GUILTY UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London, Clapham Common area, 3 Mar 2021 *Life sentence* #16

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I'm torn between "just another killer returning to the crime scene" and " did he want to be caught, to be stopped ?".

But then....take your children there ?
You have ruined their lives even more than just your actions against Sarah alone .

I think that may have been deliberate cover for him in case anyone said he’d been seen there recently. He could say yeah I was there with my kids playing in the woods - family day out.

But on a more sick sinister note I wonder if he actually got a kick out of it as well. Certainly no remorse there.
The killer was up early on Mar 8 - the day he was schedueld back at work for a first aid refresher.

He went to a petrol station, a McDonald's drive-thru in Folkestone and then a Homebase to collect a flat-packed garden trolley from the “Click & Collect” desk.

At 10:10am he gave the Seat an exterior clean in an automatic car wash in Folkestone before driving around various parts of Kent.

He was sent a message asking if he was coming in, but he did not reply immediately.

At 4pm the defendant told his colleague by text that he was sick and "send my apologies to the instructor, the system obviously hasn’t updated".

But the defendant was in fact about to drive to London in the Seat to return items to his police locker that he had used and had with him when he kidnapped Sarah Everard.

He pulled up at the Lillie Road base in the Seat after paying the £12.50 congestion charge.

Couzens entered his police base on foot via the rear gate, which was unusual as pedestrians would normally use the front entrance.

He was carrying a rucksack over his shoulder which clearly contained items, the court heard.

His entry to the rear entrance of the base was logged at 6:52pm. At about 7:05pm the defendant approached the base Sergeant at Lillie Road and told him he wanted to hand in his “blue card” - his firearms authorisation card.

There was no requirement for him to have attended the base in order to do this and PS Davies’ remote suspension of his armoury pass would have stopped him drawing a firearm in any event.

Mr Little, prosecuting, said: "At 7:10pm PS Davies was notified that the defendant had let himself in using his warrant card and had handed in his blue authorised firearms officer card.

"Concerned that he should be in a firearms base at all, PS Davies made immediate enquiries but was told the defendant had already left.

"The defendant’s arrival and departure from Lillie Road were captured on CCTV. Approximately 11 minutes of his time there is unaccounted for.

"He was last seen heading in the direction of the part of the base where the changing rooms and his locker was located."

Couzens then travelled home to Deal via Central London and the A2.

The following day, on Mar 9, Couzens was back at Homebase in Folkestone, carrying a white box.

He returned the flat-pack trolley collected the day before as the base was missing and he collected a replacement.

The transaction took about 10 minutes and the member of staff who dealt with it thought there was nothing untoward about the defendant’s demeanour during their interaction.

The defendant then left the shop and returned home to Deal, where he seems to have remained for the rest of the day.

The returned trolley was put into a waste-disposal skip at Homebase. It has since been recovered by the police.

It has been forensically examined, but there are no significant findings – it is not known whether the purchase of this item was connected with any future plans of the defendant to further dispose of or conceal Sarah Everard’s remains.

The key breakthrough for police was the hire car. By now, the news of Sarah Everard's disappearance was already seismic.

CCTV from the Route 157 bus was received by the police investigating Sarah Everard’s disappearance.

And immediate analysis of that CCTV and ANPR records led the police to identify the Vauxhall Crossland as the vehicle of interest seen on Poynders Road parked next to two figures, one of which matched the description of Sarah Everard.

This led them to make enquiries at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and to identify the defendant through the details held there. Research relating to the telephone number he had supplied to Enterprise quickly identified that he was a serving Metropolitan Police officer.

Officers first attended 89 Freemens Way, Deal at approximately 5:45pm but they did not approach or enter the address.

At 7.11pm on Tuesday, Mar 9, the defendant’s Galaxy Note 10+ 5 G mobile telephone handset was re-set to factory conditions by the defendant and set-up with an email address

This is not something that he had ever done before on that device and it was therefore unusual.

At 7.45pm, two police officers - DI Harvey and DS Kerr - knocked on the front door of the Couzens family home.

They identified themselves as police officers and took the defendant by both arms and walked him into the living room, followed by Pc Sales, whose bodyworn camera was activated throughout.

Couzens offered no resistance. He was handcuffed, arrested by PC Sales on suspicion of the kidnap of Sarah Everard and cautioned.

