GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

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I was watching a recent episode of "deadly women" on the ID channel and I had to turn it off as it was so upsetting. They were profiling a case where a mother and her husband abused and neglected just 2 of their 4 children. The remaining 2 were treated normally and properly but for some reason one little boy and one little girl were locked in a room and denied food or water. It was horrible. The ID program said that in cases of neglect and abuse, it is actually quite common for only one particular child to be singled out for that kind of horrific treatment. Now, I am NOT saying that I think neglect of that kind was happening in this case but the act of singling out one child or being disappointed/angry/overly harsh on one child is not that uncommon.

as i said the other day,maybe he looked lke his dad and she couldnt stand it, maybe he did little things that made her think of him.
Odd. I have never seen that before. Perhaps she has sold the copyright of all of her photos to someone. Or the court made (ridiculous imo) late order that her identity cannot be revealed? All blurred in the Mail now.

They're still up on her PoF dating profile, maybe they didn't get the memo about blurring them

For an example of "wicked recklessness", here is an older article from a Scottish newspaper about someone being charged with murder due to wicked recklessness.

Thanks taagen.
I, too, have been looking for examples and came across this story
Interestingly, as discussed above the charge was later downgraded to culpable homicide.

I doubt we'll hear anything new until the trial now and I don't particularly want to engage in idle speculation on no real basis. I like to think the best possible of people until proved otherwise though, so if she is indeed guilty, I hope that "wicked recklessness" does come into it - more for Mikaeel's sake than anything else.

Would a failure to seek medical attention for a critically ill child or going out and leaving a critically ill child alone count as "wicked recklessness" I wonder?
Been looking but I can't find it at all in Google.

These are the mobile beauty therapists in Kirkcaldy:

And Edinburgh:

None using her name or address.

IMO she won't be on yell.. she'd probably be on the gumtree or similar..

Have a look at here:
They're still up on her PoF dating profile, maybe they didn't get the memo about blurring them

They are still up in previous days' Daily Mail! They've only blurred the ones which have been published today, after the official charges were made. All the stories they printed between Mikaeel being reported missing and today, still have all the photos non-blurred.

Not sure why they have done this, when her instagram is still up. Someone needs to take that down though, as there are lots of abusive messages, and her family (even her children) would still be able to view them.
The reason I'm asking about her business is I just wonder if money could be an issue now. RK had been living in a family owned home with with two of the children not in her care for at least part of that, and then suddenly she is in a place of her own with five kids to support and seemingly no permanent partner. If her business wasn't doing well and she wasn't coping with the children and maybe support payments were irregular for the could have led to resentment or anger.

It would be sad to think that could happen and it was aimed at just one child, but at this point I am hoping it was, and all the others have been treated well.
^ I've wondered the same thing - supporting 5 kids on a single self-employed wage, and they all seem to have lots of nice clothes etc, though I have no idea what a beauty therapist can earn. Her mother is a GP and landlord, maybe she's been helping the family. There was something else that crossed my mind, but it's probably libelous so I'll keep it zipped.
The reason I'm asking about her business is I just wonder if money could be an issue now. RK had been living in a family owned home with with two of the children not in her care for at least part of that, and then suddenly she is in a place of her own with five kids to support and seemingly no permanent partner. If her business wasn't doing well and she wasn't coping with the children and maybe support payments were irregular for the could have led to resentment or anger.

It would be sad to think that could happen and it was aimed at just one child, but at this point I am hoping it was, and all the others have been treated well.

She is listed in some newspaper articles as being a Director of an IT company as well as working for herself as a beauty therapist. I haven't been able to find out who the IT company is related to.

In this newspaper article, it appears her family don't have money worries. Obviously I have no idea if they would help her out, but I did read that she lived with them until she moved to Edinburgh in the Summer, so sounds like they were supportive.

Her mother, Harjinder Kular, 60, is a retired doctor who still lives in a large detached home, with a Jaguar and a Volvo parked in front of the property. She has remarried twice, most recently to Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, 69, a GP originally from Bangalore, who also develops properties in Scotland.
He is the director of East Neuk Healthcare, which owns a 40-bed nursing home in Anstruther, Fife.

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And looking at her various social media photos - nicely dressed and with a good social life - either she had lots of spare money, or she wasn't very good at prioritising what money she had. MOO.

The UK is known for its rather generous benefit system - she would be entitled to housing benefit if renting a property, tax credits to top up her salary if it was under a certain amount, and child benefit for all 5 children (at £20 for the eldest child each week, and £13.40 for each of the other children per week).

