Found Deceased UK - Samantha Eastwood, 28, Stoke-on-Trent, 27 July 2018 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Could we all please try to use the phrase "pre-planned" when speculating that this was planned in advance? Legally, "premeditated" has a different meaning. If you grab somebody by the throat with the intent to hurt them, that is still premeditated even if only for a few seconds.
They usually do. :rolleyes:

I hope her work colleague/friend who knew about the threats, got the full run-down on those as well as other friends. I can't beleive that the "fall-out" and threats from MS were only about the shed works - surely she would have told her ex JP about those. ( naturally I'm projecting as it's what I would do - phone my ex fiance to stop an B-in-law's harassment, through Katie Stirling, if need be.
has to be something extra or more controversial she wouldn't want JP nor KS to know about. ( eg. MS having an affair... etc)
Interesting point! I have no idea, but salt is a preservative.

+ dehydrate tissues if salt is concentrated in this "shallow grave" environment.

Also , he clearly has tried to hide this body if he was willing to make a grave ( not just secreted in undergrowth) but even as a fencing man with all the tools in the back of van(?), not enough to dig a deep one. ( In a rush/ just sloppy?)
The ground would be very hard at the moment. As soon as I saw the satellite view of the quarry, I guessed his intention was to put the body in the water. But the heatwave has dried it up. Bet that was a nasty surprise.

Just thought - that's another advantage of using the duvet cover. He could have put rocks inside it to weigh it down.
If so that would suggest premeditation as didn't neighbours say it was on his car roof on Thursday?

Just a quick note re the roof box...I would seriously doubt that MS hid her body in the roof box of the car for a number of reasons. Have you ever tried to get things into/out of a roof box? It is incredibly difficult as you have to heave everything up above your head. I don't think a man on his own would be able to hold a grown woman above his head and manoeuvre her into the roof box on his own. It would definitely be very difficult, particularly if any form of rigor mortis had set in. It would also be very conspicuous - not really what you want if disposing of a body.

Secondly, if the family had planned a camping trip and the neighbour had seen them putting on the roof box on the Thursday night, it may have been that they packed the roof box the night before in anticipation of their trip. Which is why the neighbour would have been so confident that they were going away. Lots of people would do this on the Thursday night, so they could leave straight after work on the Friday to get the most from their weekend away.

It would seem more likely that perhaps the threat to SE was more recent, as in MS had become more threatening in the run up to his holiday, if he was due to leave on the Friday perhaps SE had received a text/call at work the night before from an erratic and threatening MS, which is why her colleagues would have been so concerned at her sudden disappearance.

I would think it is more likely that SE arrived home from work as normal and parked in her own drive. MS arrived around lunch time to confront her over payment and things got out of hand. This would tie in with the scream being heard at 2pm. MS obviously then had to dispose of her body as there would have been text messages/phone calls linking him to SE.

SE car was found at the very rear of her drive, which would be an unusual place for her to park according to neighbours, so it seems sensible that MS moved her car further down the drive so that he could reverse his own van into the drive where he could easily move things between his van and the side door of the house without attracting too much notice. This would have seemed particularly innocuous behaviour given that neighbours would have seen him working at the house as little as two weeks previously. This seems likely given that both SE's car and MS's van have been forensically tested.

Tape around the eyes is quite possibly an indication of remorse. It doesn't state anywhere that the tape covered her nose/mouth so it is unlikely that it contributed to the cause of death. MS may not have been able to cope with SE looking at him after he had murdered her and so he used the masking tape to cover her eyes, winding it around her face and head to stop the feelings of guilt. He would have needed the duvet to cover the body while transporting it to the van.

The timeline from here on is interesting though. Why did MS not just immediately dump her body? Is this where the assisting an offender charges come in? Did he phone someone to tell them what he had just done? Did they help him to cover it up? It doesn't make sense as to why he would waste time and leave himself exposed to SE's body being potentially discovered in his van until hours later before going to dump the body. If the police are looking at a window between 9pm and 11pm he waited 7 hours before doing anything. He would have had to make an excuse to leave the house in his work van at that hour surely.

If SE was reported missing at 7.20pm on the Friday night, then the police would have needed to check her home first before confirming her as missing. I saw somewhere that a friend had been part of a group who had gone to check SE's home as her behaviour was so out of character...that must surely have taken time. So at what point would MS have been made aware that other people knew SE was missing.

