UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2

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Absolutely nothing subtle about the abuse Logan suffered. That's absurd given the known situation. I never suggested that. But that the home life situation shifted subtly over a period of time.
A subtle homelife change is simply not true! As soon as AW became involved with JC, he allegedly told her it was abnormal for her to keep contact with Logan's bio-father and she ended his visitation (including video chat) immediately. AW deferred to JC without delay and also allowed him to discipline her child.

UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #2
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Mother and stepfather accused of murdering her five-year-old son called him 'stupid b*****d' | Daily Mail Online

11 March 2022


Previous witnesses claimed the tragic boy was forced to do press-ups and eat Weetabix on the floor while his family enjoyed KFC - with one family friend saying he 'changed over time', becoming 'visibly' thinner and 'withdrawn'.

At trial on Friday, Fred Winchell said he would hear 'foul language' being used towards Logan and added: 'It was very aggressive and nasty.'

He said: 'It was not nice at all.'

Asked what words he would hear directed at the youngster, he said: 'Stupid b*****d. All sorts'.


Mr Winchell said he would hear shouting coming from both Williamson and Cole.


The court previously heard that, just hours after Logan died, Williamson told mourners she missed 'punishing him' and putting him in the corner.

Family friend Jodie Simmonds told how she found Logan crying in the press-up position at the family home during a visit.

She said: 'Logan's arms were visibly shaking, he was in discomfort, upset and crying with a runny nose. Jay said he was naughty and he needed to learn. Logan collapsed on the floor and Jay asked him to get back into the position. He was three or four at the time.'

Miss Simmonds said she became angry and asked Cole if he thought it was appropriate to make him do press-ups at his age.


Williamson told Miss Simmonds: 'He needs to learn because his behaviour is so poor,' the court heard.


She said: 'John Cole said how tasty the food was – he was rubbing it in.
The cross examination by AW's QC would indicate her version of events will be that the youth is to blame for Logan's injuries and subsequent death. A very pertinent remark about the injuries potentially being caused by "martial arts" blows.
It's been stated previously that the youth has a green belt in Muay Thai aka Thai boxing. I think this will be the main thrust of the case.
Still keep thinking about her shouting "you lied to me, you said he was alive". I wonder if she didn't twig he was dead but still very much in on the fake kidnap plot. But then again she knew he'd been put in the river (mentioning it before the poloce did) so must've been planned between them & you don't put alive people into rivers. So awful & confusing & unnecessary.
She must have known he was dead. She wouldn't have waited almost 3 hours after Logan had been put outside injured to raise the alarm of an abduction or him getting out on his own. If she thought he was alive she would have raised the alarm as soon as Cole and youth got back for Logan to be found and treated id of thought.
The trial resumes.

The first witness to give evidence today is paediatrician Dr Deborah Stalker.

She wrote two reports, dated October and November 2021, in relation to Logan’s injuries.

The reports looked at the effect the injuries would have had on Logan and how he would have behaved and what symptoms he would have experienced. It also looked at the timings and severity of the injuries.

Dr Stalker said: “Logan had quite extensive bruising including deep bruising on the back of the scalp. It would have been painful at the time it was inflicted and tender to the touch. He wouldn’t have wanted to lie down on it. He had severe brain injuries too.

“We don’t know whether Logan was knocked out and did not regain consciousness, or whether he gained consciousness, or whether he was knocked out and suffered a progression of the symptoms which would lead to his death.”

The progressive symptoms of the brain injuries would include a headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a difficulty in concentrating, visual disturbances, fitting, posturing, decrease in consciousness and a deep coma.

The doctor said the symptoms and change in behaviour would have been apparent to those looking after Logan. The posturing, stiffness of the body, would have been a particularly worrying sign

Prosecutor Caroline Rees QC said: “Would you expect a caregiver, who was probably looking after the child, to notice the child was seriously ill?”

Dr Stalker said: “I would expect that yes.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Ms Rees now turns to the fractured clavicle Logan suffered, for which he did not receive medical care.

The barrister said: “How painful would you expect a fractured clavicle to be?”

Dr Stalker said: “It’s very painful like any other fractured bones, they are very very uncomfortable… Every time your arm is moved the clavicle is also moved and would cause additional pain…

“It would have been very obvious it was painful.”

The witness said it was apparent it was a healing fracture and had been there for “several weeks”. She added: “There would have been a period of time Logan would be able to say he had pain from that fracture and it would have been there for some time.”

Ms Rees said: “Would you expect a caregiver, giving care to that child, to notice he had a fractured clavicle?”

Dr Stalker said: “I would expect so, it would be obvious when he was being dressed and undressed.”

If care had been sought, Dr Stalker said Logan’s arm would have been placed in a sling to restrict movement.

