold Jaguar up the lane towards Little Bridge Farm.
The driver of the gold Jaguar gets out to open a gate before getting back in the car. Both cars then drive up the lane.
At 11.10am, Brown makes a call to his stepson having previously failed to call his partner. At 12.25pm, he again calls Lisa Clark and the call lasts around 1 minute. Brown is believed to have asked Lisa Clark to bring some bleach, the court hears.
At 12.52pm, CCTV footage shows a blue Jaguar, believed to belong to Lisa Clark, drives up the lane towards Little Bridge Farm. Around 20 minutes later, the blue Jaguar is seen to leave the site.

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