He was searched and his mobile telephone was seized from the pocket of his shorts, along with a Homebase receipt for the exchange of the garden mesh cart

An extensive search of 89 Freemens Way began. Whilst other officers spoke to Couzens' wife and took care of the children - who were also present in the house - between 7:51pm and 8:30pm, DI Harvey and DS Kerr conducted an urgent interview in order to try and ascertain the whereabouts of Sarah Everard.

Couzens was shown a photograph of Sarah Everard and asked if he knew her.

At first, he said he did not know her, had not personally met her and only knew of her disappearance from what he had seen on the news.

He said: "No, why would I have personal interactions with her?"

Sarah Everard murder: Wayne Couzens 'may have used Covid rules to arrest and kidnap victim'

What I find bizarre is that he did the rape and murder in his own car, when the hire car would be fully valeted, but didn’t even clean the inside of the Seat - just put it through a car wash. That smacks to me of arrogance and confidence that it won’t be traced to him.
I don't see arrogance, I don't see a sociopath or psychopath - I see a pathetic, weak, inadequate, damaged little ego that feels so irrelevant and small that he wanted to gain power from, being in the Police, TA's, carrying a gun, wearing a uniform (ego extensions) muscles, roids, abusing women using sex, rape and murder as a tool, in order to make himself feel like his perceived version of a powerful 'man'.
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I think it is a pretty hefty sum of money to be in debt by when he was driving an old banger around.

It wasn't quite an old banger - worth about £5k at the time of the murder although 9 years old but interestingly had 2 massive gaps in MOT history from expiring April 2017- to Sept 2017 and then from Sept 2018 to Jan 2019. And then was presented for MOT 2 days after expiry this year. Surprising for an ex-mechanic and police officer although not that uncommon generally, it does reinforce the financial difficulties / disorganised life.

Assuming he owned the car for those periods above.
The killer was up early on Mar 8 - the day he was schedueld back at work for a first aid refresher.

He went to a petrol station, a McDonald's drive-thru in Folkestone and then a Homebase to collect a flat-packed garden trolley from the “Click & Collect” desk.

At 10:10am he gave the Seat an exterior clean in an automatic car wash in Folkestone before driving around various parts of Kent.

He was sent a message asking if he was coming in, but he did not reply immediately.

At 4pm the defendant told his colleague by text that he was sick and "send my apologies to the instructor, the system obviously hasn’t updated".

But the defendant was in fact about to drive to London in the Seat to return items to his police locker that he had used and had with him when he kidnapped Sarah Everard.

He pulled up at the Lillie Road base in the Seat after paying the £12.50 congestion charge.

Couzens entered his police base on foot via the rear gate, which was unusual as pedestrians would normally use the front entrance.

He was carrying a rucksack over his shoulder which clearly contained items, the court heard.

His entry to the rear entrance of the base was logged at 6:52pm. At about 7:05pm the defendant approached the base Sergeant at Lillie Road and told him he wanted to hand in his “blue card” - his firearms authorisation card.

There was no requirement for him to have attended the base in order to do this and PS Davies’ remote suspension of his armoury pass would have stopped him drawing a firearm in any event.

Mr Little, prosecuting, said: "At 7:10pm PS Davies was notified that the defendant had let himself in using his warrant card and had handed in his blue authorised firearms officer card.

"Concerned that he should be in a firearms base at all, PS Davies made immediate enquiries but was told the defendant had already left.

"The defendant’s arrival and departure from Lillie Road were captured on CCTV. Approximately 11 minutes of his time there is unaccounted for.

"He was last seen heading in the direction of the part of the base where the changing rooms and his locker was located."

Couzens then travelled home to Deal via Central London and the A2.

The following day, on Mar 9, Couzens was back at Homebase in Folkestone, carrying a white box.

He returned the flat-pack trolley collected the day before as the base was missing and he collected a replacement.

The transaction took about 10 minutes and the member of staff who dealt with it thought there was nothing untoward about the defendant’s demeanour during their interaction.

The defendant then left the shop and returned home to Deal, where he seems to have remained for the rest of the day.

The returned trolley was put into a waste-disposal skip at Homebase. It has since been recovered by the police.

It has been forensically examined, but there are no significant findings – it is not known whether the purchase of this item was connected with any future plans of the defendant to further dispose of or conceal Sarah Everard’s remains.

