UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #24

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No they won't get a transcript of her testimony. They'll have their own notes if they choose to take any, plus they'll be reminded of what she's said in closing arguments and judge's summing up.
I just wonder if there’s been so many inconsistencies and contradictions in her testimony that it’s going to be hard for the jury to recall them all, as I imagine they will start by deliberating baby A then B etc… by the time they get to N O P and Q for example, will LL’s testimony and closing arguments still be as fresh in their minds? Hopefully they’ve took plenty of notes so that they can refer to them during deliberations.

Any news on if court is sitting today? Maybe the judge will be speaking to the jury first about all the absences and deciding whether to continue with 11 jurors? It would be so disappointing if the families etc have travelled to court just to be sent away again IMO so fingers crossed it’s going ahead as planned!
No they won't get a transcript of her testimony. They'll have their own notes if they choose to take any, plus they'll be reminded of what she's said in closing arguments and judge's summing up.
It’s quite ridiculous when you think about it. In what other decision-making role would you not have a detailed note for record or transcript available to you, and instead expected to rely on memory or scibbled notes taken at the time. Especially a matter that’s dragged on for months like this one and involves such a volume of charges.

The courts really need to get themselves into the 21st century.
This is crazy. The rest of the jurors must be hanging by a thread by now, coming to court twice in a row to be told to go home?
I honestly don’t know how the trial is ever going to reach a conclusion. There’s another week gone, since they were only supposed to sit 2 days this week. End of July is pie in the sky.
Just heard online that court is not sitting again today due to the juror not being in attendance. No further news at the moment
Omg I seriously can’t believe this…
Judge needs to do something FAST IMO.
It’s his court, he’s in charge. Personally I think he should have told them a while ago that further absences would require a doctors note or some sort of proof of reason for absence.
Anyone estimate how many days/weeks have been missed due to juror absence?
I’d like to know this too. It seems to have been a lot, and I know people say ‘with a trial of this length it’s only understandable that things will come up’ but there have been so many delays now, IMO it’s becoming detrimental to the entire trial.

Thursday was the last time she was up there, it’ll have been a full week (or more by the time they finally continue) since NJ started cross examining her on baby I. If she struggled to remember what she testified to earlier about baby I, then it wouldn’t be unreasonable for her to not recall at this point IMO. And that’s coming from me who has a very strong opinion on LL!

This is crazy. The rest of the jurors must be hanging by a thread by now, coming to court twice in a row to be told to go home?
I really feel for them. I’m wondering at what point is the judge going to continue with 11 jurors? Can you imagine how frustrating this must be for all involved!

Strange that there’s been no update yet this morning. Normally we’d hear off Dan or an update from CS. But not a peep yet…
It seems all the journos already knew because they didn't even bother setting up their attendance posts. I think they must have decided it wasn't going ahead late yesterday and no one has bothered to update about it.

What a disgrace!!!
It seems all the journos already knew because they didn't even bother setting up their attendance posts. I think they must have decided it wasn't going ahead late yesterday and no one has bothered to update about it.

What a disgrace!!!
IMO this trial is making a mockery of our justice system. People following from the US must be thinking what a joke this is!

I wonder if there are some struggling to keep their concentration and motivation by this point. Like if you know the trial has already gone on for such a long time, would it cause you to justify taking the day off by telling yourself ‘one more day won’t hurt’…

I even feel for LL at this point, with the much discussed ‘hour and a half journey’ to and from court.. if innocent (and of course at this point she is considered innocent) it’s quite cruel to have hyped yourself up with nerves about testifying just to be sent back IMO. Then again if you’re a prisoner you might be greatful for the time out!
My bet is on it being half term and childcare issues. I doubt court will sit at all this week.
If this was going to be an issue though, I’m sure if the juror(s) had informed the judge before hand then he’d have given them all the week off. From what we’ve heard he seems to be quite understanding, but if this trial continues into the summer holidays July and August then childcare would again be an issue and I doubt they could possibly adjourn for the whole 6 weeks!
This is crazy. The rest of the jurors must be hanging by a thread by now, coming to court twice in a row to be told to go home?

They'd be notified in advance as a priority surely? Wouldn't jurors be under strict instructions to let the court know by a certain time in the am, if not the previous pm, if they can't make it, leaving sufficient time for all to be called and advised.

Surely? Rather than allowing them all to travel in and only then telling them their services won't be required.

That would be adding insult to injury.

It's still a mess but let's hope it's not quite that messy.
I am really really curious to know if it’s the same juror or not. Are we able to find out? Freedom of information or anything?
If it is, they need to go but I am slightly nervous about releasing the 12th juror. It would benefit letby and make it more difficult for the prosecution to secure a majority verdict. 10 out of 11 instead of 10 out of 12. Idk. I feel nervous :(
They'd be notified surely? Wouldn't jurors be under strict instructions to let the court know by a certain time in the am, if not the previous pm, if they can't make it, leaving sufficient time for all to be called and advised.

Surely? Rather than allowing them all to travel in and only then telling them their services won't be required. That would be adding insult to injury.
Yesterday, 11 jurors showed up to court. I am not sure about today though.
They'd be notified in advance as a priority surely? Wouldn't jurors be under strict instructions to let the court know by a certain time in the am, if not the previous pm, if they can't make it, leaving sufficient time for all to be called and advised.

Surely? Rather than allowing them all to travel in and only then telling them their services won't be required.

That would be adding insult to injury.

It's still a mess but let's hope it's not quite that messy.
When I attended on Tuesday the Judge mentioned he was made aware of the Jurors absence "Over the weekend". He then went on to state "Hopefully we can make contact with that juror at some point today"

It all sounded very uncertain from where I was standing, hence the reason I didn't stay over in Manchester last night as it appeared as though there would be no court resumption today either.

The judge did tell the Jury however that they still had to attend today, even if it is just to be told the court cannot proceed.
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Yesterday, 11 jurors showed up to court. I am not sure about today though.

When I attended on Tuesday the Judge mentioned he was made aware of the Jurors upcoming absence "Over the weekend". He then went on to state "Hopefully we can make contact with that juror at some point today"

It all sounded very uncertain from where I was standing, hence the reason I didn't stay over in Manchester last night as it appeared as though there would be no court resumption today either.

The judge did tell the Jury however that they still had to attend today, even if it is just to be told the court cannot proceed.

Lord, that's awful. The poor jury! It makes the court sound like it's run by cats.
Liz Hull

The trial of Lucy Letby is not sitting again today due to a juror issue, fingers crossed we are back tomorrow

A ‘juror issue’ doesn’t sound like just an illness IMO.

It could be anything from something as simple as childcare to misconduct or a revelation that could put the trial in jeopardy…

I’m half expecting an announcement tomorrow, either that something has come to light or that one has been dismissed, or of course it could have just been a childcare issue and in that case everything will continue as normal, I hope it’s just that!

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