Found Deceased UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #11

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probably found a quiet safe place to stop to restrain her

if it was planned he would have cable ties/rope/tape.....if not planned he may have had handcuffs or could use the seat belts,jump leads or similar

Or he put her in the boot. Shudders as I type that. Whatever happened, must have been terrifying
This theory is often suggested...but does he think WC could have stopped his car leaving his door open as he did, walk around, flash her, her take a photo and them have a scuffle and him get her into the car...all on that road without anyone seeing?

The theory of him stopping, flashing his warrant card (maybe mentioning lockdown rules/attacker in the area), her drop her guard for a moment (rather than run/scream/move away) and long enough for him to bundle her into the car - or just snatching her - still seems more likely IMO, especially as I assume his training would cover getting people in a car quickly although he ended up guarding buildings.
With it being reported that he had both from doors open - if he’d got her in the passenger seat she could have jumped over and out the other side. If he managed to get there first surely she’d be making a noise or some kind. I’m finding this so baffling how he has done it so quickly and quietly.
Just wanted to raise the issue of the hire care = premeditation.
It seems to.

But equally, previous posters have discussed the difficulty of hiring cars without appropriate paperwork nowadays. Last time I hired a van, I had to submit my DL details online, also a code that the hirer could view my DVLA record.

We should remember that once police had the Astra number plate, they were able to move quickly, so he has, IMO, hired it in his own name or that of a close family member.
So he's not really made himself any less traceable for Sarah's murder, ultimately, than using his own vehicle.

So why use a hire car? Well, if regularly committing 'lesser' offences such as IE, perhaps LE see the database says 'Hire Car' when reviewing these and give up, without ever requesting info from the hire company (WC would know?)

Also to add, I feel EC is completely innocent, JMO, she may have gave him an alibi in the sense of 'he left for, and returned from work on X,Y,Z day', because she genuinely believed that.

Also to add, the only other thing I can link with Hire Car (if not Hertz, Europcar etc), is a garage courtesy car? But even then I can't see how this was arranged in a way that he thought he was making himself untraceable, as to do that you'd have leave a car with them for service/repair in exchange for the courtesy car,and that would have to be registered to a fake ID?
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I would assume he had knocked Sarah unconscious at first as it was a long drive back to Kent and it would have been too risky to have her fighting back. I also hope this for her sake so she didn't know what was happening. JMO

If she simply got into the front of the car (we don't know how but implied by the open doors) all the perp would have had to do is one quick and powerful bash against the dash and someone's knocked out. MOO
I was talking to my SO about this case, he works in LE albeit in a more rural part of the country. His opinion is that WC totally ‘got off’ on the previous IE event. When he finished his shift set on the morning of 3rd March (Police will normally do 6 days on then 4 off or something similar), returned home, told EC he was going to cover another night shift, hired a car and went back into London to continue with his IE and it went terribly wrong. He thinks that WC IE’d himself to Sarah, she had her phone to hand and took a photo and it escalated from there with the phone being quickly destroyed and SE rendered unconscious and kidnapped. This is all 100% opinion and speculation.

JMO Less chance of being on camera / CCTV though?
I feel like he would have been aware or semi-aware for how stretched for resources the police is and the likelihood of any reports being investigated. Plus, with CCTV you cannot guarantee that the shot is good enough for the person to be identified and the MET, and I assume big city police stations in general, are large enough for a person to slip through even if he is identifiable from a bad angle
The theory of him stopping, flashing his warrant card (maybe mentioning lockdown rules/attacker in the area), her drop her guard for a moment (rather than run/scream/move away) and long enough for him to bundle her into the car - or just snatching her - still seems more likely IMO, especially as I assume his training would cover getting people on a car quickly although he ended up guarding buildings.

This is the other scenario we discussed. My SO brings his tops and trousers home to wash but ALWAYS leaves is formal uniform and epaulettes etc in his locker at work. As soon as he clocks out he changes into ‘civvies’ and drives home. Wearing any part of a uniform outside working hours is considered a security risk and is not recommended at all.

WC could have been in full uniform on the night of 3rd March.
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Just thinking about stages of rigormortis and a body being placed inside a builders bag.

IMO It wouldn't be easy to place an intact body inside a builders bag once it had reached the rigor mortis stage, typically 6-8 hours after death. The bag is just not big enough.

After that rigor mortis disappears in 36 hours after death, followed by a phase of secondary flaccidity.

I don't quite know where I'm going with this. but to place an intact body in a bag that size would need to be done up to 6-8 hours after death, or after 36 hours after death.

Where did the bag come from, where was the body stored, if it's the latter.


Good point. My own thoughts were that the body was probably not disposed of straight away - we don't know what happened between 3rd and 9th when the alleged perpetrator was arrested, but my suspicion is, when the media became very public he did some more "clearing up" and disposed of or moved the body? And possibly around the 5th March when he contacted claiming he was suffering from stress. You would be suffering from stress if having to clean up your own murder and think about people catching you. All JMO, MOO, supposition.
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Easily. The question is, was the bag "closed" when it was dumped in the woods.
Another question would be, how did he get Sarah's body and the bag that far inside the woods? Carried it all? Put her in the big bag and dragged her?
The police found her body at 16.45hrs, so they didn't find it first thing in the morning when they started work, hence I'm thinking no drag marks on the forest floor.
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