Deceased/Not Found UK - Leah Louise Ware (still missing) and Alexandra Morgan, May/Nov 2021 *Guilty*

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The dog too...

Miss Ware lived at the farm with her two dogs, Duke and Lady, to whom she was devoted.

In the days immediately after the prosecution say she died, Duke was re-homed with Brown's sister but Lady, a Pomeranian, has not been seen since.

However, during a police search of Little Bridge Farm, the skeletal remains of a Pomeranian were found in a pond on the site, at the end of a collar and lead tied to a weight.

The prosecution argue that these are Lady's bones.

This was the post early in the trial about police finding dog bones in the pond, a dog collar and weight.

It doesn't seem to fit with his evidence.
Yes, he has rather caught himself up there.
It seems as if he's tried to think of a way of blaming it on Leah and so has come up with a story of knowing she did it at the time.

Seems like he's giving the jury a reason to disbelieve the rest of his testimony, if they think he is lying about this.

Good morning - proceedings are back under way​

Thanks for joining us.
Mark Brown is back in the witness stand He's wearing a dark suit jacket and tie, a white shirt and a pair of light blue jeans.
Proceedings will pick up from where they were left yesterday, with the 41-year-old giving evidence in his defence.


Dog discovered dead in lake​

Brown is asked by the judge, Justice Nicholas Hilliard, to confirm the length of the chain that was tied to the dog’s neck when he discovered it. He says it was around half a metre long and was the extension from a dog lead. The pond is around head high at its deepest but gets shallower around the edges.
“I've been in the lake several times swimming and walking about," Brown added.
When asked how deep the water was where the dog was discovered, he says it will have been around half a metre deep.


Jury shown image of farm where he lived with alleged victim​

The jury is being shown an aerial photograph of Little Bridge Farm, which the defendant rented and Leah Ware lived on. Brown explains to the courtroom that, upon discovering the dog’s remains, he left it beside a boat which was next to the lake.
Brown says that when he next returned to the farm, the remains had disappeared but the smell remained. He tells the jury he was not responsible for moving the dog’s remains.


What happened on the day of May 7, 2021​

Mark Brown has now started to give evidence regarding the day of Friday, May 7, 2021. He had been at the farm from around 6.25pm until shortly after 10.40pm that night. He says he went to the farm that evening and “did the ball joint on the Fiesta, then I took the Audi A3 and put it on the back of a lorry.”
He confirms he did not see Leah on that visit and has not seen her since. Brown tells the jury that she left him a note.
"When I got to the workshop there was a note in a blue carrier bag tied to a door handle of the workshop."


'I'm so sorry boo'​

Brown tells the jury the content of the note read: “I'm so sorry boo I’m going to get this sorted, and I'm going to get help, please don’t let this be your last shot. Please can you pick up meds and money for me, cards at your sister’s and leave it in the Bert-mobile. I love you”
He then adds: “she signed it Ellie and lots of kisses.”
Brown confirms the 'Bert-mobile' was the horse box for Bertie.
When asked what he thought the note meant, Brown adds: “That she was going to get help and get sorted and pick her meds and money up and leave it out for her. I’d thought she had gone to get help, to go to Woodlands but it turns out she wasn’t going there anyway, or that she was on the run.”


Leah Ware's phone disconnected for nine hours​

For an almost nine hour period until 8.57am on May 8, Leah’s phone was disconnected from the network with no cell site connections between this time. Brown says he does not know why this happened.
Cell site data suggests her phone reconnected shortly after Brown returned to the farm.
“Had you locked Leah in the container,” Mr Henderson KC asked
“No,” replies Brown. On May 8, Brown spent a lot of time on the farm but tells the jury he did not see Leah. He says he was at the farm with his friend Chris, who was taking pictures of a Ford Fiesta they were hoping to sell.
“Did anything out of the ordinary happen that day,” Mr Henderson asks.
“No, not that I can think of,” Brown replies.
At 14.38 on May 8, Leah's phone connects to the network for the final time, the court hears.
When asked why this would have happened, Brown tells the jury: "She would have taken the sim cards out of her phones and swapped them over, she already had another telephone number when we were at Mecca Bingo."


