GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #4

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Yes Beesknees, I agree, and I feel awful that I doubted the sincerity of her father's plea. It seemed so over-the-top! Who frets with such deep intensity for a daughter who probably ran off with a carnie?

But now I believe that he already knew the whole sad story. There is no over-the-top grief for such a parent.
You might have to explain "ran off with a Carnie" to some Musicaljoke [emoji1]
The timing of events is puzzling me.

When NM/SH were first arrested sometime before 16:00 on Saturday 28th February we were told nothing at all. No age or gender and no mention of the charges.

It was only when they were rearrested on suspicion of murder sometime before 16:30 on Monday 2nd March did we find out age, gender and that the original charge had been kidnapping.

It was on the morning of Tuesday 3rd March that police announced they had found body parts.

So the body parts weren't found prior to the murder charge.

Why was it so important to keep their identity secret before they were charged with murder and what changed to allow them to be charged with murder if the body parts hadn't yet been found?

I don't know what prompted the murder arrest. But I am guessing the earlier secrecy was to protect Becky in the event that she was being held alive somewhere.
You might have to explain "ran off with a Carnie" to some Musicaljoke [emoji1]

Heh! In Canada, where we also speak English, of sorts, "running off with a carnie" means that your daughter has gone off on an adventure with the man who runs the merry-go-round, or whatever you call the carnival rides. She'll be back when the money runs out, which will be quite soon. ;)
Can I just point out to our American cousins that, unlike the US, it's completely the norm for children to stay at home well into their twenties.
Can I just point out to our American cousins that, unlike the US, it's completely the norm for children to stay at home well into their twenties.

A lot of kids in their twenties stay living with mom and dad here also.
Can I just point out to our American cousins that, unlike the US, it's completely the norm for children to stay at home well into their twenties.

And in Canada. As a matter of fact, it is extremely common here given current economics. It's hard to get on your feet and financially set in your 20's these days.
Yesterday's (that's 7th March) Bristol Post reports that;

Parts of her body were discovered last Monday evening after 11 days of police and public searches

and under the headline, 'Searches in Barton Hill expected to continue into next week' that;

Forensic teams have now finished their work at Becky's Crown Hill home and at another property in Wilton Close, Southmead in connection with the inquiry. However, large parts of Barton Hill remained cordoned off as police continue their search – looking through bins and under cars.

All of which would appear to imply that they haven't found everything yet and that they are still looking.

Oh good grief, that is awful. I was so hoping that all of RW had been found during that Monday night..... I cannot begin to imagine how her parents and family must feel, if this is the case.
I feel bad too, I think most people who watched the appeal video felt something about it was off. I know I did, not that I felt Dad was suspicious just at that point it was an appeal video for a missing girl, and Dad barely spoke, and was extremely emotional, which seemed out of context. At that time I felt it was OTT. Looking back I think he knew something very bad had happened to his Daughter, and maybe his gut was telling him at the hands of whom. Now I can totally see how distraught he would be, and yes I do feel guilty for that. We live and learn.

Yes, I also thought the appeal was very odd, just so strange - OTT as you say - when, at that point, there was surely hope that BW had just run away from home. The total anguish seemed to indicate DG already knew what had happened to BW and particularly that comment about things happen on impulse, which I took totally the wrong way.
A lesson indeed for me not to pre judge, now that we can see with hindsight just why the poor man was so distraught.
Hi, I just joined the forum. I usually lurk but this case is so strange and distressing in that it seems so many people have been implicated.

I am not sure whether I am allowed to add this but I read in the comment section from an online news report a while back (DG's appeal to the public) some people accusing that DG looks guilty. One commenter added a few days ago that accusations are unfair to DG, saying he is a friend of the brother (full blood related to RW). He claims that the family is surprised as NM has always been a nice guy and they all lived under the same roof for years. The family apparently has no clue as to the motive. He did say that the brother already had his suspicions before the news of the charges had been announced. Moderators, pls delete if not okay as I don't want to add misinformation buy I haven ppl mentioning comments from the Bristol Post. I apologise in advance.

I myself have no idea what happened. I just hope that it was a simple accident and an act of panic in drug induced misjudgement. I can't bear to think of any other scenarios. How awful if she knew what was going to happen.

Hi and :wagon:

Interesting info ....... I do also remember comments in MSM from DGs side of the family, where they said they hardly knew NM and had only really seen him at the wedding....
Now that doesnt mean that he didnt live at one time in the family home on Crown Hill...... only that perhaps extended family were not frequent visitors there ?
The lack of sightings of RW travelling to LO's house that Thursday would suggest that she didn't walk/use public transport but had a lift in someone's car, or never left her own house alive. (We have no reason to disbelieve that AG witnessed her returning to her home that morning, so any Wednesday demise theories are out of the question). I'd be really interested to know who was in the house that Thursday morning.

