UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor*

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It can be quite light at 5:00am, sunrise is currently around 5:30am. Mystery man is of course a possibility, or it could be completely unrelated. I’d definitely be interested in knowing more about the sighting. Because I don’t see someone whose just killed/dumped a child hanging around for long. Wouldn’t the person be trying to minimise being seen?

As for the size of the bedroom it would definitely accommodate bunk beds and a cot.

As for PM they can be complete within 24hrs but usually are 2-3 days. In this case I would be inclined to think it was done sooner rather than later. Any evidence the police have will have been put to the defendants.
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This same quote struck me as odd, but for a different reason, especially as there is an aerial view of the house and river in today’s papers. I assumed the river was behind the house- but it’s actually over some common land in front of the house- so he left by the back door and then went presumably around the side of the house and through the front garden- why would a five year old have that logic- surely if they were off to play in the garden they would still be in said garden, if leaving to the river the obvious route is through the front door. That’s based on it being accidental and he left the house to go explore outside, rather than any suspicious circumstances.

Given the arrests itv is highly unlikely that the little boy never left the house at all. My first suspicion would be the mother's boyfriend not the 13 yr old, though of course more than one person could have been involved in a bullying death. Others may simply be implicated in the cover up. Sadly too often women protect their abusive partners and lie for them where their children deserved to be protected from them. Its perfectly possible that the boyfriend deposited the body in the stream and was who was sighted earlier in the morning. JMO and speculation - its all too too sad.
Mystery man seen near river in which Logan Williamson, 5, found dead 1hr later

Bit more info about man on river at 4.45 am and also this from it:

Another resident said she had spoken to police about a row outside the house where Logan lived.

She said: “I heard a row going off outside the house and what I thought was strange was I could hear a child’s voice.

“A bit later I could hear the mother screaming outside the house. She was on the phone to police.

”All of this kicked off at around 5.30 in the morning and I couldn’t get back to sleep.”

Edited to include this which I just spotted on re-reading:

A family friend yesterday revealed to The Sun Angharad spent four hours with Logan in hospital after he died.

I really still don't think the mum had anything to do with it MOO

This isn't super unusual in these instances. The police will be sent as routine for an unexplained death of a child. The hospital will be recording notes on the parents behaviours and interactions, and there will be a police "interview" on hospital grounds.
I wouldn’t put too much weight on a ‘Mystery Man’ I think this is press talk.

If the police were looking for a ‘mystery man’ there would have been an appeal, I think the police are pretty confident of who was there at the time, if they think it was connected.
A force spokeswoman said: "South Wales Police can confirm that following reports of concerns for a missing five-year-old boy in Sarn, Bridgend, and the subsequent finding of the body in the Ogmore River near Pandy Park, three people have been arrested.

"A 39-year-old male, 30-year-old female and 13-year-old male, all from the Bridgend area, have been arrested on suspicion of murder and are currently in police custody. We are not looking for anyone else in relation to this incident.

"Anyone who has any information in relation to the incident can contact the Major Crime Team directly.

taken from the report in the Telegraph 02/08/21.
So are we thinking they have got an extension to hold the 3 in custody for a further 24 hours, to 96 hours. And 96 hours is the maximum they can be held before charge or release. So we should get an update tomorrow for certain.

I really wonder what's happening. The longer we wait is making me think all three will get charged. I hope I'm wrong
So are we thinking they have got an extension to hold the 3 in custody for a further 24 hours, to 96 hours. And 96 hours is the maximum they can be held before charge or release. So we should get an update tomorrow for certain.

I really wonder what's happening. The longer we wait is making me think all three will get charged. I hope I'm wrong

The death of a 5-year old child can be so difficult to assess. This could very well be the mother and 13 yr old afraid to speak and/or investigators trying to determine if one or more are suspected of destroying evidence. I also hope the "surprise engagement" was not just to appease the mother, and this death is not one more case where a mother sacrificed her child for the boyfriend. MOO
We have charges!

John Cole charged with murder.

All 3 charged with perverting the course of justice.

Update on the death of Logan Mwangi: Three people charged

Wow. I was not expecting that. How horrific for the local community to come to terms with this. I was really hoping there was some tragic accident and a foolish cover up of some sort (which I suppose PCJ maybe still is?).

But to have allegedly involved the 13 yr old in PCJ, and the mother allegedly going along with it too.

How terribly, terribly sad (not pre-empting judgment; obviously we await pleas/trials etc etc). Still hope this is all a terrible mistake of some sort. But police/CPS would appear to believe otherwise.

So, so devastating. Poor, poor Logan. x
They wouldn’t have been charged without sufficient evidence, I really don’t believe it was an accident.

My gut kept pointing me to him. I don’t know why but I didn’t think it was the 13yo.
They wouldn’t have been charged without sufficient evidence, I really don’t believe it was an accident.

My gut kept pointing me to him. I don’t know why but I didn’t think it was the 13yo.

I think was just assuming that the 13 yr old would maybe have had a more prominent role as I couldn’t see why they would be dragged into it by the parents otherwise. But that was clearly naive of me. So many lives ruined. And the community devastated.

Will be interested in the case/pleas if/when it ever comes to court. Will the mother and 13 yr old contest the charges? (I suppose there must be credible evidence they knowingly lied but maybe there are mitigating circumstances we are not aware of?). The whole thing is such a mess. Isn’t life awful.
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