The key breakthrough for police was the hire car. By now, the news of Sarah Everard's disappearance was already seismic.

CCTV from the Route 157 bus was received by the police investigating Sarah Everard’s disappearance.

And immediate analysis of that CCTV and ANPR records led the police to identify the Vauxhall Crossland as the vehicle of interest seen on Poynders Road parked next to two figures, one of which matched the description of Sarah Everard.

This led them to make enquiries at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and to identify the defendant through the details held there. Research relating to the telephone number he had supplied to Enterprise quickly identified that he was a serving Metropolitan Police officer.

Officers first attended 89 Freemens Way, Deal at approximately 5:45pm but they did not approach or enter the address.

At 7.11pm on Tuesday, Mar 9, the defendant’s Galaxy Note 10+ 5 G mobile telephone handset was re-set to factory conditions by the defendant and set-up with an email address

This is not something that he had ever done before on that device and it was therefore unusual.

At 7.45pm, two police officers - DI Harvey and DS Kerr - knocked on the front door of the Couzens family home.

They identified themselves as police officers and took the defendant by both arms and walked him into the living room, followed by Pc Sales, whose bodyworn camera was activated throughout.

Couzens offered no resistance. He was handcuffed, arrested by PC Sales on suspicion of the kidnap of Sarah Everard and cautioned.

He was searched and his mobile telephone was seized from the pocket of his shorts, along with a Homebase receipt for the exchange of the garden mesh cart

An extensive search of 89 Freemens Way began. Whilst other officers spoke to Couzens' wife and took care of the children - who were also present in the house - between 7:51pm and 8:30pm, DI Harvey and DS Kerr conducted an urgent interview in order to try and ascertain the whereabouts of Sarah Everard.

Couzens was shown a photograph of Sarah Everard and asked if he knew her.

At first, he said he did not know her, had not personally met her and only knew of her disappearance from what he had seen on the news.

He said: "No, why would I have personal interactions with her?"

Sarah Everard murder: Wayne Couzens 'may have used Covid rules to arrest and kidnap victim'

This is Wayne Couzens dropping into Costa for a coffee and a bakewell tart, hours after abducting, raping and killing #SarahEverard and leaving her body in the woods

The coward. Taking full advantage of Covid - firstly with the fake arrest and then mask wearing very convenient so you can’t be recognised.
What I find bizarre is that he did the rape and murder in his own car, when the hire car would be fully valeted, but didn’t even clean the inside of the Seat - just put it through a car wash. That smacks to me of arrogance and confidence that it won’t be traced to him.
He is not the sharpest tool. Combine that with his arrogance and cockiness and he thought he was home and dry. But he’s a very sad pathetic individual. (His poor, poor kids to have had their presumably role model policeman father reduced to an imbecilic incoherent rambling idiot spinning some ridiculous tale in handcuffs - I hope they are back in Ukraine and not having to see this. It’s on every tv news and will be on every paper tomorrow too).
Thanks for this video.
My God, he looks sooo pathetic sitting on the sofa, mumbling sth like an idiot! I couldnt understand half of what he was saying.
He looked scared.
Not so cocky, didnt he?
It’s the worst cover story I’ve ever heard.

The police ask him how the supposed “gang” would contact him and he just… tries to change the subject? As if they’re just going to forget they asked the question?
He literally had no story prepared!
Well. I can't wait to hear what the psychiatrist has to say, assuming WC has been assessed, and really hope we get info about that tomorrow.

It felt at the time that his pathetic attempts at 'self harm' were all part of a charade to add to an insanity plea. Running up against a wall and bashing his own head in.
It’s the worst cover story I’ve ever heard.

