Deceased/Not Found UK - Leah Louise Ware (still missing) and Alexandra Morgan, May/Nov 2021 *Guilty*

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I have been at the trial for a couple of sessions and intend to be there for the summing ups. It seems quite clear to me so far that the defendant has not got any kind of defence. In the public gallery, I dont know for sure but they seem to be family and friends of AM & LW.I am expecting the final summing up to be next Monday and Tuesday. On a less serious note, it is disappointing that it is not possible to have a cup of tea at the courts at present.

What do you make of him, @crespo29 ? Has he shown any emotion at all?
What does he look like? Has his long term partner Lisa give any evidence yet? Sometimes the live updates aren’t always on, so not sure if we’ve missed that she has?
Firstly, many thanks for the updates on proceedings, they are gratefully appreciated. Like others have expressed, I really hope they do have that piece of compelling evidence. I originally thought he may have been careless in his text messages due to the semi confession heard at the beginning of the trial, but the prosecution has veered away from this. I then thought there may have been something in the notes left by Alex, but again that line seems to have been concluded.
I think they will impress upon the court the timescale involved and that 2 young and relatively healthy people to have died by ‘accident’ within 6 months of each other strongly suggests foul play. I hope that there is a kind of bombshell coming somewhere and something more conclusive comes to light.
I agree there is no single piece of smoking gun evidence, and the fact he’s destroyed Alex’s body means we will never know for sure how she died - but I am still convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of killing them both.
I think he disposed of Leah’s body the same way (burnt it and tossed it into a work skip) but as so much time had passed until police searched for her, all the evidence was long gone.

I believe there was never any “well over £100k” job opportunity for Alex, and why he told her there was puzzles me. Wouldnt she pull him on it when she figured there was no job after all? This makes me think the murder was quite pre meditated on his part.
That is my thinking, that 2 deaths (& 1 of those discovered by fluke) rules out accidental and also hoped that the early comments regarding messages left by Alex prophesying impending doom may prove definitive and that there were substantial doubts regarding Brown’s behaviour.
That is my thinking, that 2 deaths (& 1 of those discovered by fluke) rules out accidental and also hoped that the early comments regarding messages left by Alex prophesying impending doom may prove definitive and that there were substantial doubts regarding Brown’s behaviour.
We'll soon find out...
What do you make of him, @crespo29 ? Has he shown any emotion at all?
The Hove Crown Court is arranged so that you can only see the judge, Jury and witness box. The defendant is hidden away under the public gallery. In the local press, all the photographs of him leaving the police custody van has his face down and hidden. He is tall, rangy and looks muscular, he seems to have a lean face and short dark brown hair. I will post a picture when I can find one.
I agree there is no single piece of smoking gun evidence, and the fact he’s destroyed Alex’s body means we will never know for sure how she died - but I am still convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of killing them both.
I think he disposed of Leah’s body the same way (burnt it and tossed it into a work skip) but as so much time had passed until police searched for her, all the evidence was long gone.

I believe there was never any “well over £100k” job opportunity for Alex, and why he told her there was puzzles me. Wouldnt she pull him on it when she figured there was no job after all? This makes me think the murder was quite pre meditated on his part.
I don't understand the £100,000 either. He had already met up with her several times at Little Bridge Farm for sex so surely he'd just arrange another meet. I'm not sure she ever figured out there was no £100,000 though, otherwise why did she actually go to Little Bridge Farm that morning? I'm also wondering why she left those notes behind. I wonder if it was specific to Mark Brown or was it something she often did as a precaution when meeting people off that website.

Good morning - court is under way​

Good morning. The trial is back today after a break yesterday (November 9). Everyone is in position in court and things are back under way.
Mark Brown is expected to be called to give evidence today.


BREAKING | Mark Brown called as a witness​

Following the last few agreed facts from the prosecution, the case now turns to the defence.
Ian Henderson KC calls the defendant, Mark Brown as a witness to give evidence. The court is very full with almost every seat taken.
Brown is wearing a dark suit jacket, a dark tie and light blue jeans. He appears cleanly shaven and has his hair slicked back.


Brown's first pieces of evidence​

Mr Ian Henderson KC begins asking Brown questions. The defendant confirms his date of birth as October 6, 1981.
Brown confirms to the jury that he has no previous convictions, He confirms he has three sons and has been with his partner Lisa for a number of years.
Brown says he worked for Cornwall Transport for around 16 years. He took on various roles after the death of his father including jobs at Asda, SE Static Trader, Asda, Obsidian Groundworks, and some security work.


