UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #4

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On Thursday [Cole] didn’t hit him that hard…. If I thought he had hurt him that much I would have taken him to hospital

But surely, when faced with evidence, you would raise the possibility that jc's actions had been the cause of the injuries.

Exactly, and if she thought he wasn't hurt why was she shouting and 'running' outside and hoping someone in the neighborhood would come and save them, or running back in to get her phone to call her Mum or R?
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Exactly, and if she thought he wasn't hurt why was she shouting and 'running' outside and hoping someone in the neighborhood would come and rescue them, or running back in to get her phone to call her Mum or R?

ETA - The Social worker visit would have been the ideal time to speak up if she'd wanted outside help, like she desperately hoped when she was screaming outside after the stomach punches.
This would have ensured the involvement of the Police straight away and help for her and LM that she said she'd wanted.

"Williamson said: “I thought I had made enough racket for people to come and save Logan, to save all of us. Jay said he was in the SAS, he could have found us anyway….. I couldn’t leave (Logan) in the house on his own so I came back inside.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
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What have I got to lose?… I lost [Logan], I’m in prison, I’ve had enough of the lies'
The trial resumes and David Elias QC, who represents John Cole, continues his cross-examination of Angharad Williamson.

Mr Elias said: “You have given a number of different accounts about how Logan sustained an upper arm fracture.”

Williamson said: “I have given them two accounts.”

The defendant admitted her ex-husband Jordan Hunt had popped her arm back in when she a dislocated shoulder. Williamson said: “I wouldn’t have known how to do it.”

Mr Elias said: “You decided to put Logan’s back in was it? It was nothing to do with Jay.”

Williamson said: “Yes it was…. I am in court and I believe the truth should come out so I have been telling the truth.” She added: “What have I got to lose?… I lost [Logan], I’m in prison, I’ve had enough of the lies.”

Mr Elias said: “Why did you lie in this document (Statement to police)?”

Williamson said: “I was protecting Jay. If they looked at his previous convictions they would have took him away.”

She was asked again why she didn’t take Logan to hospital.

Williamson said: “I was absolutely Covid frigging mad. I didn’t want to take him to hospital and die. He was crying, Jay said he could pop him back in, he was an expert in that field. [Logan] stopped crying and he was happy.”

Mr Elias said: “That was a lie wasn’t it?” Williamson said: “No.”

Mr Elias said: “Is that what you do, you take bits of truth from your life and supplant them?"

Williamson said: “No. That’s what John Cole does….. I’m not the one who has been convicted of perverting the course of justice twice.”

Mr Elias added: “You weren’t awake when they moved the body?” Williamson said: “No. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

The barrister referred to Williamson’s claim about Cole’s alleged IPP sentence. Mr Elias said: “He never said anything about an IPP or a 99-year suspended sentence.”

Williamson said: “He did…. He said he had an IPP and would go down forever.”

Williamson is asked about the evidence of neighbour Paula Heath who claimed she heard Williamson and Cole arguing at 5am on July 31, 2021.

The defendant said: “[That was] 100% wrong, I wasn’t up at 5am, I was up at 5.30am.”

Mr Elias said: “At no stage before calling the police were you blaming John Cole for anything?”

Williamson said: “No.”

Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence


Williamson said: “No I wasn’t, I loved my baby and protected him from the world. I would never harm him.”

She really wants to be thought of by everyone as the mum that did. Unfortunately, she didn’t. And she knows she didn’t.

I'm really struggling with her conflicting statements - can't work out if she's delusional and narcissistic or a vulnerable fantasist.

She's clearly been painted by all who knew her as emotionally unstable and erratic, also terribly dishonest in a way that is 'in your face' and overt (such as the hearing aids).

The narcissistic sort of person would state lies and DEFY anyone to contradict, I can see that in her. Also she seemingly really believes her own lies, as per quite delusional fantasist, the sort of person who struggles and even rages when reality intrudes in their make believe, so maybe it's more of an unconscious process. Or both ?

I want to knock on her head and say 'can you HEAR yourself?'
Mr Elias said: “Why did you lie in this document (Statement to police)?”

Williamson said: “I was protecting Jay. If they looked at his previous convictions they would have took him away.”

She says she was asleep that night and doesn't know what happened to LM - Yet she is 'protecting JC' in her Police interviews.
Surely her first priority would have been to find out what had happened to LM, instead of protecting JC.

Ugghhhhh I'm sure (hope) the Jury will see through this BS :mad:
Mr Elias added: “You weren’t awake when they moved the body?” Williamson said: “No. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

She is no friend of the truth.

However, it has crossed my mind, what if JC and the Youth had a third accomplice in the house ? If she was knocked out on meds and they were 'sorting out' the situation. Has that been completely ruled out ?
It’s all starting to add up JC & the youth beat Logan in the day his stomach & head injuries..AW went out screaming in panic but then she went back in probably put him to bed with some calpol..washing the blood after that on the bedding & then she carried on watching YouTube etc hoping Logan would be better by the morning & she was watching shaking videos reassuring herself that she didn’t kill Logan because shaking alone wouldn’t cause the type of injuries that Logan suffered..also how is she soo adamant that it was JC & the youth if she was asleep?
I don’t know what happened to Logan that night'
Defendant Angharad Williamson is asked about the evening of July 30, 2021, and the morning of Logan’s disappearance by John Cole's barrister David Elias QC.

Williamson said: “I put him to bed at 8pm and 8.30pm. He was reluctant to go because he wanted to watch another episode of Pokemon.”

Mr Elias said: “Did you notice any injuries at all?” Williamson said: “Not at all…. He was hyperactive and didn’t want to go to bed but he settles quite quickly.”

