UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 *ARREST* #19

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Hi guys, I spoke to my dad who used to work at the yeast factory (he is now retired).
Their cctv definitely covers parts of the embankment and right into oak road playing fields-it was good, clear cctv so although it was night time obviously clear enough to determine that they went in together and pawel left alone.

There is cctv covering the full perimeter from the factory. My dad said Royal Mail also has great cctv but as that’s further along it obviously didn’t catch them both.

Police would often go to the factory for their cctv as it picks up so much traffic on the main roads it sits on (Stockholm Road)
BBM above. Oh no! This will surely be used further on in the trial.
Hmm, when I first read that, I thought the same thing. But then I thought about it and, to be honest, the way I imagine she meant it was more like "please keep me warm and make me feel safe" rather than a sexual context. I completely believe she was hypothermic and didn't have a clue what she was doing or saying. IMO there's not a single thing that PR or his defence can say which will lead to him being found not guilty of rape. It sounds as though Libby couldn't even remember her own name, poor girl. :(
Hmm, when I first read that, I thought the same thing. But then I thought about it and, to be honest, the way I imagine she meant it was more like "please keep me warm and make me feel safe" rather than a sexual context. I completely believe she was hypothermic and didn't have a clue what she was doing or saying. IMO there's not a single thing that PR or his defence can say which will lead to him being found not guilty of rape. It sounds as though Libby couldn't even remember her own name, poor girl. :(

That's how I took it, more like a child would say to a parent. JMO
Didn't one of PRs stories say he thought she had taken drugs? I'm guessing drunk plus hypothermia might make it seem that way.
I read intoxication especially when mixed with other drugs such as some prescription drugs can mean signs of hypothermia and possibly drowning might be missing so makes me wonder whether the defence will argue this.
Hmm, when I first read that, I thought the same thing. But then I thought about it and, to be honest, the way I imagine she meant it was more like "please keep me warm and make me feel safe" rather than a sexual context. I completely believe she was hypothermic and didn't have a clue what she was doing or saying. IMO there's not a single thing that PR or his defence can say which will lead to him being found not guilty of rape. It sounds as though Libby couldn't even remember her own name, poor girl. :(

I don't think for one minute she said it a sexual context but what I meant was that I could see this being used against her later on in the trial in Pawel's defence.
It must be agonising for her parents just how many sliding door moments there were with all the people who offered help and any single encounter could have changed the course of events. I have to say I'm very impressed with the maturity and caring nature of allbehr friends and all the young people who intervened. The friends who put her in a cab, advised the seatbelt and paid the fare. Then to text asking if she was home safely whilst they're still out clubbing is an amazing testament to them. I remember many drunken nights when friends would go off or I would and everyone just assumed they'd get home safely.
Hi guys, I spoke to my dad who used to work at the yeast factory (he is now retired).
Their cctv definitely covers parts of the embankment and right into oak road playing fields-it was good, clear cctv so although it was night time obviously clear enough to determine that they went in together and pawel left alone.

There is cctv covering the full perimeter from the factory. My dad said Royal Mail also has great cctv but as that’s further along it obviously didn’t catch them both.

Police would often go to the factory for their cctv as it picks up so much traffic on the main roads it sits on (Stockholm Road)

I can understand it seeing stuff at the river end of the park, I recall @Strontium69 describing glaring light so strong you almost couldn’t see the ground in front of you & even out of immediate glare that you’d be able to read/differentiate colours.
I don't think for one minute she said it a sexual context but what I meant was that I could see this being used against her later on in the trial in Pawel's defence.
I dont think it would matter even if she had meant it sexually, although I dont believe she did for a second, but she clearly had no capacity to consent. Therefore, surely the only difference it might make is on aggravating factors for sentencing of the rape. The defence will use it but I cannot see how it helps them. She cannot of sobered up enough to give consent and all the medical evidence would show that.
It must be agonising for her parents just how many sliding door moments there were with all the people who offered help and any single encounter could have changed the course of events. I have to say I'm very impressed with the maturity and caring nature of allbehr friends and all the young people who intervened. The friends who put her in a cab, advised the seatbelt and paid the fare. Then to text asking if she was home safely whilst they're still out clubbing is an amazing testament to them. I remember many drunken nights when friends would go off or I would and everyone just assumed they'd get home safely.
I thought this as well, just a pity that she didn't go into her house when she got dropped off as she must have still had her keys at that point. Also I am sure it said that one of the girls had remained at home so there would have been someone there to look after her as well.
I thought this as well, just a pity that she didn't go into her house when she got dropped off as she must have still had her keys at that point. Also I am sure it said that one of the girls had remained at home so there would have been someone there to look after her as well.
Yes, I hadn't realised that. But that explains why the others were happy to send her home in the cab by herself, rather than someone going with her to make sure she was OK. Just makes it even worse.
Good Samaritans offered to take Libby home
Mr Jacons told the court Libby'e legs were bloodied and he offered to giver her a lift home.

