UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #7

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A local poster on here said that people dump dead sheep there (uggggh) Could that be adding to the confusion re the remains? Also possibly why they need so many people there for so long to check through everything they find?

JMO - they're bound to be checking everything. Not just because standards are high anyhow, but because the revulsion as expressed by Cressida Dick yesterday means no one is going to chance a prosecution failing on a procedural issue

If it's a sheep carcass dumping ground, there will be carnivorous wildlife. So state of a deceased person might not be solely down to human actions
That route through Clapham makes perfect sense whether he was coming from Westminster or Battersea. The A3 from Westminster goes along that side of the Common and the A205 (a left turn off the side of the Common) will drop you round onto the A20 or A2 (main routes into Kent, the 20 to Ashford or the 2 to the Thanet (Deal) side. Sometimes preferable to using the A20 or A2 direct from town as you avoid the City/OldKentRd etc.
And if there was a chance that he might stop for a coffee with colleagues/mates on the Common then it makes perfect sense that he is in the area.

But why would he need to take the A3? When he could take the A2 through Lambeth directly from Westminster? OR cut through Camberwell and Peckham to avoid Old Kent Road. It's much more direct, and past 9pm, traffic is the same on all of them. He'd surely be looking at the quickest/most direct way back home given a 2 hour journey, and the route through Clapham is longer than all the others (according to Google Maps).

Also at 9pm, I doubt police officers will be gathering in a park for coffee/catch up. It's a covid offence anyway to gather in a group. It's also cold and dark, and was raining. All the cafes will be closed, and they're more likely to meet at Battersea Park or near Westminster surely, than journey 3-4 miles away to Clapham.
If his duties included looking after diplomats I imagine he would be very well trained at bundling people into cars incredibly quickly in case of attack. Just thinking out loud.

Police are also well trained at getting protesting criminals into cars
The "transport wrist lock" would be very difficult to fight and he looks a strong chap.
I think this following quote says a lot about having a slightly strange relationships with women. How often do people marry people with a poor grasp of the language they speak? Also, we know what weirdos on PUA web forums think of Ukraine and Former Soviet Union and it's women generally. They view them as 'easy prey' for want of a better term. Many visit these places regularly looking for women.

His landlady Shannette Roy, 74, said: 'He had only just qualified as a policeman and was working in Dover. He was a nice fellow. The only thing I found strange was when he said he was going over to Ukraine to get his wife and he brought her back. She didn't speak very good English."

Source: Daily Mail: Sarah Everard: 'Murder suspect' Met officer found via CCTV from bus camera | Daily Mail Online

EDIT:Additional quote from same source:

"after meeting her daughter, 39, online in 2006"

Yes I agree, he definitely had the power back when he first met his younger attractive wife who barely spoke English and came to a new country...

I think the psychology is interesting and helps us understand how he views women.

Obviously not all men with absent mothers or all men who find wife’s online from Eastern Europe turn out this way. But it’s interesting and can potentially explain his way of thinking to some degree...
Plus going outside alone for any length of time isn’t breaking any laws or rules

The fact he was not using a police car or possibly had a police radio and probably was not wearing a face covering probably brings up many red flags to me this had to have been something else or he just grabbed her without knowing what was going on so fast then drove out of the area as fast as he could
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"Does anyone know if Clapham Common has a reputation for dogging/cottaging?"

Very much so!

It's why some posters have been referring to 'Ron Davies wood' ie where the MP of that name was mugged following his 'moment of madness'

Ron Davies (Welsh politician)

It's known locally as a place for dealing and for exceptionally casual male hook ups. There will be people in those woods at night (which are on the west side of the Common in plain sight of the A205) so perhaps not the best place for a muscly man to hang out if he wants to be undisturbed
Also wondered about that. What happened to his Birth Mother? Mods please let me know if that is inappropriate as not about victim or suspect.