Concern over Leah Ware's 'disappearance'​

The morning of May 9, Brown arrived at Little Bridge Farm and tells the jury he was picking up the Ford Fiesta to take to a test centre in St Leonards for its MOT on Monday (May 10). After dropping the car off, he says he walked back to his home and picked up another car.
When asked if he was worried about Leah’s disappearance, Brown tells the jury:

“Not for the first three or four weeks, it was only after then that I started to get a little bit concerned. I was leaving messages in the horsebox with the pills and the money. I had another telephone number for Leah but it wasn’t in service.”


Leah Ware 'previously kidnapped by ex-boyfriend'​

Brown tells the court that he did not report Leah Ware missing to anyone and adds: “As far as I was concerned she was on her own. That’s just going to put her in more danger isn’t it. Look what happened the last time I reported her missing.”
Browns says this previous occasion when he reported her missing relates to when she was kidnapped by her former boyfriend, Jack Beaver. On that occasion she was found safe but Brown adds: “She got quite badly beaten up, dragged up and down the road several times.”
When asked what he meant by her being on the run, Brown says: “She didn’t want to be found by anybody, i.e. whoever the big bag of drugs belonged to.”
“Did you have any concerns about her health," Mr Henderson asks. “Only the drug use,” Brown replies.


Brown says he collected alleged victim's medication​

“You were arrested in late November 2021, did you continue to collect the medication and her money throughout that period?” Mr Henderson asks.
“Yes,” Brown replies.
“Did you continue to put it in the horsebox?”
“Yes, every week without fail,” the defendant adds, telling the jury he would do this every Monday after work.
Brown then says the money was always collected from the horsebox every week but not necessarily the medication.
“What did you do if the medication was not collected?”
“I burnt it,” Brown says that one week is enough to kill you so he did not want to leave two weeks worth.


Medication 'found in Brown's van'​

The jury is now being shown pictures of Leah’s medication which was found in Brown’s van.
Brown says he also had some Tramadol that she had given him for his back, and there was a box full of her medication in the workshop dating back from 2020 when Brown was working for SE Static Trader.
Brown then talked the jury through pictures of his workshop on Little Bridge Farm. He points out to the jury the cardboard box on a shelf - this is where some medication was kept.
On May 13, Brown sold the Fiesta - the car was jointly owned by the defendant and his friend Chris Adams. It sold for around £1,200 and they reinvested most of this in new cars to work on.


Brown 'a member of 'Adultwork' website'​

Brown created an account on adultwork on May 20 with the username ‘Crazy’ but some letters were replaced with numbers. In March 19, 2019 he last used the 'fistymac' address
Brown says you do not need to be logged in to use the Adultwork site and that he may have used the site occasionally between March 2019 and May 2021.
He set up the new account “to look for Leah originally” as she had two accounts on the site, Brown says.
He shared messages with an escort called Nadia. Brown confirms he met and had sex with Nadia. Brown confirms the last time he had sex with Leah was between April 17 and 24 when they were together at the Mecca Bingo hall.
Brown confirms he contacted a user called Little Lilly Spring on Adultwork for sex. He tells the jury that they never met up for sex at any point. In a message, Brown asks if she is willing to meet “once or twice a week” at his workshop for meetings.
The defendant tells the jury he was looking for “a regular sexual meeting.”
Brown adds that, when he was with Leah, any other sexual encounters would be at random. Asked by Mr Henderson why he had made this contact, Brown replies with “stress.”
Regarding Leah and what would have happened if she came back, Brown replied: “If she had come back, I would have stopped.”
Brown adds that the meet ups allowed him to relax for an hour and “get a massage.”


