Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #12

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Why would the friend say it was normal to take the harness off the dog if it wasn't?

Unless the suggestion is that the friend is a party to the disappearance why would she say that?

There is at least one photo of the dog without the harness so we know that it did happen

I just think that if she was pre occupied with Teams call and email and also it was winter, hence dog not going for swim (dog dry) it wouldnt be normal for taking the harness off. There are loads of photos of the dog with harness on too. Im not totally convinced she has gone of her own accord but the evidence suggests it. Everything fits into place that she may have planned to leave for whatever reason. The fact she never went on Teams with video or audio, no evidence of a fight etc.
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Where they may have gone badly wrong is failing to secure what may be a crime scene, possibly a murder scene. I would say the UK police are on an all time low with regard to public confidence and this could be the final nail in the coffin. We will see, only time will tell now.
They processed the scene of the bench when they got there.
Seriously do people believe they should have brought in diggers and transported the entire site back to police HQ when there exists no evidence of a crime?
Putting a roll of tape around the bench after they had processed it is not useful.
Process is followed by release in all cases.

This is a public park.
IMO LE are either going it alone and don’t need the publics help or, have hit a brick wall! They haven’t given a press conference since last week. No images of “red van” or “2 men”. They had this info and didn’t make it public, it was the witnesses that did, why? Either this info is relevant or it is not! Shouldn’t the public have been told so by now? Or is the case drawing too much public attention that they are being very hesitant to say anything and just getting on with it themselves? Maybe that IS what they are doing.
Tbh don't need to give a press conference until they have something worthy of saying. As for not needing public help, the police only appeal to the public if they have concrete proof like something on the CCTV (ie the lady in the red coat and the lady pushing a pram). They have over 500 lines of inquiry and won't be asking the public for help and just get down to business. What is happening with the public making statements to the media is not the norm because normally witnesses just tell the police and keep things to themselves, now everyone wants their 15 mins of attention. From Peter Faulding, Emma White, some former detective, the witness who saw 2 fishermen the day before etc Its just getting silly,
I have also been going with the assumption that it was normal for the harness to be removed.

However, there does appear to be just as many photos of Willow with the harness on too.

Someone in an earlier thread also made a good point regarding how it would be cumbersome to carry in one hand and have her mobile on a teams call in the other if she was on loud speaker and not using earphones (which there has been no mention of from the police or family).

There was also the lead which may have been in her pocket but again quite a bulky item as I think they use a retractable one looking at Facebook photos from previous walks

Nothing makes sense in this case!!
I wear my dog’s lead like a cross body strap and a harness I’d thread my arm through or hand but I don’t take my dog’s harness off and I’ve always found that to be strange. My phone is always in my hand taking photos generally
IMO someone either seen or heard NB in the water, maybe they tried to use the harness to reach her, but it was too late, if they didn’t ‘know’ her, they wouldn’t be able to confirm it was her, they need a body to confirm it, I think that is why the police are so set on her being in the water, the hunt for dash cam footage is to clarify that she didn’t leave the area, not necessarily to look for a potential perp.
IMO the police had already had a call about someone in the water that’s why they told PA to go home, to get him out of the way if the body showed up.
I don’t have a theory.

For theories or hypotheses you need data. There is none. Two items left on/near a bench which are utterly ambiguous.

I have sympathy with the police theory that she must have drowned because it’s so difficult to picture how anything else could have happened in the time frame, on that geography. Maybe it’s just a question of waiting for her body to show up downstream.

And then I think is it really possible to run after a dog, fall in the river, struggle, drown, sink, without crying out, leaving not a single trace on land or water that you ever fell, all in 13 mins. And on top of that not be found in the water.
There you go. I'm still waiting to be persuaded about abduction, because although it's been mentioned a lot I've yet to see any plausible theory on how this was carried out.

Endless reasons on why she can't be in the river, but nothing as to the how, why and where with regard to abduction.

I think you'll find the lack of 'reasons' for abduction being discussed is because they tend to breach the terms and conditions of posting on this site. My personal opinion in this moment is that NB may well have been stealth / surprise attacked or set about in some type of manner that meant she was quickly silenced and removed to another place or thrown in the river. Since we know she is less likely to have been thrown in the river with every day passing, then a different location or being taken hostage alive / abducted and held is growing more likely IMO.

The motivations that I would speculate, I can't possibly say out loud but they fit in with the usual reasons for such crimes. If indeed there has been any crime, which we don't know (yet).
What I don't understand is how adamant the police have been that a 3rd party wasn't involved. possibility of her being abducted?!?!
I don't believe LE would say "we are adamant there is no third party involvement". They would say "In spite of an extensive investigation we have, so far, found no EVIDENCE of third party involvement"

The modern police mantra is "follow the evidence". They investigate every angle, looking for evidence. If there is no evidence, there are no leads to follow.

