Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #11

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That's interesting, I would only ever use it or have come across it in a lightvhearted teasing kind of way, not a negative word at all

I use it in a lighthearted way too ( w friends & family) but I wonder if it's maybe just a social skills thing.
So... I wouldn't use it in the press, to describe a stranger who I'm suggesting has probably drowned ( the full quote)

However, that doesn't mean that I think she has anything to do with NB's disappearance. Not having a sense of sense of what's appropriate doesn't make you a murderer/malicious etc. We're all different.
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My husband has been fishing all weekend and taken one of the dogs with him. Likewise the owner has his running around all day. When we go to France fishing they do there as well. Its not like they are going to run in and eat the fish.
I wasn't really talking about the fishing with dogs.
I was merely talking about fisherman wandering about scouting a potential place, beforehand, without their fishing equipment.
No-one ever mentioned dogs. At least, I didn't......

I disagree with pretty much every single word of your contradictory post. The OP is 100% correct IMO, the term 'faffing' is always & entirely pejorative and your benevolent examples are nonsensical. It most certainly does NOT mean "someone has been doing something but nobody knows what it is", it means someone has been wasting their time doing something other than concentrating on the task in hand. I agree with the OP, the use of that term during the C5 interview certainly attracted my attention.
I'm inclined to agree as well although it didn't raise any flags for me, but faffing does sort of infer a degree of frustration with what the "faffer" is up to.
I'm in a different part of England but it has it been warm enough for sitting outside at 9am, has it in the NW

JMO but I dont think she would be sitting down
I agree, much too chilly to sit for any length of time. Which also begs the question, if she was wearing headphones and not expected to provide input to the call, why not continue back to the car? If she was wearing headphones, why not put the phone in her pocket? If no headphones was the phone on loud speaker (which a potential attacker would hear but would not know she was on mute) which would enable N to hear the call, but how far away would she need to be to ensure she could still hear it? If not on loudspeaker, then I cannot think why the phone wouldn’t be held to her ear.
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I believe that PA is entirely in the dark, as much as everyone else. I do not feel that he came over well in the C5 programme, but that is not surprising considering what he's going through, and the intrusive and repetitive way in which the interviewer persistently asked him the same question i.e. "How are you coping?".

I think his certainty that she is not in the water is based on a) his desperate hope that she has not drowned and b) his knowledge of her normal routine and behaviour, which clearly in the past has demonstrated safe behaviours around water and other dangers. Equally, he surely does not want to contemplate that she may have wanted to absent herself deliberately because he loves her and her family need her.

He said that he feels that the answer lies in the community, whatever that means. This to me implies that he has a broad appreciation of the range of types of people living there, which is understandable if he is born and bred there.

What I do feel is being underplayed, however, is that Nicola, being originally a Southerner, may have felt differently about the 'close knit local community'; anyone who has lived in the South will tell you that life can be much more anonymous and private there, as opposed to the more friendly and supportive nature of a close-knit Northern area.

Although this seems, in itself, a good atmosphere in which to live, it is entirely possible that, internally, Nicola may have come to feel that living in an area where everyone (and their dog) says: "I know you!" is actually quite hard work. This has happened to friends of mine who have migrated from South to North. It would be completely understandable for Paul not to fully realise this, if the area and its people are all he has ever known, and if NB did not articulate feelings of this nature to him.
Agree, I use it as I definitely 'faff' I am disorganised, can't make decisions and am of the older variety. It is a common symptom.
We've been using it light-heartedly in my family for about fifty years, always joking that my parents were great 'faffers', particularly when the rest of us were waiting to go on a walk and they would 'just go and get my....' or 'maybe I should bring my...' etc. Maybe it means different things in different countries/regions but my understanding of it is that it's not an offensive word, or offensively met. JMO.
9.10 - Nicola was seen in the top field (at a distance) by someone who recognised her, their dogs interacted. Her phone was linked to works conference call on mute. Dog was running free (presumably Nicola had the harness & lead over her shoulder).
From then onwards there are no witness sightings.
IF, IF someone known to Nicola then entered either the top or lower field rushed up to her, told her, say, there was a problem at school with the children, IMO she may have called the dog, but if Willow didn't immediately respond (rushing off chasing squirrels) it would be understandable if Nicola urgently left the scene & went with the familiar person to attend to her children.
It would not be unheard of then for such predator to return to place her phone, lead & harness near the river. Willow, the dog, now knowing where Nicola was, may have made her own way there as it was a spot she was familiar with.
This sad case has been tugging at my heart.


While these are very different scenarios anyone who is a longtime member of Websleuths knows that if water is nearby, Occam’s Razor usually unequivocally prevails.

They searched for WEEKS for Keily Rodney, police divers going in multiple times and were talking about POSSIBLE ABDUCTION when Adventures with Purpose quickly found the car within feet of where it was believed she slipped into the water- it was inexplicably overlooked MULTIPLE times.

This river is deeper near where Nicola was last seen than the 14’ where Keily’s car was eventually found.

Obviously a river and lake are different animals but there are similarities here.

Some of you commented on Peter Faulding - the self-professed “Worlds Best” before his unsuccessful search of the water last week intuiting that he wouldn’t find her even though she was there in the water and would cause the family more grief. You CALLED IT!