Proceedings resume after lunch​

Mark Brown is back in the witness stand. Jurors have been hearing about conversations between Brown and an Elizabeth Howard, who Brown knew as 'Beth'
She was an old school friend of the defendant who he had had no contact with her around 12 years.
Brown says he had seen a girl dancing around in purple trousers whilst driving home, this reminded him of Beth and is what instigated him to reach out to her.
On June 2, Brown sent Elizabeth Howard a message and she responded a day later, where they passed on their respective phone numbers. Brown mentions that he “misses their chats” and that he is “still a good listener.”
Brown said he’d hoped the messages would help “get my old friend back.” Mr Henderson points out that the timeline shows Brown and Miss Howard having several lengthy conversations over WhatsApp.


Photo taken of Alexandra Morgan's home​


Alex Morgan went missing in November 2021 (Image: Kent Police)

Brown takes a photo of the Shell petrol station next to Alexandra Morgan’s home on June 7, 2021. Mr Henderson says that evidence suggests Brown’s first meeting with Alex Morgan was not until June 8 and 9. Asked to explain if he could explain this photo, Brown says: “Not really. All I can imagine is that it’s Google Earth and I’ve accidentally screenshotted it.”
When he did meet Alex Morgan, Brown tells the jury that this petrol station is where Alex Morgan had asked him to park.
On June 8, Brown had been due to meet Elizabeth Howard that evening. He sends a message to her that day which reads: “I'll be going dark about 8ish but I'll let you know the second I'm on my way to you.”
Brown confirms that he visited Alex Morgan for around an hour on the evening of June 8. He stayed in the area for a longer period of time.


'I didn't ever want to go back to what I used to be like'​

A text between Brown and Miss Howard is read out to the jury . Brown says in the text that he does not want any more children and that “Leah lost ours.”
He also says that Leah is “at peace now.”
The defendant again says that he referred to Leah in the past tense as a way of dealing with his emotions.
In one text sent to Miss Howard, Brown says: “I wasn’t always nice, it’s a constant fight to be me.” Brown tells the jury this reference to a constant fight means: “I didn’t ever want to go back to what I used to be like.”
In another text, Brown adds: “I would kill to protect you and the girls."


'Disposal' in oil drum​

The following text sent from Brown to Miss Howard is read back out to the jury by Mr Henderson:
“Now I’m going too be vary careful how I word this but it happened again, not very long ago, while disposing off something, I try to laugh these things off, but it’s a very unpleasant thing too do, old oil drum 5 litres of diesel, hey presto nothing much left, but it gets hot very hot oil drum glows all most white, you go through a lot of stages in a situation like that”
When asked what he meant by disposing of things in an oil drum, Brown replies: “It was a load of stuff that came from an Albanian grow - a cannabis factory. There was quite a lot of drugs, passports, a lot of paperwork and some cash but I don’t know what currency it was.”
“It was the second or third week of January that I found that they [the Albanians] were looking for me.”
Brown added that when he found out about them being after him, he “got rid of it in a hurry.” Brown believes the drugs were ketamine.


'I've got them beat so far'​

In a text from June 21, 2021, Miss Howard tells Brown that she wanted to go to university to study forensic science: “I so love that but from the other side, the getting away with it lol," Brown replied. In the same message he adds “I'm still free so I reckon i’ve got them beat so far lol,” and, “had too many close calls to be silly.”
Brown tells the court none of this relates to Leah but instead to things that happened 20 years ago.

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“Now I’m going too be vary careful how I word this but it happened again, not very long ago, while disposing off something, I try to laugh these things off, but it’s a very unpleasant thing too do, old oil drum 5 litres of diesel, hey presto nothing much left, but it gets hot very hot oil drum glows all most white, you go through a lot of stages in a situation like that”

Has Elizabeth Howard ever clarified what she thought he was talking about when he said this??? :/

'I've never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it'​

In a text from June 26, 2021, Brown told Miss Howard about his previous use of drugs including speed and marijuana.
In one text Brown adds: “I'm not proud of things I've done, but I’ve never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.”
In one text to Miss Howard, Brown refers to going back to using drugs when his dad died and when he “lost Leah.” He tells the court that this referred to Brown and Leah losing their baby in February 2021.
“When we lost the baby I was back on the gear for five days, your honour,” he tells the court.


