UK police say terror plot thwarted.Planes from United Kingdom to America

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Buzzm1 said:
I'm quite willing to argue the point that the British and the Pakistanis were in a much better position to make a decision about the imminency, and relative danger, of the terrorist plot. The U.S. wasn't directly involved in tracking the terrorist plot. The British and Pakistanis should have been the ones to make the decision as to when to bring the terrorist plot down. For all we know, there may have been many additional high-level terrorists exposed, had the terrorist been allowed to proceed further into the planning stage.

Remember the British were going to allow the single terrorist to make his Dry Run.

The tickets for the actual plot had not been purchased yet. Most of the necessary chemicals, and electronics had been purchased, but the chemicals had not been mixed yet.

It was only the U.S. forced arrest of Rashid Rauf, one of the kingpins of the plot, in Pakistan, which two days later triggered the intercepted phone call, urging the terrorists to implement and execute their plan ASAP. Had that arrest not happened, the British, and Pakistanis, would still be gathering the names of additional terrorists, and tracking all of their connections.

I don't blame the British for being upset with the U.S. regarding this. I am too.

Surveillance is all about gaining as much information as possible before pulling the plug on an operation. I trust that is exactly what the British were doing, and I trust that they knew exactly what they were doing.
Well, maybe the US wanted to act on it before the NY Times leaked the info and risked us catching anyone at all!!! :innocent:

You weren't there, and neither was I. None of us here were.
So we don't know everything about the truth, regardless of what is being said now.

Be upset all you want, it's a free country.
I kind of like having the freedom to have our own differing opinions and feelings.... a freedom that terrorists think they can take away from us.

We in this country have lived through September 11. The British and Pakistanis didn't have that same impact of tragedy, regardless of what terrorism they had in their countries.

I commend our administration on what they have done.
I don't walk a mile in their shoes, so it's easy for me to criticize if I wanted to ... but I don't. I applaud them and thank goodness that we are a little bit safer now.
I have been following this thread on and off, may have missed bits so sorry if this has been talked about already, but I can't believe these freaks are willing to sacrifice their own children.
The world is just too scary for me at the moment, it's doing my head in.
I guess it's a case of adaptation now.
PrayersForMaura said:
Well, maybe the US wanted to act on it before the NY Times leaked the info and risked us catching anyone at all!!! :innocent:

You weren't there, and neither was I. None of us here were.
So we don't know everything about the truth, regardless of what is being said now.

Be upset all you want, it's a free country.
I kind of like having the freedom to have our own differing opinions and feelings.... a freedom that terrorists think they can take away from us.

We in this country have lived through September 11. The British and Pakistanis didn't have that same impact of tragedy, regardless of what terrorism they had in their countries.

I commend our administration on what they have done.
I don't walk a mile in their shoes, so it's easy for me to criticize if I wanted to ... but I don't. I applaud them and thank goodness that we are a little bit safer now.
Hi PrayersForMaura:)
Thank-you for the great post.
BillyGoatGruff said:
I'm not surprised Bush and Washington wanted the plug pulled and the SOBs rounded up, for crine outloud. It was a month until the 5th anniversary. Do you really want someone to slip through the net or pull an end run this close? It's obvivous it was intended as a 5 year "reminder" of the havoc and destruction these bastards are willing to wreck on innocent civilians. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If they had them this tightly under surveillance and the terrorists still managed to pull it off--and that is always a distint likelihood--there is no fan big enough to take the that would hit it. At the very least, the Great Depression of the 21st Century would effectively begin before sundown of that particular day. Better the bird in the hand than the two in the bush (no pun intended) when it comes to something of this magnitude.
Hi BillyGoatGruff,:)
Thank-you for your post.Very well said.
IdahoMom said:
Well, I for one am glad they were busted. I don't care who gets the credit, or takes the credit. Setting politics aside, I am just happy their plot was foiled.
Hi IdahoMom,:)
Thanks for your post.Nice to see you.

Lilsister,:) ,I want to thank-you for your post also.
Source: U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests
British wanted to continue surveillance on terror suspects, official says

• Disagreement over terror arrests
Aug. 12: U.S. and British authorities disagreed on when to break up an alleged plot to blow up airliners bound for the United States, officials say.

LONDON - NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

British officials knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

In contrast to previous reports, one senior British official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports.

The sources did say, however, that police believe one U.K.-based suspect was ready to conduct a "dry run." British authorities had wanted to let him go forward with part of the plan, but the Americans balked.
Buzzm1 said:
Source: U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests
British wanted to continue surveillance on terror suspects, official says

• Disagreement over terror arrests
Aug. 12: U.S. and British authorities disagreed on when to break up an alleged plot to blow up airliners bound for the United States, officials say.

LONDON - NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

British officials knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

In contrast to previous reports, one senior British official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports.

The sources did say, however, that police believe one U.K.-based suspect was ready to conduct a "dry run." British authorities had wanted to let him go forward with part of the plan, but the Americans balked.
I love this quote: The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

They spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of this case??? :slap:
WHY are they speaking at all, if it's "sensitive info". And WHY be anonymous?
Sure, they can say all they want but they don't want to be named for mouthing off?? LOL :banghead:
The leaky faucet will be discovered, and fixed.

