According to a law dictionary: Human remains are “The body of a deceased person, in whole or in parts, regardless of its stage of decomposition.”
I understand why someone would be confused by the terminology and with all the speculation I bet they hope they just said “a body”. Still doesn’t justify saying that we know that something was done to her body, that’s the point I’m trying to make. We’ve only been told that she was found, and she was identified through dental records. Not saying that you did that, but I’ve seen it enough that I had to comment.
Not that it's of any importance, but people wouldn't be confused if the police said they had found human remains. But what the initial statement said was that they had found 'what appear to be' human remains. That wording creates doubt. I'm aware of course of how common that wording has become in media reports ('phone video footage appears to show a man smashing a window').