Brown being asked about use of adult sites​

Mr Henderson KC asks his client about the adult work website that Brown used. Brown says this is "where escorts advertise for their services". He confirms he has used the website pretty much continually throughout his adult life, since the age of around 19.
Brown also confirms that he used a *advertiser censored* site with references to violence, he adds: "Yeah, but it's p.o.r.n, it's not real."

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Brown asked about Leah Ware​

After the questions about his adult website usage, Mark Brown is asked about Leah Ware. Specifically, Mr Henderson KC asks the defendant about Leah's accommodation.
Brown says:
There was a portacabin at the farm when she first came to stay, then there was a caravan, then we got the flat, Avenida, then back to the portacabin, then the static caravan, 34ft, back to a tourer caravan. A campervan, then the shipping container.
Mr Henderson asks Brown about Leah’s use of drugs when they were together. Brown confirms she did not always take drugs during the period they were together and did it less often in the year of 2020 - she was off drugs for most of this year, Brown tells the jury.
Asked about which drugs Leah used, Brown adds: "Marijuana when I first met her, a lot of, then obviously the crack and heroin, but that was later on."
Brown says Leah paid for the drugs herself and was on universal credit and benefits.
Brown tells the jury that people were asked nicely not to lend Leah money. He says he indirectly helped her with money for drugs.
He says: "I would give her money for other things and it would turn out afterwards they were spent on drugs."


Brown breaks into tears in court​

Mark Brown is asked when he bought Leah harder drugs, crack and heroin.
“The day we lost the baby,” Brown replies as he breaks down in tears.
He says the purpose of the drugs were "to stop the pain".


Leah's mental health and medication​

Regarding Leah’s mental health, Mark explains what she had been diagnosed with: "Bipolar 2, PTSD, phobic anxiety, chronic anxiety, multiple personality disorder. There was another but I can’t remember it off the top of my head."
He says of Leah's medication: "The pills would help for a couple of weeks then build up in her system and make things worse."
Brown is asked if there were things that triggered Leah's mental health: "The family was a trigger. Anything to do with stress was a trigger. SIlly things like not having her washing up done could be a trigger."
Brown tells the jury that Leah would rarely take both illicit drugs and prescription drugs. If she did mix the two, he says it could result in “psychosis.”


Leah's 'other personalities'​

Mr Henderson KC askes Brown about Leah’s other personality, which they called Amelia.
Brown says:
I never knew about Amelia until it was brought to my attention. There were four separate personalities - Lou, Leah, Els, and Ellie.

Lou would be young Leah anywhere between the ages of 8 and 15. Leah was just Leah, or as I knew her ‘Princess,’ Els was a little bit mean version of Leah and Ellie would be full blown flat out, self destruct mode, mean, nasty, argumentative.

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The affair between Leah and Mark Brown​

Brown confirms the first big payment of carers allowance that was paid to him was used to buy things for the horse. He says the back payment was for around £1,000 and from then on it was £67 per week. The carers payments were made between the end of 2019 and August 2020.
Brown is asked if Leah was financially dependent on him, he says: "No, she had her own money."
Brown tells the jury he was responsible for paying for the flat they lived in and he also paid the deposit. Leah would sometimes borrow money from Brown, the defendant tells the jury.
He adds that several times Leah gave him her bank card. This mainly happened when she was in hospital or when “people were after her.”
Brown would sometimes use Facebook, Snapchat and Whatsapp to contact Leah, he tells the jury. In his phone, her name would be saved as “Princess,” he says.
The jury is told by Brown that she is no longer saved on his phone as she “changed her telephone number.”
Brown is asked by Mr Henderson KC whether he would delete messages from his phone. He replies: "Yes, daily. I was having an affair."
Brown says he was hiding things from his partner, Lisa.


'Did you kill Leah Ware?'​

Mark Brown describes his relationship with Leah Ware as a "rollercoaster" with ups and downs. There were times where they weren't together since 2018.
Mr Henderson KC asks two direct questions to the defendant.
"Did you kill Leah Ware?", Mr Henderson KC asks.
"No", Brown responds.
He's then asked: "Did you ever harm Leah?"
Brown replies: "Not a hair on her head."


Brown says he has 'no idea' about allegations of photos in boot of the car​

Brown is asked about evidence given by Tara Casey regarding pictures taken in the boot of his car to which he responds: “No idea what you're talking about."


