Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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Have spent the weekend in Hull picking my child for the summer, looking at the areas discussed and talking to my child's housemates one of whom lived on Wellesley avenue last year another who lived on Beresford road.

I asked to see Libby's bench which was beautiful and then we walked to Newlands avenue and on to where PR lived. His house is no longer boarded up which surprised my child. The curtains are new apparently and she wondered if his wife was back. I wondered if it had been re-let.

Several things struck me. The first (which won't be news for locals) is that looking at the map doesn't even begin to illustrate just how small the physical area of interest is. It took less than 10 minutes to get from Libby's bench to PR's house - passing about 99% of the locations on his charge sheet on the way. For non Hull inhabitants - he's barely moved at all.

Secondly my child's housemates confirmed that Haworth street was (until Libby's disappearance) indeed a very common short cut for students - especially those living in the Beresford, Wellesley, Heathcote roads area. They also confirmed there were lots of students living there.

It's easy to see why. You come out from those streets via Haworth onto Cottingham road (more student housing). Straight opposite is the Gardeners arms which I'm told is a popular student pub. Turn right and very quickly you get to Newlands Avenue where you find cheap shops, cafes, pubs, pizza places and lots more student houses in the side streets (including PRs street). Very busy with students in term time.

And of course if you don't turn down Newlands and continue, very quickly you're at the uni. Passing the first of the uni accomdation on the way.

Turn left - another student pub (Haworth) and favorite cheap student shop Lidl.

I was also told that Beresford, Wellesley etc were nice to live but a bit dark at night.

So whether Libby had forgotten her key or wanted to go elsewhere, her heading for the bench by Haworth now makes a lot of sense to me. Beverly road is a lit street with shops. She may have felt more secure there than in a darker, quieter residential street.

If she wanted to find other friends who hadn't gone to the club - whether at the pub, halls or possibly other addresses - or even be on the even busier Cottingham road, Haworth street was probably a short cut she'd used to there many times. It could be that was her initial aim

Another telling comment from my childs housemate was that if he'd wanted to help Libby home, it would have been quicker to walk her there than to drive.

That made think that he didn't park there because he'd seen Libby. He'd already allegedly offended in her road. Maybe that was just where he parked?

Logically Libby and PR would have approached Haworth from opposite directions. No reason for him to go onto Beverley road. No reason for him to go there other than to offend in some way. Lots of shops on his doorstep - including a polish shop on the corner. I wonder if that's where he parked to offend in that area

Oh, wow. This isn’t what I pictured at all. So interesting to have the close proximity explained. Thank you so much for sharing.

I mean, I knew he was playing it close to home ... but I had no idea all these locations and sites of alleged offences were within minutes each other. Even looking at a map it’s hard to comprehend that everything is so close together.

I’d never thought for a second about walking Libby home. But you’re right, why take her to the car when you can walk her back across the street. Unless the sub zero temperatures are his defence there ... took her to his car to get warm.

Is Libby still spoken about at the university? Are students being given ongoing support?

I’m surprised PRs house is already de-boarded. But then I guess the landlord will need to rent it out. New curtains sounds like new tenants. Can anybody remember which number it is? I wonder if it’s been advertised recently for rent. I can’t see his wife having moved back. Two little ones and family back in Poland ... I expect she’s returned there. Unless she intends to support her husband through his trial ...
Have spent the weekend in Hull picking my child for the summer, looking at the areas discussed and talking to my child's housemates one of whom lived on Wellesley avenue last year another who lived on Beresford road.

I asked to see Libby's bench which was beautiful and then we walked to Newlands avenue and on to where PR lived. His house is no longer boarded up which surprised my child. The curtains are new apparently and she wondered if his wife was back. I wondered if it had been re-let.

Several things struck me. The first (which won't be news for locals) is that looking at the map doesn't even begin to illustrate just how small the physical area of interest is. It took less than 10 minutes to get from Libby's bench to PR's house - passing about 99% of the locations on his charge sheet on the way. For non Hull inhabitants - he's barely moved at all.

Secondly my child's housemates confirmed that Haworth street was (until Libby's disappearance) indeed a very common short cut for students - especially those living in the Beresford, Wellesley, Heathcote roads area. They also confirmed there were lots of students living there.

It's easy to see why. You come out from those streets via Haworth onto Cottingham road (more student housing). Straight opposite is the Gardeners arms which I'm told is a popular student pub. Turn right and very quickly you get to Newlands Avenue where you find cheap shops, cafes, pubs, pizza places and lots more student houses in the side streets (including PRs street). Very busy with students in term time.