Having a step mother who is willing to speak to the press doesn't mean anything has happened to his birth mother. There is nothing in the world that would induce me to speak to the press about a child of mine in any situation never mind this one, would you be chatting to The Sun
I'm leaning towards him saying that there has been a crime
in the area or that she is being followed and to get in the car
immediately, whilst flashing a badge. He would of been driving
past her going the same direction on Poynders Rd, seen her and
pulled up parralel to her on the curb between Rodenhurst
corner and the bins of Poynders Court, to any onlookers it
would look like someone just picking her up. He then could
have driven to a known secluded area nearby and tied her up
or drugged her and then driven out of London.
Poynders Court is not in Tulse Hill, it's well before that, and would be described at Clapham South (it's an SW4 postcode, close to Clapham South tube station, and only just outside 'Abbeville Village'

In early enquiries, her likely route from Poynders Road was described as in the direction of Tulse Hill, which is a mile or two ahead on the A205

If he was lurking, looking for lone women, I think it's more likely he was watching from grasssed area by those flats
I know it's not there, but it's not far away from the Tulse Hill or Brixton area, both of which I would imagine to be horrific at night.

I was more so commenting on the fact it doesn't surprise me that there are sex street workers there. Every area I've stayed in with sex street workers have turned into places you definitely do not want to be out alone in at night time.
MSM here are reporting that he finished in Battersea at 8pm, but would have then been taken by minibus back to Charing Cross police station (about 12-22 mins itself at 8pm according to a Google Maps) to debrief/check his kit back in, etc.

By the time this was done, he could feasibly have only just been on his way home by 9:30 in Clapham (which is a possible route back to Deal via the A205 depending if he wanted to head across the Thames immediately after Charing rather than head along north of it on the A1203).

In summary, I think the times can fit with an opportunistic/impulsive attack along a genuine journey home rather than something more planned/diversion to a particular area like Clapham/cruising, etc. Of course, that’s possible too.
Sarah Everard: 'Murder suspect' Met officer found via CCTV from bus camera | Daily Mail Online

Not sure this is right. Clapham Common/A205 Poynders is very much not on any realistic route from Charing Cross to Kent.

I don’t doubt he selected Clapham specifically for the purpose of selecting a young woman to follow. It is a well known area of london popular with young professionals. I make no assessment of whether his intent at stage was murder. But if he wanted to maximise chances of finding a young woman walking alone, but with a direct route back to Kent, this makes complete sense.
She was not breaking any laws by being outside. Therefore wouldn’t accept arrest.

I wonder as she had been to a friend's house and if he had used the guise of accusing her of breaking lockdown rules and showing his badge (even though he was just chancing it), as she is such a nice law abiding girl she may have frozen while trying to work out in her head what to say and comprehend the situation. I am not victim blaming and I assume she was sat in the garden or bubbled, but even if not it has no relevance - she is a completely innocent victim - but as there has been so many random lockdown arrests in the msm and big fines, I am just thinking it might explain why she did not scream/run and he had time to bundle her into his car if he did.

I think anyone who has never been stopped by a police officer before, and although after this case will be more aware, the automatic reaction is shock and thinking what to say to prove your innocence/protest and so the thought of it being a random attacker would not even cross your mind in that moment. I think if I was her that is exactly what I would have done - been thinking but I am sure I haven't broken the rules, what does this mean, what should I say...and in that moment be totally off my guard to the extent he could grab my arm and put me in the car while my brain is still trying to comprehend what is happening and catch up. At that point I would be still thinking he is an officer. Once in the car, doors locked - if he asked for my phone I would give it even though I knew I was innocent, and then if he said he was taking me to the station, there would still be a while that I was still processing it, working out how I am going to prove I am innocent, who I will have to call to get a lift home and believing him if I had seen a badge and especially if he had other police items in the car:(
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About a third of marriages in the UK end in divorce, so many people have stepmothers. And men are perfectly capable of hating and harming women without any particular woman in their life having done something to "deserve" it.

Of course this goes without saying, but trauma in a persons life leaves a deep imprint that can explain people’s later actions and relationship styles.

