Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #14

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I think her vulnerabilities were kept quiet up until now because it's nobody's business. If she was found alive then she could try to get her life back on track without the whole world knowing her struggles. The other potential causes of her disappearance have been and still are being explored but perhaps everyone close to her feels that it's time to reveal what they probably know in their hearts is the real cause of her "vanishing." Either in the water, or hiding somewhere. My feelings are that she is in the water and it was her own choice. Can't they block the river in sections and drain bits to be sure she's not caught up in whatever debris is at the bottom of a river. I think the family may be holding onto hope that she has taken off and is hiding in someone's barn or empty shelter. But it's been too long for that now. My heart goes out to Nicola's family and loved ones and I do hope they find closure soon.
Interesting that PA her partner still does not believe that NB is in water.
And if that was your loved one who was missing?
This only gives me anxiety when thinking about being put under a microscope if anything ever happened to me, please, no mental health, substance usage, and no menopause speculation. That’s all I ask.
Edited to add: changing FB privacy settings now (except for my best photos)
This has been a strange case from the start. Of all the things that don't make sense, here are a few that stick out to me and are relative to todays revelations:

The night before NB goes missing, she was at home, and to paraphrase, her parents said she fine and in good spirits, happy about a new client etc This was reported in the papers.

PA says, to paraphrase again, that he does not believe NB fell in the river and that someone in the village knows something. This was reported in the papers.

To paraphrase again, NB friend says that NB would never leave her kids.

So, even with todays revelations with regards to alcohol problems and why NB was designated high risk/vulnerable from the outset, cool, but it still makes no sense.

Despite the Jan 10 incident, whatever happened, nothing seems to indicate that anyone close to NB suspects that it is likely that NB has disappeared of her own volition, or that NB was at such a low point mentally that she wanted to end her life, as per the suicide theories, or voluntarily entering the river. PA words about someone in the village knowing something, combined with other things that NB social circle have been saying, indicates to me, at least, that the majority consensus is that foul play and 3rd party are involved.

We have been told that NB was a popular person which I have no doubt of and im sure respected in the community.
Unfortunately alcohol os a personality changer and through this did she make some enemies JMO.
It was stated that PA had made them aware at the time of his call. I assume they must also be aware from the incident where they attended her home, however we don't know what the grounds of that were.
ok, and depending what the january call out was about, did he also call police etc because of her behaviour and they observed that behaviour or just going on what pa told them?

What is strange to me is that, her alcohol issues make it much more likely that she went off somewhere of her own volition - and it is possible to do so evading CCTV despite what the police say - so why be so sure she’s in the river?
Perhaps NB had tried to take her life at an earlier stage and a failed attempt in the river.
The meeting the night before becomes more relevant now.
As has been said before, this could have been a supportive meeting where both NB and her partner attended.

It could still have been a meeting with her boss who may have had to terminate her employment

Also the reason why the grandparents stayed longer to look after the girls IMO of course.
was she facing charges for the january incident? sorry, ive just been skimming pages and didnt read that?
The meeting the night before becomes more relevant now.
As has been said before, this could have been a supportive meeting where both NB and her partner attended.

It could still have been a meeting with her boss who may have had to terminate her employment

Also the reason why the grandparents stayed longer to look after the girls IMO of course.
Or it could have been made up/lie to use the time to make some kind of plan. MOO - my own speculation not belief. I suppose LE has confirmed with her boss that it took place though, so maybe not.
Taking the dog with her and also being on a work call don't really suggest premeditation of going in to the water voluntarily to me, MOO.
If you had set out to take your life, you've said goodbye to the children, given them a hug, them not knowing of course because all of that is normal. You either leave our dog in the car and say goodbye as she was attached to Willow, or take the dog with you.

