GUILTY UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #5

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How awful.

You know what has just really angered me too? The foster couple in this article say the youth stank and refused to shower. Even peed into empty bottles, disgusting thing. Yet poor Logan was brutally forced to shower every day, even though the monsters said he hated water.
Singing "Kill the Jews" treated by Social Service as banter???

Im simply lost for words, and it doesn't happen often :(

This child is extremely disturbed it's quite chilling to read. I am utterly shocked he was allowed to live with JC.
This child is extremely disturbed it's quite chilling to read. I am utterly shocked he was allowed to live with JC.
Becoming too difficult to place in foster homes at this point. It’s awful he was placed with so many other vulnerable children as well as Logan and the baby. It’s crazy what seemingly becomes ‘normal’ to a social worker. She also said AW kept an ‘immaculate home’ which I would question and call it cluttered, at best.
The social worker seemed to be a strong advocate for some children and families and not others. I understand choices are made, but preferring JC and AW as foster parents over others seems like questionable judgement to me. Mistakes are made by everyone, but she ignored any contrary facts and opinions. Can't understand why. JMO
The more I read about JC and the youth, the more strange I find it that AW didn't just call an ambulance on that last day and blame everything on them. Given the long, hideous and well-evidenced history of casual cruelty and violence on their part, all their appalling personal history, and the fact that up until the point where Logan died everyone thought of her as a basically good mother with dubious taste in men means she would probably have got off scot-free and Logan might still be alive.

I guess it tells us either that she's as cruel and amoral as they are, or that she was so bewitched by her fantasies of living a 'perfect' family life with her 'phenomenal' man that she completely parted company with reality. Or both perhaps.
I'm wondering if we will find out who the woman is who was accused originally by AW? And if she is somehow related to the boy? If she is could this prevent him being named, so as to not identify her?

It's more likely the other way around. There was one witness who was not named. I posit this is the woman AW initially claimed had taken Logan. I can't say more here about who I believe that witness to be and why, but my presumption is the identity of that witness could not be published without at the same time identifying the child. Defendants under 16 have the right not to be named, unless a judge decides otherwise.
Logan Mwangi: Who are Angharad Williamson and John Cole?

22 April 2022

A man who murdered his five-year-old stepson was a known racist with a string of previous convictions.

John Cole was found guilty of the murder of Logan Mwangi, alongside the little boy's mother Angharad Williamson and a 14-year-old boy, on Thursday.

Cole, 40, and Williamson, 31, claimed they were excellent parents. But witnesses painted a different picture.

During and after the trial, the couple's lies have unravelled to reveal a dark past.


Williamson and Cole were both named - but why is the 14-year-old's identity being protected?

It is through section 45 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act, which means no victim, witness or defendant under 18 can be named in court proceedings.

This order is the "default position with regards to the welfare of the child, even if it is a serious crime", said Cardiff University law lecturer Dr Julie Doughty.


"When he reaches 18, the order will expire and if the media are still interested, he can be identified," Dr Doughty added.


Williamson's claims of being a loving mother with the "perfect little family" were shattered as she was found guilty of murdering her own child.

The daughter of a stockbroker, she grew up in Essex with a twin brother and younger brother and attended a fee-paying primary school, according to the PA news agency.

But before she had even met Cole, she had already turned to a life of dishonesty and violence.


Williamson was described as loud, with a tendency to use foul language and switch moods easily.

Her mother Clare, who sat for most of the trial in the public gallery and for a time was seen reading Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club, said her daughter had been "dramatic" since she was a child.

Throughout most of the trial, Williamson sobbed from the dock and repeatedly called Cole a "liar", imploring him to "tell the truth" while giving evidence.


Speaking to Radio Wales Breakfast, child protection expert Jim Gamble, who is chief executive of the INEQE child safeguarding organisation, said he was "sickened listening to the evidence and delighted that people have been held to account".

But he added: "That won't bring Logan back."

"Everyone will be looking at their children this morning, thinking how could any human being, let alone a mother and stepfather, do this to a child?

"I think we need to be really careful that we don't knee-jerk to demonize social care, police, educators, health professional that may have been involved.

"We're talking about extremely manipulative parents - they disguise their compliance.
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This could lead to more children being harmed. Nobody will want to be a social worker if they’re treated like criminals and shamed.

I mean lifeguards face jail if they don't do their job and let someone die, and same with so many other professions? It's not shaming, in my opinion it's holding them accountable
This could lead to more children being harmed. Nobody will want to be a social worker if they’re treated like criminals and shamed.

They should be shamed. Ignoring, downplaying and downright dismissing threats should be criminal in itself. As is placing a physically and verbally abusive person in that house. It's about time people were held properly accountable, and then maybe things will actually change.
They should be shamed. Ignoring, downplaying and downright dismissing threats should be criminal in itself. As is placing a physically and verbally abusive person in that house. It's about time people were held properly accountable, and then maybe things will actually change.

Social Workers (a protected title in itself) are absolutely held accountable by whoever regulates their registration. In Wales this is Social Care Wales. (Different for each of the UK nations)

Home - Social Care Wales | Social Care Wales

If a Social Worker is suspected of breaking any codes of practice there will be a hearing where any registration can be removed etc.
I mean lifeguards face jail if they don't do their job and let someone die, and same with so many other professions? It's not shaming, in my opinion it's holding them accountable

Logan’s mother and her partner let him die. I absolutely agree there have been missed opportunities here, but social workers don’t abuse or murder children, that’s on the parents.
Logan’s mother and her partner let him die. I absolutely agree there have been missed opportunities here, but social workers don’t abuse or murder children, that’s on the parents.
While I agree that the responsibility lies with the 3 people in that house, let's not forget that the social workers are paid to intervene and help stop atrocities like this.
It seems to me the youth did as he pleased, terrorizing everybody, including Logan, classmates, foster family and even Social Service.

He was put in a kind of institution (if I understood correctly) from which he ran away several times (!) to JC.

And in "reward" for all these - he got what he wanted: JC as his carer.

And it meant "Licence" to even more violent behaviour.
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While I agree that the responsibility lies with the 3 people in that house, let's not forget that the social workers are paid to intervene and help stop atrocities like this.

Of course we can’t forget that, but the legal framework is actually incredibly complex and individual social workers don’t make decisions. They can be powerless to undertake meaningful, valuable work if they don’t have the evidence to warrant statutory intervention. Abusive parents can and do refuse access, they can and do disguise compliance. The levels of manipulation some will go to in order to avoid scrutiny are quite extreme, like trying to medicate or deal with serious injuries in the home.

In Logan’s case, there absolutely needs to be accountability for the shambles made of the of the youth being placed there and what appears to be failure to take the experienced FC’s views and observations into account. there is no denying that whatsoever. There was an over emphasis on his vulnerability with seemingly no regard for the risk he presented to others. Blanket statements demonising social services aren’t helpful, though.

It’s everyone’s job to make sure children are alright, including neighbours/family/friends who witness abuse. I do wonder if societal attitudes towards social work weren’t so negative, whether it’s possible that concerns would be reported so that social workers can gather enough evidence in their assessment to actually make a difference. Instead, they’re viewed with disdain, considered child stealers who fail children and told to ‘eff off’ by the very children they’re trying to support.
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