The human imagination is virtually unlimited in the imaginery, entirely fictional 'what if's' it can invent. Police do not indulge in that, they have a job to do.

"People seem to want to play detectives but please stay away and leave it to the police.

"The community want to return to some sort of normality."
He said some residents had been left scared by people peering into their properties at night leading them to bring in private security.

Wyre Council leader Michael Vincent said the abusive calls made on Saturday had been reported to police.

I spend a very large amount of my spare time going around in a small electric canoe on the Thames.

It is worth bearing in mind the stability of this type of boat. If you want someone to get into it with you they have to be very careful and make sure not to upset the boat. Its easy to turn one of these over.

Nice item for boating but I definitely would not want to be getting a kidnapped person onto it.

I've got a Canadian canoe which I take out on the Isis.
It's also very heavy. Needs a trailer to transport it.
Canoe, plus car trailer or van, plus kidnap victim, not IMO.
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They processed the scene of the bench when they got there.
Seriously do people believe they should have brought in diggers and transported the entire site back to police HQ when there exists no evidence of a crime?
Putting a roll of tape around the bench after they had processed it is not useful.
Process is followed by release in all cases.

This is a public park.

You’d expect the bench, the phone, the harness to go off to forensics to look for prints, blood spatter, dna.

You’d expect a finger tip search of the bench area, the upper field where she was last seen, (as she may not actually have gone back to the bench herself), and the general immediate area.
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You’d expect the bench, the phone, the harness to go off to forensics to look for prints, blood spatter, dna.

You’d expect a finger tip search of the bench area, and potentially the upper field too as she may not actually have gone back to the bench herself.
What I'd expect is not to be privy to the details on how professionals do their jobs.
I trust them in this case.
I have no reason not to , not even one.
The difference with this case to every other ( IMO) is her phone being available and undamaged.
NB wearing a Fitbit and yet there are still so many questions.!
Tbh don't need to give a press conference until they have something worthy of saying. As for not needing public help, the police only appeal to the public if they have concrete proof like something on the CCTV (ie the lady in the red coat and the lady pushing a pram). They have over 500 lines of inquiry and won't be asking the public for help and just get down to business. What is happening with the public making statements to the media is not the norm because normally witnesses just tell the police and keep things to themselves, now everyone wants their 15 mins of attention. From Peter Faulding, Emma White, some former detective, the witness who saw 2 fishermen the day before etc Its just getting silly,
I would have to agree totally. Unfortunately this case has got way way out of hand. There are people posting video clips on TikTok, umpteen mediums saying this that and t'other thats without all the Facebook Groups that have sprung up. I think things are calming news wise and tbh I don't think that's a bad thing. Absolutely analytical groups like this are helpful but some of the video's, comments etc I have seen on Social Media. Dear God. And the absolutely terrible terrible thing is that these poor children are going to look back on this coverage in years to come. One would rather hope that the family does block certain area's of the internet off for these two little girls as they get a bit computer savvy to be honest. Some of the comments I have seen would be dreadfully damaging to them.
People do disappear ‘into thin air.’ It will be 14 years since Claudia Lawrence went missing next month. It must be awful for her poor mum and sister to read this hysteria about Nicola. So, so, so very sad for all families who have no answers. And may never get them.
They processed the scene of the bench when they got there.
Seriously do people believe they should have brought in diggers and transported the entire site back to police HQ when there exists no evidence of a crime?
Putting a roll of tape around the bench after they had processed it is not useful.
Process is followed by release in all cases.

This is a public park.
I think the concerns for most people centre around the speed to eliminate anything other than missing potentially drowned, whilst this lady's life could possibly be in peril elsewhere, that the opportunity to save her could be lost
So are police now considering other possibilities aside from river drowning? Or can recent headlines still support this is still the avenue they are pursuing?
Is it possible that the person who found Willow and her phone just didn't think to look in the water? They didn't seem to act in much haste to the situation so to me it comes across as in that they didn't assume anyone would be in danger and therefore didn't look in the water? JMO.
I wear my dog’s lead like a cross body strap and a harness I’d thread my arm through or hand but I don’t take my dog’s harness off and I’ve always found that to be strange. My phone is always in my hand taking photos generally
Wear it rather than carry it? makes sense but I haven't seen any photos of NB wearing it like this.

I also leave my dogs harness on during a walk as I see no reason to remove it. My dog doesn't like going in water though so I guess NB would remove it if she thought Willow would get wet but again there is no evidence that she went in the river this day.

All my theories have been based on the harness being off for the walk which was normal (as per family/friends) but I am now have doubts about this!
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