She said the fracture was not healing well, and that would be expected in a fracture which was not being treated appropriately.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Ms Rees now turns to the abdominal injury suffered by Logan.

The barrister said: “How would you expect those to present themselves in life

Dr Stalker said: “They would have caused pain, the big tear to the liver would have released blood into the abdominal cavity…. That causes really significant pain.

“The irritation of the lining of the stomach, children may be fidgety and may not want to lie still, they don’t like to move because it was very tender and he did have a lot of blood in his abdomen.

“Other symptoms he would have, he would probably have been nauseous or not want to eat at all.”

Ms Rees said: “Would you expect vomiting?”

Dr Stalker said: “He would be sick if there was food in his stomach and he wouldn't have wanted to eat.”

The witness said the disruption to the duodenum, part of the small intestine, would cause similar symptoms and would cause the contents of the gut to enter the abdominal cavity and would also have caused extreme pain.

Dr Stalker said: “This was a very nasty injury.”

Because of the perforation of the bowel, that would have increased Logan’s pain and discomfort and he would have wanted to go to the toilet less, which would have also added to his pain and discomfort.

Logan Mwangi murder trial -live updates - Wales Online
'Very nasty'
Dr Stalker said the injury to the liver, duodenum or the bowel would have been extremely painful on their own.

Ms Rees said: “How severe would the pain experienced by Logan be?”

Dr Stalker said: “It would be very nasty”.

The doctor said children who have experienced these injuries accidentally - she used the example of a road traffic collision - would have been given morphine to deal with the pain, and paracetamol would not have been enough to treat it.

Ms Rees said: “Would you have expected Logan to have reacted?”

Dr Stalker said: “Oh yes, blunt force to the abdomen would have been very painful.”

Ms Rees said: “Would there be a vocal reaction?”

Dr Stalker said: “He would cry and maybe scream, he certainly wouldn’t have been silent. What we don’t know is if he was conscious from the head injuries.”

Ms Rees said: “How would blood loss in the organ present itself in Logan?

Dr Stalker said: “Logan lost a lot of blood into his abdomen, most likely from his liver, but also from the back of his abdomen which was a significant amount…. If there is a significant amount of blood loss, the body can’t provide enough oxygen to the cells in the body… What happens is the body recognises this and tries to compensate.”

The doctor said children would become very pale, hands and feet would turn cold and the skin may become mottled. Children could become lethargic and agitated

If no treatment was received, it would lead to organ failure and death. The loss would

Ms Rees said: “Would you expect a caregiver to be aware of those symptoms?”

Dr Stalker said: “Yes, his hands and feet would be ice cold and he would have been very pale. It would have been obvious the child was very unwell.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial -live updates - Wales Online
Logan had kind of injuries in road traffic collisions, paediatrician says
Ms Rees said: “Can you give any expert opinion on the force used to inflict these injuries?”

Dr Stalker said: “Logan had very severe abdominal injuries, the level of force cannot be measured but it is the sort of injuries we see in road traffic collisions…. Other modes of injuries are a fall from a great height above 10 feet.

“We know from descriptive research, children who have abdominal injuries from physical abuse have more severe injuries than children injured in road traffic collisions.”

Ms Rees said: “What in your expert opinion would be the cause of these injuries?”

Dr Stalker said: “They’re indicative of blunt force trauma, in an abusive situation that would be thumps, kicks and stamps on the abdominal area.”

The witness said the laceration to the liver is far more common in incidents of deliberate injury.

Logan Mwangi murder trial -live updates - Wales Online
Dr Stalker is asked about the period Logan would have survived after these injuries were inflicted.

She said there was evidence healing processes had started in some of the injuries.

The fact Logan didn’t have peritonitis suggests his survival time was left than 24 hours

In her report, Dr Stalker came to the conclusion Logan would have survived “hours rather than days” after the injuries were sustained.

Ms Rees said: “If somebody had taken Logan to a doctor or called for medical assistance, could he have survived?”

Dr Stalker said: “He could have survived. We know that with a solid organ injury, the death rate is less than 20%. If there is a solid organ injury and bowel abnormality, mortality rate is around 20%, this means he had an 80% chance of survival.”

The witness said he would have received fluid and blood and surgery had treatment been sought, and he would have had strong pain relief.

When asked if paracetamol would have had any effect, Dr Stalker said: “No, pain is far greater than that.”

A juror has become distressed so the court adjourns for a 20 minute break.

Logan Mwangi 'suffered extreme pain' before his death - doctor tells murder trial - Wales Online
I am actually not feeling as hard on AW. She failed her son in every way, absolutely no doubt there, but I don't think her crying in court is necessarily wholly a performance.