Brown does not know where Leah is now​

“Do you know where Leah is now,” Mr Henderson KC asks. “No,” responds the defendant.
Mr Henderson KC asks: “Do you accept that you told Mr Deeprose that she was sectioned?"
"Yes, I thought she was at Woodlands - a psychiatric unit alongside the Conquest Hospital," Brown answers.
Mr Henderson asks Brown why Mr Vestergard, who worked with Brown at Travelodge, told the jury that Brown told him Leah was dead.
Brown says: "I said she’s no longer with us."
When asked what Brown meant by that, he answers "I didn't want to talk about it".
Brown was asked why he had told Elizabeth Howard that Leah had taken her own life. Brown accepts that he said this but adds: "I'm not very good at my emotions. It’s just a way of talking without putting all the other stuff in. I think I said she’s no longer with us because it makes people no longer ask questions."
Mark Brown replies "yes" when asked if he accepts that there were clear references to Leah having taken her own life.


Leah 'disappeared' in 2019​

Mark Brown says that Leah "disappeared" and the pair lost touch for a period of time in 2019.
He says: "We were getting on quite well until she went into hospital and disappeared."
He says the pair got back in contact again around two months later. Leah ended up staying at Little Bridge Farm, and stayed there for around two and a half months.
They then moved into the flat in Hastings together, Brown tells the jury. He describes Leah's condition at that time as "perfection".
He says the plan for the flat was to "get her back on her feet and get her sorted".
Brown says that the relationship between them by the time they moved to the flat was still sexual but that it had moved on.
Speaking about the time they moved out of the flat, Brown says: "We were on and off. She had got back in touch with her ex boyfriend, got back on drugs and gone down the rabbit hole."


Leah 'kidnapped' by ex-boyfriend​

Mark Brown says he made a payment of £100 to Tara Casey, Leah's friend. He says this was when Leah had been "apparently kidnapped" by her ex-boyfriend.
Brown says the money was: “To get Leah back from Eastbourne and the paperwork to go and get Lady back.”
The defendant is asked why he had bought Lady, the pomeranian dog, for Leah, and replies: “Therapy dog I suppose, to give Leah something to get up for in the morning for. A child replacement.”
Leah did not stay at the flat for the duration of the tenancy, Brown says and added that this was because she wanted to get away from her ex-boyfriend and get off the drugs again.
The jury is told that Leah moved back to the farm and did not initially begin a sexual relationship with Brown but this did soon occur again.


Court taking a short break​

There's currently a short break in court, for around 15 minutes.

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Brown asked about losing their baby in February 2020​

The court is now back in session.
Mr Henderson KC is asking Brown about the loss of his and Leah's baby in February 2020.
The defendant admits to “falling off the wagon at this time.” Brown tells the court that he previously took drugs after the death of his father, the only other time he had taken drugs in the past 25 years.
Regarding the termination, Brown adds: “It's horrific, it’s not something you want to go through.”


Leah's hospital admission in November 2020​

Mr Henderson asks Brown about Leah’s hospitalisation on November 24, 2020, after being found slumped at the wheel of a car. She was pregnant but doctors were told not to tell her partner. Brown says he was aware that Leah was pregnant at this time.
Brown says he went looking for Leah that day, ringing the police stations in case someone had been picked up. He later rings the hospital for a second time and they confirmed Leah was there. Brown says he packed a bag for her.
The defendant says that Leah used to take cars out that Brown had not taxed or insured. He says he was happy for her to drive as long as the cars were legal. When asked if this is the only thing he had an issue with, Brown tells the court: “No, she was using again and pregnant.”


Brown and Leah's relationship 'more off than it was on'​

When asked what his intentions were with Leah, Brown tells the jury: “I can’t answer that. It was on, it was off - it was more off than it was on.”
The defendant adds that he and Leah had discussed him leaving his partner Lisa.


Brown says arguments with Leah were never physical​

A text message refers to Brown “blowing up” at Leah. The defendant tells the jury this probably refers to him arriving to see Leah and she being high on drugs or starting an argument so that she is able to buy some drugs.
"I probably shouted at her a few times, yeah," Brown says. The defendant confirms the arguments never became physical.
Text messages are read by Mr Henderson KC which reference arguments between Leah Ware and the defendant. Brown says they were not together at this time but he still wanted to help her out. Their relationship was not sexual.
Brown tells the jury that sometimes when Leah was on drugs "she wouldn’t even know I was there".


Pair often bought new SIM cards so Brown's partner wouldn't uncover affair​

Brown tells the jury that they would often have to buy new SIM cards so that his partner would not find out and, with relation to Leah, said: “She would never keep the same number very long.”

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Brown's partner found out about affair​

In December 2020, Brown’s partner, Lisa, told him that she knew about Leah, the court is told. Texts between Brown and Leah Ware are read to court, the contents of which suggest Lisa had become angry after finding out about the different phone bills that Brown had been receiving.
One text suggests Lisa wanted to stop Brown from seeing his youngest son as a result.


