Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #4 *ARREST*

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Just out of interest I found this on the sound of foxes calling - the 'vixen scream' really does sound like a person!
The first time I heard this sound I thought someone was attacking someone in the large woods behind my house. It was so blood curdling that I didn't even take time to put shoes on but ran out of my house and into the woods with a flashlight and my phone; convinced I was going to have to intervene in an attack. Then I saw the foxes...
His crimes in Hull likely started in 2017 because that's when they moved there. A neighbor said he thought they moved there about a year ago.

Will be interesting to see if more charges are added from his previous location.

He moved over there in 2014 so he was 19 or 20 years old. Not a lot of time to get a record in Poland.

His mom should stop answering the phone. He obviously seems to be a creep but journalists are exploiting a distraught foreign woman. Gross
Been following this post from day one as a lurker and finally decided to join you, after the nail biting wait earlier this evening! not sure I can add much that hasn’t already been said but here goes...

My thoughts go along the lines of...I’m thinking it is PR in the CCTV and given the recent charges brought to light (didn’t see that coming either but do think the efit is bang on) he decided to take advantage of LS as she was vulnerable. Why? because he gets off on the thrill of seeing her ‘in distress’ = voyeurism. I don’t believe he just happens to be there by chance; that’s too coincidental for me. I can’t decide if he’s stalking her or he’s there for another reason - it seems to transpire that he’s no stranger to nefarious nocturnal activity!! He will know Thurs nights are a busy student night...maybe it’s a ‘good spot’ for his ‘voyeurism’ - close to bus stop/passing drunk females/heavily student populated area??

So he sees her, he knows her and offers her a lift. I imagine he’s quite ‘persuasive’ or tells her that one of her friends has sent him to find her etc etc...she gets in reasonably willingly. I imagine he keeps it ‘friendly’ at first as he wouldn’t want her kicking off/trying to get out of the car. So he takes her home (I don’t think the Newland Rd CCTV is his car - the one infront looks more like an Astra by the rear view) They pull up close to her house/round the corner and then I think he tries it on with her but she’s more compus mentus than he thinks and she pushes him off...they may struggle and she gets out of the car (heathcoate screams heard) she tries to run but he grabs her & pushes/hits her head on wooden gate to stun her and manages to get her back in the car and then heads to the playing fields to do something sexual to/with her...then...??? I can’t get my head around LS being alive after all this time although I hope to god she is...but where??? I’m also leaning towards the water.

Wow! Sorry mega long post!! I should’ve joined in earlier!
Here’s a little tidbit for any Sleuthers on the night shift - on the two photos of the suspect on the DM website, he’s using his left hand - to point in one and to take a mirror selfie in the other. Suggests he’s a leftie.
Anything of interest in the CCTV relating to that?

But if it's a selfie where he's pointing, phone is in the right hand?

I'm right-handed and use either hand for selfies, but usually hold the phone in the left as that's what I'm used to as I use the right to type and scroll.
Welcome to Websleuths flowerpot!!
But if it's a selfie where he's pointing, phone is in the right hand?

I'm right-handed and use either hand for selfies, but usually hold the phone in the left as that's what I'm used to as I use the right to type and scroll.

No, two different pictures. I don’t think he took the pointing one himself.
Taken me all night to get caught up, whew! Didn't see the unrelated charges coming but good move, keeps him in prison and out of trouble while they find more evidence.

At first I'd wondered if they'd got the right guy as he seemed pretty normal, but first the "she made a move on him" story from the family, and now these charges... yeah, I'd now be very surprised if he was NOT responsible. Put it this way, he'd have to be the most unlucky guy on earth, to have been a good samaritan and offer a lift to a drunk girl, who then flung herself at him and ran off, only to then disappear completely... and THEN to be identified as a flasher/voyeur in addition! It's not impossible that he isn't responsible for all of that, so I'll keep a slightly open mind, but there's quite a bit pointing towards him now.

