UK police say terror plot thwarted.Planes from United Kingdom to America

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Thanks Liz and I think they'll be fine. I''ll just be glad when they arrive home in Paris.

I'll give a report back on the pre-takeoff formalities for the fun of it, but the Portland airport is nothing like LAX!

Liz said:
Heya Jbean! Good to hear you had a seemingly uneventful flight on such an extremely eventful newsday!

Enjoy and have a safe flight home, too! :)
Thanks! we had no idea what was going on until we got up in the morning. we had driven to LA the night before and stayed in a hotel overnight so we wouldn't have to drive up early. I turned on the news and was like holey moley! Trying to get 8 people moving in the same direction an hour earlier than we had planned was exciting...but we made it. Southwest airline seem to be the worst from talking to the shuttle driver, their lines were unbelievable.
Our lines were long, but they were surprisingly organized and we got through in an hour and had an hour to spare!

Scandi..good luck to your sister and her tribe, I'm sure they will be fine.
Thanks sweetie, see you tomorrow

Nitey Nite xoxox
scandi said:
Thanks Liz and I think they'll be fine. I''ll just be glad when they arrive home in Paris.

I'll give a report back on the pre-takeoff formalities for the fun of it, but the Portland airport is nothing like LAX!


I like Portland Airport! And, Portland, too! :)
And, you're welome, Scandi!
Liz said:
Scandi, I hope it's smooth sailing, er flying, for your sister and her cuties tomorrow. Even though these are troubing times to fly, I'm sure it will be fine! :)
Good post Liz.:)

Liz is right,they will be just fine.
Jbean, 1 hour sounds mighty impressive! Even for pre-yesterday flying! You did good! :)
Saturday :: August 12, 2006
NBC News: US and UK Disagreed on Timing for Terror Arrests

Via Patriot Daily, NBC reports that the UK didn't want to arrest the London Terror suspects this week, but the US did.

NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

A senior British official knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

This British official contradicts earlier reports that the threats were imminent.

While Bush today denied any disagreeements, an Administration official said otherwise and reiterated the timing disagreement.

There was also disagreement over the arrest of Rashid Rauf in Pakistan:

The British official said the Americans also argued over the timing of the arrest of suspected ringleader Rashid Rauf in Pakistan, warning that if he was not taken into custody immediately, the U.S. would "render" him or pressure the Pakistani government to arrest him.

British security was concerned that Rauf be taken into custody "in circumstances where there was due process," according to the official, so that he could be tried in British courts. Ultimately, this official says, Rauf was arrested over the objections of the British.

So the U.S. wanted to go the "ghost air" route. As to the stage of the plan at the time of the arrests:

NBC News has previously reported that the explosive mixture was tested in Pakistan. The source said the suspects in Britain had obtained at least some of the materials for the explosive but had not yet actually prepared or mixed it.
Buzzm1 said:
Saturday :: August 12, 2006
NBC News: US and UK Disagreed on Timing for Terror Arrests

Via Patriot Daily, NBC reports that the UK didn't want to arrest the London Terror suspects this week, but the US did.

NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

A senior British official knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

This British official contradicts earlier reports that the threats were imminent.

While Bush today denied any disagreeements, an Administration official said otherwise and reiterated the timing disagreement.

There was also disagreement over the arrest of Rashid Rauf in Pakistan:

The British official said the Americans also argued over the timing of the arrest of suspected ringleader Rashid Rauf in Pakistan, warning that if he was not taken into custody immediately, the U.S. would "render" him or pressure the Pakistani government to arrest him.

British security was concerned that Rauf be taken into custody "in circumstances where there was due process," according to the official, so that he could be tried in British courts. Ultimately, this official says, Rauf was arrested over the objections of the British.

So the U.S. wanted to go the "ghost air" route. As to the stage of the plan at the time of the arrests:

NBC News has previously reported that the explosive mixture was tested in Pakistan. The source said the suspects in Britain had obtained at least some of the materials for the explosive but had not yet actually prepared or mixed it.
Well, I for one am glad they were busted. I don't care who gets the credit, or takes the credit. Setting politics aside, I am just happy their plot was foiled.
IdahoMom said:
Well, I for one am glad they were busted. I don't care who gets the credit, or takes the credit. Setting politics aside, I am just happy their plot was foiled.
My objection is not about who gets the credit for "busting" the terrorist plot, my objection is about U.S. Intelligence/our administration politicizing the terrorist plot.

For instance, U.S. Intelligence/our administration reporting that a Dry Run was only two days away, with the terrorist plot scheduled two days after that.