I am assuming that KS would have heard on the Friday night that SE was missing, either from JP/the police directly so they left on the Saturday morning already aware that SE was missing and what the neighbour assumed was them leaving for their holiday, was in fact them going to see JP and help with the search for SE. MS would already have been a suspect at this point given other people were aware of his threats.

Perhaps the suggestion that SE was visiting Whitby/just needed time alone came from MS when he was interviewed by police? There must have been texts/phone calls showing that he was the last person to be in contact with her, perhaps he said he called around for the money, they sorted it out and she suggested that she needed some time away. It seems odd that the police would put any stead in her suddenly up and leaving if it was so out of character and she had work that night. They must have been pointed in that direction by someone. Do we know if the sighting of her at the train station came from a member of the public? (just thinking could it have been one of the other suspects, confirming MS's version of events by saying they had seen SE at the station)

The most obvious option I guess is that MS needed to dispose of the body so he asked SS & the 28yo to give him an alibi so he could reasonably leave the house between 9pm and 11pm on the Friday night. I wonder should the fact that the van was found in the drive of the 28yo allude to something more though? How did MS get back home for him to leave in the family car on the Saturday if the work van was at his friend's? What did he tell them he was up to that he dropped the van around that late on the Friday night? ...and why did they forensically test his Dad's car too?
Hi everyone, newbie here. I've been completely puzzled by this case as probably a lot of others are too. Another angle to look at in regards to the tape, could it maybe be that he thought he was being clever by covering any places that body fluids could leak out? I don't know I'm just thinking if he wanted to try and cover anywhere that could leave DNA traces, covering as much as possible would be his best shot.

Hi and

Good thought re the tape. All the reports consistently say eyes and face, not eyes and mouth -so could be to prevent fluid leakage.
Whether this was done before or after death ( for different reasons of course ) this, to me, does not indicate a person in a state of panic.
True. on Google Earth you can see where there was once water when the Google camera cars were out , but after 2 months of drought...So even with a proportion of salt that ground could likely be very hard.

(Plus if the disposal was done Friday c.10pm it would have been darkening. I'd previously assumed he'd disposed of body in the afternoon before his wife came home from work and they "went on holiday" but that might be all wrong now too.)

What a vile man - all those babies she'd helped into the world . Can't think of a starker contrast.
Samantha Eastwood murder accused 'battered in prison' following arrest on suspicion of killing midwife
Suspect Michael Stirling was attacked at Dovegate jail, Staffordshire, on Tuesday, according to reports

Man accused of killing midwife Samantha Eastwood 'battered in prison'

Poor little lamb.

As regards SE's mobile phone I saw someone questioning a few pages back whether it had been found and I didn't see a response. There's been no mention of it but I'd imagine it's the first thing MS would have disposed of as it will contain evidence as to the motive for what has happened. Then again if he was really planning to murder her he seems to have bungled it so badly he probably still had her phone in his pocket when he was arrested.
Just a quick note re the roof box...I would seriously doubt that MS hid her body in the roof box of the car for a number of reasons. Have you ever tried to get things into/out of a roof box? It is incredibly difficult as you have to heave everything up above your head. I don't think a man on his own would be able to hold a grown woman above his head and manoeuvre her into the roof box on his own. It would definitely be very difficult, particularly if any form of rigor mortis had set in. It would also be very conspicuous - not really what you want if disposing of a body.

Secondly, if the family had planned a camping trip and the neighbour had seen them putting on the roof box on the Thursday night, it may have been that they packed the roof box the night before in anticipation of their trip. Which is why the neighbour would have been so confident that they were going away. Lots of people would do this on the Thursday night, so they could leave straight after work on the Friday to get the most from their weekend away.

It would seem more likely that perhaps the threat to SE was more recent, as in MS had become more threatening in the run up to his holiday, if he was due to leave on the Friday perhaps SE had received a text/call at work the night before from an erratic and threatening MS, which is why her colleagues would have been so concerned at her sudden disappearance.

I would think it is more likely that SE arrived home from work as normal and parked in her own drive. MS arrived around lunch time to confront her over payment and things got out of hand. This would tie in with the scream being heard at 2pm. MS obviously then had to dispose of her body as there would have been text messages/phone calls linking him to SE.

SE car was found at the very rear of her drive, which would be an unusual place for her to park according to neighbours, so it seems sensible that MS moved her car further down the drive so that he could reverse his own van into the drive where he could easily move things between his van and the side door of the house without attracting too much notice. This would have seemed particularly innocuous behaviour given that neighbours would have seen him working at the house as little as two weeks previously. This seems likely given that both SE's car and MS's van have been forensically tested.