The police ask him how the supposed “gang” would contact him and he just… tries to change the subject? As if they’re just going to forget they asked the question?
He literally had no story prepared!
Well, I didnt understand what he was spouting. But maybe it is for the better.
And sl
I guess the reason for the hire car was because it would appear more like an unmarked police car than his Seat would have? I think I read that his Seat was not in good condition.
And also thinking it wouldn’t be traced to him or recognised maybe.
Jesus …. Just caught up and thanks to everyone for the updates. Horrific details today, the family impact statements beautifully eloquent and heartbreaking at the same time.
FWIW I don’t think WC has killed before but I think he has assaulted women many MANY times. I suspect in the days to come they will come forward in the press with their stories of what happened.
The MET are in a very difficult position and it will be interesting to hear their comments after sentencing and they will HAVE to make changes to their vetting process I feel. just watched the longer Daily Mail video and he doesn’t come across as the sharpest and that’s being polite, he comes across as simple, far from articulate and FGS the story is laughable.
A poster up thread said she hoped his wife gave an interview for £££
Personally I would find that hideous, nobody should profit in any way shape and form from Sarah’s horrific murder. She has a job and can support herself ( I also think and red arrow away she must of known something of his depravity - would you not question rolls of carpet covers / builders bags / lube and penis pumps ? I know I would.
This creature must never be released.
A whole life tariff tomorrow.
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I agree. I've said that in earlier threads that I think this was the first one he got caught at. Likely the others were homeless and or druggies that no one cared that much about. Sad but I think it's true.

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he’s done it to sex workers and homeless/addicted women. They just don’t receive the same courtesy when they go missing, they’re not reported missing very quickly if at all, their cases are closed without conclusions. He could have easily killed X amount and gotten away with it and thus became so confident that he thought he’d get away with attacking just anyone. MOO - could also have just been the fact that he’s a loser and desperately wanted to feel some sort of control and live out a perverted fantasy before the indecent exposure and debt came to light. Piece of
Or to threaten
A craft knife (found in his car) is essentially a razor blade pen. You can use it for scoring and mark making. Very sharp and if I’m thinking worst case scenario, could have been used to mark and superficially mutilate her body. Presumably such injuries would be eradicated by fire.

Or used to threaten and intimidate. I hope she put up a fight but he didn’t seem injured apart from scratches to the head. Although if handcuffed - doesn’t bear thinking about.
Jesus …. Just caught up and thanks to everyone for the updates. Horrific details today, the family impact statements beautifully eloquent and heartbreaking at the same time.
FWIW I don’t think WC has killed before but I think he has assaulted women many MANY times. I suspect in the days to come they will come forward in the press with their stories of what happened.
The MET are in a very difficult position and it will be interesting to hear their comments after sentencing and they will HAVE to make changes to their vetting process I feel. just watched the longer Daily Mail video and he doesn’t come across as the sharpest and that’s being polite, he comes across as simple, far from articulate and FGS the story is laughable.
A poster up thread said she hoped his wife gave an interview for £££
Personally I would find that hideous, nobody should profit in any way shape and form from Sarah’s horrific murder. She has a job and can support herself ( I also think and red arrow away she must of known something of his depravity - would you not question rolls of carpet covers / builders bags / lube and penis pumps ? I know I would.
This creature must never be released.
A whole life tariff tomorrow.

Agree. She must have known about the penis pump. And also the DEBT.
Perhaps his urges/fantasies had been satisfied by him spending money visiting sex workers but as his debt increased and repayments had to start being repaid he no longer could afford to do that.

How much do prostitutes charge for their company? Surely not more than a plot of woodland, a hire car, a roll of plastic covering, adhesive tape, 2 builders bags, a gardener's mesh trolley thing and a packet of pony tail bands?
Miss Everard's sister demands killer looks her in the eye as she talks
Katie Everard, Sarah's sister, addressed Wayne Couzens directly from the stand at the Old Bailey.

Staring at him, she said sternly: "Please look at me when I talk to you. This is only half of what I want to say."

You treated Sarah as if she was nothing. Placed more emphasis on satisfying your sick, disgusting perversions than on a life.

Her life. You disposed of my sister's body like it was rubbish. Fly-tipped her like she meant nothing. She meant everything.

We couldn't even see her, she was so badly burnt.

Her brain was removed from her skull to check for trauma and cause of death - I still don't know if they put her brain back in her head or whether it is lying next to her body in her coffin.

Sarah Everard murder: Wayne Couzens 'may have abused lockdown powers to arrest and kidnap victim'

I found the family statements moving but also surprising that they spoke to him directly. I don’t think I would even want to look at him at all and have the memory of his face. Maybe they had advice about achieving closure by doing this or something. It was brave but surprising. And my concern is he would not be moved by it and it gives him more attention if he really is a sicko. So I think it must be that they wanted to do this for their own stage of grief.
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