Abandonment by a Mother at a young age would have a tremendous impact on a person, obviously not that this excuses anything, or that everybody would be affected on the same way, it’s just interesting for me to look at the background and family life of the perp. But if this is the wrong place to do so I will refrain. It’s all JMO
Thinking about motives.... and to be a little provocative....

I read lots of articles saying about women being harassed.
However, there's some irony that on sites such as Daily Mail, these articles are alongside countless pictures of 'influencers' in bikinis

Now, I am NOT suggesting that women shouldnt be free to do what they want, or that one justifies the other.
I just do wonder though if the unavoidable endless Kardashian bikini shots in the media etc create a message of 'ogle us'....
... and that for an unstable mind, this can encourage harassment. Make it feel ok...?

Ie. If we want to try and clean up harassment from the streets, would more consistent messaging ONLINE help with that?

Please dont twist this into any suggestion that women ask for harassment

(Somewhat off topic, please delete if needed. I'm just trying to think how sad events like this could be reduced in frequency)
BBM. One does not have to twist it to see that that is exactly what this post implies. Men cannot help harassing because women pose in bikinis? Women are raped and murdered by men in Muslim countries where they wear head to toe coverings.
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This simply isnt a possibility - If you live in Clapham / Brixton you know this isnt something that happens, ever, unless you are POC and they are doing stop and search.

Sorry if this is off topic but I’ve been thinking about this & how whenever videos go viral of someone questioning officers as to why they’re being stopped and why they’re being asked questions (be it male or female I’ve witnessed both) the comments are always full of people claiming they would never question an officer and they would comply/do whatever is asked of them straight away..
A. It’s a possibility she did have the mindset to comply with what he asked/told her to do if she was made aware he was an officer
B. The people who have always questioned officers when being stopped were doing so because they are likely to have previously witnessed or experienced abuses of power from the police force. I hope in the future they are no longer vilified for doing so considering the suspicions and caution so many people are now likely to have if ever put in that situation with LE
Thinking about motives.... and to be a little provocative....

I read lots of articles saying about women being harassed.
However, there's some irony that on sites such as Daily Mail, these articles are alongside countless pictures of 'influencers' in bikinis

Now, I am NOT suggesting that women shouldnt be free to do what they want, or that one justifies the other.
I just do wonder though if the unavoidable endless Kardashian bikini shots in the media etc create a message of 'ogle us'....
... and that for an unstable mind, this can encourage harassment. Make it feel ok...?

Ie. If we want to try and clean up harassment from the streets, would more consistent messaging ONLINE help with that?

Please dont twist this into any suggestion that women ask for harassment

(Somewhat off topic, please delete if needed. I'm just trying to think how sad events like this could be reduced in frequency)
I’m going to try to answer this because it’s a great question.

But because I’m not verified I hope (please tell me if I’m not) to couch this in the correct terms.

It is my opinion that those individuals who are experiencing urges to abuse, frighten, injure or kill others, be that due to paranoid delusions or sexual interest, be offered telephone counselling free of charge much like The Samaritans.

A number, with a guarantee of anonymity, that would direct potential perpetrators to treatment pathways before offending could reduce the incidence of sexual crime. It would need to be manned 24/7 and offer judgement free “talking down” from the urges, as well as making individuals aware that they can receive help without facing imprisonment simply for their ideas.

It is again my opinion that volunteering for such a service ought to be one option of several mandatory placements required for professionals in the clinical psychology field to gain their BPA / similar membership.

In the society we now inhabit, where so much focus is given to gender equality, moral outrage appears to dissuade people in my field from suggesting this to the public. But -in my opinion again- this approach has been shown to help reduce incidences of sexual abuse towards children in other countries.

Prevention is better than cure!
Of course this goes without saying, but trauma in a persons life leaves a deep imprint that can explain people’s later actions and relationship styles.

Abandonment by a Mother at a young age would have a tremendous impact on a person, obviously not that this excuses anything, or that everybody would be affected on the same way, it’s just interesting for me to look at the background and family life of the perp. But if this is the wrong place to do so I will refrain. It’s all JMO
Why is it presumed that his mother abandoned him because he has a stepmother? His mother may have declined to comment or she may have died.
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