He said: “I went straight over to her. I didn’t know what to think at the time. She had bloodied knees as if she had fallen down.”

He said Libby was “crying, mumbling and talking to herself.”

He said: “I asked her to stand up but she was just mumbling, I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

“She asked me to lay down with her, I said, ‘No.’ I helped her to her feet, I had to grab her by her arms. Her legs weren’t working at first.”

Mr Jacobs told the court he then sat Libby on the wall behind the bus stop and asked her where she lived “so I could give her a lift home.”

He said: “I asked at first if she had a phone so I could call someone to come and get her and she said her friends had it. I asked where they were and I couldn’t understand what she was saying.”

Mr Jacobs said as he went to ask Alan if he could understand her, Libby made her way over to the car.

He said: “I asked her where she lived and I couldn’t understand her. She went back to the wall.”

He says her demeanour changed and she started to swear at him and tell him to “*advertiser censored** off.”

Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night

as sometimes happens, reporters add bits after the info has been copied over....

I see another line has been added to this text

The two men stayed with Libby for around ten minutes before leaving.

which shows that they really did make an effort to help her, more than just a quick check to see if she needed help
There would be toxicology reports tho.
Absolutely. It will be interesting to hear the medical evidence as I suspect this will all come up although I could be wrong. I have no idea if toxology is effected by passage of time after death? I suspected drugs might be raised after her boyfriends statement which specifically said she did not do drugs and I think alot of things mentioned in her mum and boyfriend statements are an indication of what might be raised.
'She didn’t appear to want our help'
Alan Jones said he and Mr Jacobs had been playing darts at Banks Harbour.

Mr Jones said: “When I first saw her she was laid on her side facing the road. Roland held out his hand and she reached out and took it and he got her to her feet. She fell forward and steadied herself on the car.

“He helped her and steadied her. She walked back to the wall where she sat down. He was asking her where she lived and if she had a phone. I thought she was drunk.

“She sat on the bench next to the bus stop and he came away and got into the car and we made our way home. She didn’t appear to want our help.”

Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night
Tributes at the bench dedicated to Libby today



Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night
Another student saw the two men trying to help Libby
Joshua Scott, a student, said he was walking on Beverley Road at around 11.30pm when he saw Libby.

He said: “I was turning right onto Beresford Avenue to go to my friends’ when I realised I had no cash so I went to the cash point at Sainsbury’s and I saw a really drunk female at the entrance to Haworth.

“She seemed unable to stand. She was being loud, singing or shouting and didn’t seem distressed. She was sitting on the pavement and a man was reaching his hand out to help and she eventually took it. No sooner did she stand up then she fell onto the floor.

“He was trying to get her up as I walked onto Beresford Avenue. I was on the phone to my friend and told him what I had seen. I was concerned but because she was already being helped, I didn’t approach her. As I lost sight she was still in company with the man trying to help her.”

Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night
'She didn’t appear to want our help'
Alan Jones said he and Mr Jacobs had been playing darts at Banks Harbour.

Mr Jones said: “When I first saw her she was laid on her side facing the road. Roland held out his hand and she reached out and took it and he got her to her feet. She fell forward and steadied herself on the car.

“He helped her and steadied her. She walked back to the wall where she sat down. He was asking her where she lived and if she had a phone. I thought she was drunk.

“She sat on the bench next to the bus stop and he came away and got into the car and we made our way home. She didn’t appear to want our help.”

Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night

For clarity, Banks Harbour is a pub next to Welly:

Google Maps
Sainsbury's store manager now giving evidence
Matthew Handisides, who saw Libby before she vanished, has been called to give evidence.

Mr Handisides was working as the duty manager at the Sainsbury’s store on Beverley Road on January 31, 2019. He says he saw Libby near to the bus stop on Beverley Road and heard her shouting to a car turning in the dead end of Haworth Street, ‘Don’t leave me!’

He says it had got to around 12.03am on February 1 when he and a colleague locked the store up and set off walking up Beverley Road, towards Inglemire Lane, but on the other side of the road.

Mr Handisides says his colleague was picked up and he crossed the road.

The court is being shown CCTV footage of Mr Handisides walking along Beverley Road.

Libby Squire murder and rape trial - flatmates describe final night
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