UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 8 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 5 hung re attempted #35

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Scrolling through twitter is making my blood boil. I really think the author should be sued. It is so so reckless to have wrote an article about such a sensitive topic which deliberately left out most of the evidence heard during a 10 month trial. It should be, by law, fair and balanced.
Now you have people like this, tweeting and retweeting, suggesting the uk has locked an entirely innocent woman up for life.

I am furious honestly. How can this be legal? How can the author get away with this?
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Scrolling through twitter is making my blood boil. I really think the author should be sued. It is so so reckless to have wrote an article about such a sensitive topic which deliberately left out most of the evidence heard during a 10 month trial. It should be fair and balanced.
Now you have people like this, tweeting and retweeting, suggesting the uk has locked an entirely innocent woman up for life.

I am furious honestly. How can this be legal? How can the author get away with this?
That NY article was so out of line. Just reading the first paragraph angered me as it was full of inaccurate, misleading, wrong headed statements. Most will read it and assume a poor innocent nurse was wrongly railroaded and incarcerated unfairly. :mad:

"Child serial killer Lucy Letby

loses Court of Appeal bid

to challenge her murder and

attempted murder conviction.


Three of the country's most senior judges
ruled the 34-year-old former neo-natal nurse
will not be allowed to challenge the guilty verdicts of the jury at Manchester Crown Court.

The decision marks the end of the road for Letby,
who is serving 14 whole life tariffs,

and will die in jail.

Mr Justice Goss sentenced Letby to 14 whole life tariffs for each guilty count,
meaning she has no prospect of parole.

Last month her lawyers applied for leave to appeal,
arguing that she wanted to challenge her convictions on four grounds.

Each involved arguments that Mr Justice Goss,
the trial judge,
wrongly refused legal applications made during the case.

But today Dame Victoria Sharp said Letby's application had been refused on all four grounds.

In a short hearing,
at London's Court of Appeal,
Dame Sharp said their judgement was being reserved to a later date.

'Lucy Letby…put forward four grounds of appeal,
each of which involved a position that the trial judge wrongly refused applications that she made during her trial,'

the judge said.

'This court has,
having heard that application,
directed to refuse leave to appeal on all grounds and refused all associated applications'.

The full reasons for the judges' decision were not made public
and the full details of the appeal hearings,
which took place over three days in April,
also cannot be reported for legal reasons.

Letby is due to face a retrial next month
on a single count that she attempted to murder a baby girl, known as Baby K, in February 2016."

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This tickled me. I can just imagine them all watching a hearing with no sound.

"A full ruling on the blocking of Letby’s chance of an appeal has not been made publicly available by the judges.

Dozens of member of the media as well as lawyers in the case were allowed to follow today’s ruling through a videolink, but the sound was not turned on until the final words of Dame Victoria’s ruling."

Baby serial killer Lucy Letby loses bid to challenge murder convictions
No it’s not the end of the road legally. It can be picked up again but it takes years.
The Criminal Cases Review Commisssion can refer it if there is new evidence/doubt.
It’s an independent body.

Can someone clarify please? Is this not actually the end of the road for her?
That twitter piece is just rubbish. There is no further route of appeal in direct relation to her trial, how it was conducted, how the jury were instructed and suchlike.

The Criminal Cases Review Commission is a totally separate entity and examines cases where "compelling new evidence" is claimed to have come to light. They don't deal with claimed errors in the original trial.

Her appeals are finished according to law. She just needs to accept it. Not that I think she ever will, at least not any time soon.

Scrolling through twitter is making my blood boil. I really think the author should be sued. It is so so reckless to have wrote an article about such a sensitive topic which deliberately left out most of the evidence heard during a 10 month trial. It should be, by law, fair and balanced.
Now you have people like this, tweeting and retweeting, suggesting the uk has locked an entirely innocent woman up for life.

I am furious honestly. How can this be legal? How can the author get away with this?
I would just suggest to such people that they follow the full public inquiry starting 10 Sep which will investigate how and why the hospital enabled so many babies to be harmed. And that as the victims' parents have asked for it to be broadcast to curb conspiracy theories, you (they) should soon get a clearer understanding of the case.
Or words to that effect.
Monday 12 sharp before HHJ Goss … are we taking bets as to whether she comes up from the cells this time ?
I think it’s more likely she will as she will enjoy the pain caused and that will outweigh any comments made by the press on her demeanour/weight gain or loss or any unflattering court sketches but hey what do I know.
I may go this week if it gets off the ground.
JMO as ever.
Monday 12 sharp before HHJ Goss … are we taking bets as to whether she comes up from the cells this time ?
I think it’s more likely she will as she will enjoy the pain caused and that will outweigh any comments made by the press on her demeanour/weight gain or loss or any unflattering court sketches but hey what do I know.
I may go this week if it gets off the ground.
JMO as ever.
Yeah I was wondering if she will attend but I think on the balance of probability she will.

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