Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #11

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They need to be searching a wider land area, the river seems to have been very thoroughly searched, even down to the sea and she is not there. I'd still be searching the caravan park (occupied/unoccupied)caravans, buildings, outhouses, farms,farmland the lot. Search further than where you think she would be. I know this would take much manpower, but if the lady is not in the water, she must be on the land - somewhere.
Agree totally. Maybe get other agencies to help. TA?
If the property is vacant though, like the house across the river has been described, couldn't the police search for signs of vagrants who may have utilized it and therefore may either be suspect or witnesses to what happened to NB?

Riley said that they have done empty properties as well as properties which are under renovation ( not lived in) but that was by invitation of the owner of those.

She didn't say how many of those that they had done but am guessing most of the locals will be giving permission for that

should be in here
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This sad case has been tugging at my heart.


While these are very different scenarios anyone who is a longtime member of Websleuths knows that if water is nearby, Occam’s Razor usually unequivocally prevails.

They searched for WEEKS for Keily Rodney, police divers going in multiple times and were talking about POSSIBLE ABDUCTION when Adventures with Purpose quickly found the car within feet of where it was believed she slipped into the water- it was inexplicably overlooked MULTIPLE times.

This river is deeper near where Nicola was last seen than the 14’ where Keily’s car was eventually found.

Obviously a river and lake are different animals but there are similarities here.

Some of you commented on Peter Faulding - the self-professed “Worlds Best” before his unsuccessful search of the water last week intuiting that he wouldn’t find her even though she was there in the water and would cause the family more grief. You CALLED IT!

Obviously her family and friends are holding on to hope she was abducted, walked away, is still alive because they KNOW if she ended up in the water that she is not alive.

I think all of you who are speculating about silt and mud and such this morning are exactly right.

My heart tells me Nikki is still near where she fell in- accidentally tripping in and hitting her head.

If Adventures with Purpose could help, I would be willing to contribute to a “Go Fund Me” to bring them across the pond and try. May be worth talking to them.
Agree totally. Maybe get other agencies to help. TA?
If this is helpful, Riley was asked about this at the 3rd presser ( by a journalist) 7th Feb

Reporter - Your working hypothesis is that Nikki went into the river, as that's continuing to be scanned and checked over by the specialist search teams - How much extra resources, in the coming days, would you expect to put into other lines of enquiry?

- Well, as I said, the team of detectives are numbered around 40. That is under constant review, so if the search area becomes too wide or the investigation too complex, the Senior Investigating Officer, over that inquiry team, will immediately ask for further resources. We're a reasonably sized force, we are very used to bringing in officers from other parts of the county. This is clearly garnering national publicity and we will be very quick to move them in if we need to and if we have to go to regional or even national support. We're very open to being led by the facts, to put in whatever is needed to this investigation to it, but I am satisfied, with assurances from the Senior Investigating Officer, that she has all of the investigation resources that she needs at this time. Thank you.
Another reason for her phone being left on the bench was that she left it there intentionally as she went down to the water temporarily, such as a rinse something or something dog related. I was was abducting someone in this spot I would have thrown their phone in the river because I would have assumed the phone was not on silent and everything could have been heard.
But if you were a ‘clever’ abductor you would make the scene look as normal as possible to lead the police astray. IMO.
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered. Was a scent-tracking dog used in the beginning, and what was the result?

I’ve tried searching and googling, and only see articles suggesting Nicola’s own dog, Willow, should be used to scent-track. But was a professionally trained dog used?
Do people really leave their cars open with the keys in and go for walks. Tbh I find that hard to believe
I don't think it's been confirmed where the car was parked yet. I live in a similar area with many village primary schools and have not seen one with a secure car park. The nature of schools is that vehicles are coming and going all day and school car parks (if there even is one) are open all day

I know inner cities might be different
I am old school but told from those more technically savvy that you can link car (if modern enough) to your mobile and open it via an app?
I am old school but told from those more technically savvy that you can link car (if modern enough) to your mobile and open it via an app?
Yep. But I’ve not seen any proper source that she didn’t have her car keys. There will be a spare set though.
The NCA runs the UK Protected Persons Service. They were also involved in reviewing this case and IMO wouldn’t be letting Nicola be plastered everywhere if she was being relocated, or let her family and friends be at risk by being so high profile.