IF NM really was one of those present in RW's house on that Thursday, then it's quite possible that RW left the house and NM made his excuses, like he had to go run some errands, and left very shortly afterwards, stopping to pick her up. The word 'kidnap', used by the LE is playing with my mind; nobody 'kidnaps' a corpse do they? So does that mean she left the house alive but signs of a struggle/attack (blood) were found in the car? - she might have been taken and met her end someplace else, rather than being killed at home. NM could have popped back to RW's house later, even when his mum was back from her appointment, (RW wasn't a missing person at that time), made an excuse to use the bathroom and removed the laptop/tablet (teens always have their phone with them, so this would be with RW already). There might have been a previous exchange between NM and RW, via text/social media messaging, that NM needed to delete to distance himself (imo, teenagers lock their phones with a password, so their phones can not be used by others except to be switched off, whereas there's a chance they are still logged into social media on their laptops/tablets).

Just my own thoughts.

From what we have been told of RWs shyness, I cant see her doing a 1.5 mile walk on her own ( she always asked her friend to walk her home when she had been at friends house, didnt like to walk alone ). Likewise it didnt sound as though she would have done a bus journey on her own.
My guess is she texted or messaged LO - he didnt respond bcos of being at dentist - so RW just stayed at home. Presumably she would have texted him again later or knew he would contact her ( which he did in a way as he went round to the house later that day ).
So I think she was there in the house that morning with whoever the other people were and I really dont think she ever left there.
Interesting info ....... I do also remember comments in MSM from DGs side of the family, where they said they hardly knew NM and had only really seen him at the wedding....
Now that doesnt mean that he didnt live at one time in the family home on Crown Hill...... only that perhaps extended family were not frequent visitors there ?

I would take it that that person was speaking for themself only. There do seem to be many complicated strands to the family, and what's true for one person or branch may not be the same for others.
Yes, I also thought the appeal was very odd, just so strange - OTT as you say - when, at that point, there was surely hope that BW had just run away from home. The total anguish seemed to indicate DG already knew what had happened to BW and particularly that comment about things happen on impulse, which I took totally the wrong way.
A lesson indeed for me not to pre judge, now that we can see with hindsight just why the poor man was so distraught.
I actually didn't hear about this until the day before arrests which is when there seemed to be a HUGE step up in media blitzing etc so I didn't see the appeals until a couple of days ago. The one with his missus seemed strangest to me, then I heard she has health issues so then it made sense. The one with Becky's uncle was just gutwrenching - I've no doubt he knew at that point. Joe (?) kept stopping and shaking his head like he was thinking 'I actually can't believe this is happening to us'

Maybe DG is just an emotional guy. My husband I think would be quite stoic but a friend, a Regimental Sgt Major, I think would be like DG because as a family man and day to day bloke he's quite emotional and likes a good cry.
The timing of events is puzzling me.

When NM/SH were first arrested sometime before 16:00 on Saturday 28th February we were told nothing at all. No age or gender and no mention of the suspected charges.

It was only when they were rearrested on suspicion of murder sometime before 16:30 on Monday 2nd March did we find out age, gender and that the original reason for arrest had been on suspicion of kidnapping.

It was on the morning of Tuesday 3rd March that police announced they had found body parts

So the body parts weren't found prior to the arrest on suspicion of murder.

Why was it so important to keep their identity secret before they were arrested on suspicion of murder and what changed to allow them to be arrested on suspicion of murder if the body parts hadn't yet been found?

I thought the keeping the identities secret at the first arrest on the Saturday was perhaps to do with RWs father and stepmother. Perhaps they genuinely did not know who had been arrested on that day and the police wanted to have as much definite information as possible from NM/SH before the father/stepmother and mother were informed ?
By Sunday, the house at CML was being searched, so by that point, plenty of local people knew, or at least heavily suspected, that the two people who lived in that house could also be the two people who had been arrested the previous day.
By Monday I can only think the police had sufficient forensics to be able to change the arrest to suspicion of murder, even before the body parts were discovered.
By this time also the names of NM and SH were already circulating on line and the addition of the information 28 year old man and 21 year old woman would have simply confirmed what many locals already suspected.
I would take it that that person was speaking for themself only. There do seem to be many complicated strands to the family, and what's true for one person or branch may not be the same for others.

Yes indeed, they are a large extended family and it could be true that many of the others knew him fairly well.
Yes indeed, they are a large extended family and it could be true that many of the others knew him fairly well.
I have a large family. My cousin got married recently to somebody we've known pretty much all our lives (they grew up in the same area) I never knew she had brothers until I met them at the wedding.
Evening all. This may have been suggested / analysed / debunked already, but.... is it possible NM took his mum to her hospital appointment and while at the house offered to give Becky a lift to her boyfriends (who lives a stones throw from him) later on?

OR. He went to mums to take her to hospital and realised Becky would be home alone and decided to go back. Have we ever found out who was supposedly at the house that day?
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