I am surprised that reporters still take "anonymous" quotes.
All good reporters should back up their sources....
There aren't many good political reporters these days, though. :rolleyes:
PrayersForMaura said:
I love this quote: The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

They spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of this case??? :slap:
WHY are they speaking at all, if it's "sensitive info". And WHY be anonymous?
Sure, they can say all they want but they don't want to be named for mouthing off?? LOL :banghead:
The leaky faucet will be discovered, and fixed.

I am surprised that reporters still take "anonymous" quotes.
All good reporters should back up their sources....
There aren't many good political reporters these days, though. :rolleyes:
Hello PrayersForMaura,:)
You are so right.
Buzzm1 said:
I'm quite willing to argue the point that the British and the Pakistanis were in a much better position to make a decision about the imminency, and relative danger, of the terrorist plot. The U.S. wasn't directly involved in tracking the terrorist plot. The British and Pakistanis should have been the ones to make the decision as to when to bring the terrorist plot down. For all we know, there may have been many additional high-level terrorists exposed, had the terrorist been allowed to proceed further into the planning stage.

Remember the British were going to allow the single terrorist to make his Dry Run.

The tickets for the actual plot had not been purchased yet. Most of the necessary chemicals, and electronics had been purchased, but the chemicals had not been mixed yet.

It was only the U.S. forced arrest of Rashid Rauf, one of the kingpins of the plot, in Pakistan, which two days later triggered the intercepted phone call, urging the terrorists to implement and execute their plan ASAP. Had that arrest not happened, the British, and Pakistanis, would still be gathering the names of additional terrorists, and tracking all of their connections.

I don't blame the British for being upset with the U.S. regarding this. I am too.

Surveillance is all about gaining as much information as possible before pulling the plug on an operation. I trust that is exactly what the British were doing, and I trust that they knew exactly what they were doing.
Yeah, well, I trust Pakistan's ability to track and detain Al-Queda operatives about as much as you trust Bush.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Yeah, well, I trust Pakistan's ability to track and detain Al-Queda operatives about as much as you trust Bush.
Thanks BillyGoatGruff,it was said today that the "dry run" was already practiced in Pakistan and it was successful.It would not have been a "dry run" when the plot was uncovered.
Trace, a reporter for Fox, and also Glenn Beck, newscaster for CNN...Headline News stated today that "more waves are planned"......
How they'd be privy to this information ......I'd like to know. I understand it comes from memos. Years back ......when we turned back from Baghdad, we were told " We will get you on your own land." That statement stayed with me. Then there was the horrific day of 9/11.
Just lately I was feeling like....something was going to happen again.
So here we are, another massive plan upon America. I don't know if we will ever be safe again. I think we did a super job in catching this before another national tragedy befell us. Every bit of politics aside........
I don't care who is President. Whom ever it is must first and foremost,
keep the homeland free and safe. MY
I still love you WS people....even when we don't agree.

Sundayrain said:
Trace, a reporter for Fox, and also Glenn Beck, newscaster for CNN...Headline News stated today that "more waves are planned"......
How they'd be privy to this information ......I'd like to know. I understand it comes from memos. Years back ......when we turned back from Baghdad, we were told " We will get you on your own land." That statement stayed with me. Then there was the horrific day of 9/11.
Just lately I was feeling like....something was going to happen again.
So here we are, another massive plan upon America. I don't know if we will ever be safe again. I think we did a super job in catching this before another national tragedy befell us. Every bit of politics aside........
I don't care who is President. Whom ever it is must first and foremost,
keep the homeland free and safe. MY

I still love you WS people....even when we don't agree.
Hi Sundayrain,:)
I appreciate your post.
I appreciate your post.
dark_shadows said:
Hi Sundayrain,:)
I appreciate your post.
I appreciate your post.
Thank you Dark......I enjoy your posts too....all threads should be so welcoming!
PrayersForMaura said:
I love this quote: The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

They spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of this case??? :slap:
WHY are they speaking at all, if it's "sensitive info". And WHY be anonymous?
Sure, they can say all they want but they don't want to be named for mouthing off?? LOL :banghead:
The leaky faucet will be discovered, and fixed.

I am surprised that reporters still take "anonymous" quotes.
All good reporters should back up their sources....
There aren't many good political reporters these days, though. :rolleyes:
Well PFM, if you would've listened to the initial press confernence by British Intelligence, as I did, you would have heard John Reid state that the operation was being planned for sometime later in the summer, and also from the tone, it could be said that trhe Brits weren't too happy that they had to pull the plug when they did. Then to hear U.S. Intelligence begin to spout that the operation was planned for a few days hence, something didn't quite make sense to me. Then to find out that it was the U.S. forced arrest of Rashid Rauf, in Pakistan, that forced the British to pull the plug on their continuing surveillance, which they had been doing for months, and arrest all of the known players in Britain. It was only after the U.S forced the arrest of Rashid Rauf, two days before ,that a phone call was made by a terrorist kingpin to implement the operation ASAP. The terrorists weren't at all ready to go, despite the planned single individual Dry Run.
How often do you think any intelligence operation is right in on, and on top of, a major terrorist operation being planned?? It's a very rare opportunity when this happens. The longer this terrorist plot could have been surveilled, the greater the opportunity they have to catch more terrorists. Maybe even someone fairly high up in the chain.