Recently, she changed, and Logan changed. Initially she had a very close relationship with her mother and was visiting with Logan's father and Logan looked healthy. Then she tells Logan's father they can't visit anymore because JC doesn't think it's right, and can no longer have a relationship with her mother because JC doesn't like her, and Logan's appearance begins to change, losing weight and looking pale with dark eyes.

I think she was in a situation which was deteriorating so subtly she didn't recognise how bad it was, and she has a personality which is intense, dramatic, and reliant on a relationship with her current man (whomever that is at the time). I think her home-life 'normal' became what we know it to be, without her even recognising how wrong it was. Kind of like, the cobwebs and dust build up in my utility room and I think hmm I should deal with them, but I don't, and after a while I stop noticing them altogether. They just are. My sister will come round and say "Lucy, what the hey!! Look at this mess!" Like I would if I walked into her house and saw the same. But to me they've become an unnoticed part of the environment. I know that's a crude correlation to make, but it's how I imagine it.

So I think maybe her reaction in court is that of most humans. She'd possibly become blind to the severity and the frequency of the maltreatment of Logan because it had escalated subtly so the boundaries of what was normal punishment or rough play were only ever being marginally pushed further. But now, the details of how severe his injuries and how horrific his pain and suffering, is being told to her and illustrated in fact.


ETA: Her being overheard shouting "What have you done with my son? Where's my son?" Leads me to think she wasn't fully involved. However, her shouting "You told me he was alive" makes it clear she knew his condition was critical.

I'd also add, a person who has been in an abusive relationship involving physical violence may not register emotional abuse in a new relationship, they will have a skewed view of what is a 'good' relationship. I think it's highly likely JC decided not long into their relationship that poor Logan was an issue and by that point she was so desperate to keep this new relationship that she accepted more and more abusive behaviour towards her son.

This is NOT excusing her, regardless of the verdicts she has failed her son in every possible way.
The trial resumes.

Dr Stalker is now being asked about bruises, scratches and abrasions found on Logan’s body. The court previously heard there were 56 separate injuries of this nature found on Logan’s body.

The witness said there was a difference between accidental bruises and bruises which had been caused deliberately.

Dr Stalker said: “What is striking is the number of bruises and injuries he has. Children who are mobile, playing and running around will have minor injuries from bruising but the number of those injuries are small.”

Research showed within the age group Logan was in for children who had not been abused, the mean number of bruises was around three. Most children would have seven bruises or less and the most found were 16.

Dr Stalker said: “For Logan to have 56 is clearly a big difference there.”

The doctor said the distribution of the bruises were also significant, as most children tend to have bruises on shins and elbows.

She said: “(Logan) had injuries in places that were very unusual in accidental injury… and more indicative of deliberate injury.”

Dr Stalker said the area of the body where bruises would be concerning included around the eyes, neck, abdomen and certain parts of the arms, genitals and groin area.

The witness also said the fact Logan had large bruises was also unusual.

Logan Mwangi 'suffered extreme pain' - doctor tells murder trial
Logan Mwangi 'suffered extreme pain' - doctor tells murder trial

Accidental injuries to the abdominal area are uncommon'
Dr Stalker said Logan’s injuries to his right hand were consistent with trapping the hand in a door or a stamping injury with the hand being on a hard surface or hit with a weapon.

The injury to the forehead was described as a “significant area of bruising”.

The doctor added: “Firstly it’s really quite extensive, it’s unusual there’s not an adequate explanation for it. The explanation of a toy bouncing off his eye is inadequate in explaining the injury.

“It’s also a complex bruise, there’s a cluster of bruising around the eye and to the edge of the eye. A cluster of bruising is more indicative of inflicted bruising rather than accidental bruising….

“It makes me come to the opinion this was non-accidental.”

There was also a cluster of injuries to the right eye, which Dr Stalker said was “of concern” and no explanation had been provided for that injury.

Ms Rees said: “Could it be caused by a face hitting an object such as a door, floor or wall?”

Dr Stalker said: “It’s possible… It’s a direct force which caused this.”

There were also bruises to the cheek, which the doctor described as being more common in non-accidental injury.

When asked if bruising to the cheek was common in abused children, Dr Stalker replied: “Yes.”

Bruises to the neck were said to be “not at all common” in accidental injuries.

Logan sustained multiple bruises to his chest area, belly button area and abdominal area.

Dr Stalker said: “Accidental injuries to the abdominal area are uncommon, we would say 4%... The fact there are multiple injuries in the abdominal area and they are clusters is deeply concerning.”

The witness said these injuries could be consistent with a knuckle punch or a kick depending on the shape of the shoe.

A cluster of bruises to the thigh were consistent with a “forceful grip”. There were similar clusters of bruises to the right forearm.

Dr Stalker said she would not expect to see this in the normal handling or every day play of a child
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