UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor*

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The court will now be shown electronic evidence and Ms Rees calls DC Andy Williams to facilitate this.

The jury is shown a photograph of Logan Mwangi. He is smiling and has both of his hands held up with palms out.

A family tree is also shown to the jury.

A bird’s eye map is shown of Lower Llansantffraid, in Sarn, Pandy Park, the River Ogmore and the home address of Cole in Maesglas, Ynysawdre.

Points on this map indicate where Logan’s body was discovered and where his discarded pyjama top was discovered.

Another aerial shot of Pandy Park and the River Ogmore is shown and an aerial and street view of Lower Llansantffraid is also shown. The court heard Logan, Cole and Williamson lived in a ground-floor flat.

A photo is shown of the back garden, where two deck chairs, a gas canister and a bike can be seen.

A wooden gate can be seen and Logan’s bedroom window.

A floor plan of the flat is also shown to the jury.

360 footage
The jury is now shown 360 footage of the inside of the flat at Lower Llansantffraid.

The footage shows entries to the porch, the hallway, the kitchen and bathroom of the property.

Williamson and Cole’s bedroom is seen, and Logan’s bedroom is next to a storage cupboard.

Williamson and Cole’s bedroom and the living room is shown in more detail.

The court adjourns for a lunch break and will resume at 2pm.

Mum accused of murdering son, 5, 'feigned shock', court told
I think all 3 have assaulted Logan in the days leading up to his death and I think that perhaps, they've all pre-agreed that each will blame ONE other - 'if they can't prove which one of us killed him, we'll all get off' ... if, that was their plan then that's going to backfire!

I don't think they intended to murder Logan that night though and it reminds me very much of Mikaeel Kular in Scotland, his mother punched him in the back multiple times while he was leant over the side of the bath, vomiting - it cause him internal injuries - she then put him to bed not fully realising just how bad his injuries were and found him dead and launched into a cover up.

Mother who killed son, three, released from jail early
Team Logan here!


Mum accused of murdering son, 5, 'feigned shock', court told
Mum accused of murdering son, 5, 'feigned shock', court told

22 Feb 2022

Trial Day #2 -- Live Blog Continued:


Phone analysis

Analysis of Williamson’s phone is analysed

At 11.21pm on July 30 her Barclays banking app was accessed.

At 12.20am on July 31, Facebook and Samsung clock are accessed.

At 12.46am YouTube is accessed.

At 12.51am Samsung home is accessed

At 1.23am, YouTube is accessed.

At 2.14am YouTube is accessed.

At 2.36am Samsung home is accessed.

At 2.46am, dialler ap pis accessed

At 3.17am to 6am, the dialler app and Samsung home is used.

A video is shown of police body worn footage walking from Lower Llansantffraid to the point where Logan’s body was found in the River Ogmore. This is a reconstruction of the route and not filmed at the time of Logan’s death. The walk took four minutes and 28 seconds

Following this, the footage shows the walk between where Logan’s body was found and where his pyjama top was found in wooded area. This journey takes two minutes and 15 seconds.


Prosecution: Cole carries Logan's body at 2.43am

A number of videos are now played to the court.

The initial videos show the light in Logan’s bedroom being switched on and off during the evening of July 30 and early hours of July 31.

Footage shows John Cole and the youth leaving the flat at 2.43am. Prosecution says Cole is carrying Logan’s body.

Cole and the youth are seen returning at 2.51am.

At 3.16am, Cole and the youth are seen leaving the flat again. At 3.37am they return to the address.

At 5.47am, Williamson is seen coming out of the front of the house. The 999 call is made at this time. She is seen coming out of the gate from the back garden.

Cole and the youth are seen coming from the same gate before returning to the house.

Williamson continues walking up and down the side passage. She’s also seen looking back and forth across the green at the back of the house, with a phone in her hand.


Light goes on in Logan's bedroom at 3.31am

At 2.43am, John Cole and the youth can be seen walking up the side path.

Cole is carrying Logan’s body, they turn right at the end of the path.

They walk over the river via a bridge and turn left, they walk along the path and deposit Logan’s body where it is later found.

A small photo is shown which shows Logan’s body in the river. It’s blurred out making the image unclear.

At 2.44am, the curtain in Logan’s bedroom is partially opened, the light is still on. It closes within a minute of opening.

At 2.46am, a light in the flat above goes off.

At 2.48am, light in Logan’s bedroom goes off.

At 2.51am, Cole arrives back at the address and walks down the path, the youth arrives at the address and also walks down the path.

Cole and the youth are out of the house for eight minutes and 21 seconds.