And of course if you don't turn down Newlands and continue, very quickly you're at the uni. Passing the first of the uni accomdation on the way.

Turn left - another student pub (Haworth) and favorite cheap student shop Lidl.

I was also told that Beresford, Wellesley etc were nice to live but a bit dark at night.

So whether Libby had forgotten her key or wanted to go elsewhere, her heading for the bench by Haworth now makes a lot of sense to me. Beverly road is a lit street with shops. She may have felt more secure there than in a darker, quieter residential street.

If she wanted to find other friends who hadn't gone to the club - whether at the pub, halls or possibly other addresses - or even be on the even busier Cottingham road, Haworth street was probably a short cut she'd used to there many times. It could be that was her initial aim

Another telling comment from my childs housemate was that if he'd wanted to help Libby home, it would have been quicker to walk her there than to drive.

That made think that he didn't park there because he'd seen Libby. He'd already allegedly offended in her road. Maybe that was just where he parked?

Logically Libby and PR would have approached Haworth from opposite directions. No reason for him to go onto Beverley road. No reason for him to go there other than to offend in some way. Lots of shops on his doorstep - including a polish shop on the corner. I wonder if that's where he parked to offend in that area

That's a good summary of the geography of it all. I wouldn't disagree with anything.
Oh, wow. This isn’t what I pictured at all. So interesting to have the close proximity explained. Thank you so much for sharing.

I mean, I knew he was playing it close to home ... but I had no idea all these locations and sites of alleged offences were within minutes each other. Even looking at a map it’s hard to comprehend that everything is so close together.

I’d never thought for a second about walking Libby home. But you’re right, why take her to the car when you can walk her back across the street. Unless the sub zero temperatures are his defence there ... took her to his car to get warm.

Is Libby still spoken about at the university? Are students being given ongoing support?

I’m surprised PRs house is already de-boarded. But then I guess the landlord will need to rent it out. New curtains sounds like new tenants. Can anybody remember which number it is? I wonder if it’s been advertised recently for rent. I can’t see his wife having moved back. Two little ones and family back in Poland ... I expect she’s returned there. Unless she intends to support her husband through his trial ...
@Strontium69 and @Vermont24 have done more detailed descriptions of the area but I was just surprised at what a small area the info we have covers.

I'm guessing his defence for taking her to his car could be partly cold and partly how drunk she was. Witnesses have already said she'd fallen near her house.

I can see why Students would use Haworth as a cut thru but to be honest it's dark and it wouldn't have taken much more time to continue down Beverly road and turn into Cottingham. However I guess we do go to what is familiar especially when not thinking straight.

Neither my child nor her friends knew Libby so don't have much to say now the initial shock has abated. They did help with the search and police were everywhere initially - they were questioned almost straight away. Police came to all the houses nearby.

However they did say that the police search became more focused towards Newlands very, very quickly in their opinion. Given at that point Libby could have been anywhere they were surprised.

They also stated her address was in his sat nav that's why his car was taken. However I suspect that could be the result of some form of Chinese whispers flowing from the MSM interview with his sister rather than any real info. Could police pick up GPS data that quickly? Why would he do that anyway?
Haworth street basically squares off Cott Rd/Bev Rd corner, so i agree that very little would be saved by using it as a 'short cut' if anything. Im not a student and live across town from there but i went to school in the area and have other connections to that immediate area and have spent plenty of time around there over many years. Locals will remember how bustling Bev rd once was, when lidl was the Main Event. I have never used haworth st and until Libby disappeared i wouldnt have known the name of that street, i also didnt realise it joined both sides (cott rd and bev rd) i dont think its blindingly obvious even though ive passed both ends many times. Unless someone had told you or gone that way with you i think the main road would be most logical, only my opinion just a different perspective from whats already been shared.
Haworth street basically squares off Cott Rd/Bev Rd corner, so i agree that very little would be saved by using it as a 'short cut' if anything. Im not a student and live across town from there but i went to school in the area and have other connections to that immediate area and have spent plenty of time around there over many years. Locals will remember how bustling Bev rd once was, when lidl was the Main Event. I have never used haworth st and until Libby disappeared i wouldnt have known the name of that street, i also didnt realise it joined both sides (cott rd and bev rd) i dont think its blindingly obvious even though ive passed both ends many times. Unless someone had told you or gone that way with you i think the main road would be most logical, only my opinion just a different perspective from whats already been shared.
I can't see the benefits either when I look at the map. But I guess if it's become a cut through your brain sort of tells you it is. I guess it's less obvious that you're doubling back on yourself.

Spidercam and the bench are terrifyingly close. There's a bus stop next to the bench. A few seconds of anonymous darkness really.