Mr Elias said: “What pyjamas was he wearing?” Williamon said: “I don’t know.”

She said she then went to make a cup of tea and sat in the living room. She said woke Logan at around 10.30pm to take him to the toilet.

Mr Elias said: “Within quarter an hour [of waking up] you’re making a call. When you got up was anything making you think it was unusual?”

Williamson said: “No.”

Mr Elias said: “What did you think when you entered Logan’s bedroom?

Williamson said: “Empty bed. Where’s Logan?"

Mr Elias said: “What about the bed sheet?”

Williamson said: “I don’t know…. The only time I realised it was off was when I was told Logan was dead….. I was looking for Logan, I didn’t register in my head the sheet was gone.”

Mr Elias said: “There was no surprise because you knew the sheet was off the bed.”

Williamson said: “No I didn’t sir…. The first thing I’m looking for is my son.”

Concluding his cross-examination Mr Elias said: “Were you up that night Ms Williamson?”

Williamson said: “No…. I was not awake.”

Mr Elias said: “Do you know what happened to Logan that night?”

Williamson said: “No I don’t know what happened to Logan that night.”

Mr Elias said: “You were involved in the decision to remove him from the flat?”

Williamsons said: “No I didn’t and what you're implying is disgusting.”

Mr Elias said: “You played your part in deceiving the police.”

Williamson said: “No I didn’t you. can’t fake feelings like that.”

Mr Elias said: “It wasn’t an act was it?”

Williamson said: “No it wasn’t.”

Mr Elias said: “Did you have any reason to deceive the police?”

Williamson said: "No. All I wanted was my son, that’s all I want now.”

The defendant sbbs with her head in her hands.

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10am tomorrow.

Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
Mr Elias added: “You weren’t awake when they moved the body?” Williamson said: “No. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

She is no friend of the truth.

However, it has crossed my mind, what if JC and the Youth had a third accomplice in the house ? If she was knocked out on meds and they were 'sorting out' the situation. Has that been completely ruled out ?

IMO AW is the 3rd accomplice - she wasn't knocked out on meds - Those type of meds don't knock people out. MOO
She says she was asleep that night and doesn't know what happened to LM - Yet she is 'protecting JC' in her Police interviews.
Surely her first priority would have been to find out what had happened to LM, instead of protecting JC.

Ugghhhhh I'm sure (hope) the Jury will see through this BS :mad:

I had a thought about this.

She and JC still have 'their baby' out there somewhere. Logan is no more. Maybe she hopes of their 'phenomenal' relationship being reunited one day in the future and re connecting with their child. She is covering for JC, JC is covering for the Youth, 'medication' is covering for AW. Thank god CCTV is covering for the truth.
I don’t know what happened to Logan that night'
Defendant Angharad Williamson is asked about the evening of July 30, 2021, and the morning of Logan’s disappearance by John Cole's barrister David Elias QC.

Williamson said: “I put him to bed at 8pm and 8.30pm. He was reluctant to go because he wanted to watch another episode of Pokemon.”

Mr Elias said: “Did you notice any injuries at all?” Williamson said: “Not at all…. He was hyperactive and didn’t want to go to bed but he settles quite quickly.”

Mr Elias said: “What pyjamas was he wearing?” Williamon said: “I don’t know.”

She said she then went to make a cup of tea and sat in the living room. She said woke Logan at around 10.30pm to take him to the toilet.

Mr Elias said: “Within quarter an hour [of waking up] you’re making a call. When you got up was anything making you think it was unusual?”

Williamson said: “No.”

Mr Elias said: “What did you think when you entered Logan’s bedroom?

Williamson said: “Empty bed. Where’s Logan?"

Mr Elias said: “What about the bed sheet?”

Williamson said: “I don’t know…. The only time I realised it was off was when I was told Logan was dead….. I was looking for Logan, I didn’t register in my head the sheet was gone.”

Mr Elias said: “There was no surprise because you knew the sheet was off the bed.”

Williamson said: “No I didn’t sir…. The first thing I’m looking for is my son.”

Concluding his cross-examination Mr Elias said: “Were you up that night Ms Williamson?”

Williamson said: “No…. I was not awake.”

Mr Elias said: “Do you know what happened to Logan that night?”

Williamson said: “No I don’t know what happened to Logan that night.”

Mr Elias said: “You were involved in the decision to remove him from the flat?”

Williamsons said: “No I didn’t and what you're implying is disgusting.”

Mr Elias said: “You played your part in deceiving the police.”

Williamson said: “No I didn’t you. can’t fake feelings like that.”

Mr Elias said: “It wasn’t an act was it?”

Williamson said: “No it wasn’t.”

Mr Elias said: “Did you have any reason to deceive the police?”

Williamson said: "No. All I wanted was my son, that’s all I want now.”

The defendant sbbs with her head in her hands.

The trial adjourns for the day and will resume at 10am tomorrow.

Logan Mwangi murder trial latest as mum gives evidence
Thanks for todays updates.
Omg, I can't believe they have ended for the day and no one has asked her about the lights and the moving curtains when JC and the youth were out of the house. THAT is the ultimate evidence against her in my eyes, completely proves her lies.
Mr Elias said: “Did you notice any injuries at all?” Williamson said: “Not at all…. He was hyperactive and didn’t want to go to bed but he settles quite quickly.”

Hyperactive? Hyperactive????
He died that night from some of his injuries!! 56 friggin injuries!! Yet she saw none?
So she's basically saying the stomach punches were not injuries even though she wanted to be 'saved' by the neighbors, by creating so much drama, because of them.
Is she implying that LM was killed during the night when she was 'knocked out' asleep?
That won't hold up IMO and has exposed her as a fake.
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