Tape around the eyes is quite possibly an indication of remorse. It doesn't state anywhere that the tape covered her nose/mouth so it is unlikely that it contributed to the cause of death. MS may not have been able to cope with SE looking at him after he had murdered her and so he used the masking tape to cover her eyes, winding it around her face and head to stop the feelings of guilt. He would have needed the duvet to cover the body while transporting it to the van.

The timeline from here on is interesting though. Why did MS not just immediately dump her body? Is this where the assisting an offender charges come in? Did he phone someone to tell them what he had just done? Did they help him to cover it up? It doesn't make sense as to why he would waste time and leave himself exposed to SE's body being potentially discovered in his van until hours later before going to dump the body. If the police are looking at a window between 9pm and 11pm he waited 7 hours before doing anything. He would have had to make an excuse to leave the house in his work van at that hour surely.

If SE was reported missing at 7.20pm on the Friday night, then the police would have needed to check her home first before confirming her as missing. I saw somewhere that a friend had been part of a group who had gone to check SE's home as her behaviour was so out of character...that must surely have taken time. So at what point would MS have been made aware that other people knew SE was missing.

I am assuming that KS would have heard on the Friday night that SE was missing, either from JP/the police directly so they left on the Saturday morning already aware that SE was missing and what the neighbour assumed was them leaving for their holiday, was in fact them going to see JP and help with the search for SE. MS would already have been a suspect at this point given other people were aware of his threats.

Perhaps the suggestion that SE was visiting Whitby/just needed time alone came from MS when he was interviewed by police? There must have been texts/phone calls showing that he was the last person to be in contact with her, perhaps he said he called around for the money, they sorted it out and she suggested that she needed some time away. It seems odd that the police would put any stead in her suddenly up and leaving if it was so out of character and she had work that night. They must have been pointed in that direction by someone. Do we know if the sighting of her at the train station came from a member of the public? (just thinking could it have been one of the other suspects, confirming MS's version of events by saying they had seen SE at the station)

The most obvious option I guess is that MS needed to dispose of the body so he asked SS & the 28yo to give him an alibi so he could reasonably leave the house between 9pm and 11pm on the Friday night. I wonder should the fact that the van was found in the drive of the 28yo allude to something more though? How did MS get back home for him to leave in the family car on the Saturday if the work van was at his friend's? What did he tell them he was up to that he dropped the van around that late on the Friday night? ...and why did they forensically test his Dad's car too?

Agree re the roof box. The van would have been used.

Waiting until 9pm or thereabouts - needing cover of darkness to leave the body in the quarry, rather than going there during the day, during school summer holidays, risk of people around.

If SS and 28 year old had anything to do with disposal of body, they would be on remand not on bail. I think there involvement was providing an alibi, washing the van, something along those lines.

MS could have driven home in his van that night. Police didnt take the van until one week later, by which time it was parked at g/mother house.
Meant to add, this was possibly something MS and family did when they went on holiday. Leaving the van there was probably safer ( thinking of work tools in van ) with someone to keep an eye on it, rather than leaving it outside his own house.
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Poor little lamb.

As regards SE's mobile phone I saw someone questioning a few pages back whether it had been found and I didn't see a response. There's been no mention of it but I'd imagine it's the first thing MS would have disposed of as it will contain evidence as to the motive for what has happened. Then again if he was really planning to murder her he seems to have bungled it so badly he probably still had her phone in his pocket when he was arrested.

I think I put a reply up to that Q..... police have been very quiet about the phone, no info given out as to whether they have found it or not.
The t
The timeline from here on is interesting though. Why did MS not just immediately dump her body? Is this where the assisting an offender charges come in? Did he phone someone to tell them what he had just done? Did they help him to cover it up? It doesn't make sense as to why he would waste time and leave himself exposed to SE's body being potentially discovered in his van until hours later before going to dump the body. If the police are looking at a window between 9pm and 11pm he waited 7 hours before doing anything. He would have had to make an excuse to leave the house in his work van at that hour surely.

If SE was reported missing at 7.20pm on the Friday night, then the police would have needed to check her home first before confirming her as missing. I saw somewhere that a friend had been part of a group who had gone to check SE's home as her behaviour was so out of character...that must surely have taken time. So at what point would MS have been made aware that other people knew SE was missing.