'That's my friend Alex'​

Jurors have now heard that in one text sent to Miss Howard, Brown sent a picture of Alex Morgan with the caption, “that’s my friend Alex, I didn’t do anything but I could’ve.”
Brown confirms this was a picture of Alex Morgan - but that he was actually referring to a different woman. He claims he used the picture of Alex Morgan as he wished to protect the identity of the other woman, who was not called Alex.
“I was referring to the woman I was helping who turned up that night, took all her clothes off and made a pass at me,” jurors have been told
This person who Brown refers to as Alex, is the same person he had to help on the night of June 8 and 9. On that night, Brown had met Alex Morgan - saying he did so as she was in the Cranbrook area where he needed to be to help the other woman anyway.

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Alexandra Morgan - a timeline of events​


Alex Morgan went missing in November 2021 (Image: Kent Police)

Mr Henderson KC will shortly begin going over the timeline in relation to Alex Morgan.
Mr Henderson reiterates that there were 13 occasions in which Brown and Alex Morgan’s phone had been together, according to cell site data previously given by Julian Skeath.
Their first encounter was on June 8 and 9 with Brown staying with her for an hour and 10 minutes. Brown confirms they met for sex and this did take place.


Contact with Alexandra Morgan according to cell site data​

  • June 21 - 20.13 - 22.35
The phones co-locate at Little Bridge Farm. Brown tells the jury they had both met at Little Bridge Farm, this was her first visit.
When asked by his solicitor where the sex took place, Brown replies “in the shipping container.”
  • August 1
Cell site data shows Brown in the Sissinghurst area. Both phones are also picked up together at Little Bridge Farm before they both move back to the Sissinghurst area.
“I do believe she was booked to be with me but there was a problem with her car,” Brown tells the jury.
Brown says he picked her up to have a look at her car, took her to the farm, they had sex, then he drove her home again.
  • August 7
“Alex asked me if I’d drive her to Leeds to pick up her new car.”
The defendant tells the jury they did not have sex on this occassion.
  • August 9
Co-location of their phones at Little Bridge Farm. Brown attributes this to a meet up for sex.
  • August 29
Brown confirms they met up for sex on this day
  • September 3
They met at Little Bridge Farm for sex
  • September 11
On September 11, Brown made the internet searches using the terms “kidnapped,” “raped,” “knocked out” and “shared wife.”
  • September 12
Their phones again met at the Little Bridge Farm cell site, “For sex,” Brown says.
  • September 17
Co-location of their phones at Little Bridge Farm. They again met for sex, Brown says.
  • September 18
Co-location in the Sissinghurst area.
Brown confirms they met on this occasion to “drop off some coke.” The defendant confirms this refers to cocaine. The defendant says Alex Morgan had previously seen cocaine fall out of his tactical vest. Asked where he had obtained this cocaine, Brown said: “I had confiscated it from someone.”
The jury is told that Alex wanted this cocaine for a friend.
  • September 25
Their phones co-located again near her house with Brown saying: “Again I do believe it was a coke run for her friend.”
  • September 27
'Co-location' at Little Bridge Farm
They again met for sex, Brown says.
  • October 23
Messages between Alex Morgan and the defendant are read to the jury. Brown mentions a “risk free” job “worth a lot of money” and asks if Alex would be interested in getting involved. The job is said to have involved three to five days in a hotel and would be worth “£100k.”
In the texts, Alex Morgan asks for dates so she can arrange childcare.


Brown claims Alexandra Morgan 'wanted to get out of escorting'​

  • October 23, continued
“Why were you messaging Alexandra Morgan in these terms,” Mr Henderson KC asks.
“She had previously asked me if any offer ever came up or if I knew anybody that could help further her career, to let her know, some of it’s a little coded because my partner kept checking my phone at the time,” Brown replies.
“She wanted to get out of escorting and into cam-work. She’d seen a programme about it, people send you a lot of money for not doing a lot.”
Brown says he had the hotel room provided and knew someone who could help Alex set all that up. He also explains that messages to Alex were “semi-coded” as his partner would look through his phone.


