Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #16

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There was no threat of papers running the medical conditions unless family consented. Of course, inquiries could have been made. But under IPSO rules no paper is allowed to run medical conditions without consent. I challenge anyone on here to find me an example since 1992, when the rule, already in existence was strengthened. Any example you find would be, say, like Esther Rantzen herself saying last week that she had lung cancer.
I know there was a media threat to Gareth Thomas. He mentioned newspaper etc. rules & laws when he revealed he had HIV, but said there was definitely tabloid pressure behind it.

What do you mean PA headed to the abandoned house, can we have a link for this please?
"Paul is understood to have searched a different abandoned house in between the village hall and the Ivy Dene Alpacas site"

It will be depend on who the ‘somebody’ is. An LE declared POI, absolutely would be ok. As this isn’t a criminal investigation obviously that doesn’t apply. So NB’s Facebook and running app has been listed in media thread, which means ok to talk about that. Obviously family are victims so out of bounds for any sleuthing. The friend(s) who set up the Find Nicola pages aren’t listed in the media list, so am not sure. I think that could be ok to talk about? That is a bit of a grey are to my understanding. You are able to ask a mod before you post, if you‘re in doubt.
It will be in Sunday Express tomo.
"Paul is understood to have searched a different abandoned house in between the village hall and the Ivy Dene Alpacas site"

On her walking app, there is a deviation towards that location. Im not sure of the date of the deviation. The app appears to show a movement to the left, off from the usual route.
I lost a close friend last year to suicide. She was a wife and mother to young children, on the outside always smiling. Didn’t appear to have any worries in life they took family holidays, went on days out with the children etc. One night while everyone else was sleeping she left the house and took her own life. Was a massive shock to her family and all who loved her.

My point being, people can say Nicola wouldn’t have left her children, but trust me, we never in a million years thought my friend would take her own life and leave her children. I truly think she thought that her family would be better off without her, that her struggle with depression and anxiety was never going to end and that she was just a burden on those who loved her.

As someone who’s had my own share of mental health struggles over the years, I understand that feeling completely. I’ve often felt a burden to my family. My children have over the years seen me suffer and it fills me with immense guilt that I’ve not always been well enough to do all the fun things that society tells us a mother should do.

There is intense pressure on mums to ‘do it all’, to have the perfect insta worthy home, to take the kids on days out, cook healthy meals, keep up with school events and homework, keep ourselves presentable. All while trying to earn a living and bring up children, aswell as trying to make time for your partner and keep the spark going in your relationship. If you are in a fragile state of mind it can become increasingly exhausting to keep up with all these things and it starts to feel like you are drowning in ‘things to do’. Sometimes you start to dread waking up the next morning just to do it all over again, knowing you’ve got to chase your tail trying to get everything done and when you don’t manage to ‘do it all’ you feel you’ve failed somehow as a partner and a mother.

Social media also puts so much pressure on us as mothers, many people appear to have it all and be doing it all. They have beautiful homes, always look immaculate on the school run, run businesses and somehow manage to do things with their children, clean, cook, take care of the kids and then at the weekends have perfect looking date nights with their partner. However, the reality is these women are probably not doing it all. On the days they are posting their perfectly pristine lounge, their kids are probably still in pyjamas and drawing on the walls in crayon in another room. They probably haven’t showered yet or brushed their hair. On the days when they post a smiling picture of the family at the zoo their home probably looks like a war zone and they’ll have McDonald’s for dinner. On the days when they are looking glamorous in a selfie, there are probably last nights dishes still piled up in the sink and their husband has stormed out in a huff after an argument. Point being, no one is really ‘doing it all’ we are all struggling with something or other at any one time, but 90% of people on social media don’t openly share their struggles. They show the happy family photo but don’t show the tantrum the toddler had before they left the house, nor the sweaty mess mum became trying to get 3 kids in car seats.

Maybe if everyone was more open and honest about their lives, then others wouldn’t feel like they’re doing something wrong. If we spoke more openly about problems with drink, drugs, mental illness, menopause, marital issues etc then it might help people not to feel like they’re failing, people might not feel so lonely and wonder what’s wrong with them if they are struggling. Many people especially on social media are reluctant to share ‘the bad’, which only puts more pressure on people who are going through a hard time.
Yep, I remember seeing that on the Strava data. November perhaps?
Was that fitbit solely for her do you know ?
I know it was a Christmas gift from PA to NB, but has it ever been used by PA at all ?
The Strava route indicates that area was approached after the usual walk
I know there was a media threat to Gareth Thomas. He mentioned newspaper etc. rules & laws when he revealed he had HIV, but said there was definitely tabloid pressure behind it.

Oh yes. I concede that he said that. Didn’t it come from a partner?
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Was that fitbit solely for her do you know ?
I know it was a Christmas gift from PA to NB, but has it ever been used by PA at all ?
The Strava route indicates that area was approached after the usual walk
Im not sure if they shared it
On her walking app, there is a deviation towards that location. Im not sure of the date of the deviation. The app appears to show a movement to the left, off from the usual route.
There’s a fantastic post up thread, like quite a long way up thread, by a ws’er talking about this app and showing his own app data. He was sitting at a bench on a cycle ride and the app showed him moving backwards and forward. I’m sorry I can’t remember who posted, but it’s here somewhere. Very informative when NB’s Strava app was first being discussed here, so quite a way back if you want to check it out.
If NB wanted to disappear (which I personally don't believe), why would she do it in a manner that would be a) discovered immediately; b) leaves her dog loose and at risk; c) leaves her mobile phone ditched on the floor;

If she wanted to leave her home and partner, why wouldn't she have said she's got a work conference, packed a couple of bits and bobs, taken the car, and gone missing with a head start of a day or two?
I think you may have misunderstood me. I said I don't believe she's gone off grid. I am saying I don't think she wanted to disappear.

I am saying perhaps she acted on impulse and called it a day.
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