UK - Sara Sharif, 10, found murdered in house, Surrey, Aug 2023 *POIs ARREST* #2

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Prosecutor Giles Bedoe told the court that Sara was found to have “a constellation of healed and healing injuries”. They allegedly included a healed fracture to her collar bone, a healed fracture to the hyoid bone in her neck, multiple rib fractures, bruising to her torso and limbs, and a brain haemorrhage.

I also think it would have been mentioned in court and reflected in the charges if there was evidence of sexual assault.
It might not have been something that could have been seen afterwards, on her body. JMO
I've been following this case closely as I find the adults behaviour so astonishing. I now wonder whether they had thought things through to the logical conclusion and realized that ultimately they would all be deported to Pakistan at the end of a UK trial as foreign national offenders. The UK may have no extradition treaty with Pakistan but it has a foreign offender returns deal which may explain the flight response.
They will be imprisoned in England, at least until their sentence is up. Offenders aren’t deported until after they’ve served their sentences.
I've been following this case closely as I find the adults behaviour so astonishing. I now wonder whether they had thought things through to the logical conclusion and realized that ultimately they would all be deported to Pakistan at the end of a UK trial as foreign national offenders. The UK may have no extradition treaty with Pakistan but it has a foreign offender returns deal which may explain the flight response.
I think Urfan has been in this country for over 20 years. He may have even married Olga so he could stay here as she was Polish and part of European Union (IMOO). He was working as a taxi driver and would need NI number to work legally. (MIO) Beinash was brought up here (in Luton) and her family reside here so she also is British (MOO)
So, I doubt that Urfan or Beinash are foreign national offenders. (IMOO)

Faisal is one that I cant figure out - he came to uk as a student (so on a student visa), yet had several thousands in his account (at the end of college term -as this happened in Aug). I dont know many students with that much money after a yr at college! Normally they are trying to make money over summer to see them through the next year at college! IMOO.
Also, Faisal has a different surname (Malik) to the father ( Muhammad Sharif). Even the uncle in Pakistan who was questioned by the police had Sharif as surname (Imran Sharif).The father always referred to Urfan to give himself up - never mentioned the 'other' son - knowing that the police were searching for all three.
In the video, only Urfan and Beinash appeared - not Faisal.
No one has come out and said anything re Faisal apart from he doesnt speak to women. No college mates, no friends. But then he was at home during half-terms and summer holidays. How did he speak to Beinash as she was a housewife and at home too? Did they never communicate ?! I find that hard to believe!
Maybe FM was one of U's cousins?
As Polish uncle said:

"At the beginning Urfan was very charming but he was an actor, he deceived us all. Urfan was a gambler, he was addicted. He used to borrow money for gambling machines.

His friends and cousins

used to spend a lot of time in their home not allowing Olga to walk around the house unattended."

What a beautiful picture!


I think Urfan has been in this country for over 20 years. He may have even married Olga so he could stay here as she was Polish and part of European Union (IMOO). He was working as a taxi driver and would need NI number to work legally. (MIO) Beinash was brought up here (in Luton) and her family reside here so she also is British (MOO)
So, I doubt that Urfan or Beinash are foreign national offenders. (IMOO)

Faisal is one that I cant figure out - he came to uk as a student (so on a student visa), yet had several thousands in his account (at the end of college term -as this happened in Aug). I dont know many students with that much money after a yr at college! Normally they are trying to make money over summer to see them through the next year at college! IMOO.
Also, Faisal has a different surname (Malik) to the father ( Muhammad Sharif). Even the uncle in Pakistan who was questioned by the police had Sharif as surname (Imran Sharif).The father always referred to Urfan to give himself up - never mentioned the 'other' son - knowing that the police were searching for all three.
In the video, only Urfan and Beinash appeared - not Faisal.
No one has come out and said anything re Faisal apart from he doesnt speak to women. No college mates, no friends. But then he was at home during half-terms and summer holidays. How did he speak to Beinash as she was a housewife and at home too? Did they never communicate ?! I find that hard to believe!
(IMO0 year residence

I think Urfan has been in this country for over 20 years. He may have even married Olga so he could stay here as she was Polish and part of European Union (IMOO). He was working as a taxi driver and would need NI number to work legally. (MIO) Beinash was brought up here (in Luton) and her family reside here so she also is British (MOO)
So, I doubt that Urfan or Beinash are foreign national offenders. (IMOO)

