Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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I really wish they would get their breakthrough or whatever they need to find out exactly what happened here for the family and the police sake also the people of Hull
I would have thought if they know for sure he picked her up,that alone would be enough to hold him the maximum time for questioning...all his computer and phone forensics would have been back months ago I would have thought, I just dont get it at all ..not unless they have him freely admitting to picking her up from the word go and they cant bridge the gap from a claim by him he dropped her off

Me too. I keep checking back here hoping to see an update where LE is going to charge someone for her murder.

Libby's case is similar in some ways to another case I am following which is in its trial stage now. It had similar circumstances in the way the perp did the initial abduction.

In this other case, the perp offered the victim a ride and then once he got her in his car then very little is known what happened afterwards except that she is totally missing still and assumed was murdered.

LE brought charges against the perp and its in the early stages of a murder trial right now even without a body. Link to the other case:

Still Missing - IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #8 *Arrest*

I have been trying to compare the differences to see how LE has been able to charge the perp in that other case.

A couple key differences is I think LE did find YingYing's blood in his vehicle as well as other evidence in his apartment. So even though LE never found her body in the other case, they have still been able to proceed with charges and taking him to trial.

Thinking about Libby's case, there must not be enough evidence yet to prosecute someone for her murder. I hope LE is able to get a break somehow. Maybe re-interviewing people close to the suspect may uncover some things he said that could help this case. Or maybe work on tugging at some heartstrings to try to get the perp to admit some things. Or maybe plant a cellmate who can dig some information out of the suspect.

Its frustrating that there has not been a resolution yet for Libby's case. I keep hoping LE can get a breakthrough somehow.
Not really. It's likely that the new interview with the divers prompted the reporters to have another nosey around the family's FB pages.

Agreed. As it was actually posted on her mother’s Facebook page a little while back (weeks not days ago) I think it’s MSM noseying around for another angle. Her mother has since made the post private.
I believe Joelle88 attended the P.R. hearing(s) in Hull .Ithink Joelle88 is local to the Hull.area

Yes that’s right. I do remember at the time though, once Sheffield was mentioned, that some members of the group were not far from there and mentioned attending. Just wondering if anyone has any intention of being in court next Tuesday. It was interesting hearing from Joelle at the time about PRs stance, demeanour etc.
I'm wondering the same - especially coming straight after the new public post from her mother.

@Audiohoney I agree it seems far more likely he'd have acted alone and I don't think any half decent friend or relative would help cover that up unless involved as a participant. I just can't think of any other way to explain the delays and the fact they are saying Libby's body is still a clue. Computer searches alone would not require that

The hard part is working out where you'd find someone that vile with similar ideas.

Whilst her mothers post is new information to MSM it was posted on her Facebook back in May. She’s since made it private.

I don’t think it would be difficult meeting like minded people on the right forums via the dark web ... but there would be the arrangement to meet up (the worry it’s a set up) and putting trust in a stranger to not blab that you’ve murdered a girl - even if that stranger were involved. No, I really do believe he acted alone.

If the family are reassuring the police they can keep Libby’s body in order to get justice, this feels like a better scenario than exhuming the body - which has happened in previous cases. So perhaps LE want to do more investigation work based on the outcome of certain tests, which may take a while to complete. I can’t think why else they would need to keep her body for so long after a thorough post-mortem. It also makes me think they’re struggling to pin it conclusively on PR ... and that’s worrying.

The whole case still plays on my mind and it’s so sad to think the person responsible might not be held to account.
Perhaps LE are almost there but want a' strong without reasonable doubt 'conviction if they do make an arrest and there is a murder trial .Maybe LE are compiling concrete evidence.Its a hope.
I'm fixated on Monday 17th being 12 weeks since the opening inquest on LS and the possibility there may be further news that day (only reason I am as it's the halfway period when there is supposedly LE updating coroner with latest reports findings .) Perhaps then more updates Was @Cherwell who had a hunch of a breakthrough week ahead the week LS was found.That was amazing
Apologies if it isn't Cherwell
Yes that’s right. I do remember at the time though, once Sheffield was mentioned, that some members of the group were not far from there and mentioned attending. Just wondering if anyone has any intention of being in court next Tuesday. It was interesting hearing from Joelle at the time about PRs stance, demeanour etc.