I am assuming that KS would have heard on the Friday night that SE was missing, either from JP/the police directly so they left on the Saturday morning already aware that SE was missing and what the neighbour assumed was them leaving for their holiday, was in fact them going to see JP and help with the search for SE. MS would already have been a suspect at this point given other people were aware of his threats.

The most obvious option I guess is that MS needed to dispose of the body so he asked SS & the 28yo to give him an alibi so he could reasonably leave the house between 9pm and 11pm on the Friday night. I wonder should the fact that the van was found in the drive of the 28yo allude to something more though? How did MS get back home for him to leave in the family car on the Saturday if the work van was at his friend's? What did he tell them he was up to that he dropped the van around that late on the Friday night? ...and why did they forensically test his Dad's car too?

The timeline is interesting even though we all know we have so little to go on. What if the neighbour is right? Doreen? She said the Stirlings left on the Friday night, 20 mins before the police arrived at Stirlings home. If that's true, that could be anytime from 8pm to say 10pm ish that they left for this holiday. ( considering the checks, as you note, the home visit, the police to get round to the Stirlings.)
forgot to add the next bit:

If the Strilings left for this hol say 8pm onwards, that would mean he left with a plan in his mind to later make an excuse to leave his wife & dau & then drive back to his van ( duvet covered body) in order to do his disposal run. Not making any sense to me. Think he disposed of body sometime earlier in the day or evening and then long after the Stirlings had turned around to come back ( notified SE was missing) he disappeared for a few hours 9-11pm, with no alibi.
The t

The timeline is interesting even though we all know we have so little to go on. What if the neighbour is right? Doreen? She said the Stirlings left on the Friday night, 20 mins before the police arrived at Stirlings home. If that's true, that could be anytime from 8pm to say 10pm ish that they left for this holiday. ( considering the checks, as you note, the home visit, the police to get round to the Stirlings.)

Did she say when they had left? I couldn't find that, just that they had left for holidays and 20 minutes later the police showed up at the house. If they did leave on the Friday night it seems odd, why leave so late with a little one in tow? And how then did MS excuse himself to dispose of the body? ...not expecting you to have the answers by the way!
Did she say when they had left? I couldn't find that, just that they had left for holidays and 20 minutes later the police showed up at the house. If they did leave on the Friday night it seems odd, why leave so late with a little one in tow? And how then did MS excuse himself to dispose of the body? ...not expecting you to have the answers by the way!
I read it, initially in another paper, but here it is in Huffington Post

"Next door neighbour, Doreen Nixon, 82, told The Sun: “Katie and Michael are really nice people. They went on holiday on Friday. But 20 minutes after they left, the police arrived. I last saw Samantha here about a year ago.”

How Does A Much-Loved Midwife Disappear Without A Trace?
Also, just had a look to understand what is classified as 'assisting an offender' - it seems knowledge of the crime about to be committed is key so perhaps they knew he was disposing of the body when they provided the alibi on the Friday night?

Inchoate offences | The Crown Prosecution Service

Sections 45 and 46 create offences of encouraging or assisting an offence or offences believing it, or one or more of them, will be committed
Just a quick note re the roof box...I would seriously doubt that MS hid her body in the roof box of the car for a number of reasons. Have you ever tried to get things into/out of a roof box? It is incredibly difficult as you have to heave everything up above your head. I don't think a man on his own would be able to hold a grown woman above his head and manoeuvre her into the roof box on his own. It would definitely be very difficult, particularly if any form of rigor mortis had set in. It would also be very conspicuous - not really what you want if disposing of a body.

Secondly, if the family had planned a camping trip and the neighbour had seen them putting on the roof box on the Thursday night, it may have been that they packed the roof box the night before in anticipation of their trip. Which is why the neighbour would have been so confident that they were going away. Lots of people would do this on the Thursday night, so they could leave straight after work on the Friday to get the most from their weekend away.

It would seem more likely that perhaps the threat to SE was more recent, as in MS had become more threatening in the run up to his holiday, if he was due to leave on the Friday perhaps SE had received a text/call at work the night before from an erratic and threatening MS, which is why her colleagues would have been so concerned at her sudden disappearance.

I would think it is more likely that SE arrived home from work as normal and parked in her own drive. MS arrived around lunch time to confront her over payment and things got out of hand. This would tie in with the scream being heard at 2pm. MS obviously then had to dispose of her body as there would have been text messages/phone calls linking him to SE.