Court will now stop for lunch​

The court is now going to stop for its lunch break. The trial will be back under way around 2pm.

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Jury being shown photos of interior of Little Bridge Farm​

The jury is being shown a selection of photos showing the interior of the barn on Little Bridge Farm.
In 2018, Brown says he put a hole in the wall of the workshop on Little Bridge Farm so that Leah could get access to the shower and other facilities without having to undo all the padlocks. He confirms he didn’t really want her having keys to the workshop at this time.
Brown tells the jury that Leah had resumed her drug taking around the December of 2020 and, in March it “had been taking place on and off for most of the year".


'Rocky' relationship in early 2021​

Regarding his relationship with Leah from January to March 2021, Brown describes it as "rocky or rollercoaster I’d suppose, it was up and down".
Brown tells the jury he had a conversation with his partner, Lisa, about staying with her going forward.
He says: "It was over or it would be over with me and Leah and I love my children more than anything."
Brown confirms that had Leah stopped taking drugs, he would likely have continued his relationship with her instead.


Brown asked for two oil drums​

The defendant confirms to the court that he had asked for two oil drums from his former boss. He tells the court that these were “to burn in and make incinerators out of”. This would be used to dispose of “wooden rubbish.”


'We were on a break but still friends'​

In April of 2021, Brown confirms he was hired for a job as security at a Mecca Bingo Hall in Ashford. Leah accompanied Brown on this trip and would sleep in a room near the kitchen.
Brown tells the court that at the end of the job: "We pretty much had a break or agreed to have a break."
He adds: "We always got on no matter what but we had a few conversations about the drug use, where we were going and everything else.
"We were on a break but still friends. Nothing sexual, I would never turn my back on her."


Leah would sometimes 'live in the woods'​

Brown tells the jury that Leah had stayed both on the farm and in the woods adjoining the farm. He says she also had a van he had kitted out and would stay in.
On occasions where Leah lived in the woods, the defendant tells the court that he didn’t know exactly where Leah was staying but thought it was with a man called Gary.
Regarding Gary, Brown said:
He was a man living in the woods behind us, he used to make everything out of sticks and twigs. I only ever saw him once.
There was also a flat where Leah would stay, with the defendant saying she would stay there "to keep away from me probably. And to take drugs".
Despite being broken up, Brown says Leah was still living on the farm in early May. The defendant adds that Leah took a Ford Fiesta to get an MOT in early May 2021, the car failed the test.


May 4 and 5 2021​

Brown says he was at the farm and had asked Leah where Lady was, on May 4 2021.
He adds: "She just shrugged it off like it was nothing. She may have said she’d run off into the woods again or gone after another rabbit."
Brown drove off, telling the court: “I was concerned but just didn’t want to be there at the time.”
The following day, Brown returned to the farm and told the court: "I went to go and see if I could find her. Leah wasn’t there, Lady wasn’t there. Duke was, I fed him and went for a walk."
After walking down to the lake on Little Bridge Farm, Brown tells the jury that he saw what looked like a “matt of hair” in the middle that “looked like Lady.”
Brown says he tried to pull it in with a rake, it came out of the water and had a weight chained around its neck. The defendant describes the smell as “horrific.” He says he then went to find Leah and she was there when he returned.
The jury hears that Brown said to her: “You’re *advertiser censored***** sick, you’ve lost it, I can’t cope with this s*** when you’re like this.”
He says he then "got in the motor and drove off".
Brown says he returned on the Friday and the remains of the dog were gone. He assumed that the animals had taken the body away, the court heard.
Brown later clarifies some of the judge’s confusion. He says the dog’s body was half submerged on top of branches which had been cut and fallen in the lake. The 12kg dumbbell was on the bottom of the lake or held up by a branch, Brown says. The defendant tells the jury that he assumed the dog drowned.

I have been at the trial for a couple of sessions and intend to be there for the summing ups. It seems quite clear to me so far that the defendant has not got any kind of defence. In the public gallery, I dont know for sure but they seem to be family and friends of AM & LW.I am expecting the final summing up to be next Monday and Tuesday. On a less serious note, it is disappointing that it is not possible to have a cup of tea at the courts at present.

Hopefully if @crespo29 was in court today they will have got a good look at him! I wonder if those tears were real...

I felt a bit sick reading the last post about the dog. You can see what picture he is trying to paint of LW.

I think we can assume proceedings now ended for day, even though the court journalist didn't formally sign off.

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