I'm local to Sheffield, not going next week though as I have other plans. Will probably try and catch some of his trial though.
Not really. It's likely that the new interview with the divers prompted the reporters to have another nosey around the family's FB pages.
If I'd realised that I would never have shared it. I thought even our disgusting press had cleaned up their act post Leveson and respected victims. If not quite out of the gutter at least not as far in. Clearly misguided.
Just catching up here. Reading the HDM report from the divers, does anyone else feel it reads as Libby having entered the water at Oak Road is what they were looking at? The checking of Tide Tables and trying to work out where the water would flow and the best chance of finding her?
Maybe im reading it that way as its what i have always thought
Just catching up here. Reading the HDM report from the divers, does anyone else feel it reads as Libby having entered the water at Oak Road is what they were looking at? The checking of Tide Tables and trying to work out where the water would flow and the best chance of finding her?
Maybe im reading it that way as its what i have always thought

Yes me too ..they talk of trying to predict where the body may be found depending on tides etc ...the police have not searched anywhere apart from the playing fields and areas around her and his house as far as we know ..and if they had is very likely the press would have got hold of it
Sorry @Cherwell to think it was yourself
I have scrolled back and found who it was
Well-Known Member The Casual
March 17th

'I got a weird feeling that we might get some big news this week.

I have no inside information or knowledge.

It's a gut feeling'

It really freaked me out that.

I also had the same feeling the night before PR was arrested. Although I wasn't on the forum at the time.
I don't really know what I can add that hasn't already been said.

But I feel guilty for not posting.

I'm thinking about the family today with been there first Fathers Day without there beautiful daughter :(
This weekend we picked up our child from Hull and I couldn't help thinking how Libby's parents should have been doing the same thing.
Have spent the weekend in Hull picking my child for the summer, looking at the areas discussed and talking to my child's housemates one of whom lived on Wellesley avenue last year another who lived on Beresford road.

I asked to see Libby's bench which was beautiful and then we walked to Newlands avenue and on to where PR lived. His house is no longer boarded up which surprised my child. The curtains are new apparently and she wondered if his wife was back. I wondered if it had been re-let.

Several things struck me. The first (which won't be news for locals) is that looking at the map doesn't even begin to illustrate just how small the physical area of interest is. It took less than 10 minutes to get from Libby's bench to PR's house - passing about 99% of the locations on his charge sheet on the way. For non Hull inhabitants - he's barely moved at all.

Secondly my child's housemates confirmed that Haworth street was (until Libby's disappearance) indeed a very common short cut for students - especially those living in the Beresford, Wellesley, Heathcote roads area. They also confirmed there were lots of students living there.

It's easy to see why. You come out from those streets via Haworth onto Cottingham road (more student housing). Straight opposite is the Gardeners arms which I'm told is a popular student pub. Turn right and very quickly you get to Newlands Avenue where you find cheap shops, cafes, pubs, pizza places and lots more student houses in the side streets (including PRs street). Very busy with students in term time.

And of course if you don't turn down Newlands and continue, very quickly you're at the uni. Passing the first of the uni accomdation on the way.

Turn left - another student pub (Haworth) and favorite cheap student shop Lidl.

I was also told that Beresford, Wellesley etc were nice to live but a bit dark at night.

So whether Libby had forgotten her key or wanted to go elsewhere, her heading for the bench by Haworth now makes a lot of sense to me. Beverly road is a lit street with shops. She may have felt more secure there than in a darker, quieter residential street.

If she wanted to find other friends who hadn't gone to the club - whether at the pub, halls or possibly other addresses - or even be on the even busier Cottingham road, Haworth street was probably a short cut she'd used to there many times. It could be that was her initial aim

Another telling comment from my childs housemate was that if he'd wanted to help Libby home, it would have been quicker to walk her there than to drive.

That made think that he didn't park there because he'd seen Libby. He'd already allegedly offended in her road. Maybe that was just where he parked?

Logically Libby and PR would have approached Haworth from opposite directions. No reason for him to go onto Beverley road. No reason for him to go there other than to offend in some way. Lots of shops on his doorstep - including a polish shop on the corner. I wonder if that's where he parked to offend in that area
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