What if she was being 'removed' by some secret protection agency? Or some other form of subterfuge. Would perhaps someone instruct her to go about her day exactly as normal, then they'll pick her up on the main road at a certain time? Leave behind the phone, the dog, everything except the clothes you're standing in. Sounds a bit far fetched but could that happen?

Also, what do we know about NB taking her Teams group calls? Did she usually dial in and walk the dog at the same time? Or was that unusual behaviour for her?
"A man then came through behind her with his dog and spotted the phone."

"The gent has looked on the floor and two feet from the bench there’s a phone," she said.

"I think she’s either been faffing about at the edge of the river because the dog’s been smelling fishing bait and she’s slipped or she’s had a medical episode."

Thank you for this. I thought I had seen this. My post was deleted as I didn't have a link only a memory of previously reading it somewhere
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered. Was a scent-tracking dog used in the beginning, and what was the result?

I’ve tried searching and googling, and only see articles suggesting Nicola’s own dog, Willow, should be used to scent-track. But was a professionally trained dog used?
media Thread ( link for that is in the first post of this thread)
Big photo of a dog on the boat on the river. Maybe an air scent dog.
( Riley has said that they have used dogs) Link here UK - Nicola Bulley, St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire), Jan 27, 2023 *MEDIA, MAPS, & TIMELINES - NO DISCUSSION*
This was one of the statements that struck 'suspicious me' as a red flag immediately. Non-Brits may not be aware of this, but "faffing about" is a negatively-weighted comment to make, usually employed in a tone of irritation...IMO and lifelong, British-native experience...

Why is this suspicious and a red flag?

'Faffing' is also used in a jokey way and all it means is that someone has been doing something, but nobody knows what it is. Your friend was meeting you, but is late. They apologise ''Sorry to be late, I was faffing around'' or Someone nips into the house for a coat and emerge after a much longer time than it should take. ''Sorry about that. You know what I'm like, I was faffing around trying to find a jumper.'' I often say 'faffing' is my middle name and everyone laughs. It's an endearing term in most situations. Even if it was used in a frustrated way, it's just a word. My mum and sister are in the car waiting to go out, but I don't emerge for a few minutes. Mum - ''What do think she's doing?'' Sister ''She'll be faffing around making sure all her animals are warm enough, have a mountain of food and fresh water. You know what she's like!'' I leave the house and get in the car. Me- ''Sorry about that.'' Sister -It's ok, we knew you'd be faffing around with the animals.'' Me- ''You know what I'm like. Faffing is my middle name!''

Not sure if this helps!

In this instance someone couldn't explain what had happened, so referred to her possibly falling in the river. Essentially, ''Could she have fallen in whilst faffing about near the edge?'' It's not loaded and ultimately it's semantics, but I don't see this as being a 'negatively-weighted' comment made by a witness.

But as always, it's JMO MOO.
Maybe this discovery could have been why she had an in person meeting with her boss the day before when he drove over. Any sensitive info that she had discovered couldn't have been discussed on line and they could have looked at the evidence together in their in person meeting. It is strange she had this meeting and the very next day she disappeared. Could of course just be coincidence . He dad said she was upbeat that night after completing a mortgage not worried or concerned.
Is there a link to say that the meeting was in any way out of the ordinary? Do we know that s sonething other than a routine partvof her normal job

I tried a site search to see if this was posted, as there are way too many posts on Nicola to search. So sorry if I have replicated. There's only a loose link, however not only do I think it's a good thing to ride media popular cases for attention in missing people / cold cases, as they are worthy of getting attention too, but, it's also a chance to see if any could be linked if this takes a turn for the sinister, hopefully not.
I also realise this may be an eye opener for some that there are many missing people out there in the UK. I think we see so many missing person cases in the US that we think it's normal there and not here.

Btw I'm not totally keeping up with the posts because I'm finding some rather bizarre and far fetched.

Edited as I forgot to add link
Edited for typos & punctuation
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I agree. I have changed my mind and I now discount the river because of the intense searches and think she was grabbed from there by a maniac, killed nearby and she's buried somewhere near too. Widen the search, with cadaver dogs, to 1.5km outwards of the bench and leave no stone or twig unturned. They just haven't found her yet. A dog/dog walker may do one day.
But was this just a singled out attack or was it deliberate, pre meditated even.
If the police's first thought was that NB had fallen in the river, why wouldn't the local woman who initially found the dog also think the same and ring emergency services immediately?
Maybe because the police had spoken to PA and something he said made them think that

Im not suggesting a specific something but imo plausible that the police know things that others don't

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