Yes, the British had infiltrated the operation.
Buzzm1 said:
How often do you think any intelligence operation is right in on, and on top of, a major terrorist operation being planned?? It's a very rare opportunity when this happens. The longer this terrorist plot could have been surveilled, the greater the opportunity they have to catch more terrorists. Maybe even someone fairly high up in the chain.

Yes, the British had infiltrated the operation.
Why give them more time to plan and brainstorm? I think we got them when we should have. No use wasting time.
How long was Bush wire tapping phones before the NY Times leaked the news. We can't be too sure any more. You don't know for a fact that waiting any longer would have made much more of a difference.

It's done and over with. On with the next batch of terrorists.
We'll get them one by one.

There's a lot more going on that only the government knows. We may still be surveilling other groups. You don't know, I don't know...
none of us really do.
No use rushing to judgement yet.
Maybe the British came forward to make those comments to make other terrorists think they cannot watch them now.
We really don't know.
Just as we didn't know any of this was even being planned until the news came out.

Maybe you can use some positive energy and run for office and then run things the way you think is best for society :D

I miss your weather reports. Any hurricanes coming?
PrayersForMaura said:
Why give them more time to plan and brainstorm? I think we got them when we should have. No use wasting time.
How long was Bush wire tapping phones before the NY Times leaked the news. We can't be too sure any more. You don't know for a fact that waiting any longer would have made much more of a difference.

It's done and over with. On with the next batch of terrorists.
We'll get them one by one.

There's a lot more going on that only the government knows. We may still be surveilling other groups. You don't know, I don't know...
none of us really do.
No use rushing to judgement yet.
Maybe the British came forward to make those comments to make other terrorists think they cannot watch them now.
We really don't know.
Just as we didn't know any of this was even being planned until the news came out.

Maybe you can use some positive energy and run for office and then run things the way you think is best for society :D

I miss your weather reports. Any hurricanes coming?
I love that Prayers for Maura.....thats so right.....what do we know? Anything right now could be the "real" truth. America needs to protect our own people at all cost. As we have always done......Isn't anyone truthfully worried about being safe anymore. Forget, who did this and that, at this time or that time...... Bottom line.....we have to stay on top of all of this ,and forget the politics. By the way......what is the weather for tomorrow I want to go to the lake. :) Larry Kings channel now says lookout for trains, cargo,pipelines, boats......Oh my.......maybe I'll stay home anyhow.

Sundayrain said:
I love that Prayers for Maura.....thats so right.....what do we know? Anything right now could be the "real" truth. America needs to protect our own people at all cost. As we have always done......Isn't anyone truthfully worried about being safe anymore. Forget, who did this and that, at this time or that time...... Bottom line.....we have to stay on top of all of this ,and forget the politics. By the way......what is the weather for tomorrow I want to go to the lake. :) Larry Kings channel now says lookout for trains, cargo,pipelines, boats......Oh my.......maybe I'll stay home anyhow.
If I didn't need to earn a living, I would stay home all the time!!! :p
I don't like leaving my house anyway!! As Dorothy says, "there's no place like home!".

Not only trains, cargo, pipelines ...
also public events are risky! Any place where there's a lot of people.
Sporting events, concerts, etc.
Damn terrorists! :behindbar
The idea behind waiting and watching, rather than arresting the terrorists is to find more terrorists. Now all the terrorists that didn't call in have just been warned the police know about them, they can hide, and be ready to reform up, without the spy. Maybe this time some nice Muslim won't notice them and report them to the police, and they'll succeed! Much better to surveil for awhile, and get the whole group, rather than what - 20 out of 50?

But for safety - you are far more at risk from a gang member, random criminal, or car accident than you are from any terrorist. They're evil and awful, but their only true weapon and only true impact is, as the name suggests, terror. They do kill some, but it's really a small number, as a percent. The terror they try to instill is the real damage they do.
As has been said by many close to the action, "It isn't about "if" the terrorists strike here, it is only about "when." It seems we have these minor security problems, like our Southern border, and our ports, our transportation systems. Consider that over 40% of the money being spent for reconstruction in Iraq is being spent for security to protect the workers, and then think how much security it will take to protect us here in the United States, and how much it will cost, if the terrorists begin making their presence known here. This is at a time when most city police forces are underfunded and undermanned, because the cities, and states, like the federal government, don't have enough funds to take care of all of their obligations. The prisons are full, CA will be out of room in their state prisons early this next year. Time to let more prisoners out, but not to worry, they say they won't release the really dangerous ones, only the ones who haven't been physically violent-- yet.

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