What they, the U.S. Intelliegence/our administration didn't tell us is that they forced the arrest of Raul Rashid by the Pakistani's, which forced the British to arrest everyone they had been surveilling, and wanted to continue surveilling, as there was no immediate danger from the "still in the planning stage" terrorist plot. While a single individual terrorist was going to make a dry run, in two days, the terrorists hadn't yet purchased their tickets for the targeted flights which were to be later in the summer. Although the terrorist had purchased some of the necessary materials for their bombs, they hadn't yet mixed any of the chemicals in the bomb making process.

Within two days after the U.S. forced the Pakistani arrest of Raul Rashid, that is when a phone call was intercepted in Karachi, from Pakistan to Britain, which told the terrorists to put their plan into execution ASAP. It was only then that British Intelligence had to move on arresting everyone they knew to be involved.

U.S. Intelligence/our administration also stated that British Intelligence were also searching for others involved. British Intelligence also refuted this statement by U.S. Intelligence, as they again stated the had arrested everyone they knew to be involved.

All I wanted was the truth.
Well we really don't know if it was a dry run, only what we were told...
It's a catch 22, could of been a code for the terrorist.:confused:
Pharlap said:
Well we really don't know if it was a dry run, only what we were told...
It's a catch 22, could of been a code for the terrorist.:confused:
Pharlap, there was only one terrorist who was going to make the "Dry Run." The British were going to allow him to do it, as they considered there was no danger, and they wanted to continue to gather information on the overall plot.
Buzzm1 said:
Pharlap, there was only one terrorist who was going to make the "Dry Run." The British were going to allow him to do it, as they considered there was no danger, and they wanted to continue to gather information on the overall plot.
If this is actually true then it sucks.......:eek:
What is reported I ususaly take as a gran of salt til there's more infor from alot of sources...even then is it true.....sorry that's how I feel about the reporting these days...
Pharlap said:
If this is actually true then it sucks.......:eek:
What is reported I ususaly take as a gran of salt til there's more infor from alot of sources...even then is it true.....sorry that's how I feel about the reporting these days...
Unfortunately, it is true Pharlap. When British Intelligence had their first news conference, even though, believe it, or not, I was all but asleep with the TV on, I caught important points during the press conference, one of which was that the terrorist plot was scheduled for later in the summer, and the terrorists hadn't made their reservations yet, indicating that the operation was still in the planning stages. There were enough indications during the press conference for me to gather that the British weren't all too happy about having to pull the string on the operation when they did.

It is sad for the British, that the U.S. forced this into motion when they did. The Brits and Pakistanis were continually gaining more information as to everyone involved, and being that the British and Pakistan, were the primary agencies involved, it reeks when the U.S. is the one to decide when to expose the plot, going against strenuous British and Pakistani objections.

That's our current administration.
Buzzm1 said:
Unfortunately, it is true Pharlap. When British Intelligence had their first news conference, even though, believe it, or not, I was all but asleep with the TV on, I caught important points during the press conference, one of which was that the terrorist plot was scheduled for later in the summer, and the terrorists hadn't made their reservations yet, indicating that the operation was still in the planning stages. There were enough indications during the press conference for me to gather that the British weren't all too happy about having to pull the string on the operation when they did.

It is sad for the British, that the U.S. forced this into motion when they did. The Brits and Pakistanis were continually gaining more information as to everyone involved, and being that the British and Pakistan, were the primary agencies involved, it reeks when the U.S. is the one to decide when to expose the plot, going against strenuous British and Pakistani objections.

That's our current administration.
I'm not surprised Bush and Washington wanted the plug pulled and the SOBs rounded up, for crine outloud. It was a month until the 5th anniversary. Do you really want someone to slip through the net or pull an end run this close? It's obvivous it was intended as a 5 year "reminder" of the havoc and destruction these bastards are willing to wreck on innocent civilians. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If they had them this tightly under surveillance and the terrorists still managed to pull it off--and that is always a distint likelihood--there is no fan big enough to take the that would hit it. At the very least, the Great Depression of the 21st Century would effectively begin before sundown of that particular day. Better the bird in the hand than the two in the bush (no pun intended) when it comes to something of this magnitude.
Really, people ... come on! What difference does it make WHEN the plot was unveiled, we are blocking it from happening. The terrorists were exposed for what they were trying to do.
I'd rather know NOW than after the fact. :doh:
Geese louise.
JBean said:
Thanks! we had no idea what was going on until we got up in the morning. we had driven to LA the night before and stayed in a hotel overnight so we wouldn't have to drive up early. I turned on the news and was like holey moley! Trying to get 8 people moving in the same direction an hour earlier than we had planned was exciting...but we made it. Southwest airline seem to be the worst from talking to the shuttle driver, their lines were unbelievable.
Our lines were long, but they were surprisingly organized and we got through in an hour and had an hour to spare!