At 2.54am, the light in Logan’s bedroom goes off. It is turned on again at 2.57am

At 3.03am, the light goes off.

At 3.15am, the light goes on, at 3.16am the light goes off.

At 3.16am, Cole and the youth are seen walking from the address and turn right.

The light remains on until they return at 3.27am. They are out of the address 11 minutes and 11 seconds.

At 3.31am, the light goes in Logan’s bedroom.


July 30 CCTV

DC Williams refers to CCTV footage on the night of July 30.

At 10.09pm, the light in Logan’s bedroom is turned on.

At 10.26pm light in Logan’s bedroom goes off.

At 10.48pm there is a torch light activity in the side passage.

At 11.23pm, the light comes on in Logan’s bedroom.

At 11.24pm the light goes off.

On July 31, at 12.36am the light comes on in Logan’s bedroom, the light goes off at 12.38am.

At 12.41am, the light comes back on again and at 12.42am the light goes off.

At 1.21am, the light comes on in Logan’s room, at 1.22am the light goes off.

At 1.49am the light comes on again, and at 1.50am it goes off.

At 2.08am, the light comes on and at 2.10am it goes off.

Light goes on and off at 2.21am and at 2.22am the light comes on and at 2.30am a light comes on at the flat above.


More CCTV images

At around 2.52pm on July 29, Williamson and the youth defendant are seen on CCTV outside Lower Llansantffraid.

The youth can be seen standing in the gateway close to Williamson. She walks past the youth into the house and the youth follows.

On July 30, at 5.23am, the curtains in Logan’s bedroom are opened for a few seconds and shut. At 5.34am, the curtains are opened and closed a number of times.

At 5.43am, the curtains are closed shut.

At 7.04am, the curtains are opened again in the middle, before being shut again.

At 7.43am, the curtains are opened again.

At 8.36am, the curtains are closed shut except for a small gap.

At 11.59am, Williamson emerges from the side entrance to the garden and walks to the Lifestyle Express store.

At 12.26pm, Williamson is seen inside the Lifestyle Express, she buys tobacco and a bottle of pop. At first her card is declined and she uses a different card.

At 12.33pm, Williamson arrives back to Lower Llansantffraid.

At 1.44pm social worker Debbie Williams arrives at Lower Llansantffraid and leaves at 2.04pm.

At 5.33pm, curtains are opened in Logan’s bedroom.

At 7.41pm, the curtains are shut in Logan’s room.



The court is now shown photographs of Pandy Park and the River Ogmore.

The images show numerous police vehicles and an area cordoned off by police tape.

A picture of a bridge over the River Ogmore leading to Pandy Park is shown.

DC Williams said there are a number of areas or banks where the river can be accessed from the park and fly tipping frequently takes place there.

The officer says the photos gives the jury an idea about how much water was in the river.

A photo is shown of the area where Logan’s body was discovered, which is cordoned off by police tape. It shows the bank which provided access to the spot of the river where Logan was found, a railway bridge crosses the river close to it.

A photo of the path running along the river shows Lower Llansantffraid. This is on the opposite side of the river to where Logan was found.

On the evening of July 26 and the early hours of July 27, CCTV is shown of two figures walking in and out of Lower Llansantffraid.

At 12.53am, one of the figures, believed to be Cole, is seen to be carrying something.

The court hears CCTV footage of Logan’s bedroom window in the week leading up to his death was analysed.

It wasn’t until 5.23am on July 30 that the light was illuminated in his bedroom during the hours of darkness and the curtains remained closed during this period.


Photo of Logan’s room shown to jury

The trial resumes.

The court is shown a photo of Logan’s room. It has light green, grey and blue dinosaur curtains, an Olaf snowman soft toy. The image also shows other toys and scattered Paw Patrol bedding. The bed has been stripped in the image.

A photo of the bathroom is shown, it is between Logan’s bathroom and the kitchen. There is a painting of a fish on the wall with the word “swimming” above it.

A photo of the kitchen is shown as well, the washing machine and tumble drier is in this room.

The garden and side alley is also shown, with the garden gate pictured. Logan’s bedroom window is directly by the back gate.


360 footage

The jury is now shown 360 footage of the inside of the flat at Lower Llansantffraid.

The footage shows entries to the porch, the hallway, the kitchen and bathroom of the property.

Williamson and Cole’s bedroom is seen, and Logan’s bedroom is next to a storage cupboard.

Williamson and Cole’s bedroom and the living room is shown in more detail.

The court adjourns for a lunch break and will resume at 2pm.



