UK - Sara Sharif, 10, found murdered in house, Surrey, Aug 2023 *POIs ARREST* #2

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A lot is being done "behind the scenes" concerning the kids.

And they are staying in this facility on temporary basis.

I doubt they will ever be returned to Pakistani family.


The siblings of Sara Sharif are being fed stale bread and are constantly crying and upset because authorities in Pakistan are not looking after them properly, their grandfather has told MailOnline.

Muhammad Sharif appeared in a court in the Pakistani city of Jhelum to try and get custody of Sara's five siblings, who are aged between one and 13.

Speaking to MailOnline ahead of the custody hearing in Jhelum, their grandfather said: 'The children belong to our family, and we should be looking after them.

'I have been to visit them at the home where they are staying, and the conditions are not good while their health is deteriorating. They are being fed stale bread and are not being treated properly. It's not right that they are not with us.

He added: 'We can give them the love and the support that they need at this difficult time. The children are crying all the time and say that they want me to take them home.'

Mr Sharif told the court that two of the female children have special needs, while another suffers from severe asthma. The youngest is still being bottle fed.

He said: 'I want to take my grandchildren to live with me in my home in Jhelum. Two of the girls need to be in a special school and require a lot of support while my eldest grandchild is a very good cricketer, and I would like to enrol him in one of the city's best private schools.

'The authorities in Pakistan do not have the resources or the time to look after these children.'

Am not sure Muhammad Sharif has exactly the best record on accurate reporting.

Sara Sharif: Surrey to launch safeguarding review into girl’s death​

Council will examine if more could have been done in case of 10-year-old whose relatives are accused of her murder

A safeguarding review has been announced into the case of Sara Sharif and whether more could have been done to prevent the 10-year-old’s death.


The review of Sara’s case was announced by Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) and will examine all agencies which could have played a role in protecting her, including police, health, social care and education.

The SSCP’s independent chairman, Derek Benson, said: “On behalf of the SSCP, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to anyone who knew and cared about Sara Sharif.

“Following Sara’s tragic death in Woking, I can confirm that a local child safeguarding practice review will be undertaken. This review will be independently led by the SSCP and is a statutory process that will bring together partners including the police, health, social care and education to review the practice of all agencies involved with the family and identify any learning.

“This process is likely to take some time, and findings may not be shared by the SSCP until the partnership is assured that doing so will not prejudice any future legal proceedings,” said Benson.

A plea hearing for the three relatives accused of her murder will take place at the Old Bailey on 1 December.


The eldest boy has mother living in the UK.
His Polish family wants him back.
I agree! His Polish heritage is completely being ignored!

Sara and the brother's heritage is part Polish. Even when they were staying with the father, the father should have provided this part of their identity. Instead they were kept away from their mother who could have given them this rooting in their culture. (MOO)

Sara was put in a hijab (without the mother agreeing to this) and in my opinion not for religious reasons but to hide the torment she was undergoing! (IMO)

Is the grandfather going to teach him about his Polish heritage?! Doubt it!

And my confidence in his raising children is quite low given how two of his sons turned out in terms of violence towards children...(JMO)

The children are British citizens and should be under the guardianship of the UK government. I do believe it is a matter of time before the children are brought back to UK.

And, I do hope that the boy re-unites with his Polish family, although I fear this may be a while.

- this weird uncle lived with the family
- HE paid for the tickets
- HE fled
- the note said THIRD PARTY
suggesting sb else apart from parents
- HE was also charged for murder
- the photos of him give me weird vibes
(in the airport photo he looks strangely defiant)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think the uncle might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and may have had nothing to do with Sara's abuse / murder. He was missing from the video clip recorded by the stepmother / father and no-one referenced him at all. IMO, there's possibility that this is because he wasn't involved and the guilty party / parties know this.

IMO, I still believe that this is a case of a child being scapegoated and beatings being administered as a way of asserting control (both over the child, with other children also falling into line when they see what happens to a scapegoat). It would be highly unusual for the uncle (assuming he has a patriarchal mindset) to start getting involved in any form of child-rearing, including enforcing discipline. As I've said previously, I think the stepmother had the most access to Sara and this access is likely to have increased as Sara got older and started to identify more with the female caregiver, perhaps with the male caregiver taking even more of a backseat because of that.

I think the "weirdness" of the uncle may have more to do with his visa / immigration status. International students have to show evidence that they can support themselves (usually in the form of funds in a bank account) and would not be allowed to take any form of state assistance (such as living in a council house - albeit with his brother), and that's if he's a genuine student. Sometimes, the student visa system is used as a legal way to gain entry to the UK in order to work. Either way, I suspect the uncle felt he had something to hide from the authorities regarding his visa / work / living arrangements and that may be why he implicated himself in all of this by fleeing with the family. The fact that he paid for the tickets can be explained by his "international student" status (whereby he would have needed thousands in a bank account) and / or if he's been working instead of studying during his time in the UK.

I may be wrong - JMO
I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think the uncle might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and may have had nothing to do with Sara's abuse / murder. He was missing from the video clip recorded by the stepmother / father and no-one referenced him at all. IMO, there's possibility that this is because he wasn't involved and the guilty party / parties know this.

IMO, I still believe that this is a case of a child being scapegoated and beatings being administered as a way of asserting control (both over the child, with other children also falling into line when they see what happens to a scapegoat). It would be highly unusual for the uncle (assuming he has a patriarchal mindset) to start getting involved in any form of child-rearing, including enforcing discipline. As I've said previously, I think the stepmother had the most access to Sara and this access is likely to have increased as Sara got older and started to identify more with the female caregiver, perhaps with the male caregiver taking even more of a backseat because of that.