I also agree that if it was premeditated that you wouldn't worry about sending your boss an email or joining a teams call.
Why would Police need PA to advise them that NB had alcohol issues "IN THE PAST"
This suggests that the Police call out on 10th January was not alcohol related but something else.
As I read it, PA revealed that NB's alcohol issues dated back longer than the January incident & had only resurfaced recently.
I had assumed that NB's vulnerabilities were partly due to FB postings of her walks. I suppose that still stands partly, who knows, wonder why police are looking into her Internet accounts. Its not just field work. IMO

So many beautiful photos of Nicola, some I think maybe selfies, she looks fabulous,. Also the shots with PA, great, not selfies I think, both look great. And they are looking into eyes of the photographer. Kind of nicely intense.
I don't think there was a 'meeting the night before'. This is NB's father's account:

'we picked the children up the Thursday before she went missing, as we do every Thursday. We took them home, Nicola had had a meeting with her boss in Garstang and she said can you stay a bit later because I have an important client coming in on Zoom. We said 'no problem' and stayed.'
Devastated parents promise to never stop looking for mum-of-two who vanished

So NB's meeting with her boss was in the daytime & doesn't seem to have involved PA. Then there was a Zoom call with a client, after the children had been brought home from school, but only 'a bit later'.

If the meeting with her boss had been to terminate her employment, it seems unlikely she would have been 'very upbeat' (same article) about her work & logging into a work Teams meeting the next morning.
Some people put on a brave face when losing their job as they are trying to work through their options before sharing it with loved ones, I've had to do this before.
I had assumed that NB's vulnerabilities were partly due to FB postings of her walks. I suppose that still stands partly, who knows, wonder why police are looking into her Internet accounts. Its not just field work. IMO

So many beautiful photos of Nicola, some I think maybe selfies, she looks fabulous,. Also the shots with PA, great, not selfies I think, both look great. And they are looking into eyes of the photographer. Kind of nicely intense.
Well its unusual to take a photo of yourself when you don't look your best and if you do you probably wouldn't post it.

The Doorbell camera stills presented a very different NB IMO.
I had assumed that NB's vulnerabilities were partly due to FB postings of her walks. I suppose that still stands partly, who knows, wonder why police are looking into her Internet accounts. Its not just field work. IMO

So many beautiful photos of Nicola, some I think maybe selfies, she looks fabulous,. Also the shots with PA, great, not selfies I think, both look great. And they are looking into eyes of the photographer. Kind of nicely intense.
It could be a co-ordinated bot attack they're investigating.. because these are strange times.
But they fit well to me.
Taking the children to school then the dog for a walk are normal reasons to leave the house and be out in the countryside by the river without anyone asking questions or seeing anything out of the ordinary.
Ditto logging on to the work call means that work would note your presence at 9.01am and still logged on at 9.30, hence not speaking and not on camera - so she did not need to be present, leave the phone by the bench, so no-one would be worried,
This suggests to me a logical thought out plan from someone who did not want to be stopped or found.
And I don't think the dog was overlooked at all as has been suggested by other posters, phone and dog by the bench where they would both be found and easily identified, plenty of people walking in that area, just time to walk away and out of sight ?
Yes, and I always go back to PA’s statement that the morning NB disappeared was different.
“He added how the fateful day of her disappearance was unusually peaceful with no chaotic running around.
Paul continued: "The only difference on that morning two weeks ago was that there wasn't a lot of rushing. I came down and a lot of stuff was already done. "
"The girls were having their breakfast and everything was pretty much ready to go. I came down, Nikki went upstairs to get ready.

It almost sounds like NB was very calm that morning and made sure everything was ready to go and on time.
Had she made a decision on something?
This only gives me anxiety when thinking about being put under a microscope if anything ever happened to me, please, no mental health, substance usage, and no menopause speculation. That’s all I ask.
Edited to add: changing FB privacy settings now (except for my best photos)
Yeah I should have snipped it! I was replying to:

It is a missing persons case only.
Yes, and I always go back to PA’s statement that the morning NB disappeared was different.
“He added how the fateful day of her disappearance was unusually peaceful with no chaotic running around.
Paul continued: "The only difference on that morning two weeks ago was that there wasn't a lot of rushing. I came down and a lot of stuff was already done. "
"The girls were having their breakfast and everything was pretty much ready to go. I came down, Nikki went upstairs to get ready.

It almost sounds like NB was very calm that morning and made sure everything was ready to go and on time.
Had she made a decision on something?
Yes I believe so. I've heard it said that once someone has made up their mind and put a plan in place to actually harm themselves that it seems to bring a sense of relief, like a burden has been lifted.
Yes I believe so. I've heard it said that once someone has made up their mind and put a plan in place to actually harm themselves that it seems to bring a sense of relief, like a burden has been lifted.
Yes, i have been thinking exactly the same. My uncle, the day before he took his life, had cleaned all the house and gardens for his wife.
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