Faisal is one that I cant figure out - he came to uk as a student (so on a student visa), yet had several thousands in his account (at the end of college term -as this happened in Aug). I dont know many students with that much money after a yr at college! Normally they are trying to make money over summer to see them through the next year at college! IMOO.
Also, Faisal has a different surname (Malik) to the father ( Muhammad Sharif). Even the uncle in Pakistan who was questioned by the police had Sharif as surname (Imran Sharif).The father always referred to Urfan to give himself up - never mentioned the 'other' son - knowing that the police were searching for all three.
In the video, only Urfan and Beinash appeared - not Faisal.
No one has come out and said anything re Faisal apart from he doesnt speak to women. No college mates, no friends. But then he was at home during half-terms and summer holidays. How did he speak to Beinash as she was a housewife and at home too? Did they never communicate ?! I find that hard to believe!
Marriage to a qualifying partner and 20 year residence will get you ILR but not automatically British citizenship. Naturalisation has to be applied for and you can live and work, with a NINO with ILR. FNO with ILR are referred to the Home Office as are folks with Naturalisation/dual citizenship if the Home Office determines they meet certain criteria. Pending lengthy human rights appeals I think that's what we will be looking at here. Hopefully, of course.
If the Father had a severe gambling addiction he may have trafficked his daughter for money. I hate to say it, but this story is far worse than an angry stepmother who lost her temper one day.
If the Father had a severe gambling addiction he may have trafficked his daughter for money. I hate to say it, but this story is far worse than an angry stepmother who lost her temper one day.
Stepm. might have slapped Sara or been utterly mean to her.

But broken ribs?
Broken collarbone?
Broken hyoid bone?
Bleeding in brain?

These involved brutal force.
Male strength.

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Stepm. might have slapped Sara or been utterly mean to her.

But broken ribs?
Broken collarbone?
Broken hyoid bone?
Bleeding in brain?

These involved brutal force.
Male strength.


I do think women are capable of this damage especially of a small child but NOT by accident. She would have had to be enraged with Sara. I believe the Father and Uncle contributed to her abuse.
I hope the other children feel safe enough to tell the police what happened.
I do think women are capable of this damage especially of a small child but NOT by accident. She would have had to be enraged with Sara. I believe the Father and Uncle contributed to her abuse.
I hope the other children feel safe enough to tell the police what happened.

I noticed no remorse/guilt in her face.

But faces of both men scream guilt IMO.
Look at the sketch I sent upthread.
They both sit in defensive position with arms tightly folded on chest.
She is sitting upright with arms at her sides.

As a woman, she had little to say in this family IMO.
Her hands were full with 6 kids.
Olga, the 1st wife, was treated in a horrible way by U.
He seems violent/unhinged.

I don't defend B.
I'm sure she was mean to her stepdaughter.
She didn't protect her as mother should.
She allowed this tragedy to happen.

But I doubt the injuries were caused by her.

But, of course, it is ONLY my impression/opinion.
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New theory.

It's always niggled me, that the father called LE. From Pakistan. Why alert them?

3rd party involvement. I'm thinking they left a note attempting to implicate someone else, to further the "idea" that they were all in danger and had to flee.


Under her poor broken body.



I noticed no remorse/guilt in her face.

But faces of both men scream guilt IMO.
Look at the sketch I sent upthread.
They both sit in defensive position with arms tightly folded on chest.
She is sitting upright with arms at her sides.

As a woman, she had little to say in this family IMO.
Her hands were full with 6 kids.
Olga, the 1st wife, was treated in a horrible way by U.
He seems violent/unhinged.

I don't defend B.
I'm sure she was mean to her stepdaughter.
She didn't protect her as mother should.
She allowed this tragedy to happen.

But I doubt the injuries were caused by her.

But, of course, it is ONLY my impression/opinion.

great observation.
I do think women are capable of this damage especially of a small child but NOT by accident. She would have had to be enraged with Sara. I believe the Father and Uncle contributed to her abuse.
I hope the other children feel safe enough to tell the police what happened.
They absolutely are capable. I can think of a dozen cases off the top of my head, but Gannon stands out for pure brutality and severe calculated homicidal violence.

There is nothing about this case so far that makes me think B wasn't fully capable of everything that was done to this child, all on her own. That doesn't mean she did it all, but there was nothing a woman couldn't do to a person much larger than herself. Women can and do bruise, batter and strangle, with fatal results.

They absolutely are capable. I can think of a dozen cases off the top of my head, but Gannon stands out for pure brutality and severe calculated homicidal violence.

There is nothing about this case so far that makes me think B wasn't fully capable of everything that was done to this child, all on her own. That doesn't mean she did it all, but there was nothing a woman couldn't do to a person much larger than herself. Women can and do bruise, batter and strangle, with fatal results.