Obviously her family and friends are holding on to hope she was abducted, walked away, is still alive because they KNOW if she ended up in the water that she is not alive.

I think all of you who are speculating about silt and mud and such this morning are exactly right.

My heart tells me Nikki is still near where she fell in- accidentally tripping in and hitting her head.

If Adventures with Purpose could help, I would be willing to contribute to a “Go Fund Me” to bring them across the pond and try. May be worth talking to them.

With all due respect “what your heart tells you” is totally irrelevant.

I’m not sure why you’d think the family are “holding on to hope” she’s been abducted - that’s by far the worst outcome. Far better to have no criminal involvement, to die relatively quickly in the water, and have some hope of her body being found and getting closure.

From a cursory glance at the Rodni story - her car was found within 2 weeks in 14 ft of water in huge lake whereas the deepest part of the Wyre at the bench area was 6 ft.

I don’t disagree that the most likely explanation is that NB is in the river somewhere and they can’t find her.

However, there’s still nothing to support this.
I believe that PA is entirely in the dark, as much as everyone else. I do not feel that he came over well in the C5 programme, but that is not surprising considering what he's going through, and the intrusive and repetitive way in which the interviewer persistently asked him the same question i.e. "How are you coping?".

I think his certainty that she is not in the water is based on a) his desperate hope that she has not drowned and b) his knowledge of her normal routine and behaviour, which clearly in the past has demonstrated safe behaviours around water and other dangers. Equally, he surely does not want to contemplate that she may have wanted to absent herself deliberately because he loves her and her family need her.

He said that he feels that the answer lies in the community, whatever that means. This to me implies that he has a broad appreciation of the range of types of people living there, which is understandable if he is born and bred there.

What I do feel is being underplayed, however, is that Nicola, being originally a Southerner, may have felt differently about the 'close knit local community'; anyone who has lived in the South will tell you that life can be much more anonymous and private there, as opposed to the more friendly and supportive nature of a close-knit Northern area.

Although this seems, in itself, a good atmosphere in which to live, it is entirely possible that, internally, Nicola may have come to feel that living in an area where everyone (and their dog) says: "I know you!" is actually quite hard work. This has happened to friends of mine who have migrated from South to North. It would be completely understandable for Paul not to fully realise this, if the area and its people are all he has ever known, and if NB did not articulate feelings of this nature to him.
As mentioned previously today on here, NB is not a Southerner. She's from Essex originally.
Assuming Nicola would have had her car keys on her, is it possible that Mercedes might be able to track the key? Not sure how old her car is but if it‘s a fairly newish one and depending on the spec, I do wonder if Merc might be able to track the location of the keys.
Why is this suspicious and a red flag?

'Faffing' is also used in a jokey way and all it means is that someone has been doing something, but nobody knows what it is. Your friend was meeting you, but is late. They apologise ''Sorry to be late, I was faffing around'' or Someone nips into the house for a coat and emerge after a much longer time than it should take. ''Sorry about that. You know what I'm like, I was faffing around trying to find a jumper.'' I often say 'faffing' is my middle name and everyone laughs. It's an endearing term in most situations. Even if it was used in a frustrated way, it's just a word. My mum and sister are in the car waiting to go out, but I don't emerge for a few minutes. Mum - ''What do think she's doing?'' Sister ''She'll be faffing around making sure all her animals are warm enough, have a mountain of food and fresh water. You know what she's like!'' I leave the house and get in the car. Me- ''Sorry about that.'' Sister -It's ok, we knew you'd be faffing around with the animals.'' Me- ''You know what I'm like. Faffing is my middle name!''

Not sure if this helps!

In this instance someone couldn't explain what had happened, so referred to her possibly falling in the river. Essentially, ''Could she have fallen in whilst faffing about near the edge?'' It's not loaded and ultimately it's semantics, but I don't see this as being a 'negatively-weighted' comment made by a witness.

But as always, it's JMO MOO.

I agree that 'faffing' could be an endearing lighthearted term -or- derogatory but the one thing it isn't is serious. Surely, it's a very dismissive and slightly contemptuous word to apply to someone who may have got into difficulties and fallen to their death. JMO as a British person, maybe it's a regional thing and people use it differently, I dunno.
Assuming Nicola would have had her car keys on her, is it possible that Mercedes might be able to track the key? Not sure how old her car is but if it‘s a fairly newish one and depending on the spec, I do wonder if Merc might be able to track the location of the keys.

As mentioned previously today on here, NB is not a Southerner. She's from Essex originally.
I think most people in England would refer to people from Essex as southerners, I can't think what other word might used, especially by people In the NW
With all due respect “what your heart tells you” is totally irrelevant.

I’m not sure why you’d think the family are “holding on to hope” she’s been abducted - that’s by far the worst outcome. Far better to have no criminal involvement, to die relatively quickly in the water, and have some hope of her body being found and getting closure.

From a cursory glance at the Rodni story - her car was found within 2 weeks in 14 ft of water in huge lake whereas the deepest part of the Wyre at the bench area was 6 ft.

I don’t disagree that the most likely explanation is that NB is in the river somewhere and they can’t find her.

However, there’s still nothing to support this.
exactly that
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