UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #3

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To be honest they don’t look particularly fussed about that in general. The cordon is not that far back and most of what they are doing is being captured by normal cameras yet alone the long lense capabilities of the media
And yet, this seems like a pretty large thoroughfare to be completely blocked. I tend to believe this is a matter of importance due to that.
If a body was found in the flats, the public would know within a few hours at most. The procedure would be preserving the scene, informing the family and making an appeal whilst updating to a murder investigation. The police in London would not for want of a better phrase ‘sit on a body’ for any significant length of time, especially if a perp who could strike again is not in custody.

Can I just ask anyone on here if they would know what the standard protocol would be if a body had been found in the flats? Would it be cordoned off with police guard overnight to allow forensics time to examine? Would residents have to be removed? Could the police tell MSM to carry on with the ‘missing person’ line until the morning or would the MSM find out and create a story anyway? Just wondering if it’s standard to close a road and have police guards when it’s just a standard search
Can I just ask anyone on here if they would know what the standard protocol would be if a body had been found in the flats? Would it be cordoned off with police guard overnight to allow forensics time to examine? Would residents have to be removed? Could the police tell MSM to carry on with the ‘missing person’ line until the morning or would the MSM find out and create a story anyway? Just wondering if it’s standard to close a road and have police guards when it’s just a standard search

I would like to know this too. Initially people were saying that the forensics teams being there coupled with that particular building being cordoned off probably pointed to something significant relating to one of the flats, but presumably if that was the case we would know something by now? But could there be a reason they want to keep things under wraps for now? It's notable to me that they've cordoned off the street now and done extensive forensics work just on this one side of the pavement near Poynders Court, and have only gone into the one building there. When there were police teams across the road, around Poynders Gardens and Agnes Riley, the road wasn't cordoned off and there wasn't anywhere near the same level of forensic work being done, and no buildings entered, so this doesn't seem like they're just indiscriminately combing the whole area near where her signal was lost.

This is all JMO/just me trying to make sense of things...
And yet, this seems like a pretty large thoroughfare to be completely blocked. I tend to believe this is a matter of importance due to that.

I think it is but they don’t seem to be concerned by what is captured. The latest videos of the ground search are taken by someone literally 5-10 meters away
Sorry, I’m arriving late and I’ve tried my best to catch up, have police entered a flat? Or are they searching communal areas?
And yet, this seems like a pretty large thoroughfare to be completely blocked. I tend to believe this is a matter of importance due to that.

It is a large thoroughfare - however, I tend to think that the police/forensics performed these procedures today (very near the spot where she was last seen) due to the heavy rain that is due tomorrow and the following day, which would wash any potential evidence away. Rather than based on any specific 'tip' or suspicions.

To give you an idea of the weather forecast in the area:

It is a large thoroughfare - however, I tend to think that the police/forensics performed these procedures today (very near the spot where she was last seen) due to the heavy rain that is due tomorrow and the following day, which would wash any potential evidence away. Rather than based on any specific 'tip' or suspicions.
But one still wonders why Police went into and cordoned off the Poynder Court building
It is a large thoroughfare - however, I tend to think that the police/forensics performed these procedures today (very near the spot where she was last seen) due to the heavy rain that is due tomorrow and the following day, which would wash any potential evidence away. Rather than based on any specific 'tip' or suspicions.
seems plausible, but has it not rained in London since SE went missing? Also, seems a little surprising it has taken nearly a week to carry out such an extensive search here as it was determined that it was around here she went missing pretty early on /shrug
If you go with the abduction theory I find it far more probable that it was by car then anything else.

For all the problems of bundling someone into a car they are magnified if she was dragged to a building or into a park.

A car pulling up alongside would be 2-3 meters at most to move someone and once inside fairly soundproofed to the outside World.

The nearest buildings from where they are searching are many times that and to there or outside would be a lot further and potentially generate a lot more noise.

If it’s conceivable she was dragged into a park or property without it being noticed it’s far more feasible she could be dragged into a car
But one still wonders why Police went into and cordoned off the Poynder Court building

We don't know if they only cordoned off this section of road/building, there may be several other potential points of her journey that were cordoned and not publicised.

I'm not saying it's 'only because of the rain' but I do believe that they'll be aware of the weather forecast, and will be doing ANY outdoor forensic examinations as quickly as possible - irrespective of a firm lead, in a 'just in case' manner.
seems plausible, but has it not rained in London since SE went missing? Also, seems a little surprising it has taken nearly a week to carry out such an extensive search here as it was determined that it was around here she went missing pretty early on /shrug
Perhaps they've received Intel very recently?
I just wanted to comment on posts stating the media have "confirmed" a certain person to be her partner. When my husband's stepmother disappeared while visiting Jamaica a few years ago (she was eventually found to have been murdered by an employee working on a house she owned there), some (British) guy started posting on social media claiming to have been her partner. This was not my father-in-law; I've never known what the full story was with him. It wouldn't have taken much journalistic effort to discover she was married to someone else and that the imposter wasn't on the deeds of the property he claimed to own with her. Instead, almost every media outlet in the UK repeated his claims with no fact-checking at all. My grieving father-in-law had to do a Press Association interview I suspect he'd rather not have done, just to set the record straight. The ONLY UK media outlet to verify all its facts before running a story about the case was the BBC, so until they confirm the name of SE's partner, I personally would consider that and any other info on social media to be unverified.
Do we know which side of the road she took from her friends on the north-west side of the common?

From heading north to south on the route she walked, if she walked on the east side of the road she would have crossed at the lights at the lights on the Clapham South junction, and would have continued down cavendish rd, past the now out of use police station, and would have passed the area they’ve been searching tonight. If she didn’t cross at the beginning of her route, she would have walked down the west side of the road and probably crossed at the traffic lights outside Clapham South station, potentially walked down Hazlebury road and have continued on the side of Agnes Riley Gardens.

I’m a local that has walked this route a number of times and which side you were walking on would potentially determine your route forward due to crossings. These would have been my routes, of course she could have crossed either way at any time but knowing where the last cctv image was taken, and which side of the road she was on is very important.
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