SE car was found at the very rear of her drive, which would be an unusual place for her to park according to neighbours, so it seems sensible that MS moved her car further down the drive so that he could reverse his own van into the drive where he could easily move things between his van and the side door of the house without attracting too much notice. This would have seemed particularly innocuous behaviour given that neighbours would have seen him working at the house as little as two weeks previously. This seems likely given that both SE's car and MS's van have been forensically tested.

Tape around the eyes is quite possibly an indication of remorse. It doesn't state anywhere that the tape covered her nose/mouth so it is unlikely that it contributed to the cause of death. MS may not have been able to cope with SE looking at him after he had murdered her and so he used the masking tape to cover her eyes, winding it around her face and head to stop the feelings of guilt. He would have needed the duvet to cover the body while transporting it to the van.

The timeline from here on is interesting though. Why did MS not just immediately dump her body? Is this where the assisting an offender charges come in? Did he phone someone to tell them what he had just done? Did they help him to cover it up? It doesn't make sense as to why he would waste time and leave himself exposed to SE's body being potentially discovered in his van until hours later before going to dump the body. If the police are looking at a window between 9pm and 11pm he waited 7 hours before doing anything. He would have had to make an excuse to leave the house in his work van at that hour surely.

If SE was reported missing at 7.20pm on the Friday night, then the police would have needed to check her home first before confirming her as missing. I saw somewhere that a friend had been part of a group who had gone to check SE's home as her behaviour was so out of character...that must surely have taken time. So at what point would MS have been made aware that other people knew SE was missing.

I am assuming that KS would have heard on the Friday night that SE was missing, either from JP/the police directly so they left on the Saturday morning already aware that SE was missing and what the neighbour assumed was them leaving for their holiday, was in fact them going to see JP and help with the search for SE. MS would already have been a suspect at this point given other people were aware of his threats.

Perhaps the suggestion that SE was visiting Whitby/just needed time alone came from MS when he was interviewed by police? There must have been texts/phone calls showing that he was the last person to be in contact with her, perhaps he said he called around for the money, they sorted it out and she suggested that she needed some time away. It seems odd that the police would put any stead in her suddenly up and leaving if it was so out of character and she had work that night. They must have been pointed in that direction by someone. Do we know if the sighting of her at the train station came from a member of the public? (just thinking could it have been one of the other suspects, confirming MS's version of events by saying they had seen SE at the station)

The most obvious option I guess is that MS needed to dispose of the body so he asked SS & the 28yo to give him an alibi so he could reasonably leave the house between 9pm and 11pm on the Friday night. I wonder should the fact that the van was found in the drive of the 28yo allude to something more though? How did MS get back home for him to leave in the family car on the Saturday if the work van was at his friend's? What did he tell them he was up to that he dropped the van around that late on the Friday night? ...and why did they forensically test his Dad's car too?

I read the JP was also at SE house Friday night ( he could of possibly still been listed as next of kin for work) this would mean JP knew early on about SE missing status, I imagine he would contact his sister to ask if she was aware. It was also reported by neighbours that Jpand MS were conducting house enquiries Saturday in SE street. So I presume MS was back in stoke on trent on Saturday ( if he ever left at all).

I've thought about the other two suspects and I wondered if MS told KS he was going to see SS that night. She would of been asked about his whereabouts Friday night/day nd gave SS as his alibi.
ie. just working backwards on the clock. 8pm ish surely has to be the very earliest police could get round to Stirlings house after the colleague & JP meet at SE's house to check she's not there? ( IF the neighbour Doreen is right of course. She may have seen the car leave with it's roofbox etc but be unsure of all the occupants or even the time.)
Agree re the roof box. The van would have been used.

Waiting until 9pm or thereabouts - needing cover of darkness to leave the body in the quarry, rather than going there during the day, during school summer holidays, risk of people around.

If SS and 28 year old had anything to do with disposal of body, they would be on remand not on bail. I think there involvement was providing an alibi, washing the van, something along those lines.

MS could have driven home in his van that night. Police didnt take the van until one week later, by which time it was parked at g/mother house.
Meant to add, this was possibly something MS and family did when they went on holiday. Leaving the van there was probably safer ( thinking of work tools in van ) with someone to keep an eye on it, rather than leaving it outside his own house.

It's odd that they didn't take the van until Sunday. I would if thought they would of searched the van when he was arrested on suspicion of kidnap. Maybe the van isn't his or listed as his.

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