I think the "weirdness" of the uncle may have more to do with his visa / immigration status. International students have to show evidence that they can support themselves (usually in the form of funds in a bank account) and would not be allowed to take any form of state assistance (such as living in a council house - albeit with his brother), and that's if he's a genuine student. Sometimes, the student visa system is used as a legal way to gain entry to the UK in order to work. Either way, I suspect the uncle felt he had something to hide from the authorities regarding his visa / work / living arrangements and that may be why he implicated himself in all of this by fleeing with the family. The fact that he paid for the tickets can be explained by his "international student" status (whereby he would have needed thousands in a bank account) and / or if he's been working instead of studying during his time in the UK.

I may be wrong - JMO
You quoted only part of my post :)
I noticed no remorse/guilt in her face.

But faces of both men scream guilt IMO.
Look at the sketch I sent upthread.
They both sit in defensive position with arms tightly folded on chest.
She is sitting upright with arms at her sides.

And that's what I find unsettling, for a woman who is likely to have spent the most time with Sara (even taking her out of school to "home school" her)! People shed more tears over strangers' children, and yet this woman barely seems to acknowledge that her stepdaughter died. Yep, just an "incident" to her. Huge disclaimer, because obviously even a psychologist wouldn't be able to comment without a proper assessment, but something about this woman screams psychopath. JMO
And that's what I find unsettling, for a woman who is likely to have spent the most time with Sara (even taking her out of school to "home school" her)! People shed more tears over strangers' children, and yet this woman barely seems to acknowledge that her stepdaughter died. Yep, just an "incident" to her. Huge disclaimer, because obviously even a psychologist wouldn't be able to comment without a proper assessment, but something about this woman screams psychopath. JMO
I think you might be right :(

I even think she complained about Sara to her father and he administered punishment.

With the obvious result :(

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think the uncle might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and may have had nothing to do with Sara's abuse / murder. He was missing from the video clip recorded by the stepmother / father and no-one referenced him at all. IMO, there's possibility that this is because he wasn't involved and the guilty party / parties know this.

IMO, I still believe that this is a case of a child being scapegoated and beatings being administered as a way of asserting control (both over the child, with other children also falling into line when they see what happens to a scapegoat). It would be highly unusual for the uncle (assuming he has a patriarchal mindset) to start getting involved in any form of child-rearing, including enforcing discipline. As I've said previously, I think the stepmother had the most access to Sara and this access is likely to have increased as Sara got older and started to identify more with the female caregiver, perhaps with the male caregiver taking even more of a backseat because of that.

I think the "weirdness" of the uncle may have more to do with his visa / immigration status. International students have to show evidence that they can support themselves (usually in the form of funds in a bank account) and would not be allowed to take any form of state assistance (such as living in a council house - albeit with his brother), and that's if he's a genuine student. Sometimes, the student visa system is used as a legal way to gain entry to the UK in order to work. Either way, I suspect the uncle felt he had something to hide from the authorities regarding his visa / work / living arrangements and that may be why he implicated himself in all of this by fleeing with the family. The fact that he paid for the tickets can be explained by his "international student" status (whereby he would have needed thousands in a bank account) and / or if he's been working instead of studying during his time in the UK.

I may be wrong - JMO

it was a small house with shared bedrooms
there's no way he didn't witness/hear the violence IMO
he had a responsibility to contact police if he knew, not just if he participated
Young children find bottoms and any thing to do with them hilarious. It is not unusual for a child to flash their bottom as a joke. We do not know if they were strangers.

Most adults deal with it by having a quiet word with the child ,not smacking them.
Catching up on the horrible murder. Anecdotally, my oldest brother and his classmate apparently in about grade 3 asked a grade one girl to pull up her skirt and flash them. She did. My Mom said Suzie was quietly spoken to and told to never do it again and was not punished. My brother and his classmate received the strap. JME
The hurried, almost frantic, way in which they departed….calling at 10pm on the Tuesday, requesting the earliest flight and then leaving the following day…did seem to indicate that Sara had only just died/been killed on that day.
But it is also possible that she had died/was killed earlier , maybe even a week before ? and the 3 adults had then spent time trying to decide what to do.
It would be a lot to give up, their nice UK life and have to go into hiding in Pakistan. I think they may have taken some time to try and find a better solution for themselves.
I too have wondered about a confirmed date of death, sorry to be gross, but if the date was earlier, it crossed my mind that perhaps decomp could have made identification by her Mom more difficult? I of course don't know. Sorry if the date has been confirmed, I am very late catching up. Poor little angel. :confused:
ummm? unsure if you intended to say something so racist or not, but most pakistani families do not murder children...
Please, do not accuse me of racism o_O
This case is of a particular family.

I was NOT talking about ALL families, but of a specific one.
After all, an alleged murderer comes from THIS family.

Besides, abuse of children happen, unfortunately, ALL OVER the world.
Abusers and murderers are found in ALL nations.

I hope, I made myself clear!!! :rolleyes:

I don't like being accused of crimes I didn't commit.
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Please, do not accuse me of racism o_O
This case is of a particular family.

I was NOT talking about ALL families, but of a specific one.
After all, an alleged murderer comes from THIS family.

Besides, abuse of children happen, unfortunately, ALL OVER the world.
Abusers and murderers are found in ALL nations.

I hope, I made myself clear!!! :rolleyes:

I don't like being accused of crimes I didn't commit.
I don't think the grandpa should be discriminated against for trying to take care of his family. He didn't do anything to Sara.

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