I think we are going to find out she was the human punching bag for the entire family.
Because why didn't she say something otherwise? Take the children to a domestic shelter?
They absolutely are capable. I can think of a dozen cases off the top of my head, but Gannon stands out for pure brutality and severe calculated homicidal violence.

There is nothing about this case so far that makes me think B wasn't fully capable of everything that was done to this child, all on her own. That doesn't mean she did it all, but there was nothing a woman couldn't do to a person much larger than herself. Women can and do bruise, batter and strangle, with fatal results.

But why would she do it solely by herself if her husband is known for deranged attacks on his Polish wife?

He strangled Olga with a belt, wanted to set her on fire, beat her, threatened to kill her, etc.

Violent madman addicted to gambling, borrowing money from others.

And keeping this weird brother in their house.

Who knows how he treated his second wife (not really a wife) whose only task seemed to be giving birth to more and more children?
She was either pregnant, or recovering from latest pregnancy.
Dependent completely on him economically (being a housewife).

My God, what these poor children had to go through in this mad house!

If anyone needs urgent therapy, it is them!
Plus peace and quiet with a loving family.

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If the Father had a severe gambling addiction he may have trafficked his daughter for money. I hate to say it, but this story is far worse than an angry stepmother who lost her temper one day.
Agree with this. It also makes sense for the following reasons:
- Police investigating their previous residence. Why do this if it's an abuse case within one family? What would they be looking for at an old residence if it isn't third party DNA, drugs, etc?
- Surrey Police asking for information on "a picture of Sara's life" in the months leading up to her murder. Obviously this is important to understand whether the abuse was long-term, but I've not known this request for information from other abuse cases.
- The fact that the trial isn't taking place for another year. This seems odd (although anyone with legal background please shed light if not!) and so my guess is that they're trying to find out more about third parties and a larger criminal network before continuing with this trial.
Obviously this is all MOO and speculation, however it does feel like there's more to it in this case.
I think that the only punchbag in the family was poor Sara. Maybe she was seen as precocious because she was asserting herself and perhaps talking back (as most children do as they grow), maybe Beinash was jealous/resented of her (Olga did say that Sara resembled her). Maybe Sara was refusing to look after the younger kids (like most kids pushback regarding doing the chores). (MOO)

Perhaps the 13yr old boy may have been treated like that when he was younger but as he grew older and taller, the violence may have been switched to Sara so she felt the full brunt of it.

I don't think the other kids were treated like that (IMOO).
This is why I think that Beinash was the main one (she wasnt harming her kids but the 2 that she was lumbered with). She had access to Sara most of the time and inflicted most of the harm.

Urfan and Faisal also used the wee lass as their punching bag.(IMO)

Maybe she was trying to speak to the uncle and he didn't want to communicate with her (as he doesn't like to talk to women and she looked grownup) and he resented her coming up to him? IMOO
Maybe she was complaining to her father about being beaten by Beinash and the father thought she was constantly "whinging"? IMOO
I do think that food was withheld from her too - she is so thin in the photo with the light blue outfit (MOO).
The above is my speculating as to why the little girl was subject to such a high intensity of violence. It truly beggars belief that the little body has sustained so many injuries - and over such a long period of time!
Anyone who can do such harm are evil in every sense - evil monsters! (I would like to say other words but I have to type responsibly!)
Agree with this. It also makes sense for the following reasons:
- Police investigating their previous residence. Why do this if it's an abuse case within one family? What would they be looking for at an old residence if it isn't third party DNA, drugs, etc?
- Surrey Police asking for information on "a picture of Sara's life" in the months leading up to her murder. Obviously this is important to understand whether the abuse was long-term, but I've not known this request for information from other abuse cases.
- The fact that the trial isn't taking place for another year. This seems odd (although anyone with legal background please shed light if not!) and so my guess is that they're trying to find out more about third parties and a larger criminal network before continuing with this trial.
Obviously this is all MOO and speculation, however it does feel like there's more to it in this case.
I’m not sure that the delay before the trial can necessarily be seen as anything other than the woeful delays to the England & Wales court system brought on by years of underfunding: Courts backlog England and Wales 2023 | Statista
They absolutely are capable. I can think of a dozen cases off the top of my head, but Gannon stands out for pure brutality and severe calculated homicidal violence.

There is nothing about this case so far that makes me think B wasn't fully capable of everything that was done to this child, all on her own. That doesn't mean she did it all, but there was nothing a woman couldn't do to a person much larger than herself. Women can and do bruise, batter and strangle, with fatal results.

Good to see you here. I agree with your post. The horrors we learnt through the Stauch trial showed just what women can be capable of.

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