Scandi..good luck to your sister and her tribe, I'm sure they will be fine.
LOL, your story almost sounds like the Home Alone movie ... you didn't leave any kids home on accident, did ya?? :D
BillyGoatGruff said:
I'm not surprised Bush and Washington wanted the plug pulled and the SOBs rounded up, for crine outloud. It was a month until the 5th anniversary. Do you really want someone to slip through the net or pull an end run this close? It's obvivous it was intended as a 5 year "reminder" of the havoc and destruction these bastards are willing to wreck on innocent civilians. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If they had them this tightly under surveillance and the terrorists still managed to pull it off--and that is always a distint likelihood--there is no fan big enough to take the that would hit it. At the very least, the Great Depression of the 21st Century would effectively begin before sundown of that particular day. Better the bird in the hand than the two in the bush (no pun intended) when it comes to something of this magnitude.
I'm quite willing to argue the point that the British and the Pakistanis were in a much better position to make a decision about the imminency, and relative danger, of the terrorist plot. The U.S. wasn't directly involved in tracking the terrorist plot. The British and Pakistanis should have been the ones to make the decision as to when to bring the terrorist plot down. For all we know, there may have been many additional high-level terrorists exposed, had the terrorist been allowed to proceed further into the planning stage.

Remember the British were going to allow the single terrorist to make his Dry Run.

The tickets for the actual plot had not been purchased yet. Most of the necessary chemicals, and electronics had been purchased, but the chemicals had not been mixed yet.

It was only the U.S. forced arrest of Rashid Rauf, one of the kingpins of the plot, in Pakistan, which two days later triggered the intercepted phone call, urging the terrorists to implement and execute their plan ASAP. Had that arrest not happened, the British, and Pakistanis, would still be gathering the names of additional terrorists, and tracking all of their connections.

I don't blame the British for being upset with the U.S. regarding this. I am too.

Surveillance is all about gaining as much information as possible before pulling the plug on an operation. I trust that is exactly what the British were doing, and I trust that they knew exactly what they were doing.
Ah yes JBean, I almost forgot about that.

Actually, it was most uneventful except for Luthsansa {sp} Airlines keeping Raundi {my sis} for 1 1/4 hours at the front desk bag check in point due to weighing the luggage to make sure each bag was a specific weight that was acceptable and not one ounce more. One bag was 11 lbs over, another 8 lbs over, etc, so she had to do some repacking there on the spot in front of the counter with that long line in back of her. She said she was mortified to keep all these people waiting at bay, but hey, it was on the back of the airlines co.

In order to lift off they told her they needed to know down to the ounce the total baggage weight for the flight, and it was plump full flight! She finally got it squared away and her and her tribe of giddy girlies still talking about camp, joined up for a bit of brunch.

We all noticed that the airport was not overburdened with people. We were in a restaurant 100' away from the security check in point for her flight, so time was not a problem suddenly. So we relaxed and forgot about these dismal times in the world of travel by air.

Then I realized I had mud all over my face, having told them commercial flights overseas meant no carry-on luggage on board. Raundita spoke up and said AUNTIE, you are wrong, we only can not take liquids and gels onto the plane. I turned a lighter shade of pale and gave her a kiss on the cheek because she was 11 and had been paying full attention to everything.

Then they were off down the line, shoes off, bags searched, wheelchair went down in the cargo hold with the rest of the baggage, and then a stop. A WHISTLE, and a stout appearing man in a navy jacket, showing lots of aplumb by the little medallions it held for years of service, walked over to the table where they were all gathered. We watched and waited and waved to our family, and then finally here this man came, walking straight towards us, the send off group!

He held up a big fat tube of French creme hair remover, a tube of sunscreen, two bottles of OPI nail polish and a big plastic tube of some fancy French body creme for after the bath! "These are not acceptable to have on our flight", he said, "and Ms Katherine gives them to a Ms Ariel who is here to see her off".

We stood there just staring. Disbelief not in the system, but that Raundi's oldest girl who knew all of the ropes for this particular flight, had kept these particular cremes and gels to see if she could indeed carry them across the country and the Atlantic ocean when the whole world knew she would be stopped short, and they would be discovered. At least that is the conclusion I came to as the ameteur detective in the family.

Thank goodness for our great security guys. They found these cremes our bad girl Katherine had not put into her other suitcase. The system worked. And so I knew suddenly that everthing would be OK, and I am sure it was.

Wah, Wah and double Wah for all those who are opposed to the search...would you rather die???? We are facing a major onslaught of terrorism right now. My husband works for the DOD. It is not good people...we must take every precaution. My litttle neices and nephews are going back to France via Heathrow....I am very glad that we are doing something about this. no matter what they say ...the media, your friends etc. we and a ton of countries are targets and I hope to God that there are no causualties.

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