I'm a bit confused about the spider web video though; with the Daily Mail (I think?) quote that it didn't show the same person as was being interviewed. I'm no good at identifying bits of partially obscured video so really can't tell what's going on there anyway (I've read the interpretations on here as a general guide but can't see any of it myself, it's just a blurry movement), but if it's not PR, then why was it released? For that matter, if it IS him, I wonder what purpose it served, given they already had him in for questioning by then. Assuming it's not just the media releasing it without police input, I guess (would they do that, when it's potential evidence)? Maybe they want to find the other car and cyclist as potential witnesses, but I don't recall seeing any direct appeals to them.
Hello everyone! I'm just coming back on and so far only read the headlines ...

Oh. My. God. :eek: Didn't see that coming.

What a ! I'm shocked! Poor Libby to cross path with him that night. Terrible.

Need more coffee and will go read and catch up on all the details now ...
I’m new! I’m from Hull. I should be asleep. It’s 3:30am but I needed to read all your responses before I fell asleep. I’ve been following this thread for a few days but never seemed to catch up with you all.

Found this online earlier.
Think this is the “2nd bench” everyone was talking about.

Also wanted to let you guys know (if you have an apple product) Apple maps you can make the map 3d not sure if you knew. It might help sometimes.

I still can’t help thinking what if there is a second person? Like someone else not linked or maybe linked. Idk. What if the police wanted everyone to think that PR was getting charged especially with them keeping him in 96hours! Because they only grant that for serious crimes right? Maybe they are watching someone else too, hoping the other person might slip up and let there guard down because everyone’s been so focused on PR and how he must of done it otherwise they wouldn’t keep him in so long.

Maybe I’m crazy. I need sleep. Hoping for so more info in the morning.


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I’m new! I’m from Hull. I should be asleep. It’s 3:30am but I needed to read all your responses before I fell asleep. I’ve been following this thread for a few days but never seemed to catch up with you all.

Found this online earlier.
Think this is the “2nd bench” everyone was talking about.

Also wanted to let you guys know (if you have an apple product) Apple maps you can make the map 3d not sure if you knew. It might help sometimes.

I still can’t help thinking what if there is a second person? Like someone else not linked or maybe linked. Idk. What if the police wanted everyone to think that PR was getting charged especially with them keeping him in 96hours! Because they only grant that for serious crimes right? Maybe they are watching someone else too, hoping the other person might slip up and let there guard down because everyone’s been so focused on PR and how he must of done it otherwise they wouldn’t keep him in so long.

Maybe I’m crazy. I need sleep. Hoping for so more info in the morning.

I think the reason PR was held for the full 96 hours is due to several things. First I think that from early on in the investigation LE have suspected serious foul play. Secondly, once they took him in under arrest and his photo started going out in the tabloids, I think LE started to get calls that he looked like the person in these other incidents. Then they have done all these searches of his home, vehicle, phone. So each time they get a new bit of information that helps to get the extensions as they legitimately have 'new' things to put to him in questioning.

Not going forward with the abduction charge at this point, I would expect is because they believe that 'suspicion of abduction' is the start of what happened in his encounter with Libby that night, and once they put him in a trial track for that charge they have to release information/evidence relating to that charge to his solicitors and a new clock for trial starts ticking down. At the moment they can hold that clock (and keep the evidence to themselves) and hope they can actually find Libby so that they can ultimately charge him with more than abduction. I don't remember all the double jeopardy laws in this country, I think they might be more complex than the US laws but I do believe it's a lot easier to bring all the charges in one trial and not try to bring him to trial on abduction charges and then later find a body and bring him back to trial for other charges stemming from the same incident.

Just my thoughts...I am not an expert in these things.
Just a little something for you nighthawks out there...

Rejestr Sprawców Przestępstw na Tle Seksualnym

The sex offenders register is publicly accessible (most of it anyway) in poland
If anyone fancies scanning through 187 pages of delightful people....then probably better to look elsewhere.
For the rest of you enjoy the above link :)

Humblest apologies if this is not allowed but it is a government database....albeit a polish one
Person is in state of deprivation of liberty
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