The court will now be shown electronic evidence and Ms Rees calls DC Andy Williams to facilitate this.

The jury is shown a photograph of Logan Mwangi. He is smiling and has both of his hands held up with palms out.

A family tree is also shown to the jury.

A bird’s eye map is shown of Lower Llansantffraid, in Sarn, Pandy Park, the River Ogmore and the home address of Cole in Maesglas, Ynysawdre.

Points on this map indicate where Logan’s body was discovered and where his discarded pyjama top was discovered.

Another aerial shot of Pandy Park and the River Ogmore is shown and an aerial and street view of Lower Llansantffraid is also shown. The court heard Logan, Cole and Williamson lived in a ground-floor flat.

A photo is shown of the back garden, where two deck chairs, a gas canister and a bike can be seen.

A wooden gate can be seen and Logan’s bedroom window.

A floor plan of the flat is also shown to the jury.
999 call played to jurors

The court is played the 999 call made by Angharad Williamson.

Angharad Williamson has her head bowed in the dock and appears to be sobbing throughout the 13 minute phone call.

Here is a transcript of her part of the call:

Williamson said: “Please please help me…

W: “My son, I don’t know he’s not here….

Operator:“Where are you?...”

When asked where she lives she says: “5 Lower Llansantffraid, Sarn…

W: “Send somebody, he’s not here. My son, he’s my baby and he’s not here….I tucked him in last night and I have got up and he’s not here.”

She shouts: “Logan, Logan, Logan.”

The defendant continues: “Where is he?...

O: “What’s his name?”

W: “Logan Williamson, please… he’s five, please….He’s a little mixed race boy, he’s got his Spidey pyjamas on….

The operator asks were her partner is.

W: “Yeah my partner, he’s looking now….The doors and window weren’t open. Someone tell me what….My back gate is open, my back gate is open…. I don’t know what the road’s called…..I walk, I’m walking up now. It’s concrete…. You’ve got to find him now….”

Williamson makes reference to a baby

She said: “Are you sending someone please?...”

O: “We’re going to flood the area with officers.”

W: “He’s never done anything like this… My fiance and partner… John Cole, his stepdad but virtually dad. And (the youth). They’re looking now…Logan had Covid for the past week. He’s been in lockdown the past week with Covid….He’s never had symptoms…Please help me, this is my baby…I just can’t stand here and do nothing… Where is he?... I just can’t stand here…Please, I’m begging you, please. He’s my baby.”

Williamson refers to a woman and blames her for Logan’s disappearance.

W: “I bet she’s done this.”

The defendant appears to be speaking to a passer-by. She said: “Excuse me, have you seen my son? Thank you. Where are they?...

W: “Isolation was lifted today. He’s supposed to be going out now…..”

She’s asked by the operator if Logan has a favourite place to go.

Williamson said: “Oh my friend Rhi’s, oh I can’t think, oh hang on, oh hang on.”

She begins hyperventilating.

Williamson said: “My son is missing… Where are they, please ….”

She’s asked about Logan’s biological father

The defendant said: “No, he’s not seen him in three years. He lives all the way in London. He can see him whenever he wants, he just chooses not to.”

She again accuses the woman of having Logan.

W: “Please, where is everybody, nobody is here.”

She shouts: “Logan, Logan. I just can’t stand here. Where are you? No, where is he?…He’s five he can’t be out here on his own, there’s no parent with him, he must be scared.”

The operator tries to reassure Williamson and tells them police are looking for Logan and will find him

W: “I don’t see anyone….(The woman) it’s got to be her….. We have had alarms on the doors, I don’t know how this has happened. I’ve got window alarms and I have got…. How has this happened?…. If one of your children were missing, what would you do?…Please send someone… But why is nobody here, who’s here? (The woman) she has him please….I can’t see anybody…..

She shouts: “Logan, please, Logan….He hasn’t got his shoes on, he hasn’t got his coat…..I suffer from anxiety (Again blames the woman) Get here to get my baby back….Please promise me you’ll find him, please…..I am severely epileptic, yeah….I need someone here to be looking for him and there’s not one person standing outside my house. There’s a whole park here, I can’t go and look.”

She shouts: “Logan.”

When asked to calm down, she said: “I think it’s a lot easier said than done, I woke up and my son’s missing from my house….

“Oh please bring somebody here to help, I want my baby here, please.”

The operator asks if the police have arrived.

Williamson said: “He’s here, he’s here. Help me please. Yeah I see the ………..

“I don’t know where he is, I don’t know where he is….

“Please help me, oh please. We need to look please.”

Mum accused of murdering son, 5, 'feigned shock', court told
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