ETA: Reading Iplem's last comment, I think they might be thinking the same as I'm thinking!
i dont think she'd do to bad with tax credits and working , its actually pretty shocking how much tax credits pay out .. her child benefit is over £60 a week alone, my nieces mum has 6 kiddies , runs a mobile nail and hair business gets tax credits and always has the best of erything
She is listed in some newspaper articles as being a Director of an IT company as well as working for herself as a beauty therapist. I haven't been able to find out who the IT company is related to.

In this newspaper article, it appears her family don't have money worries. Obviously I have no idea if they would help her out, but I did read that she lived with them until she moved to Edinburgh in the Summer, so sounds like they were supportive.

And looking at her various social media photos - nicely dressed and with a good social life - either she had lots of spare money, or she wasn't very good at prioritising what money she had. MOO.

The UK is known for its rather generous benefit system - she would be entitled to housing benefit if renting a property, tax credits to top up her salary if it was under a certain amount, and child benefit for all 5 children (at £20 for the eldest child each week, and £13.40 for each of the other children per week).

ETA: Reading Iplem's last comment, I think they might be thinking the same as I'm thinking!

The father of her three kids lived few streets away and was seeing the kids on regular basis. I assume he contributed to their upbringing.
For the other two, who were not being seen by their dad she would get some money from the social services if she was not earning enough.
I find mom so confusing. On one had we have the painted picture of a doting mom who would do anything for her kids and on the other hand there's a mom more interested in leaving her kids at home so she cam go party. Just goes to show just how deceiving looks can be I guess.

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A bit like the Willow Long case - only mom's brother ended up killing her.
For the other two, who were not being seen by their dad she would get some money from the social services if she was not earning enough.

Not from social services! If she was in receipt of certain benefits then hmrc/csa can pursue the father for payment. However I'm sure I read somehwere, although I may just have completely made this up, that dad for the twins wasn't named on the birth certificate

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Not from social services! If she was in receipt of certain benefits then hmrc/csa can pursue the father for payment. However I'm sure I read somehwere, although I may just have completely made this up, that dad for the twins wasn't named on the birth certificate

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I remember reading the same. He was not named.

Back to the topic: I don't think Rosie would have big money problems although she would need to be careful with her expenses.
Off the top of my head I read about the blurred images, and I think they are something to do with the law. The media isn't allowed to show her face once she has been charged in a court of law, not until after the trial. Exceptions would be photos posted before the date of charge and photos not uploaded by the media (ie herself) I'll look for a link
This case is making me feel so sad & confused because I, like others am just not seeing how a mother who seemed so devoted to her children could do this.

The photos we have seen of the children both with & without their mother make them all look so happy.

The neighbours reports make them all sound a happy family too.

It seemed like she'd made mistakes in the past since it's been stated that Social Services had at least some interaction with the family & the father of the twins has claimed she left the children alone on at least one occasion. But even WITH all that, I'm not seeing a picture of a neglectful, uncaring mother.

My thoughts regarding her taking little Mikaeel to Kirkcaldy were so she could visit him & be near him. I honestly think that if she didn't care then she'd have just left his body close to home where she could then carry on with her story of him going missing. Or she'd have put him into the sea. I think she took him 'home'.

I know that appearances can be deceiving & as people have said, she chose the photos she wanted people to see. But her dating profiles showed the same thing & if she was selfish & narcissistic then imo they would have read a lot differently.

I was shocked by the charge of murder, I really was. I thought from the very beginning that it wasn't a case of him walking out of the home but I thought it was either that one of the older children had led Mikaeel away & something terrible had happened that they were too frightened to tell their mother about or it was an awful accident & she was scared of losing her other children & so not thinking clearly, she made bad choices.

Obviously if it WAS accidental then there would only be a handful of reasons that might make her think as she did & I don't really want to get into what might have happened to that little boy if she did physically play a part in his death. Other reasons could have been the accidental ingestion of drugs or other damaging liquids etc.

I'm not sure even what's making me feel this way & I'm really not usually the kind of person who would think like this, but things just aren't adding up for me right now & I think they won't really until we know the cod. At that point I'll either know I was wrong & I'd been giving this woman too much credit, or that I was right to not be part of the 'hang her high' consensus.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone who may feel differently to me, by this post. I am just having so much trouble right now reconciling what I've seen & what we've been told by neighbours etc with Mikaeels mother being a cold heartless murderer.

Whatever the truth turns out to be, this is just such a desperately sad case
I think this is something to do with the guy that was killed recently ... the one seen taking the twins to nursery. What if he was their father? The court case about his execution-style killing was on the 9th Jan ..... Im trying to join up all the dots. Maybe she has info the gang want ... or she was involved somehow ... the police know and are using this to pressure her?Into spilling what she knows? I dont know really, if thats plausable.

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