Contact with Alexandra Morgan - cell site data on October 26​

  • October 26
Co-location at Little Bridge Farm, this meeting was for sex - the court heard - and also so Brown could provide Alex with further information about the transaction he had proposed.


Proceedings finished for the day - and the week​

Thanks for being with us - court proceedings have now finished for the day and will resume on Monday.

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Good morning everyone​

Good morning everyone and welcome to our live updates from Hove Crown Court. Proceedings should be under way shortly and we will aim to provide all updates from around 10.30am - apologies for any delays.


The defendant arrives in court​

Mark Brown arrives in court. He is wearing a dark blue suit jacket and tie, a white shirt, and a pair of light blue jeans. His hair is slicked back.


'Transaction' between Mark Brown and Alex Morgan​

Ian Henderson KC, leading the defence, continues with his questions in relation to the timeline of events regarding Alex Morgan.
The jury hears text messages between Brown and Alex Morgan in which they discuss the transaction that the defendant proposed.
Brown says he had arranged a meeting with a man who could “further her [Alex Morgan’s] career in the webcam world.”
Brown tells the jury he had several discussions with Alex Morgan regarding the transaction. These discussions took place both over the phone and at the workshop at Little Bridge Farm and occurred some time near the end of October 2021.
The defendant confirms that the agreed date to meet up was November 14. He adds that he had made an hour's booking with her, during which time she would be able to speak with the man over the phone and decide if she wanted to go over there.
Brown tells the court he planned to stay nearby when the hotel visit took place “in case she needed assistance.”


The events of November 14, 2021​

Mr Henderson KC now asks about events on November 14 and asks Brown to clarify what the purpose of their meeting was, Brown responds: “An hour outcall booking for sex and then an introduction with somebody else.”
He adds that she once previously came to Little Bridge Farm in the morning for sex.
Brown is asked about a two-sided note left by Alex Morgan before her visit to the farm.
He said he had not seen it before proceedings began and added:

No but I presumed she would have left some way of people knowing where she was.
Just before 8am on November 14, both Brown and Alex Morgan’s cars arrive at Little Bridge Farm. The defendant says that Alex Morgan had arrived half an hour early. He had followed her for about a minute and a half up the lane before arriving at the gate opposite Bartlett’s scrap yard.


November 14 continued​

Mr Henderson asks Brown about a firepit on Little Bridge Farm. He points it out on an aerial photo of the site.
Brown explains what he did after parking up at the farm site: “I opened up the workshop and we went inside, had a chat, put the kettle on.”
The jury is being shown pictures from within the workshop. Several vehicles were parked inside but Brown says some of these were not there at the time Alex Morgan visited.
Brown says the workshop would have been messier when Alex Morgan visited adding: “There would have been tools and bits and pieces scattered all over the floor.”
“Hammers, spanners, a couple of lever bars, sockets, ratchets, a knuckle bar I do believe, jump leads on the floor somewhere.”
Various other bits will also have been spread over the floor.
Brown is telling the jury about the angle iron which was also on the floor. He says they are quite heavy, made of steel and have “sharp” edges.

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Brown explains events of November 14​

Brown tells the court: “We go inside, go over to the recovery truck.”
“Was Alex with you at that point,” Mr Henderson asks.
“Yes, right behind me, she shut the door behind me,” Brown replies.
“What did you chat about,” Mr Henderson asks.
“Just general stuff, ‘how was your evening, what were you up to,’” the defendant responds.
“Why did you go over to the recovery truck?” Mr Henderson asks.
“To put the kettle on, I needed caffeine. I'd been working all night,” Brown responds.
Brown says they then drank coffee and had a cigarette before he “went to open up the shipping container and put the heating on.”
Brown explains to the jury the location of the shipping container within the workshop.
“I went to open it but I didn't quite get that far. Alex had gone to get my cigarettes out of my gold Jag for me and slipped and fallen over. I got as far as lifting the lever on the door. “
When asked about how Alex would get into his car, Brown replies: “I don’t ever lock my car when I’m down at the farm. I very rarely lock my car anyway.”