It wouldn't take PR long by car from home and it's a direct route that doesn't take in Beverley road or Libby's route from her home. So given they could both approach that point from different directions I'm not sure he parked there because he saw her. Just my opinion.

He'd offended in Libby's street on 19th Jan which is a Saturday. Is it possible Haworth was his parking place for offences in that area? Quiet, dark, close and a dead end so no passing traffic. It's harder to find and convict an offender based on a description alone - but description + car registration? So maybe he parks and walks. Libby was just in his path. Again just opinion.

Or maybe he too knew it was a route used by students.

Or maybe somebody told him they'd seen a vulnerble girl

I can't see any innocent reason to be there.

It would be interesting to know what time the Jan 19th offence took place (early hours of Saturday or later in the evening).

It would also be interesting to know if any specific student social events preceded it. Libby went to a student night. Lots of students would have been starting to return to that area in the early hours of Friday morning.
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Sheffield Crown Court Case Listings, Daily Hearings, Records & Status Details
Sheffield Crown Court Case Listings, Daily Hearings, Records & Status Details
CourtServe - Live Court Listings

There's also this website which I find useful as it lists the cases the working day before, rather than on the day. :)

Unfortunately I have nothing else to add to the discussion for now, except that I think about Libby and her family frequently and still hope every day that we'll soon get news of some sort of justice.
Tuesday, June 18th:
*Inquest Hearing – (@ UK) – UK – Liberty “Libby” Anna Squire (21) (last seen Jan. 31, 2019 outside Welly Club in Hull; found 3/20/19 in Humber estuary) - *Pawel Relowicz (24) arrested (2/6/19 on suspicion of abduction) & charged (3/18/19 & 5/10/19) with 5 counts of burglary, 4 counts of voyeurism, 3 count of outraging public decency & 1 count of receiving stolen goods. Plead not guilty to all charges. Held without bond.
3/18/19 First appearance in court. Plead not guilty. Next hearing June 18, trial starts 7/22 & should last 10 days.
3/25/19 Inquest hearing. Concluded as homicide for Libby’s case.
5/10/19 Update: Friday, 5/10/19 was charged with a single count of voyeurism on top of 12 other offences. Plead not guilty to that charge & had already denied the 12 other offences which are unrelated to the disappearance of Libby. Trial has been moved to 8/12.
'The Press bench just caught a sight of Mr Relowicz when the custody door to the dock opened for another defendant.

He is dressed in a white T-shirt, white trousers, is clean shaven and* wearing silver-rimmed glasses. He was standing looking into the court'
This was lifted from Hull live.
(*Change of glasses to confuse identification purposes at the trial maybe? )
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'The Press bench just caught a sight of Mr Relowicz when the custody door to the dock opened for another defendant.

He is dressed in a white T-shirt, white trousers, is clean shaven and* wearing silver-rimmed glasses. He was standing looking into the court'
This was lifted from Hull live.
(*Change of glasses to confuse identification purposes at the trial maybe? )

yes the change of glasses is significant
@Skigh I agree with this also I was thinking that too . . However changing black rimmed glasses to silver rimmed glasses is a definite change in PRs appearance.Would this be accepted by LE /Prosecutor ?Would the black glasses still matter at the trial ?Witness description .Exhibit?
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Would the old black glasses not identify him to the witnesses .If they were lost or broken could an identicle pair not be made /given to him ?If the common denominator description by the many witnesses could have described the perpetrator as wearing black rimmed glasses a
Big part of his identification as the odd efit picture artist impression made by earlier victims showed the dark glasses.
PR wore no glasses in his first court appearance according to Joelle88 who was at Hull court for his apperances he wore glasses for subsequent apperences Just maybe they too were silver and hed already lost the black ones? ??
'Hearing held at Hull Crown Court on May 10, a 13th charge was put to Mr Relowicz, 24, of a further count of voyeurism
Assisted by a Polish interpreter, Mr Relowicz denied the charge, with his defence team saying Mr Relowicz had been picked out in an ID parade by mistake'
A change of glasses since the charges seems off somehow.
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I have several pairs of different glasses and I am still very recognisable in each pair.
I do not think by changing glasses PR will get away with not being identified.
This could apply if a person's other identifying features were prominent ie long blond or curly red hair. Possibly if a person has undistinguished features then perhaps glasses are identifying it's a moot point and glasses are an accessory not a distinguishing feature and can be changed so perhaps glasses alone are not strong enough to identify a perpetrator t has to be more than this .What though if it's dark and the perpetrator didn't speak? The clothing perhaps...
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