'She's fallen over and smacked her head'​

Mark continues:
I heard a load of noise and I span round back to obviously the back end of the recovery truck to make sure she was alright. I kind of caught a glimpse of her in mid air as I came flying out.
“What, is it that you actually saw?” Mr Henderson asks.
“A glimpse of mid air and then a crash,” Brown replies.
Mark is asked what made him turn back towards where Alex was: "A load of crashing. Like stuff falling over or going all over the place. I presumed she’d kicked something over or trodden on a box of tools. I literally span round and made sure she was alright."
Brown tells the jury he shouted: “Are you alright sweetheart are you alright?”
Asked by Mr Henderson what he saw, Brown says:
Alex kind of mid air going down. I ran down to her, she was laying on the floor, there was blood, quite a lot of blood.
Brown adds that he did not see Miss Morgan land and that he was running at the time.
When asked what had happened to her, Brown tells the jury: “Obviously, she’s fallen over and smacked her head.”
Brown adds that he is not sure what she hit her head on but there were tools all over the floor.


'There was a lot of blood'​

Brown continues:
There was a lot of blood, I said “are you alright sweetheart, f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell are you alright?” She made a noise like num num, sort of like someone had bit their tongue or was having a stroke kind of noise.
I went over to where the weight bench is. There was a white beach towel on that bench. I grabbed that, ran back to Alex, lifted her head up and put the towel under it. When I lifted her head there was loads more blood.
Brown adds that there was still an array of tools under her head at this time and that he “just wanted to stop the bleeding".


'Full blown panic'​

Brown explains further: "She was moving a little bit, I don’t know how to describe it, like quivering, then that stopped. After that, obviously she’d stopped moving. After that I tried CPR."
Asked how long it took Alex Morgan to stop moving, Brown says: “Within seconds of me lifting her head.”
In total, Brown says the whole ordeal from him hearing the noise to her stopping moving was about “a minute, a minute twenty.”
“That’s when I checked for a pulse.” Brown tells the jury this involved putting his fingers on her wrist and neck but says he concluded: “That there wasn’t a pulse or I couldn’t find one.”
Asked by Mr Henderson what he was like at this time, Brown adds: “Full blown panic I suppose.”
“I tried CPR. Breathing in her mouth and doing chest compressions.”
Asked how many compressions he did, Brown added: “Three, then a pause, then three again.”

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The jury is also shown pictures of inside Little Bridge Farm, including the container at Brown's site. A photo is also shown a building at the farm with three locks on the door, one at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. These pictures were taken in November 2021.

Images also show a wooden door within one of the buildings at Little Bridge Farm which had a bolt fitted at the top and the bottom from the outside. There was also a bin that police found that included a used condom and wrapper that featured DNA of both Alex Morgan and Mark Brown.

So are we supposed to believe they somehow managed to squeeze in a sexual encounter whilst she’d suffered a fatal injury to her head and whilst it was bleeding heavily??
The jury is also shown pictures of inside Little Bridge Farm, including the container at Brown's site. A photo is also shown a building at the farm with three locks on the door, one at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. These pictures were taken in November 2021.

Images also show a wooden door within one of the buildings at Little Bridge Farm which had a bolt fitted at the top and the bottom from the outside. There was also a bin that police found that included a used condom and wrapper that featured DNA of both Alex Morgan and Mark Brown.

So are we supposed to believe they somehow managed to squeeze in a sexual encounter whilst she’d suffered a fatal injury to her head and whilst it was bleeding heavily??
Go to 10.33 today:

He adds that she once previously came to Little Bridge Farm in the morning for sex.

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